How To Completely Depend On God - Sunday Service

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[Applause] come on lift your hands up great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness [Music] morning by morning new mercies i see oh glory to god [Music] great is thy faithful man [Music] [Music] somebody better praise him in this place foreign when you couldn't depend on somebody else you could always depend on god and i'm telling you no matter what you're going through no matter what you're facing god will always be faithful he will always have your back you won't waste your time depending on him because before you even ask him he's already got the answer before you get to your destination he already beats you to that place somebody better praise him right now we have a faithful [Applause] [Music] my god [Applause] that's the truth hallelujah hallelujah that's the truth that's the truth i don't think i could praise a god that's not faithful hallelujah he's he's faithful to answer your prayers he's faithful to lead and guide you hallelujah he's faithful to speak to you when you need to be spoken to he's faithful to heal you he's faithful to deliver you he's faithful to save your glory be to god hallelujah and i just that blessed me today i got a faithful god amen well let's be seated let's talk about that amen praise god if you have your bibles go with me to the book of uh titus chapter 2 [Music] titus chapter 2 and verse 11 through 13. this is our text we have been doing a series in teaching on how grace teaches us godliness titus chapter 2 verse 11 says this for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men this grace is made available to everybody that's on the planet he says verse 12 though teaching us now because grace has been made available to everybody if you don't believe it you don't you don't receive it somebody says how do you do that when you receive jesus see jesus is full of grace and truth you receive jesus you receive that grace and just because it's made available for everybody doesn't mean everybody's received it but now the bible says those who have believed and received this grace then grace now will teach you other people just see graces is love and they see it as unmerited favor and and we see it as as someone who teaches us grace will teach us that denying or refusing ungodliness now ungodliness is when you have no regard for god at all you know you can be a christian and still disregard god you see he says but grace will teach you to refuse ungodliness refuse worldly lusts and that we should live soberly and righteously and that grace will teach us how to live godly in this present world verse 13 looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and of our savior jesus christ so while grace is teaching us he says you get your eyes on that great hope while grace is teaching us you get your eyes on the appearing of the lord jesus christ now so we're talking about godliness and uh it's not a very difficult thing to understand but it is important for us to understand what these things are so that we won't be robbed by religion and find ourselves you know thinking in a whole different way so here's how we've been defining godliness it means to have regard for god if ungodliness is to totally disregard god then godliness is to have regard for god and so in order to have regard for god this involves voluntary dependence upon god godliness is all about the individual who has set his life aside for god and totally depends on god so now we're really getting into the really nitty-gritty of the christian life and that the nitty-gritty of a christian life is living a life where you resign your will for god's will it's it's a life where you're saying i i volunteer because i'm a free moral agent i can choose i i set my will and i volunteer to depend upon god it's not a part-time thing it's a life that you have chosen to live as you go down on this this journey and this path as the holy spirit and you begin to to work together uh on this journey of finding yourself depending upon god i don't expect for you to depend on god a hundred percent right now but i do expect for you to get on the journey where you're depending on god more and more and more and maybe you get a place in your life where you're dependent on god 90 of the time 95 of the time he is responsible for completing us amen and so a godly life is free from doubt a godly life is is uh free from doubting his wisdom doubting his love doubting his goodness doubting his provision i mean you're not doubting the things that you depend on i depend on his wisdom to learn to depend on his wisdom learn to depend on his goodness learn to depend on all of his provision and so literally just to put it down to the simplest point dependence upon god excludes all dependence upon self dependence upon god excludes all dependence upon self that's godliness that's godliness now uh just a little bit more in in review so one of the things we looked at last week i i thought was was pretty important is the fact that as uh as people who have made their mind up to the to to depend upon god we've also made our mind up that we will not fail in our dependence that we're going to practice this that every day when we get up maybe begin to to voice that you know what i'm i'm dependent upon god i'm voicing that i'm dependent upon god and so what we decided to do in this series that the believer's life that should be incomplete dependence upon god and i want you to think about that i want you to ask yourself the question is my life in in in complete dependence upon god and the answer would be no okay somebody says well how do you know because i'm a human and i know you i'm not talking about depending on god after you didn't tried everything else and i'm talking about living a lifestyle of complete unfailing dependence upon god when you do that you will find out what the christian life is about depending upon god and so uh there are different ways that have been included in the new testament especially and in the bible that if we look at it carefully it teaches dependence upon god for example last week we looked at the issue of faith complete dependence upon god is taught through the teachings of faith somebody says well really yeah you remember in romans 4 verse 21 abraham gives the clearest definition of faith abraham was strong in faith because he was fully persuaded that god was able to do what god promised and that was a situation where god promised them that they would have a child and a hundred year old man a 90 year old woman there's nothing else to depend on if you're a 100 year old man and a 90 year old woman you can't look at anything in the natural and depend on that now i understand why god allowed this to to uh turn out you know you you get you you become 100 you become 90. and i'm gonna i'm going to perform my promise because i'm going to show you it's not you that we're not dependent on you i want to