How to Care and Propagate Your Pothos From Cuttings | The Perfect Houseplant for Beginners

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in this video I'm gonna show you how to turn this guy into this guy into this guy stay tuned hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new my name is Christian and I love plants if you love plants - be sure to hit that subscribe button and follow me on instagram for daily plant blogs so in this video I want to share with you guys how to care for Pothos and how to propagate them they are one of my favorite houseplants and that's because they come in so many different varieties I have here the Neon Pothos the Golden Pothos the Marble Queen and the Pearl and Jade I am still on the hunt for a Cebu blue hopefully I can get it this summer but Pothos are great you can have them trailing down like you see here or have them climb up on a pole or on your wall and another reason why I love them is because they are so easy to care for and easy to propagate especially if you are a newbie and you're just starting up your houseplant journey I always recommend you get yourself a Pothos and that's because taking care of this plant will help you build a good foundation on basic plant care and basic propagation and from there you can apply a lot of those learnings to the different type of plants you may acquire as you kind of continue your plant journey alright so let me share with you guys how I care for them like I said I have four different kinds here and for the most part I care for them all the exact same way I did not favour one over the other although I love the Neon Pothos out of all of them don't tell the rest that I'm just kidding so let's talk about lighting they pretty much get thrive in any lighting condition from low to bright light and in any direction however they do very well in a medium to bright light area and in the south is our west facing window they can do well as well in north facing window you might just have to move your plant a little bit closer to it however if you have a south facing window you might want to move them back a bit so that way they don't get direct sunlight where their leaves will burn I do have my fairly close to a south facing window they do get a couple hours of direct morning sunlight which is not bad for them however you don't want like mid-afternoon hot direct sunlight on these guys because like I said their leaves will burn. Pothos generally do grow pretty quickly however the rate of their growth and the size of their leaves will vary depending on the lighting condition you give them so watering these guys is pretty simple and easy they can handle a pretty erratic watering schedule however I always recommend to make sure that you water this guy only when the soil is dry or near dry and a way to tell if the soil is dry you simply take a finger stick it about half an inch see if the soil is sticking to your finger and it feels wet if it does that means it does not need to be watered, however if it is dry and on top of that the pot is light then definitely water your pothos another way to tell as well too is if the leaves look a little bit wilted or gloomy versus the perked up like they normally should be and then on top of that you have a light pot and that means your your Pothos needs to be watered as well. Now when it comes to the soil mix, Pothos aren't as fussy or picky when it comes to the soil some of them can actually thrive really well just being water however the soil mix I prefer to use is a combination of regular potting mix and regular cacti soil and a bit of perlite and the ratio I use is pretty much just 50/50 50% regular potting mix and 50% cacti soil, you can play around like a 60/40 ratio if you want and then the perlite is just a way to add extra drainage because again you want to make sure that you have a good well drainage soil in most of your plants you don't want these guys to be sitting in water and wet soil for long periods of time because that is a one way to definitely kill your plant. Because Pothos are pretty easy to care for and they go pretty quickly I actually have never fertilized any of them, however if you do decide to fertilize them be sure to do it at the beginning of the growing season so that's in spring and do it only once a year and always use like an even balance plant food like a 20 20 20 ratio like I mentioned I personally have never fertilized any of my Pothos and I've had them for a couple years and they're doing just fine without any fertilizer so let's talk about pests it's a house plant so naturally it may attract some common house plant pests like a fungus gnats you know spider mites, mealybugs or thrips but I've yet to experienced any of those at all with my Pothos so I would say these guys are pretty hardy when it comes to pests however if you do want to take preventive measures and making sure that they don't get any pests in the future you know spray them with a natural insecticide at least once a month, you can either use a homemade one or a store-bought one. A homemade one I simply just use you know rubbing alcohol dish soap and a lot of warm water and just put that in a spray bottle and then wash my plants with that at least once a month to just prevent any type of pests that they may attract. Alright guys so let's talk about propagation so propagating a houseplant is a great and cheap way of obviously making more plants in case you obviously want to give it to your friends or family. They're also great if your plant is not doing so well and you want to save it so obviously taking a clipping of it and rooting it in water and propagating it is a great way to save that plant alright guys so let's start a propagation by taking a vine off one of our Pothos and we're going to use the Neon Pothos as an example for this video so you can see this guy has two beautiful long trails right now and I love the way this guy is trailing down this bookshelf and I actually debated whether I wanted to cut a vine off this guy because you know I really did not want to but I'm doing this for you guys I'm just kidding seriously though I do want to create a new baby Pothos to give to my mom when I go see her in Winnipeg this spring so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna take maybe a portion of this vine maybe about half and what you want to do is you want to at least have you know if you want to make like a plant in a four inch container you want to have at least anywhere between four to six leaves because each leaf here will have a note and the node you guys see right there is that little nub. It's just you know behind where the leaf is and typically on the other side is where the leaf is so we'll cut maybe...let's see two four six eight ten, we'll do ten, that way you can make two plant, have five leaves on one and then five on the other so grab a clean scissors and you want to just cut between the leaf and the node right here, I'll do that and there is our vine right there that we're going to cut some more and obviously propagate these guys and I'll show you guys how did that at the propagation station alright guys so here is our vine that we're going to cut and propagate and there's about ten leaves here which means there's about ten nodes so there's a node right there and that's where the roots are gonna grow out of and on the other side is the leaf so what we want to do is we want to leave like half an inch above the node and then half an inch above the leaf so that's we're gonna cut our first one so you can see here this guy actually has about three little node with him so we're gonna leave that and here's half an inch or actually an inch, up to you so there's one and here's another one so there's the node there's about half an inch there and we'll do another inch right here that looks more like an inch to me but this obviously looks like two inches so I'm gonna just cut right there two and then obviously