How To Check Starlink Speeds In Your Area Before Ordering!

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so how exactly do you check SpaceX starlink speeds in your specific area before you buy I'm glad you asked I'm going to tell you let's go check it out [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the channel thank you so much once again joining me for tea time today we have a little bit of Fireside you know I love that smokiness I hope you're joining me with your cup of tea maybe a cup of coffee maybe something harder hanging out talking Tech talking photo talking video today is a tech day we're gonna be talking about the internet and how to find out how fast SpaceX starlink is in your area before you buy it a lot of people have been asking me this question for the last like year and a half is there any way to check well for the longest time I'd say listen go over to Facebook or go to Instagram find people in your area and have them do speed tests to find out what their speeds are so you know about what your speeds will be well finally SpaceX starlink is more transparent they are now telling you before you buy about what your speeds are going to be this is awesome this just happened about two three days ago so I wanted to bring it to your attention so hopefully it helps you make that that decision am I going to invest in SpaceX starlink or I'm going to go the T-Mobile route or maybe Verizon home route or maybe even now the atnt internet error route whichever it is which works best for you where do you get your best speeds where do you get your best Broadband for the money so I'm going to show you how to get in there and look this up but before I do I want to say that if you haven't downloaded any of my ebooks as of yet go pick them up they're 100 free go to forward slash books once again forward slash books and if you enjoy this content or get any value out of it at all consider throwing it a thumbs up that is very very helpful and if you haven't subscribed as of yet consider doing so and if you are subscribed click this little button over here so when I go live or when a new video comes out you will be notified of it immediately also if you just want to say thank you for all of my hard work there's a little thank you button down there you can click on that give a dollar or two if you would like if not that's fine too can consider becoming a member of the channel That would be even better and if you want more starlink content I put together a starlink playlist just for you go check it out when you're done watching this video there's about 180 videos of helpful how to's tips tricks what to buy what not to buy when to buy it and of course the why this channel is all about the why and finally if you're looking for a VPN or if you need a static IP address or do port forwarding check out purevpn they gave us a discount 15 additional percent off just by using promo code J Christina at checkout or clicking the link that I'll have for you down below which is forward slash VPN so now that the housekeeping is done let's get right into this so I'm going to share my screen with you but before I want to preface all of this with if you don't remember or if you have never seen SpaceX starlink if you go to map you will see a map of the country actually the map of the world and you can kind of zoom in and I'm going to show you that in just a minute over the course of this time frame that website has only showed three bits of data either the service is not available to you at all or it is available but you will be put on a waiting list that waiting list might be a week might be a month might be a year or finally it is available meaning that you can actually order it today and you will get it within a week or two and you can start using it immediately that is what has been always on that map well that map is now changed as of a couple of days ago not only does the website provide you with information if you have no service available to you or if you're going to be placed on a waiting list or if you have service available immediately but it gives you three additional points of data and these data points are download speed upload speed and latency this is awesome so instead of me just jabbering on and on about this let's jump into my screen so I can show you exactly what this is all about and how to do this for yourself so here we are this is the web page over at forward slash map now finally finally guys finally we have a means of having this transparency between us and SpaceX starlink to know if we're going to get service if the service is going to be good and how good the service is actually going to be so as we can see over on the left hand side it says availability right now this shows you what is available all these dark areas are a waiting list meaning if you're in one of these dark little patches here you're going to be placed on a waiting list we don't know if the waiting list is going to be for a week for a month or a year but if you're in a light area like we see here or like here we have Florida the south side of Florida is 100 available whereas the north side of Florida from Central up North is a waiting list so if you're down here in the light side you'll be able to get coverage immediately you can order SpaceX starlink it's available now they will send it to you and you can have service immediately well they have added to this now you can see that there's a little tick here when we click on this we not only have availability but we have download speed upload speed and latency let's click on download speed and see what happens there we go now you can see everything changed now what we can tell here is just like before we have different grades of blue so basically this is broken down into like 20 percentile as you can see over here the dark areas are speeds between 25 and 50 megabits the next area is 50 to 75. this middle blue is 75 to 100 this blue is 100 to 125 megabits and finally the light area is 125 to 150 plus megabits download speed now if we click on upload speed it does the exact same thing it gives you this breakdown or the scale at the very bottom we can see 5 to 10 megabits and at the top speed we're going to see 20 