show you that i can do what i said i will do without your help religion has involved you too much you don't think that god can change somebody's life without you and he can god doesn't need you to be who he is but we do need him to be who we are and so he takes this hundred-year-old man who has nothing to bring to the table except his dependence upon god this 90 year old woman who has nothing to bring to the table except her dependence upon god god showed up in that tent that day and did everything that needed to be done and here is an absolute illustration of abraham's faith his faith was a dependence upon god to fulfill the promise and so if we if we if we define faith like that and it's very clear in romans 4 you see that a life of faith teaches you about a life of dependence upon god that's what it's supposed to be if your faith involves your selfish stuff you have to question whether or not it's the right kind of way to operate faith because if you see here abraham had faith or watch this abraham depended on god that's what faith is i define it like this faith in god is complete dependence upon god faith in god is complete dependence upon god now the jest shall live by complete dependence upon god do you see this it's impossible to please god without depending on god you go through everywhere your new testament when you see this i am i am i don't think i'm redefining faith i i don't think this is even the first time that you know a teacher has brought this out but i thought i needed to bring it out that the word of faith has to be with clarity now so that we won't take a definition of old that may involve self rather than involving dependence upon god without self anybody hear me in here so when you say i walk by depending on god and not by depending on my intellect that's what the scripture says we walk by faith and not by sight to walk by sight means you're not walking by faith and to walk by sight means you're walking by your intellect so if i walk by faith i'm walking by depending on god and not depending on what i know that's good you deserve a blow pop anyway you understand that's just what it is and i'm asking you as christians to get this to get this to become a habit in your life i depend on god this is just supposed to be reviewed okay so uh let's go ahead and and and and move on to the next one last week we close with uh emphasis upon the faithfulness of god that you should be in a pretty good position of dependence upon god when you understand that god is faithful it is so easy to depend on a god who is faithful surely the promises of god and his faithfulness teaches complete dependence upon him this is why the bible teaches on faithfulness why if you can understand that you have a faithful god that his mercies are new every morning that you cast your care on him because he cares for you that he'll provide all your needs according to his riches in glory he is faithful to do what he said if you'll understand that god is faithful guess what you can depend on him you can depend on him you're not going to depend on somebody where you question whether or not they're faithful and the bible makes it clear i gave you several scriptures last week it makes it very clear that god is a faithful god and you can depend on him now let's pick up with number three today now this is awesome this is awesome we're looking at the five different ways the bible teaches depending upon god maybe we didn't know it but number three practical sanctification teaches complete dependence upon god practical sanctification sanctification a church word a religious word even more emphasized in certain denominations sanctified i used to think sanctified people were people where the women would wear long dresses why they wear them long dresses all the time they sanctified can i get a witness i didn't that's my that's my formal education on sanctification which is why this is an excellent step to look at here because practical sanctification to sanctify means to set aside for a purpose to set aside for a purpose think about that now to set aside for a purpose for example one who sanctifies himself unto god sets his life aside for god's purpose as a christian have you set your life aside for the will and purpose of god or have you set your life aside for you who's driving your car because i don't i don't think we think about that we become saved we become christians we have the promise of heaven and all that is good but while you're here who gets to play you as an instrument has your life have you at any time in your life taking the time go in your place of prayer and say god i am saved now and so now i set my life aside for you that's a serious time serious moment maybe you have to go through a little bit more hell before you realize i want my life to be set aside for god i um i've traveled 8 million miles around this world and preached the gospel in in in a lot of cultures that but at the same time i don't want to miss god die go to heaven and then that's it i want to set my life aside for his will and his purpose and that's all i have to do for the next when am i going to be 100 30 years that's it he got it i am his instrument i am idle as an instrument somebody got to play me in order for me to have impact [Music] i got ahead of myself let me this let me back up i don't i don't wanna i set my life aside for his purpose and his will now this act recognizes god's will as governing in that life when you when you set your life aside that one act recognizes god's will as governing in your life mr haines you can remember when we started this thing and every time something would come up no matter what the question was it was let me go pray about it or what did god say and people thought well you guys are just too slow you know we can't ever get a yes or no out of it because y'all always saying well hold on let me pray about it what did god say well i didn't know at that time but that was the appropriate response don't no doing stuff that was the appropriate response because now his will is governing in your life and this signifies depends upon god what it says is even though you're a pastor or a leader of a business something like that i pause see law because i've set my life aside for his will to govern my life so i don't need to be government there's a difference between a good idea and a god idea remember that we live by that a god idea you don't have to ask god to bless it it's already blessed but a good idea may need some work we can get god ideas you don't have to be a bunch of good ideas so paul used these the use use words that convey convey the idea of dependence go to romans 6 13. he used these words i must have read over this scripture really really fast but he said some very very powerful things here uh neither yield your members as instruments unto unrighteousness unto sin that is so powerful because look what he says here he uses this word yield yield yourselves unto god now what does it mean