Blend Anything on Any Surface in Photoshop!

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today we can learn the most realistic way to add a text logo or graphic on any surface in Photoshop all we need are two blend notes a little bit of movement and a tiny bit of texture and that's it posture at the end of the tutorial we will learn how to add some additional effects to make the scene much more natural and realistic so without any further ado let's get started [Music] before we head over to the video do checkout tool box it's a real game-changer true box is a smart controller which makes working in Photoshop Lightroom or any other creative software so much more simpler easier and faster take complete control of the brush with just one knob to change size opacity hardness or flow or go back and forth steps with just one vo toolbox works simultaneously with a mouse or a tablet it is available for both left-handed and right-handed users which is great I'm so glad they did it also this dual wield approach brings one more additional benefit and there is size being extremely portable you can customize tool box for Photoshop Lightroom and paint tool Sai with their well made presets besides you can also adapt any knob dialed button or even a combination of them as shortcuts to suit any software you want such as Premiere Pro capture 1 or Final Cut Pro with its comfortable ergonomic design and ease of use toolbox definitely takes away the complexity out of creativity check out your box using the link in the description so here we are in the magical world of Photoshop and the first thing we need to do is to have the surface open for this example I'm using a fabric I'm gonna make it available for you to download check the links in the description the second thing we do is to add the logo text or graphic for this example I'm gonna add some text let's select the text tool right over there and then let's type in something let's type in your text ok so this is your and just select move to ctrl or command D let's make it a little bigger just like so this is fine something like that let's make it as big as we can now this is okay hit Enter or return I'm gonna change the color to yellow double click on it double click on the T to select it all and then single click over here at the top and then choose the color I'm gonna choose yellow so let's Square and choose a bright yellow this seems to be fine to me there make it a little more reddish occur okay this is fine now I'm gonna just copy it hold the alt or option click and drag make a copy and just release it and I'm gonna type in double-click on the T to select it all again and de X T alright this is just example for you guys or to bring it a little bit to the side make it a little bigger to fit it all this is fine and both of them are too big hit enter now let's select both of the layers with the text layer selected hold the ctrl or command select the other one both of them will be selected then press ctrl or command D and hold the shift key make it smaller maintain the proportions let's keep it right there and to make it larger or smaller from the center we can hold the shift and the alt together shift an option on a Mac make it larger and smaller let's make it this larger you'll see it later now once you have added whatever you wanted to add make sure it's a smart object right now it's not it's a text layer right so with both of them selected right click on it and choose convert to smart object now this is converted into a smart object another way to do it is by going to filter and then convert for Smart Filters it's grayed out because we already converted it into a smart object the next step would be to mold the graphic according to the folds of the fabric all right and to do that we're gonna use a liquify now keep in mind if we zoom in the fabric has some texture we will attend that later now it's time for the big folds all right and we won't have it accurate now I know so if you are aware of using displacement maps and all of that stuff but the problem with that is it's not always accurate I'm gonna show you how to do it manually that's very very accurate we're gonna use that later but first of all you're gonna do it manually by using liquify so let's go to filter and then choose liquify dialog box will show up and all you gotta do we gotta make sure that show backdrop is checked right now the fabric is in the background layer so you need to choose use background layer mode you can keep it behind okay so the background is behind the text or the graphic right okay I can choose the opacity 50 was fine I'm just gonna show you if you keep the opacity at 100 it's gonna show the text with the opacity hundred if you keep it zero you get the idea I'm gonna keep it at fifty because I want to see what's happening in the background through these all right now L Square and zoom in ctrl or command + to zoom let's start molding let's start with our let's zoom out a little bit now liquefy is something we do slowly nanjing li don't do it all at once do it slowly let's make the brush a little bigger according to the folds you can also decrease the opacity even more to see what's going on we need those things and let's start folding it just like so according to the folds of the fabric slowly and gradually look I'm not doing it all at once just like so because the other areas might be harmed and also at the same time it won't be accurate so let's go back let's do it slowly just nudge all these zoom how to check down to time where they are overdoing it or not so let's go ahead and zoom out so our looks pretty fine great okay let's adjust it see in this area we don't know what's going on so you can decrease the opacity furthermore like so this is alright now let's do the you slowly and gradually we will do all of them now since there is a fold it will go a little inside okay so the height will be a little reduced sometimes when things look to Bent you can use this tool called the smooth tool so you can select that and once you paint on it see things become straight again this is something which you can use so this is something which you can use anything you have crumpled it so much so for example you are just doing it with a small brush and you've done something like that you want to make it straight again you can choose the smooth tool shortcut e and then just paint over it it will be fine okay let's say like the forward warp tool back again we were using that to make the bumps let's zoom out and have a look you is looking pretty amazing let's move on to Oh ctrl or command + to zoom in now while you're doing the wine and you don't affect the Oh or any other letter nearby you can use the freeze mask tool the shortcut is f so select that and simply paint on the oh it just won't touch the O and you can also paint on the D down at the bottom so just won't touch those areas select the forward warp tool back again and then once you do that no matter how much you just brush over it it just won't affect that see how I'm bending the Y over there just wanted to have a close look see according to the folds of the fabric now as you can see