The Battle of the Mind - Sunday Service

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foreign father we thank you for your presence we thank you for our ears being anointed to hear and our hearts being anointed to receive from you father I thank you that you will speak through my vocal cords think through my mind none of you none of me all of you none of me all of you and I pray Lord that somebody will get answers today Jesus name everybody said amen you may be seated if you have your Bibles go with me to the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7. we've been talking about how to defeat the Devil in your mind and today our focus is going to be the battle of the Mind the battle of the Mind your mind is the arena of faith your mind is where the battle takes place and the Bible says for us to be aware that we have an adversary who has come to kill still and to destroy but Jesus says I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly for those of us who understand what Jesus has done and we understand the power of God's grace we are not trying to defeat the Devil the devil has already been defeated he is a defeated foe we are not trying to get the victory Jesus has already obtained the victory for us our job is to maintain what he has already obtained so this is not where you know I'm going to wake up this morning and I am going to defeat the Devil and get the victory no the devil is defeated and Jesus is Lord amen the victory has already been obtained but we've got to understand there is strategy that's formed against us strategy to try to humiliate and undo he can't undo what Jesus has done but to try to to make a mockery of what Jesus has done to try to get us to think that it's not done the greatest fear that a Believer can have is the fear that what God promised won't come to pass the fear of what God has done that he really didn't do it and so his job again to kill still and to destroy he he wants to he wants he wants you to be miserable in every sense of the of the word the way he does it is through your mind your will your emotions your mind is the is the center point the resting place of your emotions and so emotions will move you in a directions if they're good emotions they'll move you in a good direction if they're bad emotions they'll move you into bad directions and I'm telling you when you get emotional if you don't recognize that this is the enemy enough to at least be quiet the Bible says a man that can control his tongue can't control his whole body there is a daily strategy to try to attack you in your mind that is real that is serious and that is something we want you to look at today as we look at and evaluate the battle of the mind I subtitle this watch out for the landmines the first place that your enemy will attack you is your mind your mind is your your soul is what we call it yeah we we've we have over the years we thought the soul we use the word Soul and Spirit interchangeably as if they are the same you are a spirit being you have a soul you live in a physical body that is the tripart being of a man the anatomy of a man you are a spirit so when you leave your body the real you leaves the body you are a spirit being say out loud I am a spirit being now you possess a soul now your soul is interesting your soul is made up of your mind your will see you have a choice in everything your will you just slip up and cuss you made a decision to cuss your mind your will and your emotions emotions uh and so the enemy understands how can I disrupt your soul your emotions your thinker your filler your chooser that's where he wants to make the impact to try to bring destruction in your life in your thinker your filler and in your chooser your mind is the arena of the Battleground for your life's output see nothing just happens out here your your mind is the arena it's a battle for the output and if he can affect inwardly in your mind your will and emotions he can also affect the output and so the battle's not won once he gets out here you cutting somebody ain't winning no battle the battle has already been won and you've got to maintain that up here up here he's going to tell you it has not and up here is where you got to over and over again said I already have the victory I already am righteous I already am delivered I already have wisdom I believe what this is what it is it is it is believing that even when you're looking at something that contradicts that you've got to know how to play this chess game in a sense and it's it's up here you'll hear things that'll move you emotionally hear things that will anger you hear things that'll hurt you hear all these kind of things and you've got to understand that is an attack that has been launched against you that's where it starts the fear of that starts when you go to a doctor's office and they got bad news and and they tell you the bad news because this is what they saw this is what they diagnosed and everything about you wants to settle for that except you know something in here that he's trying to change that if you'll keep it it'll change the output oh my God but if he can stress you in here and that stress begins to transform into the physical body and into your emotions and into all of the outputs that come from what he can cause you that's the battle that's the battle and so you will lose or win in life based on how you handle and fight in the battle of your mind you will win or lose in life based on the how you handle and fight in the battle of your mind please remember it ladies and Gentlemen please remember nothing just happens what's already on the outside look at the outputs you have already all of those outputs came as a result of the battle in the mind now so let's go through it I'm going to give you the warnings of some landmines some things you need to pay attention to and right here he says in Proverbs 23 and 7 he says for as he thinketh then in his heart so is he eat and drink uh eat and drink saith eating drinks sayeth he to thee but his heart is not with thee so as a man thinketh that's what's going to be in his heart your heart makeup is going to be made up of what you've been thinking so the question is what have you been thinking what have you been thinking all the time every day often what have you been thinking that now becomes a part of your heart now once it gets in your heart that's where that's the shoot if you will that releases it in the output into life let me show you this next scripture look at uh proverbs 4 23 in the NLT proverbs 4 23 in the NLT he says to guard your heart Above All Else guard your heart before in essence your heart is the soil that'll grow