Salvage yard Cinderella (rat rod build part one)

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what's up everyone welcome back to the hardcore fat Channel as you can see today I'm sitting here with nothing due on my table I'm standing here in empty bay with nothing here I do have that cart back there and I could be doing all kinds of stuff to it but I really wanted to run it around as it is right now just as the basic car before I went going crazy with it so I really want to mess with that and I guess you can see my wife's car over there I still can't touch that I'm not allowed and you know that's that's hands off no no for me so I'm sitting to do so I'm looking around the shop I got some parts of pieces kind of scattered everywhere and there's stuff you know just everywhere in my way I think it's time to make me find another project and see if I can't use up some of this stuff that I got just laying around and get it out of my way and also maybe get a project out the door that I can sell or have some fun with so that's what I'm gonna do today [Music] so I'm about to jump in the truck and head out to salvage yard see if there's by chance anything out there that's new and exciting that I might need to grab and start working on but before I do I figured I'd show you guys some of the stuff that I've ever got laying around and I'm gonna tell you the direction that I'm hopefully gonna be able to go when I get out there and try to find something so right off the bat and kind of see you like right over here right there I've got an old small-block Chevy that I blew up in my old green truck that I use for an old dump truck I've got a solid front axle here out of a old Ford pickup it's got some disc brakes on it stuff everything got switched over to independent on that truck and over here I've always got a bunch of motors and other garbage laying around over here so there's a big block right there and there's an LS and another LS on the floor right there so I've got several motors to choose from no matter what I decide to build but I've also got that cooled Ford toe gate over there pretty cool old toe gate it's got some nice patina on it I wish I had the rest of the truck that matches the tailgate but I don't have that and chances of finding the truck that has the exact right color on it and all that kind of stuff is probably pretty slim but I'm gonna go out there I'm gonna see what I can find and I think because I've got that tailgate I've got that solid for an axle and some old-school motors I might go ahead and try to build a rat rod so I loaded up the boss lady and we're heading out to Piper's auto salvage it's one of my favorite local salvage yards they've got a lot of vintage stuff out there and I've seen some cool stuff out there from time to time I'm hoping today we'll look out and we'll find something really cool and I get her to pay for it [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thanks yeah did we bring a trailer no we need a trailer oh no oh we gotta say we find first maybe we don't even find anything else yeah these are all too new what's over there huh I like that actually that dream is pretty close to the same color green that's on that tailgate but that thing is it's a shitty instead of before color would be great Adina's awesome patinas really nice kind of hoping for one of this a little bit older than that though but nothing to keep that on the list it might be something they can use that trucks kind of cool but it's way too far gone we could just scrap the whole little truck idea altogether and we can just do the hippie van over here LS it twin-turbo it tub it out shorten it chop it that'd be cool like that maybe like there's a whole row of vans so there's no shortage if you have a van idea yeah those are all like Chum Oh van zero for the most part aren't they well that one's got flames on International's still a little bit newer ISM kind of what I was I like the patina on the one yeah not a whole lot of anything left on that one earmark that but I don't think that's right for what you're doing right now though well I don't know that green kind of clashes with the green on it though I'm the tailgate for sure and I wouldn't want to get rid of that green it's too pretty all right see I found this one I didn't know what you thought of it this one's probably actually the coolest one that I've seen so far strictly I like the red and the yellows on it the Thor doesn't really match but can't be that picky on it I guess it's the other side look like of course this side actually matches the rest of cab so it's only got the one door that's different that'd be really speaking for the hood I don't know let's keep looking all right oh I'm hobbling all over this place with a broken foot what are you doing all the way back here sorry I just thought there might be something cool back here to maybe add to it or whatever you know there's a few cars back here right here ya know so get ranked it smash this doesn't look too bad why in the world would he have this over here this is awesome look at this I love this just came in are you rotted out on the floor but the patina on this door is sweet custom mirror [Laughter] I like those lights really cool those original that's part of the truck yeah that's original what we offer the grain truck or something to be my guess saying this one doesn't really seem that bad there's all that rust on the floor but we're gonna cut all that out when we have to put the motor training all through there and everything and my idea to have everything lowers it's gonna need to have that all taken out so I think I'll be okay yeah it's not really all that roached I'm surprised all right well that's definitely definitely on the list but let's keep looking there's still some stuff up and through these trees and everything never know okay now what have you found and how cool is that when's the last time you seen one of those okay stay on track Oh that'd be cool truck all right that that's pretty cool actually I don't know what is it an international I have no idea it's not green so doesn't match your tailgate but chances us up finding something that does it's actually pretty decent few dents in the cab didn't really have much rust though other than the surface rust listen a hinge blast but that's black so that'd be easy enough I'm diggin that one what else is over here I think I see some down this way - oh man look at this thing messenger cattle truck Kansas ranch that's pretty sweet it's not green but I'm digging that thing is so beautiful and it's not really the rat rod style that I had in mind I really like it maybe I've just kind of skipped to the next plan and forget the one that I was thinking about and do something different way though I love it that's beautiful all right well let's see how much this one is and [Music] really sweep all international over here and read international in the corner and then there's a black board or something the cab down there in the field by a big pile yeah so how much is the okay well I think we know which one we're going for then still can't believe that the bed of the truck need no trailer pressure you see that's pretty straight nobody impressed didn't like it very good rock what do you think it's gonna work get it back the shop antenna said it with some of the other parts of pieces we got laying there and see what these things gonna look like oh man after spending the day at the salvage yard and picking up pieces and parts I've got everything kind of laid out here of what I was already kind of picturing in my head now you guys can smell what I was stepping in and see it for yourself yeah pretty sweet right wait a minute wait a minute need a little more inspiration up here hold on I'll be right back one second hold on check this bad boy out vintage Offenhauser I've been hiding this from the wife [Music] there we go there we go yeah what do you think about that might even be taller than that when we're all said and done that's looking pretty sweet all right well I think that's a wrap for everything today guys that's as much as I can show you now and I'm you get busy and get some stuff done on this thing so we can start to get this thing to roll see you next time
Channel: HardCore Fab
Views: 56,095
Rating: 4.8724637 out of 5
Id: w6FamZ3Q4oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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