to yield let's use the traffic uh that we drive in every day when you see a sign that says yield you're responsible for allowing that car to go ahead of you all right and then you go and it's the same thing here to yield to god is to allow him to go ahead of you how many of you are allowing god to go ahead of you or do we go ahead of him and then we get in trouble go back and see if we can find it yield yourself let him go ahead of you all right now watch this now and then he says yield you your members as instruments and this is what i was talking about a little bit more i want to be detailed on this one the word yield is the key word here to sanctification in a yielded person's life there is not a resistance to the will of god when i yield to god i'm not resisting his will there is a no self-planning nor insistence upon one's own idea or rights but complete dependence so i'm not going to god with my plan you know i i went to god but not to get his plan i went to god because i knew you're going to ask me have i gone to god but i i i insist on doing this i i'm smart i have five phds and therefore we're going to do this that's not yielding that's a religious thing but there's no self-planning when you yield to god there's no self-planning there's no insistence on doing things your way and then he uses this word instrument which i never really thought about he says the word instrument it signifies dependence an instrument in and of itself is inactive it depends on someone to use it a harp is inactive without the fingers of the harpist the the the the the the the knife that is used by a surgeon to perform operations is inactive without the skill of that surgeon it's an instrument man the piano all by itself is an instrument without a pianist behind it all instruments must be yielded to some master's touch to be of value and that's what paul was talking about yield to yourselves members yield your members as instruments of god so the question i thought about is who's playing you or have you been played i mean think about this for a moment lord i yield myself to you and i am i'm inactive you know so that's the other way around with church we can't figure that out we think we're more powerful by doing something without yielding i'm an instrument lord without you i am of no use gosh i thought about this i say no if and buts about it lord if i'm an instrument and i shouldn't have any significance until you put your fingers and your hands on me well who have i allowed to play me myself demonic influence or god and i don't want to remain in ignorance allowing some crack jack demon to play man this is this is god's instrument some of you act like y'all know what i'm talking about when you hopped into bed with such and so such and so who was playing that instrument some of you and some of that lust the devil but god wasn't playing that instrument god says i want to be responsible for your significance you don't have to go to social media to try to get validation and significance god says if you yield yourself to me as instruments glory to god honey i'll play you into glory i'll play you into prosperity i'll play in healing i'll play you in the deliverance [Applause] that's that's just something sanctification is something we just play with we just say stuff with our mouth but we don't come to the realization has this become a reality in me how many times am i going to go ahead of the holy spirit a job comes up i don't say holy spirit what do you think first i go ahead what's your paying yeah i take it and holy ghost said wait a minute i was getting ready to take you another route where you will be able to go in and state your salary state your work hours state whether you want to work at a home or work in the building but you went ahead of me and so many christians accept the cheaper instead of the deeper and the only way you're going to get the deeper is by yielding to the holy spirit and let him lead and guide you and take you and play you and be an instrument all instruments must be yielded to some master's touch to be of value who's your master who's been touching you who's been playing you once you want that's that's why it's important to come to church that's why it's important to hear that's why it's important to go to bed so you don't fall asleep while i'm talking because i'm not going to get up there screaming and holler and act like i'm in a circus and try to keep you awake if you're not listening and if you're not learning nothing then you probably not want to be able to change you know you change your thinking then you change your life but if you don't change your thinking you're not going to change your life there's nothing magical happening here at church you don't come to church and some magic falls over you i'm just going to come and sit and something and it's going to magically change your old dirty nasty thinking that's not how that happens you have to listen to the word and that word will go in and start changing your thinking and washing you see right now if you're in here for the right reason doing the right thing you're being washed right now you're being cleansed jesus said i spoke the word and they were cleansed and right now you're being cleansed where in your thinking people just don't get there i i can't i can't explain it to you don't understand it for nothing but when i go preach at other churches of course it never happens here yeah right i see people come in late sit for five minutes and then get them leave like they got what they i'm thinking and i want to say something you know you can't do that you can't you got to be polite i want to say hey i think i used to do that then hey where you going that's that's before i got saved say where you going because i was hungry i knew nothing's going to happen until you make a quality decision it's just like you know you're you're wanting to lose 100 pounds that's not going to happen when you show up and get on the treadmill one time well i tried it it didn't work so i might as well gonna eat this doughnut you mean the one you were eating why you on the treadmill doing donut curls say this out loud with me consistency is the key to the breakthrough it's doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and things start changing then the holy spirit comes in and start doing some stuff and then you fall in love with him you believe his love and now you're confident and the stuff you used to do now you don't want to do it no more and the places you used to go you don't want to go down no more and then you start shrinking your circle because you try to figure out how did you ever get in my circle [Applause] it's all right for you to shrink your circle it's hard for you looking at like oh that's why i've been acting like that i lit a fool in my circle i'm in all right let's go to number four let's go to number four i want to get this done today all right so here's the fourth uh uh subject that's being taught in the bible