things just like you have soil and you can put seed in the soil and it'll grow food your heart is is is the soil that grows the output your heart is the soil that grows life hmm guard your heart therefore above everything else that's a pretty powerful statement above everything else put a guard over your heart now how are you going to guard your heart you're going to have to guard your heart by discovering the the entrances into your heart how many different ways into a man's heart well there are three through the ear gate what you hear deposits seed into your heart through the eye gate what you see will deposit seed into your heart through the mouth gate A lot of times what you say if it's not lining up properly will deposit seeds into your heart once it's in your heart it has the potential to grow and produce life he says guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life guard your heart above everything else because it determines the course of your life next verse now notice what he says here verse 24 we're going to keep reading he says avoid all perverse talk stay away from corrupt speech what is he saying a gate a gate stuff that's coming through these Gates go to the next verse look straight ahead and fix your eyes on what lies before there's the third gate there's the gate we as humans in society people outside of Christ they don't think about stuff like this they're just wondering how come that happened and look who gets the blame how come God let that happen there's a devil loose we we we think no big deal and it's a big deal every day irrigate what comes out of your mouth he said fix your eyes on what lies before you next verse Mark out a straight path for your feet stay on the safe path stay on the safe path don't get sidetracked keep your feet from following evil what is it saying all of the stuff that comes through those three gates and they get into your heart will eventually get into your feet and you'll start going that way oh my goodness you'll start going that way so what are you to do with this information I'm giving you right now what are you to do with it with this information you can you should be able to change your outputs you should be able to change your outputs now of course you're going to need God's help of course you're going to always need God's help but at least you're understanding the anatomy the makeup and the system by which the strategies of the enemy are being formed and formulated against you to try to take you down but what he really wants you to do is to not believe it ignore what your ears your eyes your mouth ignore your heart ignore the different paths and just think this is my life I'm going to live it the way I want to live it you know what you are a free ball agent which means you can make a choice and you can live it any way you want to live it you can frankly do anything you decide to do but it may not be good for you are you listening to me now so that's a landmine you need to be aware of we got to start thinking about what we're thinking about when's the last time you sat down and you started thinking about what you're thinking about think about what I'm saying right now when was the last what you've been thinking about and that's my question what have you been thinking about whatever you focus on the most that has the most power and strength to determine your output so what have you been spending most of your thought life with somebody says well that's what an addiction comes from of course it's whatever you spend your time doing the most thinking the most watching the most that's what you end up doing this is what this is how life works and God knew it because he created us let's look at this second mind the landmine what are your ears exposed to look at Mark chapter 4 verse 21-25 in the NLT Mark chapter 4 verse 21-25 in the NLT I was all I've always tried to well there's got to be some balance and this is the reason why I believe God had me to teach on this battle before I've got like three more messages in the in that year-long series on Grace and the next one is about Christ the preeminent one and preeminent means no one or nothing holds a greater value and position than Jesus watch this verse 21 through 24 I think I said then Jesus asked them would anyone light a lamp and then put it under a basket or under the bed of course not a lamp is placed on a stand where it light will shine for everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open and every secret will be brought to light anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand then he added pay close attention to what you hear the closer you listen the more understanding you will be given and you will receive even more now that that's what that before I read verse 25 that's when anything especially you single people who go on a date pay close attention to what you listening to because that person will tell you everything about themselves well I don't understand why I keep drawing the same kind of no good for another man because you keep ignoring what's being revealed at the very beginning you're not paying attention to the things that are listen somebody told me one time if somebody tells you they are a fool believe them but you're sitting up there you're just so you're just so oh my God look at look at her beautiful hair or oh wow look at his eyes and you you ain't listening you're not paying attention somebody said is that the devil I don't know it might be getting your attention or paying attention you not hearing the man telling you I'm a fool and you're like oh my baby's gonna have nice hair look at that hair he said there's some there's some to people to where you're going pay close attention then he said verse 25. to those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given but for those who are not listening even what little they under a little understanding they have will be taken away from them there is something Supernatural that's happening right now as you're seated here listening to what Jesus has to say he's going to give you more some of you some of you probably getting more while I'm talking but when you leave here and you listen closely you you're going to get more you're going to understand more you're going to see some some illustrations in your life because of how you're listening and that's what we got to do as Christians we've got to we we've got to get to a point where we want to listen to God's word let's listen to God's word so I can hear it so I can see what's going on yes I love inspiration yes I love shouting and dancing and lifting hands and talking in tongues and having a fit I love all of that as long as you