How to Chat with Your PDF in PDFgear - Your Ultimate Guide

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do you want to chat with your PDF for answers here is an AI chat but for you to explore more features in PDF gear you can use PDF gear co-pilot to ask questions about your PDF its responses will be based on the content of the PDF open your browser and search for PDF this is the PDF gear app from the website Windows users can download and install the software like like in the [Music] video Let's demonstrate this tool on the Windows version let's see how to use this feature on Windows click the small icon in the corner to enter select chat now to begin there are examples to choose from or you can ask your own question simply click on the example that matches your question for instance let's select this one PDF gear co-pilot will give you a summary of the PDF it identifies the PDF file as a user guide for PDF gear it lists all of the main features in PDF gear according to the user guide you can also ask any question based on the content of the PDF for example I asked how do I install PDF gear here's the response I received the related pages in The PDF are shown the higher the ranking the more relevant the page you can click on the page number to go to a specific page this is the answer to the question in the PDF PDF your co-pilot's responses are based on the content analysis of the PDF file the next function of PDF your co-pilot is text translation and PDF files copy the text you want to translate paste it and ask PDF your copilot to translate it into the language you need upon sending the text the translated text will be provided you can type in any language to chat with the chat button it will respond to your questions in the same [Music] language the third function of PDF GE co-pilot is acting as a PDF assistant you can enter any command to allow the chat Buton to execute related functions in PDF gear for instance if you want to convert the PD f file type the command then send it it will ask you to confirm the command if it's correct click yes you can now directly use the converter without any other [Music] operations the chat history in PDF gear can also be exported this button enables users to export the chat [Music] [Applause] history you can copy the text to your clipboard also you can save the text as a txt f use this button to clear all chat history all chat history will be cleared afterward what would you use PDF to your co-pilot for join the conversation in the comments below see you in the next video
Channel: PDFgear
Views: 1,738
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Keywords: summarize pdf with chatgpt, how to use chatgpt to quickly summarize text, chatgpt for pdf files, pdf with chatgpt, inteligencia artificial, chatgpt, chat with pdf ai, chat with PDF, ai tools, inteligencia artificial 2023, chatgpt pdf, chatgpt pdf extension, chatgpt pdf summary, resumir pdf con inteligencia artificial, pdf inteligencia artificial, chat pdf, pdf editor, analizar pdf con ia, tutorial chatpdf, herramienta gratuita, pdf, free pdf editor, summarize pdfs
Id: Yef5dBiScKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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