How to Change Clip Speed in DaVinci Resolve 17 - Constant Speed Change

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when you're editing a video it's very common to need to change the speed of the video clip for technical reasons like timing with the music or fitting a video clip into the overall edit you might also want to change the speed of a clip for visual effects and impact think about the way the matrix slowed down the famous bullet dodging scene to really highlight the speed of the way the bullets were moving and the way neo is avoiding them so if you need to know how to change the speed of a clip in division of 17 then stay tuned as in this video i'll be showing you how to perform a constant speed change in a couple of simple ways so just before i leap into the tutorial i want to say welcome back to the channel if it's not your first time here it's great to see you again if you haven't already do consider subscribing to the channel and clicking the bell icon to be notified when we release a new video on the other hand if you're new here then hello welcome my name is alex and i'm a certified davinci resolve trainer and video producer and over the last decade i've been helping businesses entrepreneurs and content creators do more with video and in particular davinci resolve so if that's awesome source for your ears then do check out some of the other videos on the channel and if it floats your boats then do join us by subscribing to the channel it would be so gratefully appreciated okay let's look at how we can change the speed of a clip in davinci resolve now bear in mind that in this video i'll be covering how to perform a constant speed change for the video clips in your media pool or timeline if you're here for variable speed changes or speed ramping as it's called then that's coming in another video very shortly and i'll pop a card here and a link in the description as soon as it's available equally i'll be looking at high frame rate footage in that video so we'll be getting into buttery smooth slow motion then let's do some speed changes so here we are in davinci resolve 17. i'm currently in the edit page a lot of the techniques i'm going to show you can also be applied in the cut page as well but the edit page i think is just a better place to look at this overall so you can see that i have a clip of a water plane just taxiing for takeoff and the camera pans around here it's a six second shot and i've marked it out with an in and out on the timeline let's just play it back in the source viewer using the spacebar key or any of the transform controls here great so you can see the beginning clip the plane is looking directly at the camera and then it slowly moves around and it gets ready to take off so this is our clip we're going to add it down onto the timeline we can do that just by dragging it down in this case that's what i'm going to do and i'm just going to position it where i want it so there we go it's now showing up in our program viewer or our timeline viewer over here on the right as we play back through this clip you can see that it moves around and it's quite nice but it's also a little bit quick and actually this is kind of a dramatic part of our scene so we want to slow this down to accentuate that dramatic action so how do we go about doing that well there's a couple of different ways let's look at the first one simply select the clip come up to clip and then come down to change clip speed just ignore this shortcut by the way it's a custom shortcut so just ignore it because unless you've set one yourself there isn't actually a default change flip speed shortcut so change clip speed and we get the change clip speed dialog popping up here so here we have the dialog box and we're going to use this to change the speed of this particular clip we can either do that by entering in the percentage of the speed change that we want to make we can also change the frames per second if we wanted to do that and if you knew what that was now in some cases that will be easy in some cases that will be a little bit more awkward to calculate so for the most part i recommend just changing the speed percentage here in this case i'm going to go to 50 so we're going to slow the clip down by half just before i click off anywhere else notice that the duration here is 14 and 17 frames so 14 seconds and 17 frames when i click off you'll notice that that changes again to show you that we have changed the speed of the clip i'm going to come back to these options in just a second but for the most part now we're ready i'm just going to hit change simple as that we've now changed the clip and if i play it back to show you it's now playing back slower and equally when we get to the end of the clip you'll notice that it's not quite in the same finishing position that we were a minute ago but what's interesting to note is that we haven't changed the duration of the clip or the timeline at this point because if i just undo for a second you'll see that was the previous finishing frame when it was actually playing back at full 100 if i now go and redo that change and this is another way that we can get up that change clip speed dialog box is to simply select the clip right click and come up to change clip speed and select it and when we have that we get the same here now again let me just change the speed again for you to 50 percent because i haven't got the ripple sequence dialogue checked here when i hit change as you can see the clip doesn't change its duration in the timeline and the timeline itself doesn't change obviously this could be very useful if you've already got that clip in the timeline and you want to change its speed but you don't want it to necessarily move its edit points so there we go you can also see that down here we have a little icon to denote that we've got some clip speed changes being going on here or even some re-timing so that just denotes that that's there and if we put it back you can see again nice and slow playing about 50 frames per second but we haven't changed the duration of course if i wanted to i could simply get the end of the clip and then drag the clip out to at whatever point i wanted to so in this case if i wanted to go to 12 seconds that would be roughly the same kind of clip that we had before so you can see how that works and i've slowed the clip down so there was one way up to the clip menu change clip speed making sure the clip selected or you can right click and go change clip speed let's just take a quick break there and be sure that you're still with me everything making sense so far cool remember