don't tell another church I love every bit of that but then there comes a time when you got to listen if you're going to do all of that and when the time comes to listen you nodding do you're not you're you're not you're not listening carefully you you probably see the Holy Ghost right now because you're not just so quick or you don't know what's going on there is a power that is invested in the person who's careful how they hear and how they listen and the enemy knows that and he's he's hoping you don't listen because it's amazing how when you don't listen to God's word how open and available you make your attention to the things that are not God isn't it amazing you try to teach your kids something but let them hear somebody cuss on TV they'll remember that quicker than anything and your kids be coming around just saying that same customer blank blank blank be like baby where you get that from um and some men know something wrong with it this is the battle this is the battle that still goes on today now this is a big one here Colossians chapter 2. verse 8 and 9 in the NLT Colossians chapter two in fact let's let's start at verse six let's read verse six seven eight and nine in NLT number three here's a landmine Beware of the philosophy of men let's define philosophy this is where we left off last week philosophy is a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for Behavior a theory or an attitude held by a person or an organization that acts as a guiding principle for Behavior so it's a theory it's an attitude that a person or an organization came up with doesn't have to be truth but this is what they decided to use as a guiding principle for how they behave now listen to what the Bible says about this you just don't want to adopt somebody's principle it's like the norms and values of the world the norms and values of society says if a whole bunch of people of society think this is right then it's right because all these people think is right those are the norms and values of society Society gets together and they take a survey and they say I don't think nothing wrong with this I think that's fine and then now it's right not because it's really right it's right because the norms and values of society has set this as being something that's right and then you adopt it and then when if you're not here when they did that then Generations down the line it becomes like a norm of course nothing's wrong with that of course that's right and that's why the Bible says there's coming a time where people will call the things that are wrong right and then they'll call the things right wrong I think we're already there on that one aren't we verse 6 says and now just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your lord you must continue to follow him let your roots grow down into him um not not into the philosophies of men not into the norms and values let your roots grow down into him let your lives be built on him then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will overflow with thankfulness don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from Human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world did you hear what he just said now here's the problem look he says don't be arrested or captured by human philosophy by first of all he says he calls it empty philosophy he and then he calls it high sounding nonsense do you know the norms and barriers of the world has they have taken on believed and fought for high sounding nonsense that comes from watch this comes from Human thinking and watch this and it comes from spiritual powers of this world that's demon powers that's demonic influence that storms and values have set as being this is fine rather than from Christ we got a decision to make either you're going to allow the world through the norms and values of the world to set your thinking either you will allow the philosophy empty philosophies to set your thinking then the devil bets on that the devil says if I can give you my philosophy and if I can get you to believe my philosophy and hey while I'm at it let me set this philosophy towards norms and battles of the world and then you might pretend to believe it more how many of us have been seduced walking around with a philosophy that came from Human thinking and demonic influence and you will put your whole life on the line for something that was demonically induced to a human mind and produced an empty philosophy that's where we are because we ignore Christ we don't pay attention to him we don't keep our focus on him we're seeing what the great poet says and we're seeing what the great philosopher says and all my hero politicians said this and oh you know the the preacher Who Don't Preach out the Bible said that and oh that oh that was that that's that's deep right there that's what you know we say stuff and it come out with a rhyme and a shining that was deep that was deep but did it come from Jesus or is it really empty philosophy I was invited to preach one year at uh the Seminary at uh Morehouse and my friend Dr Carl I don't know if he's still there he was just so amazed with my preaching that I would stand up there and preach the word of God I don't care who disagree with or not I think that amazes them more than anything he's like I absolutely don't agree with the words you're saying but I'm intrigued with everything you're saying and he invited me two years in a row and I'm thinking how do you do that and we became friends don't be tricked or seduced by empty philosophies that's how the enemy gets into people's head and into people's lives you start listening to philosophy and listen I'm a former therapist I found that the scriptures were more effective than the philosophy That was supposed to be used to help people I look at some of the people came in I'm like this ain't gonna work on you I'm gonna tell you that right now let me go get some Jesus said and make it sound like it came out of one of these books for in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body he says pay attention to that I wonder how many people will walk out of here today and set themselves up to be duped wonder what commercial would get you what speech will get you wonder what a hero will get you I wonder what what empty philosophy is going to invade your thinking today opening the door for demonic influence based on that way of thinking instead of Jesus's way of thinking uh-huh ain't nobody shout here today I love it I love it boy let's look at this next line land mine life comes through the word let's go to Psalms 119. verse 36 and 37 in in the NLT Psalms 119 36 and 37 in the NLT I want to move quickly