240p Test Suite: How I Adjust the Geometry of a CRT TV

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hey there everybody how's it going today so this is going to be a little video not necessarily on the CRT in front of me here but this is actually going to be about a calibration of a CRT so that's something that I do to pretty much every single one that I come across uh because in one way shape or form the geometry convergence what what not needs to be adjusted these TVs are old they'll get a little out of spec over time or maybe from Factory they're just not as set as some buddy would might prefer so in this video I'm just going to go over a little bit of detail on kind of what you need to really look out for especially for minor adjustments I'm not going to get into anything major like replacing capacitors or anything like that and I'm primarily going to focus on Geometry over anything else so let's go ahead and get into it and I'll turn on 240b test Suite right now all right so here I have 240p test Suite up and running right now this is through my Super Nintendo and there is a couple factors you have to understand why you're getting into 240p test Suite one of the biggest ones is what kind of 240b test Suite you're using like I said mine is running off the Super Nintendo just from a nice little cart however I've noticed most people run uh 240b test Suite through the Wii by Homebrew uh so that may or may not affect a little bit of what you're trying to do on screen because different consoles will have slightly different video uh geometry or how should I say position on the screen so you do have to take that into account on top of whatever console you're playing on this so sometimes making adjustments on certain consoles won't work the best on other consoles for example on my uh SNES here if I were to Center up the picture entirely on my GameCube the screen would actually be shifted a little to the left so I have to take that in mind with this but besides that let's go ahead and get into the geometry portion of this so here test patterns the two geometry grids that I use are monoscope and grit both of these are extremely good patterns for two different reasons and I'll get into them pretty quickly so the first obviously is grid which is what most people understand and know this is obviously to see how centered your picture is and that's what I use it for you can also see how overscanned or understand your image is by checking the red boxes here to see how far up or down or left or right it is or if the screen is too stretch or too tiny and what I like to usually do is I like to over scan it a little bit primarily just so I can get the entire screen completely shown I don't like understand whatsoever so I will try my absolute best to get this as centered as possible and the two ways you do it is through horizontal position and size as well as vertical position and size and we'll get into the corners a little bit too because that's all a sort of other thing on its own but this is primarily what you want to do when it comes to making sure that the screen is centered especially if you're centering it for the console that you're playing on and for me I try to center it as best between the Super Nintendo and the GameCube so like I said mine's slightly shifted to the right here purposely but it doesn't affect me whenever I'm playing either console so that's how it looks for that all right now for the next pattern that I like to use this is the monoscope pattern now your mileage may vary in terms of what 240p test will you have because I have seen some people using the test Suite that don't have this pattern now with through we what is it we Homebrew you're you could probably get this pattern downloaded and put on there Maya Super Nintendo one came with it but I have seen some other people who we haven't had this pattern uh for example one of the biggest ones too that a lot of people like to use is the linearity pattern I don't have that pattern on this thing so I have to use monoscope here to Center up my image and to make sure that everything is correct but the one thing I like to use monoscope pattern for is to line up the edges as well as see how straight the corners are so you will sometimes have issues with Parabola trapezoidal patterns and or not patterns but just the geometry of it being a little skewed or maybe it's blowing in or out of the corners and you would use the monoscope pattern here to line up your edges correctly and to see how straight uh the the picture is especially on the edges here going all the way up to down so I primarily like I said I over scan the image just slightly so you can take these little boxes here as the same as the red boxes in the grid pattern and I just try to keep it kind of like this and then if you really want to you can try to line up this Edge perfectly this one like I said is overscanned a little bit but you don't have to uh I like over scanning I think it's and so as long as it's not cutting off any of the picture whenever you're playing the game because these older video games were designed around a little bit of overscan and that's perfectly acceptable uh so yeah this is how what I've used the two biggest patterns for geometry in particular uh when it comes to convergence anything like that I use a different pattern entirely but I won't really get into convergence as that's not really the point of this video the point is to mainly just use the geometry or the service menu what am I what am I saying the using either the service menu or the potentiometers depending on the TV that you have here for example mine has a service menu and I'll show it to you now to Center the screen and it's pretty uh cut and simple now you're also your mileage may vary too on what you can even adjust on this on this tube so for example my Panasonic here has a fair amount of adjustments to be able to adjust the corners especially not so much else some TVs don't really have like for example horizontal size they'll actually have horizontal position but not size adjustments so you do have to be careful of that uh Sometimes some TVs will already come overstand all heck and back or understand a lot so you do have to look at that to see if your TV can adjust for it and especially with really old TVs ones from the earlier 90s uh and back they don't have service menus so you have to look into opening up the back of the TV or sometimes there will be a little holes in the TV that adjust certain things on the TV via potentiometers for example this Sony gvm here that I have as well as this Sony Trinitron kv-13 tr24 both use potentiometers to adjust the screen this Panasonic is a bit more convenient because all you need is a service menu and with that you can just do this and shift the screen around but yeah primarily this is mostly just showing how you should Center up your screen so yeah that's pretty much what I got for you if you need me to go into in-depth with any sort of other uh pattern or any sort of other adjustment type for example convergence maybe even Purity so you can tell there's a little bit of a purity issue but that's something that I can't really fix on this thing or even focus you know if you want to look into adjusting focus a little bit to make the tube a little sharper a little bit uh what is it a little bit blurrier because something it depends on the person uh then I definitely can go into that as well but overall that's all I really got if you want to see more of stuff like this or if you want to see me working on any other CRTs to adjust especially if I get anyone's in all the ones I have here are all adjusted I mean I pretty much took the time to do it all myself but if I do get any more I definitely can show you that but yeah thank you so much
Channel: P-0-Seventeen
Views: 7,470
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Id: YN0rWy70KPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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