How to choose a watermelon

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hi this is robbie sagona produce buyer for segona's farmer's market and i'm here at our stanford store today with peak of the season watermelon we're here in early august and the watermelon are coming from the mendota area so going through the calendar year if you go to january watermelon are coming out of mexico then in may they transition into the el centro coachella area of california moving up to bakersfield in about june and then in july they come up to the northern california area manteca mendota then on to sacramento to finish out the year so a few tricks that i do when buying a watermelon that'll help the customer when choosing a watermelon first and foremost it has to look alive the fruit has to be fresh this does secondly the watermelon has to feel heavy for its size there's a lot of weight here there's a lot of juice in this watermelon third the ground spot on the watermelon should have a nice yellow look to it where it's been sitting on the ground that means it's ripening it's not white if it's too white it's not ripe enough and lastly and probably the most important thing is the thud it has to have a nice hollow thump to it like a drum you don't want to hit something where it sounds like it's really flat that means it's going to be overripe and mushy inside it should have a nice vibration to it and a thump to it so come on into segonas today and get some peak of the season watermelon
Channel: Sigonas Farmers Market
Views: 2,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watermelon, produce tips, how to
Id: r9d9sguHoUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 17sec (77 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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