because I want to show you how to win this battle all right now watch this now we you know we live in a world where people believe that money equals success that's an empty philosophy because my heart go out to you because when you get it you're gonna realize how come I don't feel successful you can afford a five thousand dollar suit but ain't nobody there'll tell you you sure you can buy a 300 000 car and don't nobody want to ride with you and you can buy the biggest house in Atlanta Georgia and ain't nobody in there but you haunting the house alive man can give you medicine but only God can give you healing you can go out and buy a home a house but only God can turn it into a home you can go by your friend for the night but it ain't gonna be genuine love and relationship it's all about your bag so that ain't it and neither do we go to the extreme either and say well I'm just going to be polka that's what Jesus wants Jesus won Pope you should see some people are going to be like hey what let me ask you a question uh you remember Judas you remember a guy named Judas used to travel with Jesus what position did he hold what does a poor man need with a treasure yeah but brother now the Bible says Foxes have holes birds of the air have a nest but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head all right you've been conned and I put the text back into here the context was they were traveling and they were going through a village where there was a lot of racism against them and they heard about Jesus was coming here they said no you can't stay here not today you can't stay here and he tried to tell his disciples because one of them wanted to call fired out from heaven from Heaven Again do we do like Elijah and call fire down and he said you don't know what man of spirit you are of he said foxes have holes in this Village birds of the air have a nest in this Village but the son of man don't even have nowhere to lay his head in this Village that's why we're going to the next Village you see what I'm saying and for years we bought the idea that Jesus was the lowly broke Pole oh Jesus Peter wouldn't believe that because Peter needed to pay his taxes and Jesus said I got you that's it fish he said look in the mouth you'll see money for his taxes and don't pay mine while he had it we bought it and then many taught it but he says in verse 36 give me an eagerness for your laws at that time rather than a love for money turn my eyes from worthless things and give me life through your word are your eyes focused on worthless things when life can only come through his word where's your focus where's your focus to have to say it this morning everything about right now is about Focus God wants you to focus on Jesus and Satan wants you to focus on everything else but what happens when you focus on Jesus you remember I think it was Peter again uh Jesus told them to go ahead and there was a storm and they went ahead and Jesus went to prayer and then he caught up with them but they saw they saw at the time they thought it was something the Bible says they thought it was a phantom or a ghost walking on the water and and the disciples they weren't trying to hang around you know how you know how we do we even gotta know what's going on we can be walking and somebody wrong we're ready for so Peter said if it be thou bid me to come so he put Jesus's Back Against The Wall there was nothing else but one thing that Jesus could because what was Jesus supposed to say it'd be not it be thou not me if it be thou bid me to come to you on the water so Peter Jesus said come so Peter we we put we try to put the the the the solution on the word calm mm-hmm Peter got out the boat focused on Jesus look at the focus now all right now pay attention what happened he got out the boat focus on Jesus and watch this he kept looking at Jesus and while he was looking at Jesus he was doing something a man is not supposed to be able to do a human being can't walk on water a human being can't defy gravity what happened he was focused on Jesus long enough and as long as he was focused on Jesus he entered into the dimension of the supernatural y'all get that he said y'all don't hear me he can't see nothing else but Jesus and now he has tapped into the dimension of the supernatural where the super is raised him above the natural and he's doing something you're not supposed to be able to do in the natural but when you're focused in on Jesus you're focus in on God in Jesus you're looking at the Supernatural and you're invited into that dimension so he steps out of one dimension of the natural steps up into the dimension of the Supernatural and defies natural law watch this watch watch this and Satan say well I got to stop this because man is about to find out how powerful he is foreign oh my god do you want me to go there I had a conversation with god about this the other day and and I'm thinking like don't you're not gonna have me Teach that right now because I don't know enough and he just said I want you to share some of that right now I watch this listen to this when Adam and Eve were created We're not gonna finish this today either when Adam and Eve were created they were not created mortal beings mortal meaning uh excuse me they wouldn't yeah they were not creating mortal meaning to die or an end you're mortal we're Immortal because we die we don't live forever Man was created immortal Man was created never to die God Me Lord Adam and Eve were never supposed to die they were ill Immortal beings Satan comes in listen to this and distracts them in their thinking you want to know how you can be snatched back from the dimension of the supernatural let him start talking to you about your thinking when he looked at Peter walking on the water he said notice what's wrong you're looking at waves what feel that wind he said huh all right watch this and he began to sing Satan could disrupt the thinking or the focus that can lead a man into the supernatural dimension follow me so in the garden adamant Eve was talking to him he said we're not supposed to eat this the day we eat it we're gonna die watch The Devil watch his desperation just outright lie you will not die God said you will die he said you will not die how much has God said to you that the devil turned around and said that ain't gonna happen what are you trying to do I can't afford to lose you to that Supernatural Dimension because if I lose you to that Supernatural Dimension I won't be able to do this to you no more follow me and then he turns around and says you don't need God in the garden you eat this fruit you can be just like him you don't need him why would you need God