that teaches us complete dependence upon god um multiplied admonitions to pray are repeated reminders of the believer's dependence upon god admonitions or counsels over and over again urging you you need to pray about something what is this prayer thing it's it's not prayer is not this um you know this this this is a magical thing you do and to make god do something that's not that's that's not they're people praying all the time and and and and because of his mercy and grace maybe some things break loose or maybe because of the prayer of other people but it it this is about depending on him it's like i'm praying because i depend on him i'm not praying because i'm desperate that's what most people do i'm praying i pray because i depend on him i pray it's like i got to pray not because somebody's making me pray but because i have submitted myself to him i depend on him and part of my dependence on him moves me to pray and moves me to communication look at these scriptures with me first thessalonians chapter 5 and 17. first thessalonians 5 17 and then first timothy 2 8 let's look at about four scriptures on on prayer and really talk about this this is this is so important i pray because i depend on god i pray because i depend on god i don't pray because i'm i'm looking for something some magic hat a magic magic thing to happen i pray because i depend on god all right i depend on him i depend i'm not separating my prayer from depending on god well i'm gonna pray because i'm gonna make something happen when it happened i'll tell people i prayed that's why that happens no no no no prayer is is a part of my curriculum of complete dependence upon god all right look at verse 17 very short he says pray without ceasing that simply means don't cease to pray as it demonstrates your dependence upon god he doesn't say pray without ceasing meaning once you start praying just pray all your life without a break that's not what he's talking about he's talking about don't cease to pray as a result of your complete dependence upon god i get that i get that that if i say i'm dependent upon god then i'm going to pray when i say i'm dependent upon god no matter what people think about speaking in tongues i'm going to pray in the holy ghost because the bible says i'm going to pray in my most holy faith speaking in tongues that's what the bible says and he says when you do that you build yourself up spirit soul and body so i do that i'm not going to do it to it offend anybody but i that's a part of my dependent on god especially when i just can't figure nothing out i can't figure out even how to ask god about this situation i go to praying in tongues somebody says how long are you going to pray until i until i get peace until until there's a piece that comes over me that says you're good and i and i'm that's a part of my depending on god that my that's a part of my dependent on god you know yesterday uh i was i was sitting in and getting some treatment and i thought well i'm not doing anything let me go ahead and just pray why because i depend on god there are all kinds of opportunities for you to pray somebody says well ain't got time to pray for hour who said you had to pray for an hour the bible no it didn't jesus asked the question he says could you not pray with me for an hour he was asking his disciples once he said to pray and he says you couldn't pray for me even an hour and then somebody else took there and say see you got to pray for an hour yeah i'm guilty i taught a whole series on how you got to pray for an hour until i got tired one morning and i went in there and i said oh boy here we go i sure ain't looking forward to this god like me neither you ever went into the kind of prayer and you're praying oh lord thank you oh god i thank you thank you for my mama my dad and you look at the clock ain't but a minute went by like god damn no this is a part of me depending upon god look at first timothy chapter two and eight first timothy chapter two and verse 8. we do this because this is a part of our complete package our complete dependence upon god he says i will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath or without doubt he said that's that's my will i want i want them to pray i want men to pray everywhere he said that's my ultimate will i want men to receive my grace i want to be able to teach all i want that's my will if if he's telling us to pray it's got to have something to do i pray because i depend on god i communicate with him he talks to me i have to i have to hear from him you mean to tell me god speaks to you yeah jesus said my sheep hear my voice glory be to god he expects for you to hear don't let the world talk you out of the truths of this gospel of grace yes i expect to hear from god that's that's that's the game changer in our lives there should be things going on in the lives of christians that when when unsaved people look at you they should say how did you get that to happen you ought to say well uh god told me you mean god speaks to you yeah you ought to try with your hands up i'll lead you to jesus and introduce you to him yeah when we walk in the room the atmosphere ought to change because there's an anointing on every last one of you you're not just you're not just christians god lives in you and get ready everything's failing this is a big setup this is a big setup god's setting this whole thing up so he can show out in you he nelson he's doing no different than he did abraham i'm gonna wait till he turn a hundred i'm gonna wait till she turns 90 and then at the set time somebody shout set time get that tape from wednesday at the set time he gonna show up and do what he does and i am telling you this is going on our six months of teaching on the gospel of grace and god is setting you up so that when the news announces this is not failing or this is filling and that's filling and all the stock market and all of your your 401k oh and uh it won't bother you one bit why because you have made your mind up that i completely depend on god anyway i knew you weren't gonna have no food and god already showed me what to do i knew your systems were gonna fail but god's already spoken to me hallelujah if he could speak to a joseph and prepare them for a hard time he can speak to you and i and prepare us get ready church get ready something awesome something magnificent is about to take place in you and in me praise god part of this is making a decision to live in complete dependence upon god it's huge deal it's a huge deal look at this next verse ephesians chapter 6 and verse 18. ephesians chapter 6 and verse 18 hallelujah thank you lord praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints you see in prayer one expresses a need that he himself is unable to satisfy and then he acknowledges dependence upon god to supply that which is needed and so i go to prayer as we do have no idea how to handle this lord or something that was brought to my attention that i know i