any questions that you have please drop them in the comments below and i'll get back to you as soon as i can if you'd like a faster and definite answer to your question then consider heading over to our buy me a coffee page and becoming a supporter or a member there i prioritize supporters and members of the channel when it comes to answering questions and there's also a bunch of other cool stuff that might be of interest for you too okay with that said let's jump back in i'm just going to back up for just a second so back to 100 speed here the other option is go to the inspector and so up in the top right corner we've got the inspector just simply click it to open it and in davinci resolve 17 we now have the new speed change options if they are not showing for you simply click on the banner and you can see the speed change controls are here this is very very similar to the same speed change dialog box we've already seen so this is also a great way of changing the clip speed because again simply we can change the clip speed in here 50 or you can use your wheel to change the speed to whatever you want but here i'm going to just knock it to 50. there we go and it's now 50. you'll notice the little speed change icons come back up and we've got a clip that's playing back at 50 of the speed this also has some nice controls for us to be able to play the direction so in the minute it will be playing forward if i wanted to simply reverse the clips direction of play i could do that by simply pressing this button and now it's directed you can notice how the inspectors changed to show minus numbers just to donate the fact that this is playing back in reverse so that's also very helpful if i was going to get to it through the traditional means of coming through the change clip speed then you can actually see that we've got the reverse speed checked so these two work very much in sync with one another if i turn that off and hit change you'll notice how the inspector is updated as well so there are three different ways that you can access the clip speed very quickly indeed and change it and make it a constant speed change for the clip itself you'll notice as i said before that we're respecting the points in the outpoints of the clip on the timeline and not changing the duration of course if you wanted that to happen so it saves you having to drag the clip out and because actually it wasn't the confines of the clip in the timeline that were important but the actual shot that you've decided you want to show in your in your sequence from the beginning to end then you need to make sure that the ripple sequence is checked so let's just go back to 100 times or to 100 then we're going to hit the ripple sequence button and now we're going to change the speed to 50 and click off and you'll notice that the timeline has shifted and the timeline is now longer the clip itself is also now longer but we have the full in and the out of the clip that we originally brought into the timeline from the source viewer so that's just important to note if you have that ripple on in the speed change that that's what that's going to do equally if i just undo again making sure that's selected if i do bring in for example another shot and it's in the timeline let me just show you what that does if there's another clip in the timeline so again we want to change this clip so select it come up to the inspector or right click change clip speed we'll come up to the menu and change click speed that way do an inspector let's change it by 50 again and then click off and you'll notice how everything's moved up to accommodate that particular clip if of course i didn't have the ripple sequence on and i turned it to 50 then again it's going to respect the position in the timeline of our clip not alter the duration and again not alter the clips next to it as well so the nice thing about this is it's quite hard to accidentally overwrite anything which is exactly what we want now of course you've probably all spotted that when i play this clip back it looks a little bit bad and in terms of the footage obviously as i said to you before was not shot at a high frame rate it was just shot at 23.967 so when we slow it down by that much it's going to look quite obvious because unfortunately the motion estimation at the minute is just working on a basic standard algorithm so we need to affect that and there is a great way of being able to do that inside davinci resolve the first thing you can do is you can actually come to your project settings which is down in the bottom corner here or you can press shift and nine on the keyboard and that will bring up your project settings on the master settings come down to where you see frame interpolation and you'll see your retime process and currently that's set to nearest and the motion estimation is set to standard faster which is the default now we can obviously change that if we'd like to as you can see here by going to either a frame blend or an optical flow optical flow is a lot more processor intensive but it's incredibly powerful and it essentially helps make a much better blending and interpolation of the frames between the ones that we're missing to essentially come up with new frames it's a little bit like an old program called twixtor which you may or may not have heard of where you can get some incredibly smooth slow motion effects as a result from just standard frame rate footage so what i'm going to do i'm going to just turn on the optical flow in this instance now obviously bear in mind this is doing it for the project wide and it might be that actually you've got some other clips that you've already retimed that don't need that optical flow so just if you didn't need that of course you could change it at project level but if you didn't need that you also have the ability to come to the inspector scroll down and in the retime and scaling you can see the retime process the motion estimation and the resize filter are all here for you so in this case retime process we can set to optical flow and currently we'll just leave it on the standard better which is the same as the project settings what you'll notice is that this clip will now have to render especially if you are already making sure you've got your render cache turned on to smart but you'll see the blue bar comes up pretty quickly and the clip should now play back nice and smoothly equally we should have some nice smooth playback in terms of the slow motion so that's really great and it works very very well in most cases occasionally when you have optical flow on it can throw up a few little