How To Cast Out Demons - The Biblical Way

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How to practically cast out demons. Four truths  every person must know if you want to be effective   in the ministry of deliverance of demons in  other people, ministering to other people. So   four things I want to share very basic  and many of you will agree because   this is scriptural and this is Biblical.  Number one is that casting out of demons   happens by the authority that believer has.  So the first and foremost you must understand   is that as a Christian you have authority.  Now if you're not a Christian you don't have   authority. So if you walk under the authority  of Jesus's name, His Lordship; you are walking   in the authority of Jesus. So it's  very simple. If you walk under Jesus   as your Lord and as your Savior, you are walking  in the authority that Jesus has. So disciples who   walked under Jesus' authority were commissioned  with His authority to drive out demons. That's   what Jesus says in Mark 16:17 He says," And  these signs will follow those who believe." And the first thing He says," In My name they will  cast out demons." And so if you believe in Jesus.   If you are under Jesus then guess what happens.  In His name, because you're under authority,   you have authority; you will cast out demons. My  friend casting out of demons is simple. You have   the authority and your authority is connected  to walking under authority of Jesus Christ.   Your authority is connected to your assignment  and your calling. You were called to cast out   demons. You may say," Nah I'm not a ministry  Vlad. I don't have a small group. I'm not a   leader. I'm not an elder. I'm not a bishop." The  Bible says," those who believe." Do you believe   in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. That  means this calling is for you. "No deliverance   ministry is very dangerous." Not any more than  believing in Jesus Christ. Jesus says," It's for   everyone." That's why casting out of demons is  not a gift of the Holy Spirit. It's not a fruit   of the Holy Spirit. It's not for special people.  It's for every person who follows Jesus Christ.   Who are under authority of Jesus because they can  walk in the authority of Jesus which is directly   connected to their assignment and calling to  preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out   demons. Truth number two you must know if you  want to be effective at casting out demons.   Demons come out through the anointing or the power  of the Holy Spirit. So the first thing we mention   is the authority which comes from being under  authority. The second thing is the power or the   anointing of the Holy Spirit which comes from, you  guessed it, the Holy Spirit. Jesus says in Matthew   12:28 He says," If I cast out demons by the Spirit  of God... Not by formula. Not by some ritual. Not   by 10-step program. Nothing wrong with that...  but by the spirit of God. Surely the kingdom of   God has come upon you." So Jesus says His secret  of deliverance. His secret of deliverance ministry   is the Holy Spirit. In fact after coming from the  wilderness being tempted by the devil, Jesus read   that famous verse, the messianic part of Isaiah's  prophecy: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me. He   has anointed Me to preach the good news, to  heal the brokenhearted, to set the captives   at liberty." So the Spirit of God is upon me.  To do what? To do deliverance, to break chains,   set the captives free, bring the truth of Jesus  Christ to this generation. You don't have to be   super knowledgeable or experienced. You have to  walk in the Holy Spirit. The difference between   authority and power is like a police officer who  has a badge and a gun. A badge is his authority;   a gun is his power. There are people who have  guns but don't have badges and they go shooting   and they become criminals. But there are people  who have badges who don't even have a gun and   criminals will still obey them because of the  power of the badge. Sons of Sceva were like   people with a gun without the badge. They never  were under authority of Jesus' name, therefore   it backfired. The spiritual world backfired at  them, demons backfired. So to walk legitimately,   walk in authority and also walk in the anointing  in the power of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8 Jesus   says," So this power is to drive out demons.  You can drive out demons by the authority that   you have because you walk under the Lordship of  Jesus Christ and you can also drive out demons by   the power of the Holy Spirit, the anointing  of the Holy Spirit. How do you receive this   power? By walking in the Holy Spirit. By living  under the influence of the Holy Spirit. By being   filled with the Holy Spirit. By being baptized  into the Holy Spirit. By cultivating intimacy,   awareness and constantly depending on the Holy  Spirit. If you get overwhelmed in the ministry   of deliverance, there's so many different names,  demons and then all of the stuff. Listen. Relax.   Rely on the most important person in  deliverance and that is the Holy Spirit.   Ask Him at that moment, as you're delivering,  commanding that demon to go. Deep inside have   a conversation with the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit  guide me. Holy Spirit I depend on you. Holy Spirit   I rely on you. And you will see deliverances in a  crazy, crazy way. Number three. Demons are removed   by the name of Jesus. We're not giving a  formula. We're not given a five-step program,   this is how you do it. Now we all have different  methods and they change as we grow, as we learn,   have different experiences. We can glean  from each other, reading different books,   studying every deliverance Jesus did and glean  different tips and tricks and secrets. But there's   really only one main formula, if I could say, that  is given to us. That's the name of Jesus. Demons   are expelled, driven out by the name of Jesus.  We see this in the verse I read Mark 16:18 "In   my name they shall cast out demons." Jesus even  said about people who He never knew. People who   practiced lawlessness in Matthew chapter 7. He  said in my name that they cast out demons. So   these people though they didn't walk with the  Lord, they didn't have a legitimate authority   because they didn't walk under authority. Yet  the name of Jesus was like this gun it was like a   thing that worked. I've seen it so many times with  the power of the name of Jesus. Demons tremble.   