How to Change the Language of Windows If Only One Language is Supported

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hello everyone today we're gonna talk about how to change the language of your computer if it only supports one language so let's go over to timing language then language and if it says your windows license supports only one display language this video is gonna help you so let's type in this let's run it as an administrator now we need to go over here the system and the current control it is here and the language we need to change the key of the default and the install language to do that i'm gonna have to go over to this site i left the link to it down in the description so click push f3 button and type in whatever language you want so in my case i'm gonna be russian [Music] so here is russian whatever language you have chosen just copy this three digits and go over to registry editor double click on default and then change interval the value click ok and do this the same with then restart your computer by restarting my computer and now as you all can see everything is in the desired language in your case it could be korean spanish french etc if this video helped you let me know down below let me know down in the comments below it will help me improve my videos thank you all for watching bye
Channel: TheDmitryGuy
Views: 83,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u7e-GQmkifM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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