How to Calibrate and Correct Color and Brightness on a CRT TV, BVM and PVM Using SMPTE Pattern.

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all right my dudes i had to adjust the color on this crt 35 xbr 48 recently it's an old tube and it's a little worn out and it had a an issue where the screen was tinted a little bit green so i went in and looked up how to do smpte color bar like color calibration as far as colors and brightness and i came up with a lot of videos on lcd screens and doing it for your crt is a little bit different so i'm making this video because i didn't find much help out there so let me just get into it so you got your smpte color bars that's what this pattern is right here and i mean i'm using 240p test suite to do this um i mean it's 2021. you can find this pattern out there uh so what you do first thing you get in your menu and we're going to turn let's see we'll get in here we're going to turn our picture or sometimes called contrast um down to about a third there and then we're gonna i believe if you look up lcds they tell you to turn it all the way off that doesn't seem to work well with crts and then we'll turn the color all the way down and then so the first thing you adjust is brightness and then so what you want to do is just your brightness up see those three bars right here there's three bars one two three let's turn this brightness all the way up so you can see them see these yeah right here on this square it's like the second from the left there's three bars within that square and you want these two to just disappear into each other so you turn your brightness down there we go i'm turning my brightness down here and you're not probably going to pick it up on the video but what you want to do is turn it down until those two bars on the left disappear into each other and then the bar on the right is just barely visible so my tv is a little tired it's kind of old and washed out so i leave it a little bit on the brighter side of things because when you get down to like the you know do i leave it like one up or one down you know there's a little bit of leeway there i leave it more on the brighter side for this old tube so now we got our brightness dialed in now what you're going to do is they would typically tell you to go in and adjust your picture or contrast right now now i found on these crts that you don't do that um picture and contrast i'll talk about that later the next thing you want to go and do is adjust your color so to adjust the color you need a blue screen so what i went out there and did is i bought these blue gels that you can cover over your screen they're called theater gels but you don't need those i mean you can use those but i got a more elegant solution if you have like a bbm over here i mean this boy's got a you can control the red and green guns on it you know where they are rgb right here so i just turn the red and the green gun's off and now it's blue only well you know what most these consumer sets these high-end sets wagas xbr's d series toshiba's you know you get in the service menu and you can do the same thing as that bvm a lot of pvms have settings you can turn the the red and green guns off too so we're going to do that now so we'll get into the service menu so you power it off hit display five volume up power on oh i didn't do it fast enough i'm trying to hold the camera and do this excuse me guys power display five volume up power there we go so i'm in the service menu you use the uh one and four buttons to navigate over to on this set it's r on we want to find r on r on and g on so we're gonna turn [Music] r on to zero this is zero in a one it's an on and off switch and then g on the green gun on the electron beam so now we're in blue only mode so when you're in blue only mode look at this bar on the far left right here you can look at that one i believe you can look at this one too it doesn't matter and what you want is for these two squares or on this side these two squares to be the same intensity so you adjust your color we'll go in color so we're gonna turn color up until these two bars here are the same color color color oh see the one on the bottom starting to come in starting to come in oh that's right about the same right there so now the bottom one's too bright and then you just kind of mess with this liminal state right here until you get it to where you're happy i like that okay next you adjust the hue hue now hue i've found on crts it's always in the middle like if you just put it in the middle it's going to be fine you can really and you can do this one by eye anyways like you something you notice if it's off but if you want to know how to do it what you do is you look at these two bars here and you adjust them so they're the same you could also use these two doesn't matter and mess with the liminal state right around there okay so that's it that's basically it that's what you're gonna find on youtube when they talk about lcds now i'll show you in a little bit more detail something i had to do because i found that the green was a little bit too pronounced on my tv and i'll show you how i i service that and how you know if this doesn't quite do it for you a little bit more advanced stuff you can try and do so let's see here so what we're going to do is get our red and green guns back on and in this service menu if you press zero and then enter it's gonna default back to what the service menu settings were when you first entered it okay so let's see i am in the menu okay now i'm in the service menu still now if you go into your service menu and you look for things called gain like r g and b gain r gain g yeah the gain will adjust color settings um cut will adjust color settings r cut g cut b cut what else is there bias r bias g bias and then you know if you got a funky tv or a different tv it's not a trinitron you'll just kind of have to look it up and find what the different settings are and i just messed around with them i mean write them down first so i wrote down on this particular set the g cut and b cut is what i was able to adjust and and that helped it so let's see if i can find [Music] um g-cut and b-cut in here somewhere oh must've gone the wrong way sorry guys not seeing anything color related in here i'll probably just edit this out okay i'm back to the beginning now let's see size these are geometry settings b drive i think the drive settings as well adjust color okay here we are cut and b cut now i had g cut to eight that's where it was originally at eight so let's find g cut and three and six will adjust the values it was at eight and then b cut was at nine b cut nine so let me pull up a game and show you like how this color was off let me find one here a good one to show is a last resort because it has a a level that's very blue i think it's my save state five let's try five yeah yeah so let me pause this and then i think i'm gonna have to turn the contrast up so yeah um back to the contrast settings contrast is something i found when you're playing different movies or games the person that made that game or movie may or may not have wanted it over saturated under saturated light dark your room might be light and dark so you still are going to have to mess around with your settings but what i found instead of messing around with brightness and color now that we've calibrated those now i tend to just mess with mess with my uh my picture setting from now on like if i want it brighter i just turn my picture setting up okay so that's how i deal with picture anyways so let's see like look this tv over here this trinitron xbr has very low hours on it the colors on it are amazing it's as it's in as good a shape as as my bbm probably like as far as colors and whatnot so i like to use this one and compare it to so this looks really blue this looks really green pardon the fact that this tv is uh on its side this is my tattoo gaming tv let's see if i back up you can just look at those two tvs there's the bbm let's see it's just greener everything's greener on that one look at the bbm over here i think this one shows it the best so anyways what i did let's see b cut so i changed my b cut to 10 so let's change it to 10. we'll go b cut 10 and then g cut i change to six g cut now this is better this is better it's not perfect and that's the thing with crts when they start to go off in my experience you can rarely get them back to perfect some people can maybe save on pat can i can't so i just try to improve things and that's all i was able to do with this and uh that's the video guys hoped you liked it you know uh if you uh got something out of this be sure to uh you know don't comment subscribe and all that stuff what i want you to do is go out there and beat a hard game you know go beat me some battle toads if that's asking too much maybe go beat like um teenage mutant ninja turtles on the nintendo do that for me you know if you need some 16 bits get like some x-men mutant apocalypse that's what i'd like that makes me happy all right beat some games guys
Channel: Riggel
Views: 30,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CRT, how to, retro gaming, bvm, pvm, trinitron, wega, xbr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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