do y'all hear what he's saying this is I know I'm I'm teetering on this real thing like why you need God let me let me can I read it between now just a little bit I'm going to go down finish saying why you need God when you were made like him he knew that stole that from us and we can't possibly even fathom and he told you in the Bible why this man he answers the question what is man that you are mindful of him that you visit him that you made him a little lower than yourself Elohim now I know I ain't God you ain't God nothing like that but we have access to the same Dimension and we've shown I've got access now that we're in Christ but even in Christ we we still limit what God's trying to bring there's got to be reason why we're going through all this this guy why what was God up to before Satan came into the garden man was supposed to be immortal what was what was God getting ready to do with a man that's supposed to live forever and ever and ever die what was his plan and of course he had to grow he had to mature and Satan showed up to humiliate God's plan and try to turn his one of his greatest Creations just like he turned the Angelic creation you know how he turned them don't depend on God depend on yourself declare your declaration make a declaration of independence from God declare that you don't need God that's how he turned a third of the angels and that's how he turned the entire human race and so he says I gotta gonna fix this I'm gonna lay the plan out a little bit of the time and he who tried to humiliate me I'm going to humiliate him he said God look at your prize they sinned against you oh Lord this is so good watch this ha your angels a third of them turned against you that that a third was like Millions he said okay yeah you think you know what you're doing don't you boy you forgot who made you little boy you know you don't understand you don't understand I know you boy so I hear what we gonna do oh here what we gonna do you think you humiliated me because you got man to sin against me okay so I'm gonna come down and hold on hold on I'm gonna come down in a flesh body and I am going to live a perfect life in a flesh body I'm Gonna Keep all 600 and something laws I'm gonna keep everything I won't fail not one bit I will be perfect and the word became flesh and started dwelling amongst men watch oh my God my God so God almighty so the word became flesh dwelt among men and Satan's still trying to humiliate it Jesus time to die working with a cat of nine tails he trying to kill him put him on a cross trying to just humiliate him on the cross he took the sin of every man who ever sinned on himself so that he could qualify to get entrance into hell he who never sinned was made sin with our sin so he could qualify to have acceptance into hell Soul once in hell Satan thinks I won I won ain't nothing else to do I got to go to the party cause I got the Savior with me never look down hey no more okay we're in church and I follow this now follow it the first day he thought he'd won the second day he thought he won the third day remember he was there for three days don't shout yet he thought he won and then Jesus said okay let me reveal to him what's really going on hey little punk come in let me holla at you for a minute uh can you find any record me falling short or committing sin I do I mean you you have cut a deal with the same men you humiliated in the garden I took all of their sin upon myself I looked like I had sinned but I never sinned which means it is illegal for you to have me here and in just a few moments the father is about to Raise Me Up Out of Hell [Applause] and sent me on his right hand glory to God now let me explain to you what's going on you will never be able to touch mankind again and I'll tell you why because of my perfection in all of this and I am still undefeated I am now going to engraft all of mankind I'm going to take every man who will believe I'm going to baptize him into me and you can tempt him to sin all you want to it'll never be counted because he is no longer being looked at in his own self he is now being looked at through me and in Christ [Applause] you can't touch me and you'll never touch a Believer because every believer is on the inside of me and if I'm righteous they're righteous and if I'm holy they're holy and if I have wisdom they have wisdom and if I'm Sanctified they got Sanctified and everything I am they are in other words he was saying devil You Can't Touch This [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the only thing he can do now is to see if he can find somebody who doesn't believe what Jesus did seeking whom he may but if you believe this gospel if you believe this Jesus if you stay connected with Jesus I don't come I don't care what come come hell or high water I don't care how you feel what you did all that if you believe Jesus if you stay connected with Jesus if you stay hooked up with Jesus if you stay connected with the blood if you stay hooked up with the blood of Jesus Satan will never again be able to humiliate you and if you focus on Jesus you will have access to the dimension of the supernatural that's now his attempt how can I disrupt Every Man's Focus so he won't start walking in who he is oh I know what I'll do I take all my lies and make it a part of philosophy Society norms and values I'll create things that men gravitate to in value and within that I'll make certain things so appealing that I'll do it again like I did Peter look at the wind look at the stars get your eyes off him look at the news look at the reports look at who said what I'll get them to think that it is a wasted wasteless journey to focus on Jesus and no man will ever get the revelation that the real battle is a battle of focus now who you now who you looking at what you looking at you better open that Bible up so you'll know what it says so that you won't hear something that it didn't say the question Still Remains what what were you gonna do what immortal beings and even when that day comes where you're going to cause the spirits of man to reunite with his body I don't know how he gonna do that because even when they when they when they when they burn the bodies they cremate the body they ain't got you ain't got every one of them ashes they scooped they put some in there and get you but you can you looking at your loved one like dang I thought they had more ashes than this but the dimension of the supernatural at the sound of his command something like creation gonna begin to rock the world and every man's Spirit gonna re-enter a supernatural body that has access to the durable shot you remember when Jesus watch this