can't do by myself and i go before you and say lord i need you to help me with this i realized today that setting myself aside was a lot more than what i thought and i need you to help me with this and so i know you love me so i'm not questioning whether or not you will be a very present help but i want to make sure that you know that i depend on you i depend on you i rely on you i trust you and i thank you lord as we start this journey that i'll gather wisdom from this and uh and you'll begin to walk with us now now listen to this this is a key statement for today the essence of prayer is acknowledgment of helplessness coupled with confidence in god to supply the need the essence of prayer is is the acknowledgement of helplessness when was the last time you went to god as someone that says i i can't do this without you and and i used to just think i do that when something's big and significant happens i'm finding that i'm doing that like every day just with my life and the things i have to do in my life i don't have to struggle with this all my life i don't have to carry this all my life i i go to god and i go to him not as someone who doesn't need help but i go to him clearly saying i am acknowledging that i am helpless in this area but i'm also acknowledging the confidence in you to supply what i need that's changed my life it it's it's a humbling thing for me to keep reminding myself that i am not all that you either some of you think you all let no you're not no you're not there's something so powerful that happens when you pray i believe the most powerful prayer around help me glory to god i'm feeling moody today lord help me i'm a little honorary help me and i trust that you have the supply that i need and just getting up from that place of communicating with god there's a strength that's released upon you that says i have a god who loves me i have a god who can help me i'm never alone and you walk away from that place and you declare and never again will i declare that i'm broken because i'm in relationship with a mender i'm in a relationship with a master potter glory to god he'll take the good clay and mix it with the bad clay and make a masterpiece you got to go in the kill in order to shine but it's going to be all right nobody in here knows what nobody in here has really gone through you might know about what they've gone through but until you can can read the insides and the battles of their mind and you don't know what they have gone through it's not just as simple as you would like it to be and i tell you you look around you you see a bunch of miracles sitting around who god has helped god has helped me somebody say what's going on god has helped me i've been helped by by the almighty god and then you say like they did and abraham said is there anything too hard for god and you know how we are i can be a witness let me be a witness i think and i praise god that i went to sleep last night but i had slept in one week i think i praised god huh i didn't have nothing to eat but i looked up in the back ring of real real back and i found a can of broken beans i think and i pray you got to learn how to thank god if you're going to enter into this time of prayer and depend on god you got to start thanking god before you see the manifestation you got to start shouting before anything ever happens you got to start living that life of thanksgiving father i thank you [Applause] now let me show you where that gets you let me show you what that gives you to pray without ceasing is to maintain a constant attitude of dependence upon god it's not to pray without ceasing to maintain prayer for 24 hours it's to maintain a constant consistent dependence upon god this whole thing is about dependence upon god everything that happened in the garden of eden was over dependence upon god and when they decided to eat of the fruit of that tree when the devil said this one statement you're like god you'll be like god they thought well praise i don't need to depend on him because i'm gonna be like him everything's about that it's almost like we almost missed the whole boat because of religion this christianity is not about the show it's not about me figuring out a way where i can show out how anointed i am give me that line that line that line no no no i depend on god in fact i depend on god so much i don't feel the need to do those things like i used to do them i still do them but i depend on god god has done some amazing things and is doing some amazing and that's i want to meet him i want to meet him knowing that he's meeting one of his children and say son you really depended on me yeah lord i'm here because i depended on you what a ride it's going to happen one day i'm just not waiting till the last minute to try to get it together i must be it's gonna be eternity i'm gonna be i'm not playing church and i'm gonna this is gonna be over with one day you're going to die one day and as stupid as this world is my prayer is that you'll be protected so your life is not snuffed out before it's time that's the blessing i pray over you world changers that you will not die before your time if they fire off a bullet it shall not hit you a thousand shall glory to god shall fall at thy side ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come through you why you depend on god i'm not gonna be afraid to go to walmart because somebody got shot last week when i walk up in walmart all of walmart ought to be glad i walked up in there because every plane of the devil has to change because i walked up in there i depend on god [Applause] a constant attitude of dependent on god gosh pastor why are you hollering this stuff is so real to me there are lots of things that people play with but there's one thing about you know what's going to happen when i die nah we ain't playing with that you know it's an eerie thing to prepare your life your insurance your wheel your ceremony you know i just finished doing that not too long ago and it's weird but it's pretty simple basically when i die throw me in a box put me in the thing nobody needs to be there just put me in a hole and if y'all want to have something afterwards that's up to y'all but i'm not even going to be here i don't care [Applause] paul said what i i fought a good fight and i kept the faith [Applause] well who's gonna who's gonna take it after you go well i don't plan on going anywhere for a minute i mean like a long minute i wanna see what it feels like preaching grace at a hundred i met some people recently said crumpled up he's oh man i thought you were dead i'm like what no bruh [Music] i depend on god help me now help me this this is the life of christianity man it's it's the world seeing and watching us depend on on god not ourselves we're not trying to be like the world and try to outdo them i was looking at a role that i was you know practicing and i looked down at the role and i was playing the part of a police chief and this was a little different