to 25 megabits now as far as latency it goes anywhere from 25 milliseconds up to 75 milliseconds where it tops off at let's just go back to download speeds just to check this out let me back up just a little bit so that's all we have to do is hover over any state and it's going to give you an average download so if we come down to Florida and hover over it we can see the average download speeds are 41 megabits up to a hundred and thirty megabits down if we come up to Georgia we can see the speeds are a little bit slower coming in at 36 megabits to topping off at about 105 megabits down if we change this to upload speeds you can see the entire map is pretty much identical everything is showing pretty close to 9 to 17 megabits here in Florida in Georgia it's 9 to 16 megabits South Carolina 9-16 and so on and so forth It's all about the same now if we back up a little bit we can see Nevada is actually quicker between 11 megabits and 20 megabits but everything else is pretty much the same they're all around the same speeds Illinois 9 to 17 megabits Kansas 9 to 16 megabits all about the same over time this is going to get faster but remember this this is very important let's go back to download speeds these download speeds have to do with the speed of residential coverage this has nothing to do with business or roam or Mobility absolutely nothing these download upload and latency speeds are only for residential coverage now these residential prices are anywhere from ninety dollars to a hundred and twenty dollars and that really depends on where you are now some people are like why are some people paying 90 and other people are paying 120. and what that has to do with is congestion if you're in a location where there's like no one all right it's just like you and a bunch of horses all right and maybe some cows in a field chances are the birds overhead I call them Birds the satellites are not doing anything so giving you coverage for ninety dollars really doesn't matter because it's not being used anyways so it's better to get 90 from you than 120 because 120 you're probably not going to spend that money on it so that's why they do it whereas in congested areas you're going to be paying full fare which is that hundred and twenty dollars per month for residential coverage now we can see that there is a big range of speeds anywhere from 25 megabits down all the way up to about 120 megabits down some people have said that the reason why there is such a disparity in speeds has to do with the amount of congestion in an area and while that is absolutely true there's another factor that they never talk about and that factor is how far away are you from your closest ground station and how far away are you from your closest pop or that ground station is from the pop or the point of presence this is very very important especially when it comes to latency so there are multiple factors that go into the speeds that you're getting as well as the latency numbers those millisecond numbers that you see when I was connected to a pop down in Miami because I'm in Palm Beach I was getting about 25 milliseconds latency which was really sweet now I'm connected to a pop or a point of presence that's in Atlanta Georgia 700 miles north of me instead of 70 miles south of me now I'm getting latency of about anywhere from about 38 to about 50 milliseconds 45 milliseconds so it is definitely a lot worse and I would love for them to hook me back up to Miami but there's no way to get them to do that anymore now if we jump back over on this screen as we can see the download if we click on download it shows the different download speeds the only problem that I have here is like for example if we go into Florida the entire state from the Panhandle all the way down to the keys is all of the same between 41 and 130 megabits Down Speed what I would like to see is a little bit more detail either divide this county by county by county that's just easy to do because the starlink is sending Telemetry back to starlink so they know what the speeds are at any given time there's no way for them not to know this number one so maybe give us this information down to a county level or maybe to maybe a central a north south east and west area of a state that will give you a little bit more let's say Nuance to the speeds of what what you are to expect when you do receive coverage or you do receive service so I think that they are on the right track here by providing this type of transparency is it a hundred percent better no but it is much better because now you have some transparency here you have some idea of what kind of speeds you will be getting now the speeds aren't exactly what they were back when I was in beta times when we were getting like 310 megabits down and 40 plus megabits up things are slower why are they slower because there's a lot of people using it they went from about a hundred thousand when I came on board to now 1.5 million so it is a lot of people and I think that within one year we're going to see a doubling of that about 3 million people or three million subscribers worldwide using starlink so while it's going to tax the system more we're seeing more and more saddle lights launching every single week another 22 22 22 of the version 2 mini satellites going into Leo or low earth orbit now what's going to make everything better is once Starship is on board and now we can see a lot more satellites the larger version twos I call them the version two Maxis in space those are like going to be four five six times the capacity of the current satellites that are being used so that's going to definitely help service a lot now some people ask me how do I do speed tests properly I'm going to show you real quick because this is very important some people do not do speed tests properly and then they come back and they tell me these weird speeds that just make no sense and they're actually like testing their Wi-Fi speed and not the speed of their modem or their router so anyways this is what I would suggest go over to let's go ahead and do this together matter of fact we will do a speed test maybe I'll do a couple of speed tests for you right now as you can see we're connected to SpaceX starlink