you're talking about access to the supernatural you remember when Jesus when he was raised from the dead Bible says Jesus walking through the door the door being shut so his Supernatural body had the ability to assemble itself around physical matter and end up on the other side and if that wasn't proof enough then he sat down and ate some fish in honeycomb if that wasn't proof enough he said I am no longer operating solely into this natural Dimension I am now subject to a higher Dimension I have access to this Dimension but I move differently in this other dimension and you tell him and you're not excited about heaven you're not excited about the return of the Lord You're not excited about putting on your new body you're not excited about what he promised you I tell you I'm so excited I shall not be bound by the laws of this natural world Focus [Applause] Focus bye all of this stuff that's trying to steal my attention have you noticed he's using the same thing against you whatever you give your attention to the most that's what you're more able to do whatever you don't give your attention to check this out that's what your heart is hardened to your heart is hardened to what you don't give attention to no attention to the word no attention to Jesus heart is hard ened to that dimension of the supernatural why no attention to it you know Taffy talked about this shift I think a shift's going on this morning I I would have never dreamed that I would step out like this and talk to a group of people this way because I'm careful with who's in the room where they're a baby they've never been no they've been on safe for two months I mean 100 if you're a week old if you're focused on Jesus he gonna do something that you didn't ever think could be done in your life [Applause] it's just like coach Prime say we coming I said we're coming devil we coming we're coming there's some Supernatural things that'll start working through you the anointing is not just gonna be in this Pulpit it is now in the congregation praise God and as you focus as you focus God's Gonna Give You Supernatural wisdom that makes you smarter than everybody in the company God's Gonna Give You Supernatural healing that's going to make your healer and healed better than anybody you be getting ready to walk above the natural you're getting ready to walk above the natural you're getting ready to walk above the laws that that the natural you're getting ready to walk in Supernatural ability you're getting ready to cast out Devils you're getting ready to lay hands on the sick you're getting ready to tell the storm to go you're getting ready to move in a different way Hallelujah [Applause] so let me finish that song with Peter so like Peter we get distracted that's one of the weapons of the enemy strats distracts distract a distraction is an intrusion of the mind to try to cause confusion but notice what happened when he got distracted he began to sink the Bible says but watch this here's a Grace but Jesus reached down pulled him up with him and the Bible says and they both walked back to the boat child of God let me tell you something in your life when you feel yourself sinking leave your hands up there Jesus is there and whatever you started in the Supernatural with Jesus you'll finish it into Supernatural but you've got to get rid of all of this dead empty philosophy and you've got to spend some time with the Lord so that you will know that you have an opportunity to Walk This Way what's your mind that's what a battle is all outputs and just like your focus on Jesus brings you into the dimension of the supernatural your lack of focus on Jesus and focus on everything else I mean y'all see where this is going this this is the game if you will this is this is this is the stuff right here sometimes you'll have stuff to hit your thinking that's so tough I promise you the best thing to do is to learn the vocabulary of Silence you have to learn if you don't quite know what to do at the time shut up be quiet someone say how long until that thing that's going on in your head subsides and peace comes back and you come back to yourself and now you're ready to talk that's that's what happened a lot of relationships a lot of relations get in trouble because you don't know would you shut up be quiet can't talk right now hush how long I gotta be quiet until you until until the soundness of the Jesus you know come back in you because if you're not careful that attack will come some some attack your head and you start thinking all kinds of stuff your husband doing something you think I'm gonna shoot that joker tonight boy you don't mean that but it's just a thought I'm gonna shoot him I'm gonna I'm gonna tell I'm gonna cut him with a butter knife that's that's the thing that lets you know ain't time to talk shut up be quiet if we could learn the vocabulary of Silence a lot of stuff will be prevented from happening cause you got a revelation or if a man can control his tongue he can control his whole body and even in some cases control the circumstances and situations around it but you just got to say something God said be quiet I know you said be quiet Lord but I'm gonna have to say something with this right here now I heard you loud and clear when you told me to be quiet but I'm telling you right now I'm in Rebellion cause I got three four cousin words in my back pocket right now I'm about to pull out and make them compound words in the name of the law understand how this thing goes and they both walk together back to the boat make sure that you make Jesus your walking partner my time gone I don't know how long we're going to be in this series but that my time gone you know how to walk in the Supernatural you need something to happen quit begging God to make it happen and get your focus and give attention more to him instead of more to empty philosophy and you start seeing something but if you don't give attention to him your heart is hardened towards the Jesus you say you love your heart is hardened because the no attention you give him whoever you attend to the most and what is it in Proverbs attend to my word bow your heads close your eyes I want to pray this prayer father in the name of Jesus uh I um I feel like I did what you wanted me to do today and you know exactly the circle that everybody stands in today you know the circle that everybody stands in today you know the situation you know the stuff coming against them you know the hurt the pain the confusion you know everybody in here ain't nobody in here outside of your knowledge of what's going on with them by the spirit of God I moved out on this information I Pray by the spirit of