odd distortion elements if you have got that scenario happening then what you can also do is change the motion estimation and go from the standard faster setting that we have by default in the project settings and change it to something else now for the most part the enhanced enhanced fast enhance better are very very good but the speed warp is absolutely the best it takes an awful long time and it's very process intensive if you're working on a slow machine if you're working on a fast machine it's not so bad but i do highly recommend trying that out especially if you're seeing any motion artifacting and so going on let me show you what i mean by that just real quick so we come back to my timeline let me remove this clip and i'm going to bring in this clip of this plane coming overhead if i try and slow this clip down let me do the same thing that we've done before so i'm going to slow it down to 50 and i'm going to watch this back you can see it doesn't look great it's not particularly smooth so again we're going to use the retime and scaling parameters change the return process to optical flow and then we'll just let that render great now that's rendered let's play that back and you can see that for the most part that's done a pretty good job but just towards the end you can just notice if you look very carefully up this part here of the plane how this effects it doesn't quite all stack up let me show you through you can just see it start to wobble a little bit you can just start to see there particularly you've got some sort of ghosting going on there so if we change that over and we put it on speed warp and let that process again so here we go so now i've just let that re-render so i've got optical float and speed warp process now and if i play it back you can see how nice and smooth the clips playing back and equally we're not getting this odd ghosting effect happening up here certainly not to the degree that we were having it before without the speed warp on so speed warp it is intensive it is a little bit of a process of time while you get it just to quickly cache but once it does it really does produce some pretty incredible results and the way that we can also change the speed of a clip is to use the retime controls now this goes a little bit more into when we would do a variable speed change which will be coming up in another video but right click come up to the retime controls or use command r or control r on your keyboard and you'll get now the re-timing controls pop up and it's basically just a little bar at the top and you get some additional controls in the timeline here now the main one that you want to focus on in this video is the fact that we have a currently you're showing clip at 100 if you just look down here at the bottom there's this little chat here little disclosure triangle when you click here you get some options as to things that you can do with this particular clip again you can change the clip speed and you can set the speed that you want it to be changed to so in this case 50 and you'll notice that that automatically zips up and it changes the speed and you can see now that we have the clip speed has changed to 50 you'll also notice these yellow arrows that run along the top of the clip this is denoting that the clip is playing from left to right and in a slower motion than standard if i change that back to 100 and if i just reset it to 100 in fact you can see how this goes blue and we now get 100 down at the bottom so we've just again affected the speed change there very quickly if i press the arrow once more you'll notice there's some other options here and i will come back to those in another video but for now that's a constant speed change and you can do that for the re-timing controls once you're happy you can simply close those down and again we'll have the speed change affected there let me just dive back into that one second change back to 50 speed there we go like so and i want to also show you another way that you can do this as well so as well as changing the option here and setting the speed this way what you can do is also come to the end of the clip you'll see we have the normal controls here for the edit points so we have the trim out and the roll if you however move your cursor up to the top you'll notice how this now changes and it becomes a left right arrow now when we're on this particular section of the clip in the timeline if i click and drag you'll notice now how my percentage underneath my clip header is changing to accommodate that speed change so if i come back for example to 100 you'll also notice how my arrows change back to 100 i'm actually 101 in this case or i can drag it out again if i wanted to slow it down and make it say 40 i could do that too and now i've just changed that clip to 40 so it's now a speed change of 40 percent the one small thing i would say be careful of if you're changing your speed that way is that whilst this shows 40 if you notice i can drag this a little bit and it hasn't actually updated the percentage now if we come up to our speed change and look at what's actually happening up here whilst this is telling us we're at 40 percent down here in the timeline when we come up here and look at our speed change you can actually see that we're at 39.63 now this is a little bit of a fiddle so again if you didn't want to be if you want to be exact on your 40 i'd highly recommend setting it directly in the inspector or even in the right click change clip speed dialog box and setting it there as well just something to bear in mind when we have the retiming controls open as well there's another thing i just want to point out to you and i'm going to set the clip back to 100 speed leave the retirement controls open and i'm going to bring in another clip and dunk it in behind here now i'm in the selection mode which is the standard selection mode so pressing a on the keyboard gets you that now watch what happens this time if i decide to change my clip speed by using this option here and you'll notice if i come out to the full extent that i have actually overwritten the clip that was after the clip that i'm trying to affect so if i just undo that you'll see how i've overwritten it this is obviously a problem if you're working in a timeline and you're doing your retiming here rather than say up in the inspector for example if i did it now in the inspector it would actually just change it but it won't ripple so it's important to note that if you are changing your speed here in the retiming controls and changing your speed this way or indeed dragging it out you're going to