because they had some uh some custom words in i was like wow you know the three-letter custom word i said so would you want me to do that you did yeah and so i tried and i'm like ooh i am not going to lose my ministry that i walked in for 41 years for a three-letter cousin word now some people get it they say oh well that's just acting not church folks you could for real i said i won't say nothing in the role i ain't saying that church but it was just something about you know i i depended on god so much in areas of my life and character that is never going to be important to me it look it was a quick test and i thought yeah ain't worth it get somebody else to do it i don't care now listen to this go to ephesians chapter 5 and 20. i think we'll finish this we got 12 minutes somebody said you go by the clock yeah y'all got something to do don't go by the clock i can't stay up here a long time people be like the pastor don't ever shut up do it no i stick with the clock when that clock go off i'm off well what if you don't finish it well ask the holy ghost he'll tell you the rest of it that's why we want this relationship with god ephesians chapter 5 verse 20 he said giving thanks always for all things unto god and the father in the name of our lord jesus christ giving thanks always for god uh and so here's the one the only one who is who is completely dependent on god only one who is completely dependent on god can give thanks always for all things we talk about all the things of god we give thanks in all things but not for all things and other scripture so there is no finer expression of dependence upon god than in giving thanks now this is important this is an amazing expression of dependent upon god when you give thanks listen to this carefully now prayer acknowledges one's dependence upon god in times of need prayer acknowledges one is dependent upon dependence upon god in a time of need thanksgiving however acknowledges dependence when the need is satisfied thanksgiving acknowledges dependence when the need is satisfied prayer acknowledges your dependence upon god in a time of need one is acknowledging dependence on god in the time of need the other one thanksgiving is acknowledging dependence on god after the need is satisfied now you'll remember this in luke chapter 17 verse 11 and 18 that's where i'm i'm i'm taking this from luke 17 11 18 you the story of the ten lepers the ten lepers were there they were in need of being healed and they came before jesus and uh they got healed all right but only one came back to say thank you and jesus was like what happened to the other nine see what happens is that that doesn't need to take place in our life where you know we are dependent on god when we need something but we're not acknowledging that dependence on god after we got it that's amazing to me how god can do something amazing in your life and you ain't you you don't you don't you you never you never thank him of course i think you ought to think about ahead of time but it's like thanksgiving after i have received the blessing is still acknowledging i depend on god i am thanking the one i depend on i'm acknowledging i depend on him thank you lord for healing me i am thanking you because i depend on you to heal me i am thanking you because i depend on you to meet my needs i am thanking you because you opened the door i prayed about it and you talked to me about it and the door was open and i am now expressing continuous dependence upon you through my thanksgiving boy you will notice something taking place in your life when you begin to start thanking god continuously for the things that he's done it'll keep you out of complaining so start to maybe maybe start today there's some things god just did this past week and you're like lord i appreciate that but i am i am continuously demonstrating my dependence upon him through thanksgiving but what happens is if you don't really depend on him from this point and this will have a lot of people god blesses them it's amazing to me people just really forget about what god does you need to pause every now and then and just count your blessings man just count your blessings and and allow god to to be who he needs to be and then finally today uh romans chapter four and six number five the very nature of grace by itself demands dependence upon god the very nature of grace by itself demands uh dependence upon god romans 4 16 and and here's what he says and i told you this before that grace makes or jesus makes and then faith takes and so romans 4 and 16 he talks about there is therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be sure to the seed not to that only which is of the law but of that which is of the faith of abraham and so grace being god's infinite unmerited provision for every need this grace it is complete in itself without any additions or anything from man the grace of god is complete all by itself without any addition it is unmerited abounding provision in the operation of god's unrestricted infinite love that is that comes only through jesus christ for mankind especially for those who depend upon him it doesn't need anybody it doesn't need any more input into it it doesn't that grace doesn't need any more input grace itself is without addition of anything by man my god it is only because of his grace that god asked man to live independence upon him only because of his grace that god asked man to live independence upon him his grace doesn't need anything from a man but a man needs everything from his grace are you saying what i'm saying it doesn't require and religion is always trying to add something to something that don't need nothing added to it it's amazing to me will jesus christ recognize the church when he come back or will he come back and say what's that why are they doing that grace doesn't need anything added to it it doesn't need you doing this it's not jesus plus what you can add to it it's not grace plus what you can add to it so god by grace by his grace permitted us wants us to be dependent on him why because he got whatever you need through his grace that's a powerful thing man grace on god's part and dependence upon the part of a man those things are inseparable grace on god's part dependence on our part i don't even know how to make that i know you know how to reduce that anymore it's like here's your christian life grace that's that's this unrestricted love of god got everything you'll ever need that's god's part dependence [Music] that's our part so what you're doing what else you're doing who else book you're going to tell me you read and you got the eight steps to this is it does it equal your dependence on this part i know where i'm going in fact next week i'm gonna hit something so religious and so traditional you know it's gonna be i'm gonna hit the tide i'm gonna hit it it's just this it just don't make no sense to me how you can be under grace and think you can still be cursed you are cursed with