God you do something so Supernatural in the lives of everybody in here everybody at the sound of my voice something click something that that I could have never done with any sermon something that only you can do we look to you we look to you savior pour out Supernatural ability all over this place pour out Supernatural wisdom that even blows the mind of those who are receiving it let a leg or a knee that couldn't move start moving right now let eyes that couldn't see start seeing right now Lord give evidence of this word Supernatural natural oh give evidence of this word proof this is so we now look to you we look to you thank you for your grace thank you that in you we move and you we breathe in you we have our very being it's your faith we're in you we're baptized in you and the devil can't do us no harm now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ this Dimension that Peter walked in this Dimension where Adam and Eve were created in this Dimension that Jesus demonstrated let us see it teach us holy spirit you said you will teach us all things teach us holy spirit teach us holy spirit let us believe and receive this shift to this Supernatural dimension Oh Glory from the back row all the way to the front and the balconies through the e-church Holy Spirit move we receive it now we believe it now soften our hardened hearts Jesus name everybody at the side of my voice would you lift your hands up as if you're receiving a gift lift your hands up as if you're receiving a gift lift your hands as if you're receiving something from on high an endowment something that was always meant to be yours we receive it now in Jesus name amen oh [Applause] let's receive our offerings right now if you need an offering envelope raise your hands all all throughout the day this message is going to start dealing with you you're going to start seeing stuff I I didn't say and you are not going to be limited by what you see what you hear or the reports the shift has taken place in this church in Jesus name what a delight it is to bring Glory to his name bring an offering and Magnify Him and worship him in the beauty of his Holiness bring an offering wow those of you who are in our e-church participate with this as well those of you who are at home watching this on another platform participate in this I am going to teach you will never understand how impactful giving is that's why it has to be a heart issue not a percentage issue everything in the New Testament is weighed by the heart is it coming out of your heart or is it coming out of some obligation that needs to be fulfilled no no no this is a relationship and in a relationship things come out of your heart not obligation and to be able to give out of your heart and not out of fear and obligation amazing amazing oh my God I need a donut I I I just feel the presence of God I sense it on you now don't you desensitize it it's on you receive it keep it and they that know their God will do exploits amen let's just go ahead and receive the offering this morning I enjoy teaching here I want to go nowhere right before we dismiss today if you're here and you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life I mean be serious now if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life and you get an opportunity to correct that when you want to do it if this is the brook where God's calling you to and you get an opportunity to get there shouldn't you want to do it right now if you've never been born again if you've never made Jesus your lord and personal savior I want you to be so bold and come down to this altar because the altar is a place of change you're saying I'm gonna get born again today secondly if you need to recommit yourself to that relationship you used to have with him you got born again but it's just like I don't know let's re-engage that relationship thirdly if you want the baptism in the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues let's go ahead and let's go ahead and receive that and last but certainly not least if you believe that God is calling you to join this church World changes Church International and you're like hey I'm I'm I think this is the brook where I'm supposed to be then get here get here I've given to you four things an opportunity to get born again to recommit yourself to Jesus to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and to join this church come on down come on down come on down amen I will exalt you I will exalt you I will exalt you you are my God [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my Hiding Place [Music] my dream [Music] s [Music] [Music] on you you are my God come on hide in place one more time hiding place [Music] anointing one most home [Music] in you [Music] you are my congregation don't you appreciate those who have come to this altar today [Applause] father I pray that you will cause them to be extremely blessed in your presence that every burden be removed and every yoke be destroyed and we give you all the honor and the glory and the praise in Jesus name and everybody said amen at this time if you'll follow this gentleman to the prayer room they're going to take your minister to you give you a Biblical understanding of how to obtain and maintain what you can and receive and we thank God that you will never be the same again [Applause] several months ago we sold a physical Church into the life of another church I mean we gave it to him debt-free had it fixed up everything it's the former Marietta Church and the spirit of God told us to do this and we later on found out that the pastor had been believing for that location for over 20 years well tonight at 6 p.m we're going to formally go and dedicate that building into the ministry of enlightened Christian Center uh it's located 601 Tower Road Northeast Marietta Georgia if you'd like to stop by if you're not doing anything you can just want to let you know that let's go ahead and get you guys out of here praise the Lord football season has begun [Applause] now May the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be on you May the angels carry out all of God's commands to watch over you and to protect you unless you should Dash your foot against the stones may you walk in unmerited favor doors opening for you that you wonder how they opened may God protect you from the devil's plans and strategies and lift you up now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty God be glory Majesty dominion and Power both now and forever and everybody said God bless you we love you have a great day for God great service today thank you thank you World Changers for tuning in online for joining us yes for