I'm going to hit go and while that's testing I'm want to tell you exactly how to do this number one you want to test the exact same server over and over and over so right now it says that we're connected to sparklight so going forward every single test I do I'm going to test on spark light now I can go and change servers but that's not going to help me because I want to get a baseline from a specific server I don't want it to be varying continuously so we're going to keep on testing that was one test that we got here we're going to test again once again we're going to test with sparklight what is also very important here is you want to test using an ethernet cable you don't want to test with your Wi-Fi because Wi-Fi signal comes in and out you just don't know how good that Wi-Fi is going to be so test using your ethernet cable so that you know you're going to get your best results also what you want to do is do 10 tests 10 not 8 not 12 do 10 10 tests one after another after another using the exact same server the exact setup the exact every just keep on hitting go and retest retest retest and then what you want to do is throw out your fastest speed and you want to throw out your slowest speed and then take that eight and do an average a mean of those eight speeds that will be your download speed your upload speed and your latency do the exact same thing for all three data sets and you're going to have a really good idea of what speed you're getting at that specific moment now bear in mind that is a specific moment in time these satellites are moving at 17 000 miles per hour all right so you're going to be catching on to different ones and they're going to hand shake as they come by and you might have some outages because of that so understanding this you know that if you do a speed test now and you do a speed test in an hour from now you're going to be using different satellites and you're you're not going to get the exact same speed so many people say why am I not having consistent speeds the reason being is you're not plugged in terrestrially through a cable in your house you're plugged in through a satellite right so that satellite once again is moving and you're going to be using different satellites continuously so what I do notice matter of fact we'll stop this testing right now let's go back over to the starlink website now I'm going to stay on download speeds we're not going to go to upload but let me back up a little bit I want to show you something do you see the map over here in the US we have a lot of dark colors these dark colors show us anywhere from about 25 megabits up to 100 megabits Down Speed but now look at this in Europe look at this doesn't matter where you go if we go into Spain 162 megabits to a 245 megabits France 120 megabits to 205 megabits Poland 100 44 megabits to 220 megabits and we come into Germany 119 to 203 Norway 109 to 200 Finland 113 to 193. you can see these differences matter of fact if we go into the Ukraine currently in more conditions 68 to 221 megabits down Romania 157 by 228 so on and so forth this is amazing to me but the reason this is guys is because once again it has to do with congestion there is a lot less people using SpaceX starlink in Europe than they are in the US why is that well in Europe they have a ton of fiber on the ground number one number two their 5G is actually 5G and some of these folks in Europe like my family are getting a gigabit connection from their 5G wireless phones it is crazy whereas in the United States we don't see those speeds so people are moving into starlink to try to get something get anything especially folks that are in RVs or on the move that can't find a tower starlink is perfect for them because they can use it anywhere on the go they could just set it up in the middle of nowhere on a desert somewhere whereas if they were relying on Towers they wouldn't have any coverage at all so anyways I hope this is helpful use this information to decide if you want to get into SpaceX starlink now or if you want to wait are the speeds that you will get in your area fast enough for your use case if it isn't you might want to wait if they are get on board get onto the waiting list if you can't get it right away and if you can get it right away congratulations because then you'll join the club like us I think that SpaceX starlink I know is the best non-terrestrial internet on the planet meaning ViaSat and HughesNet which are complete garbage SpaceX starlinks just crushes all of this and then there's other ones that are coming up like one web and you have Amazons which there is no satellites for example with Amazon Kuiper there is no satellites in orbit as of yet Bezos says that they're going to have coverage by 2024 trust me write it down say that guy told you on the web it won't happen Bezos will have absolutely no internet coverage to any consumers in 2024. he'll be lucky to have a beta test satellite up there to be able to test this thing out he will not have coverage there's just no possible way of it anyways I hope you found some value in this video if you have throw it a thumbs up that would be awesome and finally head over to my website where you can find all the photography tools I've invented for you and me over the years and hopefully there's something there that you might like and if there is please pick it up and support me and my family that's it guys I'm out of here for getting a vlog many blessings to you and your family stay safe stay healthy we'll see you in the next one love you all foreign
Channel: JCristina
Views: 25,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jcristina, jcristina photography tools, starlink review, starlink speed test, spacex news, spacex starlink, starlink setup, starlink news, elon musk, what is starlink, starlink internet price, starlink, how to contact starlink, faster starlink, starlink speed increase, starlink new feature, spacex starlink new feature, how to increase starlink speed, how to reduce starlink latency, how to lower starlink latency, how to test starlink speeds in your area before buying
Id: zEJzf1EhztU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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