a curse if you don't bring the tithe you you you don't think anything's wrong with that you don't you don't think anything's wrong with the author of probably a third or more of the new testament the apostle paul wrote everything and just did not say nothing at all about the tithe but he did say 12 things about giving he said a lot of stuff about giving but why didn't he not say something about the time huh and the whole deal about abraham genesis 14 that's all about dependence when abraham gave the tithe to melchizedek who brought the bread and wine which was a foreshadowing of jesus he brought jesus jesus showed up that day he was going to show you who this is who you have to depend on and the bible says he gave a tithe what he really gave was his complete dependence here i depend on god just go ahead and slap yourself if you don't plan on being here next sunday just slap yourself on both sides of your cheek i've been prepared for this sermon for years [Music] i need to finish this one first godly living in this age is only possible under grace thank you baby that life which is in complete dependence upon god is not dominated by sin because the essence of sin is dependence upon self instead of dependence upon god but when you depend upon god you're not going to be dominated by sin listen to this the only way you're going to be dominated by sin is you're going to have to depend on yourself when you start depending on god you're not going to be dominated by sin that's why paul said in in romans 6 14 put that up so everybody see it this is this is the very reason why paul said what he said in romans 6 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but you're under grace and when you live a life under grace where you are com in complete dependence upon god you are not dominated by sin the only way you can be dominated by sin is when you live a life dominated by yourself that's that's how that happens because in all sin based in selfishness absolutely absolutely the devil want to take credit for some of your sins but he can't to be completely dependent upon god and to deserve to do his will and glorify him are the basic principles of the of godly living it is only by the the discipline of grace that these characteristics are developed in our human life total dependence upon god godliness complete dependence upon god am i godly do you depend on god well i'm saved yeah do you depend on god godly living depends on god well i go to church every night and then no no no that doesn't make you godly especially the every now and then part complete dependence on god equals godly living period i'm trying to work through all of the clutter the religious clutter that just i was i was teaching uh a bible class in uh colorado at uh um what's his name stu karis bible school and uh i was asking some questions and it happens with every class no matter where it is even in our school it happens that way i asked a question that has a very very specific answer and i get all these church answers and they're so general you can't really say they're wrong they're just not precise it's like where is the key to the front door the key to the front door is at 1131 johnson avenue well that's right but i still can't find the key where's the key at the front door it's in the back of the house well that's right but i can't find the key where's the key to the front door it's on one of the windows well god dawg can you tell me it was one that's how we do that's how we do with with our christian life we got to be hungry for precision where's the key to the house it's in the back under the flower pot on the right hand side and i just just amazed i'm like you guys are going out to be preachers and you're you're giving religious answers and that's just not for leaders it's for everybody who's living the christian life what is grace well uh you know grace's uh grace is kind of like a you know it's it's favor that you didn't work for and you didn't deserve you know you quoting the most famous thing and uh the grace of god is uh well if his favor how does favor teach me uh let's see uh you know when god do you a favor uh the favor kind of teaching you that god god can do a favor and my heart goes out to the new believer because they're like you're a christian and you don't even understand who you are and we use words that we think people should understand who you have an anointing you're like what's uh what what i don't know what to say an appointment i know no i know what man we got we gotta we gotta bring this thing on so that so that the the newest of christian can understand where we're coming from [Music] but now we don't wanna do that because we've been saved for 50 some odd years and you don't know i've been in church since i was four years old holiday you think thank you jesus and i know the lord allah and you come trying to tell me that godliness hey it's just depending on god no no no no no no godliness is how you dress this you got to dress like me because if you're not dressed like me listen there ain't going to be no sinners on this train this train don't carry no liars well they sure carry some fornicators and some other stuff in that train but i'm telling you you're laughing because you know what i'm talking about and you're just as fed up with it as i am fed up with it and i tell you jesus is on his way back and we are not going to walk past him like we don't know him we're going to get to know him right now we're going to get to know him in the word we're going to get to know him when we study when we pray we're going to get to know him through our complete dependence for him and my time is all up did you get anything out of this today we'll quickly just lift your hands up in reverence to god just for a moment lord we just declare that your word has been received we take it and we are in complete dependence upon you help us holy spirit in this journey teach us continuously to walk in godliness and we honor you and may we get more and more revelation from what we heard today in jesus name and everybody said amen if you're on the screen or if you're here right now if you could hold your walking just for a moment you might want to get that final prayer too there's some stupid stuff going on it's like somebody told folks it's like there's a demon in people saying get a gun and just shoot and it's not going to be just about reforming gun laws that's okay do something but it's going to be about renewing some minds as well folks need to get saved washington needs a pastor politicians can't deal with this kind of stuff these things are demonically motivated and activated look at the picture of all the shooters their eyes are going somewhere else you're like this boy got a demon and damn you know what's going on [Music] and when you don't understand demonic influence you you just top it all off to mental health and you have been given authority [Applause] and in the name of jesus you call on that authority you