there's a little bit of irregularity there as you can see so we can use the smooth tool back again to kind of paint over that area and it's fine now it's time for us to do the T you can erase with the thaw mask tool whatever you did with the freeze mask tool whatever area you froze you can choose Thomas too and just paint on that area to erase the red okay and he raised it all you can use the freeze mask tool to just paint on the e because we don't want to affect that and Y as well now I can take the forward Bob - and just work on it you all right so I guess we are done now once we are done all we have to do just click on OK don't worry about what you did you can change everything later and that's why it's a smart object so hit ok so if you think you've gone too far you can just double click on liquify liquify will pop up you can just click on a reconstruct but before that just make sure that use background is selected and behind is there right just click on reconstruct and then it's like the undo on a slider so if we take it all the way to the left it will become as it was before and if you gradually increase it see it's folding accordingly there you go it's folded hit OK hit OK again we were fine with it all right it's done now all I want you to do is to change the blend mode of this one to multiply so change the blend mode to multiply it should be at the top there we go multiply it takes care of the darks since this is yellow you don't see much of it but later I'll show you if I change that color to green you would need multiply all right now double-click on the right hand side we need to take it away from the bright areas so if we take the slide off the underlying layer from the right to the left have a look it just goes away from the bright areas so hold the alt or option click on the slider to break it apart and then just break it apart to maintain a smoother transition hit ok this is fine now make one more copy of it press ctrl or command J and this time change the blend mode to screen the opposite of multiply so click on it and change it to screen there you go alright now once you have done that double click on the right hand side of the lamp and do the opposite so set it to as it was and screen brightens multiply darkens so when we are in screen we will take away the dark areas so from the underlying layer take the slider from the left to the right but it's very harsh right do the same hold the alt or option click on it to break it apart and go just like this now you can just zoom out if you want do to have a better look now this is a personal preference I'm gonna keep it at that to me looks fine that looks to be amazing it okay all right now once you have done that it's time for us to add those little textures right to create the small textures we will use a displacement maps and to make them all you need to do is select the background or the fabric layer right select this grid over there and then click on duplicate layer and from the document drop-down many are we gonna choose new he will use a new document of just the fabric and then let's name it fab for fabric short forms are cool alright now once you have that we need to desaturate it we need to take away the color we just need to give Photoshop the information of the texture that's it alright and for that we need to go to image adjustments and then desaturate now you can also do this this is optional if you do not want very fine textures you can just blow it out so we're gonna go to filter blur and then Gaussian blur in this specific case we don't want that but I'm gonna show you just for example so for example you didn't want these small textures you would add a little Gaussian blur to take them away but for this I want all of it so I'm just gonna increase it a tiny bit maybe a little bit sometimes what happens is there is noise so you want to blur it you don't want to give the noise bump to them alright and once this is done you can save it as a PSD no JPEG no PNG PSD alright so go to file save as and then you can save in desktop so I'm gonna choose desktop and I'm gonna name it as fab it was named fab and let's save it hit OK alright let's get back to our document and then select any one of them so select the top one and I'm gonna add that displacement map and to add them you can go to filter distort displace now this is kind of trial and error for the first one I'm gonna dial in 10 on the top then on the bottom hit OK and then from the desktop you're gonna choose open as you can see it has added some texture to it if we zoom in and have a look have a look yes it has added some nice texture to it see have a look over here now we need it copied to the bottom one as well so hold the alt or option click on the displace click and drag and drop it to the bottom as you can see it's done looks perfect amazing now if you want now this is also optional you can make a group of both of them select the first one hold the ctrl or command select the second one press ctrl or command G this makes a group if you want you can decrease the opacity but in this case I'm going to keep it at around 95 ish that would be fine for me now to add some additional effects this is also optional to make it more realistic we can do some dodging and burning over here so let's go ahead and create a curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves now we need to take it down click on the middle take it down just like so select the mask and then press ctrl or command I to invert it then simply take the brush make sure the foreground color is white press X to toggle between the foreground and the background and let's decrease the flow to somewhere around 5 to 10% I'm going to choose let's say 5% and then just simply paint for the soft brush on dark areas see how nicely we're adding some dimension to it maybe a little bit over here maybe I'll just go ahead and decrease this to flow to 3% see the darkness you can always press D to reset the swatches so for example you accidentally sample some other color you can press D to reset it you can press X to toggle it now we have darkened a lot of stuff let's brighten them so have a look at it before enough to by the way so this is the before this is the Huff that looks so much more better realistic and nice so let's good and create one more curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves this time you want to take it up just like so and then do the same select the mask press ctrl or command I take the brush foreground color white you just paint on the bright areas but you would add some shine maybe a little bit over there this is fine let's zoom out and have a look so here's the before here's the after it also adds some dimension to it there you go just like so if you want you can also add some light effects to it and to do that we need to create a stamp visible M press ctrl alt shift e command option shift e on a Mac this creates a merged layer on top everything you see on the canvas right now merged and kept on the top now before applying any filter we need to convert this into a smart object so go to filter and then convert for Smart Filters hit okay that's