being a part of our online family e-church we see you we see you man this is such an amazing service um I know I got a whole lot as usual so my notes were running my fingers were typing yeah but one thing that really stood out to me um that that just kept rolling over was Focus yes focus focus and boy I tell you I'm I'm full yeah what about you me it was make sure you make Jesus your walking partner you better say that again you said that at the end I was like that's it right there like all throughout service I just kept thinking of about how you know every day it's a constant renewing of your mind like don't think you got it no because you ain't got it without him that's right so make sure that Jesus is your walking partner step by step step day by day so listen we know that you all receive something as well so we encourage you to share this message with somebody also shoot share it with yourself go back and re-watch it replay it we have different times that's going to re-air but make sure that we share this word share this message with someone that you love because listen it's the shift that's happened the all right you hear me what I said right now we do want to of course make sure that we extend the opportunity if you did not get an opportunity to give we want to make sure that you have the opportunity right now we have a few different ways that you can participate you can simply uh simply text the word World Changers leave a space and then your amount and text that to 74483 you can also call in your gifts to 866-477-7683 you can mail in your gifts to 2500 Burnett Road College Park Georgia 30349 or of course online or Creflo Dollar listen this is an amazing not just an amazing Ministry to be a part of but an amazing family yes World changes where you at now listen we for you guys and we expect to see you in the building that's right all right what's first up all right first up all my fellas fellas where you at I can hear you I hear you typing real hard it's on caps lock but all my fellas here's a reminder this week this Friday the mentality Men's Conference is back our annual Revival of manhood listen is going to be phenomenal game-changing life-changing don't miss it ladies get your your boyfriends your sons your nephews your uncles fellas come come this is for us this is our conference let's show out make sure that you register you can simply text the word mentality to 5155 to register today it's completely free but man listen this experience is something that you have to be here to witness I'm telling you the truth yes all of all other leaders if you are if you believe that you are led to be a leader and minister history in this Walk of Life mark your calendars October 3rd and 4th join us for our annual ministers and leaders conference this year we're turning up the volume with staying power how to withstand the Wilderness that's right if you know what if you know if you know the Wilderness if you know the Wilderness join us in standing strong and un and unyielding in the face of adversity so you can text I lead to 5155 to register today or you can visit sign up sign your friends up tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend to be here at our ministers and leaders Conference in October that's right that's right what what is there anything else that's going on yes honey listen let me tell you you need to add pastor's newest song greatest power your playlist that's right wherever your playlist five iTunes wherever that you know how battlefield of them greatest power get the greatest power rotation add that to your playlist make it a part of your rotation uh renew your mind constantly every single day you can text greatest power to 5155 so you can see where to download I've been seeing people online oh man Pastor I can't wait to it's already out out I can't wait to listen it's already out that's right listen so make sure and text greatest power to 5155 or if you got iTunes check out greatest power Spotify greatest power wherever you listen to music that's right we got greatest power for you all right that's right so listen now to stay up on everything that's going on that happening here at World Changers be sure to just simply visit uh click that events tab stay up to date mark your calendars save it to your calendar whatever you got to do but be in the place because listen we are World Changers you know it doesn't matter where you are it is no matter where you at it's where we are you know so uh we'll go ahead and go ahead and we're going to go ahead and close out excuse me um so we want to be sure that you all know man focus focus focus I said focus and make Jesus your walking partner make them your walking partner don't walk this thing alone you're not alone we're all in this together so we love you all be blessed have an amazing Sunday go get something to eat do whatever you got to do but be black and we'll see y'all next week bye are you ready for mentality 2023 Creflo Dollar Ministries annual Revival of manhood is back and it's time to release the weight of manhood each year I continue to just learn God's purpose for me as a man word was real the fellowship was real and when you come with a spirit of expectation you know God never let you down we'll cover issues that weigh on men from all walks of life the Trap of emotions self-preservation the false balance of success and more greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world you don't act like a natural man you are a supernatural man don't miss this Free Conference register now and join us in College Park Georgia September 8th and 9th with Creflo Dollar text mentality to 51555 scan the QR code on your screen or visit and register now what if we could take every groundbreaking message on Grace all the life-changing sessions from conferences in every radical interview with the Stars and those with inspirational stories that moved us and share them with you 24 hours a day now we can this is our Network it can all be found here changing your world network streaming hope Grace and the wisdom of God with Simplicity and understanding 24 hours a day seven days a week for free download the Creflo Dollar Ministries app on your smart TV and streaming devices Roku Amazon Fire TV Apple TV and begin streaming changing your world 24-hour Network through the app today visit for more information now [Music] change [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 158,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: vsdRQylWNok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 33sec (5193 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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