How to Change Clothing Texture using Displacement map in Photoshop

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today I want to show you how to use displacement map to change the clothes texture in Photoshop so let's start hi guys my name is Simon a cyclist and welcome to another fun Eva's ode let's go straight into Photoshop and let's have fun alright guys for today's that is what we will use this image of women wearing this one color sweater and we want to apply some texture on this sweater and to change completely texture of this sweater using these three textures and we want to preserve all these foldings and curves etc etc and for that we will use displacement map as I already mentioned in the last week episode displacement map are basically a depth map in Photoshop let's give Photoshop information about the image deck and first what we need to do here is to make that displacement map from this file alright but for displacement map we don't need color information only light information information of light okay and I will use hue and saturation just to desaturate that and I will do the curves adjustment layer just to make a little bit darker just to make a little bit better contours on this leather something like so let me see before and after before not that's really really nice and then I will merge all these visible layers together by holding shift ctrl alt or shift command option e on the Mac and that's basically it if we now save this as PSD file we will have displacement map but we will have displace displacement map with all these information about about the details here and if we want that we don't want if we don't want those details we just need to blur this layer and I will blur it a little bit because I don't want so much detail on that of course this is too much either blurred just touch maybe something like so we need to preserve the shape information but I don't want so much texture information in the round 3 pixels let's see yeah it's okay right and now we need to save it as displacement map save file save as and save it somewhere I already have it I will just save it already okay and that's it now we have our displacement map save the next step what we need to do is to make selection of the sweater only because we want to apply the texture only on that sweater alright for that I will use the quick selection tool but first let's delete all these layers because we don't need it anymore like so and just use quick selection tool to quickly select only the parts of the image that we want to apply texture on that okay something like so let me see we don't want this and we don't want this you don't need to be so precise here because this is just for for this exercise for this tutorial but if you're working on your own project of course you will be more more precise with the selection okay let me see something like so that's nice the next step would be to convert the selection into the layer mask and to apply that layer mask onto one of those three textures that we have on this document so let's do that okay let's reveal this texture for example the first one and just apply a layer mask on the texture not on the woman nice like that and we need to move this layer a little bit but if we move it like so we will move everything with the Mac we if you want to move without moving the nest we just need to uncheck this chain icon here that is holding this to layer and layer mask together just unlink it and now you can move it freely alright control Monte to make this a little bit bigger and reposition it something like so to cover all the sweater like so it's great now the next step will be to convert this to change this to the multiply blend mode and we already have a great result but if we zoom it and look at these stars here the shape of stars it's really flat it's like it's just glued the place it's flat on this sweater and we don't want that we want those tarts to follow the curves and the shapes of these foldings on the sweater and for that we will use displacement maps so let's apply this placement map on the layer to show you how what is the result go to filter distort and display and as you can see here we have horizontal and vertical scale experiment with these numbers to see what is the best for your file I will use nine now and put the stretch to fit and repeat edge pixels press ok choose your displacement map PSD file and press open and now as you can see before and after see how this starts now following these folding see ok let me show this and now it's a little bit more realistic than before now we have our sweater with completely new texture and new pattern on it that's great but if we want to move this structure a little bit down for example to reveal a little bit more of these stars here we cannot do that because let me show we will move everything and displacement will not following those foldings here that's not good but there is a solution for that too if you want to do like that then before your appliance displacement map you need to convert your layer to smart objects ok let's do that let's undo this placement map like so go to the layer let's just remove a layer mask for a moment and let's convert this layer to smart object like so and then put back the layer mask that break we have the same thing but we have our smart layer here smart object and go to the filter and apply again displacement map the same procedure everything will be the same like so great but we have now that as smart filter our displacement Malthus now smart filter if we double-click the double top or double-click on this player we will open this smart object as a separate PSD file and we can do the following for example look at here if we want to put this these two stars a little bit down no problem just move this a little bit down and save it okay just go there and see those stars are a little bit down before and after before and after as you can see here displacement map stays applied on this layer before it's applied here after its applied here and that's really really great method if you want to move your textures later and it's good for one working too if you have more than one texture in Photoshop that you want to apply on your clothing to see which one choose the best for that purpose the smart objects are really really great thing because you don't need to apply displacement map on every other texture separately you just need to put every texture that you have that you want to having seen in that smart object PSD file let me show how to do that ok we have these two textures more and first I will use this one and just go here and drag it like so to this PSD file 9 and if I save it now let me show already I already have this with applied displacement on the sweater I just need to make it bigger and let's do the same with this just go here and put it here save it and go here and I had these sections applied as displacement map death that's really really nice then let's go to this this Smart Objects PSD file uncheck everything just leave these textures and let's make it bigger rotate it like so press ok save it and as you can see now we have completely different texture on this this sweater that's really really nice of course we can change this may - narf - to color burn blending mode to reduce the passage a little bit and we have interesting sweater now completely different than original and you can change the force blending mode to maybe color or I don't know hard light and put this back and play with that you can put in multiple binding mode of course and lower the opacity but for that I love this color burn blending mode it's really nice and as you can see here see how this line is not straight is following the foldings here and these lines here to end his mind if I uncheck this see this is the before displacement map this is after displacement it's really really nice and this Smart Objects are really good for fast changing of these textures alright let's go to the Smart Objects PSD file here and let's use another another texture for example this one and let's make it bigger like so and press ok save it and let's go here and as you can see we have this section applied it's really nice you can put it in a multiply blending board or color burn or supplies etc etc and we have really really interesting result that we see hard life it's too much overlay it's not bad we can even do something different we can go and invert it the control commands I sorry we need to save it to apply the changes and now we have something completely different we can put in x min mode and we have again completely different result if you want to move this to the right because we want to see the whole this this flower star what is it the whole figure the whole shape we can just go here and move it to the right let's invert it back because I like it like this save it okay and just put maybe in screen blending mode have white with this or suchlike it's nice and as you can see now we have really really really interesting and fun result and it's really easy to do that with smart objects already guys it basically if you just saw another method how to use displacement map to make your images a little bit more fun and interesting and how to use smart objects to make your process a little bit more faster and easier if you have any question regarding to this tutorial please ask them in the comment below I will be glad to answer them see you next week in the next one episodes bye bye one more tip for you guys you can even apply your logo or some text ocean symbols to sweaters t-shirts jackets even pants towels flag bags anything you want just name it and using displacement map you will create that effect that the text or anything else will follow the shape and falling of the objects you want to apply it on so have fun experiments and create great results see you next week in the next fun episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 95,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clothing, Cloth, Texture, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Photoshop cc, Displacement map, How to change clothing texture in photoshop, How to, Retouching, Photoshop displacement map, Change cloth in photoshop, Clothing texture, Cloth texture, Woman, Fun, How to use displacement map, how to use displacement map in photoshop
Id: ycJiApJ3tVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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