have right now that today i will live and i will not die and when i go off i will come back home safely i move in the safety of the arms you release your authority right now there are there are shootings that so many of they can't report them all now in the name of jesus the world changes nation we come together now in agreement we bind every vile spirit and in the name of jesus we command shootings to cease right now every demon that is behind these mass shootings every devil that's suggesting these shootings we now take authority of it we cast you out we command you to submit to the word of jesus christ you cease in your maneuvers in jesus name we depend on you that's where it starts that's where it starts if you're here and you're not born again make that happen today if you're on the stream you're not born again let's do it now praise a simple prayer with me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins i receive the free gift of your forgiveness lord jesus i believe i believe in you come into my heart be my lord and my savior so by faith i declare that i'm saved in jesus name thank you lord for saving me amen if you pray that simple prayer you are born again praise god to be absent from the body you'll be present with the lord amen those of you who are at home now that uh uh five five five one five five five on the screen give us your name email address and we'll send you something to help you out those of you who prayed that prayer in the dome we're gonna open our altar up in just a moment but let's go ahead and finish our final uh part of our worship today the giving of gifts in honor and in appreciation and out of love and gratitude for what god has already done for us praise the lord that we honor the lord with our gifts that we say to to the lord jesus christ we respect you we are grateful to you oh lord we honor what you've told us in the word about giving but father we just want to worship you with our gifts we want to give glory to your name by bringing an offering and worshiping you in the beauty of your holiness so at this time if you need an offering envelope if you raise your hands and the ushers will be more than happy to get one to you um if you're at home the four ways to give on the stream are located there along with a qr code you can go ahead and do what you need to do there also if you go to the website those of you who have paypal accounts you can go ahead and use that account uh to do what you need to do there this is to me and maybe you can be convinced once you see it it's it's a vital part it's like my worship everything we did today this is the part that i can with no selfishness i can go in and say god i am honoring you because i want to i respect you i am in love with you and i am so grateful for what you have done this thanksgiving and i completely completely depend upon you i'm grateful that i have something to give today and i'm thankful that you will take care of everything that concerns me in jesus name that's what this is all about giving unto the lord the glory that's due unto his name and there can be no glory giving without complete dependence upon him by depending on god he gets the glory because you depend on god and there's no greater way to prove that than actually when you're giving away from yourself you're saying i'm doing this depending on god there have been times in taffy in our life we gave and man we could have used that what we gave really and a lot a lot of y'all not just happy night but uh we gave it depending on god and every time he came through every time he came through i ain't fussing with people because anytime i say anything somebody said oh he's a prosperity preacher whatever you know you don't miss the whole 12 years of other stuff you want to come back he's a prosperity preacher yes [Applause] all right so shut up about it amen but that's what we're dealing with today so as you give do that in mind let's just go ahead and receive the offering those of you at home go ahead and give when we finish this we'll open the altar up and then go ahead and give the final blessing now those of you this morning you believe with all your heart that god has called you to join world changers church international if that's you if you'll get your bibles and personal belongings and come on down at this time those of you who prayed that prayer of salvation and uh you got saved this morning would you please come on down get your personal belongings and those of you who are on the stream if you'd like to become a part of our e church you can go to the website go to and click join at the top of the page or you can text join wcci all one word to 51555 and we will send you all the benefits of e membership god bless you and welcome to world changers e church membership praise the lord if you're here come on down come on down come on down [Applause] a new day a new way praise god [Applause] amen okay so father we thank you so much for those who've come down here today and i actually bless them and just turn their lives into a place of tremendous blessings we thank you for in jesus name amen if you'll turn this way follow this gentleman to the prayer room they're going to take in minister to you and give you what you need amen praise the lord well in my old church they used to say it like this if all hearts and minds are clear you may stand thank y'all so much for coming and being with us this morning we pray that it was a blessing into your life i love you guys too um now for the final blessing lift your hands up may the god of all comfort and the god of all grace be with you throughout this week i declare the blessing of god over your life i declare the protection of god over your life and therefore i plead the blood of jesus over your life i thank my god in heaven for you that everything that concerns you god is perfecting it right now i declare that the angels of god watch over you lest you dash your foot against the stone i declare over your life that you will live with long life and you will be satisfied i declare that no weapons formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you you condemn and now on to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you have a great day you asked and we answered we know there are friends of the ministry who prefer cds and dvds but for those of you who find the digital versions of messages better fit your life creflo and taffy dollars message series are now available as digital downloads in the cywe store log on to today to see the whole catalog of new and re-released messages that can be downloaded to any device for easy and convenient listening [Music] on [Music] changer i'm a world changer [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 610,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: VHr2334ZFpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 50sec (4790 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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