Active Directory Migration From Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2016

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I have friends hold on to my channel and today in this video I'm going to show you Eddy migration so in this video actually active migration from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server all new windows over 2016 so let's have some idea about my team environment what we have in production here so we have three machine three virtual machine the first one is win to gate 3 DC 0 which is my domain controller right now you can verify here it's installed with Microsoft Windows over 20 2003 r2 Enterprise Edition and so respective and I have a sign like IP address to this machine 1 9 2 1 6 8 1.25 full and 2gb RAM so here you can see this is my IP address configuration here you can see the DNS name my IP address so the only this DC is in an I production so the IP address is 1 9 2 & 6 a 1.25 4 and DNS is the same so this is the IP config for first machine and next we have a first machine which is win to k-16 this is 0 1 I have just installed operating system which is windows Server 2016 and configure the IP address rest nothing I have not done anything so you can see like the here you can see the machine name and machine is currently not a part of any domain and here you can see this anger IP address so what I am going to do I am going to configure the basic IP address configuration for this machine so let's do that so here I am going to use the new IP address for this machine is one 92168 1.25 3 s 2 5 4 is my DC 0 1 IP address for Windows Server 23 2003 and here is the subnet mask and I want to use the preferred DNS for this machine is itself because I am going to migrate the DNS and active active both from 2003 machine to 2016 so this is the IP configuration so click OK and same I want to configure that on this machine as well as so wonder the here I want to put 1 9 2 1 6 8 1.25 3 alternate DNS so we are done with the IP address configuration and nothing other than this I have done the machine is not a part of the main right now nothing we have configured nothing installed so the fresh machine just renamed and renamed and restart and configure the IP address that's all and the next machine we have our Clyde machine which is Windows 7 running Windows 7 I have logged in with my like a domain account if I learn here I must look up you can see you can see it's it's routing to my default service VIN to K 3 this is 0 1 which is at this is my 2003 Active Directory server so good to know that and now now let's do the migration from from Windows Server 2003 to 2016 so for that the first thing I require I am going to join this machine in domain so let's do that just put here domain name on Windows 2016 machine and put the credential to join this machine in domain so welcome to victory facade com domain and go ahead to reboot this server after rebooting this server on 2016 I am going to login with my domain administrator account which is which is by default administrator in my domain so if you want to verify here you can verify the same thing if you go to f2 X users and computers I want to join this machine forum users and I have administrator account here is built-in administrator con fit this domain for this domain like computer administrating the computer in domain so I want to logged into my 2016 machine by default domain administrator account so you can verify we have no doubt or for you created here and we have one computer we have a users as well as in this view so we will migrate or all fully domain to from 2003 to 2006 teen so just let me logged into 2016 server supplying computer setting right now so hit ctrl L to login and here I am going to other user and I want to put my domain name which is victim vessel and then my user ID which is administrator and password for my account just wait for super managers to be open then we will start the things so before installing Active Directory Roland 2016 server we have to raise forest and domain function level so open the users and computers right button click on domain and we have a raised domain functional level and go ahead and raise 2003's minimum required at 2003 to join a machine 2016 machine in domain so raise so now you can see it's free successfully so current domain function level is 2003 and same we have to raise a like for a function level to do that go to site n services no need to go to domain and trusts and there we have a like raised forest functional level and select you can see the 2003 is already selected current for first level is 2000 so just raise this one also so now we have both we have raised for assumption lever and domain function level as Windows Server 2003 so good to go to proceed with the ID installation here so go to 2016 server manage and add role and features and we have to click Next for base in solution and select here servers click Next and now we have to select Active Directory domain domain services so click Next Next Next and just click on install button so it will install it will prepare the binaries for us then we will start the day basically dcpromo setup wizard to my to promote the server as a domain controller so just wait for few seconds it's almost 50% complete care just wait for for few more seconds so now features in solution is done configuration required super mode this server as a domain controller so what we want to do add domain controller to existing existing domain yes I want to do this because I want to do promote this server as additional domain control then we will go ahead to decommission the 2003 servers will migrate the all roles from 2003 to 2013 so click Next now it will check the forest and domain functional level for us so here we as so when you're doing this make sure you are you are installing the domain name services here like DNS and well the server is a part of domain as a global catalog server so site name is no it is correct then put the credential here for Active Directory and restore services mode I put the credential click Next and then we have a only one domain controllers so go ahead with that and be patient forest so to install wizard we perform the following operation domain preparation on forest and schema preparation will do that automatically and just starting the request check verifying permission domain controller in editing which required to be rechecked it's just verifying the puk if everything goes well then we have options here you can see all the prerequisite path successfully click here since Albrecht can so go ahead click install button now it's still promoting this server as a domain controller after a few minutes you are able to see this server is a part of domain controller here app directory and after the installation of like Active Directory domain services role and promoting this over as a domain controller this array is automatic rebooted so here you can see it's uploading forest level for us so now you can say it's a checking group policy need to be installed or not and it will list all the all the things together like the announced Active Directory everything so configuring local computer to host Active Directory domain services and now it's replicating the schema directive partition color now you can see the server is getting rebooted after the Active Directory DNS installation so just wait to reboot the server so while the server is getting a reboot let's check the roles for activity rose after summer rolls so go here and and try the command net down fsmo query it will ok we have to install nor Nedim on 2003 so what so let's check