another way of converting it into a smart object now once it's converted you can say by the logo over there you can go to filter render lighting effects and you can create a very interesting lighting effect let's zoom out we can just shorten it let's bring it over here let's address the size let's keep it this size this is the intensity how much intense you want there like to be so I'm going to keep it this intense this is fine and hotspot controls everything else is fine you can just play with it see what looks great for your image and vient lighting okay so this all looks fine now once you're happy with it you can just hit OK and you're good to go let's have a look at it so here's the before here's the after it gives it a very nice interesting look if you think it's too much you can always decrease the opacity I'm just gonna decrease it to somewhere around this alright that looks amazing now if you want to take away the lights from some places you can also create a mask click on the mask button right over there and then take the brush and simply paint on some areas also it also comes to the mouth so if you don't want to create one extra mask let's delete that mask you can select that mask of the smart filters and then take the brush make sure the foreground color is black and then just paint on the areas where you don't want the shine you can increase the flow 200 let's decrease it to let's say 38 ish now let's go a little or let's go maybe 20 ish so that's your personal choice whatever you want to do you can I'm just playing with it all right so before the mosque after the mosque more dynamic more nice so there you go have a look at it before and after so here's to before without it here's the aft it looks great doesn't it let's change the background to one each so that you can see better there you go also he can just brighten some areas as you can see this area has gotten a little darker so we can create a curves adjustment layer on the top this is all secondary stuff maybe let's make one here select the mask press ctrl or command I then take the brush make sure the foreground color is white with a big soft brush just tap on it make it big and dab on this area just paint on this area a little bit there you go there we have it looking great looking amazing and we have our image ready that's how to do it now before we wrap this up I wanted to show you why both of the blend modes multiply endscreen are important in this case just screen was required in most of it but multiply is also important as well so if I hide this for a moment I just wanted to show it to you if I go back to the group and if I change the color to let's say green so if I double click on the smart opposite we can change the text anything later I'm just gonna double click on it and change it to let's say green so let's select a darker green something like this hit OK and double click on the T of the your single click here I'm gonna take this green here as well hit OK and press ctrl or command s now when you get back to this document it will update automatically so it's updating as you can see updating smart objects it will again calculate all those things that we did to the smart objects and if we get back have a look it's looking awful so we need to rework it let's work on the multiply you double click on the right-hand side as you can see it's very important to open up the layer Styles dialog box and then let's set it back to normal we need to do a little bit more we need to take away the highlights a lot so if you take it this way this is fine hold the alt or option click on it just like so okay now hit OK again let's turn this one on and double click on the right-hand side this brings two last eyes dialogue box and inside of that we will do just the opposite so just take this away just like so and we'll take this a little hold the alt or option click on it and just like so have a look at it now this is important if the background red is influencing a lot of greens have a look a red has come through the green we don't like it so to solve this all we have to do we need to make a selection of this whole deep control or command click on it to make a selection around it now select the background layer create a hue/saturation adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose hue/saturation a hue/saturation adjustment layer with that the active selection as a mask will be created then all you need to do you need to either change it to green you can change it to green or you can just decrease the saturation so that area won't be affected so as you can see we need to rework it right now so and the saturation has been changed to zero so it's black and white so if I just turn this one on and this one on as you can see that array is black and white now once you turn this one on have a look it looks strange so we need to rework it turn this one off double click on the right-hand side of this one for the multiply and then let's just work it out the screen is looking fine hold the alt or option take away the highlights this time just a little bit tad bit just like that it okay double click on the right hand side of this one as well turn this on and we need to take this away even more just like so hold the order option click on it see so for different colors we have to work it differently now of course the red and the green are too much on the eyes too much for the eyes but you get the idea of where we are going with this so that's pretty much it for this video all we need to keep in mind just a quick little recap first of all add the graphic the text or the logo whatever there is then using liquify we need to mold it well then we use multiply and screen blend modes make two copies of it one multiply one screen and then blend if to kind of match it with that of the surface now once you put it on the surface we need to add those little textures and we add them using displacement maps and after that you can also use some dodging and burning effects to add more dimension to the stuff you can also use some lighting effects as well so this is dodging and burning see how realistic that looks now what the lighting effects we needed to create a stamp visible lamp so that's kind of destructive but you can again create it doesn't matter but you get the idea and after that you can just brighten and darken some areas if you want to and that's how to go about it I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you might friend don't miss any other feature tip trick or tutorial thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 809,331
Rating: 4.9469285 out of 5
Keywords: piximperfect, photoshop wrap image, wrap text in photoshop, displacement map, write on cloth, logo on t shirt, text on cloth, text on wall, realistic folds, text to surface, displacement map tutorial, wrap text or logo around objects, logo on surface, text on object, wrap objects, blend modes, blend if, photoshop blend if tutorial, logo on fabric, image on surface, graphic on t-shirt, liquify, adobe, unmesh dinda
Id: 7KyQ-9oLB2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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