overwrite the clip after the clip you're affecting unless we come up and we enter the trim edit mode which is t on your keyboard but selecting that and now when we do our drag watch what happens the clip actually ripples to accommodate us in the timeline equally if i just undo that equally if i just change the speed here instead to a fixed speed say 50 again i'm not overwriting this clip accidentally so it's quite important if you're going to use a re-timing controls to do your clip speed change that you want to trade maybe be in trim edit mode if you want rippling to occur because notice if i am in the selection mode and if i undo things come back to the selection mode and do ripple sequence here and then try and affect it down here it's not going to have anything to do with it those two are going to work independently so just worth noting that that's a little bit of a gotcha and can sometimes catch you out if you're doing your retiming down here in the retiming window just before you go i have a real world example of why you might want to change the speed of a clip in a timeline and i wanted to share this with you to give this whole video a little bit more context also it gives me a chance just to quickly let you know that if you enjoy this type of online learning then i've just launched an early bird offer for the davinci resolve 17 courses that we're going to be releasing this coming summer there are currently five different courses and they're all 50 off at the moment but they won't be after they're publicly released so sign up now to get the offer and we'll begin releasing the content as soon as it's available so you'll get an early look at all the course material as well if you do want to grab yourself that then thank you very much indeed for doing so now let me show you this practical use case for changing the speed of a clip so if we dive across this timeline that we've got prepared here and this footage actually comes all courtesy of blackmagic design and if you come and join us on our online courses that we've got just in the early bird phase just before we launch them then you'll actually get access to some of this footage as well and be able to work with it and again follow along with some of the tutorials that we've got online let's just have a little look at this sequence and particularly bear in mind we've got this little area here where we've got a marker and we've got a particular beat of music and this is the point we want our titles clip to come in so let's just have a look here [Music] so where we have that nice double bang beat that's what we would like this particular clip to come in so we like how our sequence is sitting but we just want to re-time things a little bit and we've got a clip here in the middle that we've been working with before that we now want to retime just so that we can extend everything out a little bit and have this match up with the music and the beauty is it's very easy to do obviously what we could do is we could use our clip speed but bear in mind remember that's not going to change anything here for us in the sequence if i just simply change the clip speed without ripple sequence on and i change that to 50 and hit go nothing's going to happen so this is why it's important to make sure we have ripple sequence turned on and now what i can do is if i start dragging this out so i slow it down you'll see how that's now moving and changing in the timeline it's moving the other clips so in this instance it's quite handy for example we could get that just about right there and now we've got a pretty good [Music] pretty good effort and we've just returned that clip as a slightly better reminder it's going to look quite choppy because we haven't got our motion estimation set properly so in this case i could then just quickly change that to optical flow let that cache [Music] so there we go you can see we very quickly made a speed change to this particular clip which has helped us elongate our edit and match up our beat as well with the music and the title sequence as well so that's a really great option and a way that we can use that clip speed change to not only make this clip look more dramatic but also help it in the sequence and make the edit fit just going to back up one quick stage just to show you something i could have also done because obviously that looked a little bit fiddly if you were watching me do that and you'd be absolutely right so let's look at the re-timing controls again so simply going to be command-r on the keyboard to open those up or control-r if you're on a pc you'll notice the dialog pops up now bear in mind i want to make sure this ripples because if i start affecting this speed change here i'm going to overwrite what i've already done i don't don't want that so let's go to my t or my trim selection mode and now when i start dragging this out if i put my playhead where i want it and start dragging this out i can now very easily snap where i want to be and in fact i might need to just turn snapping off in this case to get it just bang on there we go let go and you can see i've slowed it down to 40 percent i can just close these controls now obviously again bear in mind this is still a little bit choppy so we need to just change that back to optimal flow and then once that's rendered out everything will work quite nicely [Music] so there you have it very easy indeed to change the speed of a clip in davinci resolve 17 and i hope that you found that video useful if you did then do take a second to just hit the like button for me as it does really help youtube understand that more people should be seeing the content also remember to stay tuned for the next video on variable speed changes or speed ramping that will be coming very soon too otherwise thanks so much indeed for taking the time to watch the video stay safe and well and i'll see you in the next one bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alex Cameron - Depiqd
Views: 4,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve change clip speed, how to change clip speed in davinci resolve, change speed resolve, davinci resolve speed up clip, clip speed resolve, change speed davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, optical flow davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17, how to use davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 for beginners, resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 new features, free video editor, video editing software free
Id: frETj1FC7Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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