on 2016 so once it's rebooted we'll check the netdom on here either if you want to check here you you just have to go to install the where's support tool on Windows Server 2003 then you will able to run the netdom command on 2003 server so now 2016 so is rebooted and put the credential here and now open the command prompt here and type net down FSM now query oops the command is not a foursome karate is career for summer so it will give it a detail so now you can see that all the five roles the schema master domain naming master PDC right and the second master is holding by the Windows Server 2003 TC so let's migrate all the roles all the fivefold step by step then we will demote the whole server source to migrate through first three roles you go to activity users and computers and right paternal domain and we have here operation masters click here and now you can see the operator operation master role is on 2003 and transfer to 2016 change so are you sure you want to transfer the role yes so the operation master role is transfer successfully and go to PDC chair this one also so it's changed successfully and now on the infrastructure if you click change yes you can verify that this role is also transfer successfully so if you now check the roles then three roles on on 2016 so and - roller is still on 2003 here you can see schema master and doming master is still on 2003 so go and change the domain naming master of this go to here till active site in services you can see the we have two two domains - domain controller on other same site so let's open the domain at first and where we have option to operation masters and now you can change the role operation master like domain naming master as well as so it's changed successfully so now the only one role is left which is schema Masters on 2003 servers so to do this we have to open a command prompt as ad then we have to type one command to register the schema master MNC MMC so so for this run type reg as we are 32 dot s H M and management m GM T dot DLL very enters you can see the dealer resistors so the server is they succeed so click close and now you have to go here and run MMC and if you go here add and remove snappings and we have here a two data schema schema add click Add click ok now we can see the schema is connected now if you go to the operation master you can see it's connected to this and operation master is this so what we have to do first we have to change the domain control first so quick eh into my active directory domain controller and now select the 2016 domain controller click OK and click here now if you go and click operation master you will get the option to change so click are you here want to transfer oh yes operation masters successfully transfer so now what we have done we have transferred all the five role successfully to new server so 2016 server so check once again net dom and query after summer to check the whole five roles as this task was to 2016 so or not so now you can see the also has been transferred to role transfer to Windows Server 2016 now what we do is we'll go to activity users and computers under the domain contours you can see we have a two domain controller here and both our global catalog servers so good to know and on now we are going to demote this server basically 2003 server from domain control from domain couture so the first thing we have to go IP address and let's switch the DNS and primary DNS make 2016 server and this is going to be a second with directory DNS server now for this over only so we are going to go and now run the DC prom on this machine so type DC Rama jog Exe so click Next and you can see the server is doing a global catalog server so do one thing they move it from global catalog so go to properties and here we have you can see the DC type is global catalog for 2003 and uncheck this fly ok and just refresh now you can see it's a it's a domain controller only not a global catalog server so now run the command and now you must not be able to see the timing so just be for few more seconds to replicate this information on on 2003 server let's try now now you are not be able to see that global catalog warning message so this are never take this this survey is last domain contour in n domains so we have another domain controller in the production which is Windows Server 2016 and set the local administrator password and now click Next so now it's you can see it's starting and accurately successfully transfer remaining data to directive partition this and it will uninstall the activity and DNS Roland from this vs. way to stopping net dawn services now you can see it it's stopping the KDC service is a best-effort villians as of the all the services completing the motion of ActiveX Sam and LSA from this world securing machine software classes so after this is this computer will reboot automatically so now you can see Active Directory was removed from this computer click on finish' pattern so we have successfully demoted this machine from a domain controller restart now and now you can see we have only one domain controller here if you want to verify the same let's do it from site and services also so we have a direct to site and services here and expand the side under the noida now you are able to see we have put the server but once the server is rebooted you are only able to see the one server which is win 2k16 so let's verify the same on our client machine the client is now reporting to 2016 or not so make sure you have added the DNS entries for new server which is 2016 out for your client if you are using DHCP then make the changes on DHCP scope change and here you can see I have made that made the DNS available for 2016 server IP address and now let's do one thing let's do a nurse look up open a command prompt and type NS look up then so it's a mess now you can see it's resolving the DNS name for an asleep up is a DNS which is our our 2016 server which is domain controller and let's try to reboot the server and login to fail from a domain account level to see it's working and not perfectly for us so now you can see 2003 machine is rebooted let's log into from a local account so which is administrator for this computer now you can see if I click the first button it will remove the 2003 so from here from Active Directory domain services so we have only one server in production which is Active Directory 2000 owes over 2016 domain controller and now you can see the Windows 7 machine is also rebooted let's login with the domain account which is user 0 1 so now you can see only DNS role is on this server so good to know activity has been transferred successfully and we are able to able to logged in from our domain account so this is so attitude Act enacted a key migration for Windows Server 2003 to 2016 is done and thank you for watching and please subscribe me for more videos and if you have any query on occasion related to this please post me on my given my lightest thank you once again bye bye
Channel: Labs Hands On
Views: 21,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: active directory migration, active directory domain migration, active directory migration from 2003 to 2016, quest active directory migration, active directory migration services, active directory migration steps, active directory migration tool, active directory migration from 2003 to 2008, active directory migration from 2003 to 2012, active directory migration from 2008r2 to 2012 step by step, active directory migration tool download
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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