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what's up guys this is casey from casey's customs and in this video we're going to be chopping this 1955 ford f-1000 [Music] break it down [Music] we're only going to do about two and a half inches it's not the craziest chop but on these trucks whenever the roofs are getting too low they just have a weird proportional look to them two and a half inches is perfect it gives it just enough that it doesn't look super chopped some people might not even really notice it with that smell of the chop but it kind of just helps the whole lines everything especially with this truck laying on the ground like it is the top just seems you know this top is as tall as the body is so you kind of want that a little bit lower so let's start marking some stuff let's start cutting some stuff and uh let's make a mess i mean if is it even the chop if you don't cry a little bit in the middle of it i don't think so that's how i do them anyway [Music] now that we have the rear window out the reason i cut the rear window out is because it's already thin enough that i don't want to chop it anymore you know you don't want a rear window only this big so you just cut the whole thing out put it off the side get the roof chopped and then we'll put the window back in so it stays the same so what i'm doing now is marking my lines for cut i'm going with two and a half inches so find some two inch tape and then i'll just go in here and mark a half inch all the way around put another piece of tape on it mark it with my marker and then cut the up so that's what we're doing now [Music] we got our two and a half inches marked all around time to cut this top off obviously you cut the top part first because if you cut this off it's kind of a bit to try and cut the roof off when it's not on the truck so i only say that because my dumb ass has done that in the past so let's cut [Music] roof is off now you would think i just cut my roof i'm gonna cut it two and a half inches i should probably go ahead and cut my doors down two and a half inches nope weight on the doors a lot of stuff can change you know stuff can lean stuff can do all kinds of stuff so what you do with the doors just cut them low you know you don't cut them into your body line or anything cut them low put them off to the side you do your doors dead last just in case anything changes i'm not going for you know any pillar lean or anything in this but um i've got bit in the ass before and i know a lot of guys have just take two and a half inches out here put it back in all of a sudden nothing works right before this chop all of my gaps were real good and i want to keep that whenever i put everything back together so always do the doors last we're going to go ahead and just lock these off right here and put them off the side [Music] so got the roof back on just sitting there obviously now we got to start figuring out how we want to put this puzzle back together there's a couple ways you can do this you can make notches here and fold the rear of the cab in to meet up with that you can also cut it right across the roof and lengthen it or widen it well widen it lengthen it same thing basically that way is a lot more labor intensive i'm probably going to actually do the more labor intensive way just because the owner of this truck is like 6'4 he's a big tall guy so even though you know pinching that in is only an inch or two i need as much room as i can get so i'm not going to bring anything in if i can so i'm going to actually go ahead make a cut right here and then all the way across the roof that way and then we'll just slide this section back and then i'll have to end up putting a strip in here some people some people will quarter the roof cut it all the way across that way all the way across that way and then just open everything up i'm not a fan of that that they are a ton of work it almost never looks right unless you completely just roll a whole new roof um on an english wheel which it's doable but it's a pain in the ass so i will be pinching this in also this is only like a half inch that it needs to come in because it really since i only went down two inches it didn't come out this much very much if it was like a four inch chop five inch top be a much different story but there's only a two inch chop so on these i'll make some pie cuts back here just fold that in a little bit to match up better this way so let's start marking some of those cuts [Music] they're where they need to be so i'm gonna go ahead and tack this before i cut any of this off i want these tacked that way while i'm cutting it it's not just flopping all over the damn place also you can see my pie cuts you can see the from pulling them in you can kind of see how that closed on itself so we'll have to do some hammer and dolly work on that but overall it's not nearly as bad as it could be [Music] got the pillars tacked windshield is done and looking good real happy with how that came out that's by far the most important part everything else is flat glass so flat glass is cheap curved is very expensive you can't have any funky shapes in your when shield is done let's make the rest of it fit [Music] so i got these rear pillars tacked got that tack this is loose here i had to open that up just a scooch so i'm gonna put a strip in there and then we're going to head down to my other shop with an english wheel and roll this out a piece i can put right back here up under here to get all this up and it'll fill that little gap right there thank you guys very much for watching part one of chopping this 55 ford we got most of the way through but it looks like we're gonna need a part two to go ahead and finish up the back half of it it's just a lot of video to go through so stay tuned the next video will be up in a couple days and uh please like share subscribe all that stuff they tell you to do the end of videos and check out some more of my other videos i build a lot of crazy stuff thanks [Music] [Music] bring it down
Channel: Caseys Customs
Views: 16,957
Rating: 4.9421964 out of 5
Id: L4HN6s3PRMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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