just a bit more right there so that's three and then as well here we'll do cut a bit of this then there's four and we'll get rid of some of this excess vine and there's five these guys you can just throw away you know you don't there's really no use for them so you can just you know toss them to the side we'll make a bit there so there's half an inch and then and half an inch right there so that's six with the guy right here seven eight and you know I'm gonna leave this length right here only because there's little nodes right there and again that's where the roots are going to grow so the more nodes there are that's submerged in water the faster these guys will root so right there and and once you get to the end you'll notice obviously this one has a new leaf growing so we just typically just you know right there there's a node right there so I would just leave it like that and I'm good to go so we have here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all right so now what you want to do is obviously get your propagation station I have here that I got from Amazon, I'll provide a link in the description below but you can use you know like a mason jar or even like a Dixie cup any any you know cup it does not have to be clear but you just want make sure that you can see the water and see the roots grow as well, so what you want to do is take one of these guys hold it this one and you can see right here that the node is facing down and the leaf is facing up so that's how you want to stick this guy in water so you want to make sure that that node is always submerged in water like that so we'll do that with the rest of these guys so put maybe a couple or three in these guys as well. You always want to make sure that the that node is submerged in water but and the leaf is pointing up so that way the roots will grow down ta-dah! now that you have these guys in your propagation station what you want to do is actually place them in an area that gets a lot of bright indirect light but more importantly make sure that the area is warm and not cold or has a cold draft coming through because temperature right now is probably more important for these guys than a bright light make sure you keep an eye on the water levels because these guys love to drink and you want to make sure that that node is always submerged in water so you want to do top it up with fresh water now every three or four days depending obviously how quickly they drink now the water typically will not get dirty in my experience it doesn't but if it does simply replace it with fresh tap water you know you don't need filtered water for these guys so in a couple of weeks time you should actually start to see the roots come out of the node and here I have my Marble Queen Pothos that I've been propagating for the last month and you can see how long those roots are you can actually see a new leaf starting to grow out of it as well and I typically will wait until the roots get about an inch to an inch and a half before I plant them into soil so we're gonna do that shortly I have here actually a six inch container that we're gonna use for all my Marble Queen Pothos I typically will probably use a four inch container but I can't find one right now and but that's fine because this guy has about one two three four five six cuttings that I'm gonna put into one so this guy can at least grow nice and so what we're gonna do is also use our soil mix you know put a bit of layer 1/3 of it and then place the cuttings just to see how we want to place them so let's go ahead and do that I have here obviously my soil mix you know it's a cacti soil, regular potting mix and perlite. I want to mix these guys well first and then what we're gonna do is we're going to you know obviously you know put a layer here I typically like to put maybe about a third or maybe half just to kind of you know I'm gonna put half because these cuttings I only put about an inch below the nodes so that way we can make sure it's sticking up nice and high and when it starts growing a little trail a little trail nicely so yeah so there's about a third there we'll take a bit of our cuttings from this guy you guys can see look how healthy these roots are you can see right there there's a new leaf growing already so typically how I positioned these guys is I want to make sure because I want these guys to trail out and not in, I'm gonna point the leaf out so I'm just gonna place this guy right there and place that guy right there and we'll take the rest of these guys as well and we'll just create kind of a crown so we'll just go around in a circle there that's three this is four five actually this this this six-inch container is actually perfect for this many cuttings six, so you guys can see right there there's a six cuttings pointing all out you guys can see right here and what I want to do with this center piece this was obviously the end of that that vine I'm actually put this guy in the middle so that way it can grow like a nice top oh this is perfect Wow this is actually a good size that I did here so what we want to do now is yeah I'm just gonna top this up with soil and we got ourselves a new Marble Queen Pothos so let's go ahead and do that ta-dah! look at this beauty I am so proud of this guy and I'm glad I put all these cutting in a six inch container so it has this crown shape and what's gonna happen now is when the leaf starts to grow it's gonna grow out and trail in a circle which I love so you know obviously what I want to do next is just water this guy a bit to make sure that the soil and the roots merge well together and then I'm gonna place this guy back on the bookshelf near my south facing window so he gets a lot of that bright indirect light and in a few months, especially as we head into the growing season these guys should start seeing some new growth and start trailing like you see here in the Pearl and Jade that I have, this guy actually I propagated last summer rooted really well, planted in soil in this four inch container I had only four leaves this guy originally started with four leaves and look at how much it's starting to trail already such a beauty and I'm actually excited to repot the Pothos next week because what I'm gonna do with the Pearl and Jade is I'm actually going to plant this guy back at the top to create more of that full crown while the mother plant continues to trail and then obviously this will have that shorter trail which will create kind of that cascading trail, anyway just a vision my head right now of how I want that plant to look so definitely stay tuned for that video next time but yeah that's pretty much how you propagate Pothos they're a great way to make more of your plants and give them to your family and friends, on top of that they are really easy to care for so again I always recommend newbies to grab yourself a Pothos hopefully you guys enjoy this video and comment below and let me know what you want to do with your Pothos are you planning to propagate them repot them and what kind do you have. Other than that hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and stay tuned for the next video when we do a repotting of all my Pothos we're gonna do the different styles of repotting everything from trailing down to growing up yeah enjoy your weekend and we'll see you guys then peace
Channel: Crazy Plant Guy
Views: 224,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pothos plant care, pothos propagation, marble queen pothos, neon pothos, pearl and jade pothos, houseplants for beginners, easiest houseplants to care for, how to take care of pothos, how to propagate pothos, propagate from cuttings, water propagation, pothos in water, pothos in soil, houseplants, houseplant collection, pothos varieties, indoor plants, golden pothos, easy plants to grow
Id: _RRM4ohjn34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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