The BIGGEST problem with Starlink Internet....and Why You Might Not Want One

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hello everyone and thank you for tuning in to my one month review of starlink if you saw my last video on starlink you would know i was pretty excited about getting this and you might be asking the question why is it sitting in a box next to me instead of up on the roof so after having this for about a month and three different locations across the country i'm gonna try to help answer the question is starlink worth it for our viewers and cover some of the big topics right now with the new price increase for roaming as well as decreased speeds on roaming and i think the biggest issue which is trees so my last video covered the unboxing and setup of the starlink this was in tennessee around memphis and the campsite we were at was pretty heavily wooded and there was just a small window of uh open clear space that the dish was connecting to the satellites and i had a lot of interrupted speeds there so it was pretty fast connection but it was interruption from the obstructions on the trees so it worked really well for streaming and light general internet use but if you had to do some heavy connection like zoom calls for work it just wouldn't have worked in that scenario now we also have a verizon hotspot with a memo antenna and the speeds in that tennessee location were very very good i think 40-ish megabytes per second down and the ups were around 10 so the verizon worked really well but we ended up using the starlink quite a bit there uh both services so i was a little hesitant with how it was going to work with all the tree coverage you know i was really excited about using it in some national parks we have a trip planned to the smokies and the sites there are pretty covered in trees so moving on to the next location we kind of hightailed it over to central florida and we were in the orlando area now the particular rv park we were at had really good cell service with the verizon and i think all the other networks but what they also had was cell tower congestion so it would work fine late at night early in the morning but kind of in the middle of the day in the peak times it would almost crawl to a zero and you could not work very well with that at all and we all know the campground wi-fi that thousand trails have which is jabba is uh it's just no good so the campsite we picked out there we made sure to pick it out with zero trees and uh this starlink system worked phenomenal we had zero obstructions uh the uptime was almost consistent at 100 percent the speeds uh on the other hand were good i mean they were well over 100 megabits per second but what's interesting and i don't know how to exactly quantify this i guess but what's interesting is instead of getting 200 to 300 megabits it seemed like it was more cut in half around the 100 so was it getting throttled because i was roaming and i should also mention after leaving tennessee or during tennessee i moved our service address back to minnesota and that's where it has been the whole time so roaming for sure has worked flawlessly and no issues with that so you may have heard the other day that starlink has officially announced roaming and of course along with that announcement is a price increase so now instead of it being 99 it was initially uh the first price increase was 110 for the monthly service and now it's 25 per month if you want to keep the roaming on now you can still move your service address to the location you're at and not have to worry about roaming but kind of the whole reason i got this system was for the roaming opportunity and not having to deal with any of the issues as far as trying to find an open cell with starlink so in orlando the starlink worked flawless i don't think it was at its top speed but it was way faster than what we're used to on the road and you can see here that uh we actually moved it a little bit and the dish was underneath our bike rack and it actually worked flawlessly going through the bike rack so it's kind of interesting how the obstructions work it seems to be able to uh figure out the small obstructions like right in front of it like that bike rack and it's more of the tall trees that really cause an issue and so speaking of the trees then we moved to another location in florida we did not have a choice of our campsite and so we just got the one that they gave us so i tried to put the dish on top of the roof and i would say the tree coverage was maybe about half of the skyline and so i put the dish up on top of the roof hoping it would find uh satellites away from the trees that were right in front of it and it took um many many hours for it to even connect up and i was worried that it wasn't gonna find any satellite service at all so i let it sit overnight it ended up getting connection so it was online but this service was absolutely unusable it was up and down up and down connecting disconnecting so so it did not have usable service at all through these trees so what i'm finding out now is that trees is a huge deal and a lot of the comments i got on my last video were all about trees oh i like to camp in wooded areas obviously in the summertime you want shade so there's a lot of people that are not even interested in starlink because of the trees and the areas that they camp in we also have 1200 watts of solar on our roof so we tend to park in open areas so that's another reason i'm not mounting my star link to a pole or to the roof or anything like that i want to be able to move this thing around on the 75 foot cable or even get the 150 foot cable so some of the positives about the starlink system which i think are phenomenal was the ordering was extremely simple we ordered over on the west coast we had it shipped to tennessee our service address was also on the west coast and setup installation uptime i mean it was very very simple to do and again in orlando when it was working flawlessly and our verizon cell towers there were overcrowded which this was a big campground too there's over a thousand sites there and most of them did not have usable internet at all i did see a few star links being put up while i was there so this is getting more and more popular and i'm starting to see starlink popping up uh left and right on social media so more and more people are getting these especially full-time rvers it is a really great option to have thankfully the location we're at right now the verizon is also very very good so we're just using our hotspot but it's still kind of sad that you're paying you know well over a hundred dollars a month for this starlink service and we're not even using it so to really answer the question is it worth it for me or us me and my wife yes i think it is we work and live full-time remotely on the road so having another option with high-speed internet is worth it to us but as i mentioned before we made it by just fine with our verizon hotspot for over three years so i can see why a lot of people aren't jumping on this right away because it's it's not an all-in-one solution it's in addition so a lot of people are having a verizon sim maybe an att sim and then throwing on starlink internet bills are going to get very very high but when you're working remotely and you need to have that connection then it's great to have just one more option and again the remote possibilities of this uh being out in the middle of nowhere when we're out west boondocking or even being in national parks i think it's gonna be great to have that option and uh hopefully when we're in the smokies it can get a little bit of a connection because there's absolutely zero cell service in there we're really really excited to see the more and more places we can use this at but it's all things you got to consider with the new price increase decreased speeds for roaming and i think the big one which is trees which may not even allow you to use this at a lot of places that you can't so thanks for watching this quick update on our starlink system i'll keep uh monitoring it and recording some new updates as we continue to use it and thanks again for watching catch you on the next video you
Channel: Irene Iron Travels
Views: 225,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starlink, starlink internet, starlink rv, starlink for rvers, starlink internet for rvers, starlink rv use, starlink rv internet, starlink rv install, rv starlink, starlink setup, starlink for rv, starlink rv tree, rv starlink internet, starlink for rv users, starlink for rv 2022, starlink for rv update, starlink for rving, starlink rv secrets, starlink rving, starlink roaming, starlink roaming true, starlink roaming enabled, rv internet, starlink review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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