Giant, big, boastful demons who claim that they've  been there for 30-40 generations, who have legal   right because of bloodline and you know blood  covenant and blood sacrifices and children were   dedicated to satan and the whole nine yards. And  the sheer power of the name of Jesus Christ is so   powerful. Now the name of Jesus is not some magic.  The name of Jesus is not some kind of a secret   phrase that we say. The name of Jesus is Jesus.  When, you know, I use this example, it's not the   best example to illustrate this but you'll get the  point. In our church sometimes if people want to   get some things done they come in to a particular  department or a team and say, hey Vlad said, and   this gets them stuff done. Sometimes even I heard  people misuse my name and they got their way   simply because they said to another person in the  church, Vlad said. Unfortunately there are people   even online who would impersonate me and use my  name to rip people off financially because of   some kind of orphanage or something on youtube.  And people would give them money because they   would impersonate me. And so when you were given  legitimate authority by Jesus not to impersonate,   but to represent Jesus. When you're coming to that  demon and you're saying," In Jesus name." It's   almost like you're telling that demon "Jesus wants  you out". Sometimes during deliverance that's what   I tell that demon, Jesus wants you out. And  the demon were like, no you can't cast me out,   you you're nobody, you're a little boy. I know I  am nobody but it's not in my name I cast demons   out. It's in Jesus name. When David defeated  Goliath, he says," In the name of my God."   David didn't defeat Goliath with a slingshot  and a stone. Those were just the means. It was   the name of his God. And guess what Goliath did.  He tried to curse David with his gods. Because   in that world the way you defeat somebody  physically is you defeat them spiritually.   And they use the names of their gods as a way  to gain authority over that person. We are given   the name of our God. His name is Jesus and in that  name that is exalted above every name, that nobody   can get saved but through the name of Jesus. In  that name is not only our salvation but it's the   legitimacy of our authority and demons know that.  So never be intimidated by their manifestation,   by how violent they claim, persistent they seem  to be. The name of Jesus is a strong tower and   the righteous man not only runs and is saved but  a righteous man uses that name as a mighty weapon   against the forces of darkness. Demons are removed  by being cast out. It's important to understand   that you can't get demons out of people through  therapy. You can't get demons out through massage.   You can't get demons out through hugging and  even confessing of sin. You can't get demons out   by prayer. We were not told to during deliverance  to ask God to get the demons out. We were told to   cast them out. We were told to do that. Jesus  gave us only one way, is they have to get out   and they have to be, by us, commanded out. I  mean verses like Matthew 8:16, Matthew 9:33,   Matthew 10:1, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 12:28, Mark  134, Mark 139, Mark 3:15 Mark 6:13, Mark 16:9,   Mark 16:17 and Luke 13:32 All say this, Jesus  cast demons out. So with the flesh we crucify the   flesh. With our sins we repent of them. With the  world we run from it. Do not love the world the   Bible says. With demons there is only one cure,  cast them out. You have to verbally commend them   out. You have to call them sometimes by name, you  spirit of this. Same way as you know, you get you   get dogs attention and then you just command  them out. You drive them out. Jesus did that.   Sometimes He would raise His voice, He would speak  firmly. It's not about the volume it's about the   authority but when you speak firmly you're casting  them out. You're speaking with that authority,   in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy  Spirit and demons must obey. I want to encourage   you to take this great commission seriously. We  can fight and debate and argue can a Christian   have a demon and all this stuff. Total nonsense.  The real question is, do Christians cast out   demons? Because we were told to do that and if  you do that, good for you. You're being obedient   to the great commission. If you don't do that,  please don't waste time debating and arguing   because you're not obeying what Jesus called you  to do, cast demons out. Unfortunately a lot of   people instead of casting demons out of people,  they cast out demon possessed, demonized, demon   oppressed. Whatever the name you want to call  people, out of the church. We try to lock them   in the prison. Sometimes we try to medicate them  when the solution is to drive the demons out. I'm   not saying there's a demon behind every bush. I'm  not saying there's a demon behind every problem   but spiritual world is a lot more real and a lot  more influential over our world. The Bible says   this world lies under the sway of the wicked one.  Christians rise up, be a giant killer, be a demon   slayer. It's time to do what Jesus did and what  He called us to do. Thank you for watching this   video. As always drop it in the comment below what  you learned today. I know this was very basic but   it's the small things, small adjustments that can  make a big difference in your walk with Christ. My   goal is to encourage, equip and deploy you to do  what Jesus did even more effectively. My channel   has a lot of content of other material that  can help you be equipped and enlightened in the   area of spiritual warfare and walking in the Holy  Spirit. As always don't forget to hit like to this   video it will help with the algorithm and share on  social media with your friends and family. You can   play this in your church, in your small group, so  that other people can be equipped as well. And if   you haven't make sure you subscribe and click on  the bell so you can be reminded each time we go   live and we stream every Thursday at seven o'clock  pacific time. Can't wait to see you next time.
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 23,632
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Keywords: how to cast out demons, prayer to cast out demons, anointed prayer to cast out demons, cast out demons, how to cast out demons in the name of jesus, to cast out demons, casting out demons, demons, cast demons out, how to cast out demons derek prince, demons cast out, prayer for casting out demons, prayer to cast out depression, christians cast out demons, casting out demons sermon, how to cast out evil spirits, cast out, prayer to cast out fear, how jesus cast out demons
Id: rikjdaqO1NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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