How to calibrate your CRT TV using the 240p test suite

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alrighty y'all look at the joe's retro world today i'm going to be showing you how to use the 240p test suite to calibrate your crt tv now first thing i need to say is anything and everything you do with this in your service menu you can damage your tv permanently and forever so if you have a great tv and you're happy the way it looks and you don't know what you're doing i suggest just leave it alone and don't touch it because you can ruin your tv forever and you'll be mad at yourself you'd be mad at me you'd be mad at the world don't don't do that watch my video and if this helps you to go into the service menu and do some adjustments and make it look even better that's great but if not then just leave it alone uh always write down everything on a piece of paper before changing any kind of settings so that you're not damaging your tv okay now the 240p test suite was made in 2011 you can actually see the guy's name it's up there on the top right of the corner artemio urbina he and a few other programmers made this 240p test suite back in 2011. he did it so that we can get the best possible picture out of a crt tv because most retro gaming systems are with crt tvs and over time you know the color starts to mess up the the picture starts to get out of focus it gets mixed out of the line you know and then when you switch between rf connection composite and component to uh you know it it messes with that signal so you need to go into your service menu of your crt tv and do some adjustments okay so the first thing you're going to need to do is you need to download a 240p test suite which is free on the internet i will have a description where you can go download various versions and there are different versions for each system that you have they make it for the sega genesis say a dream the dreamcast they make it for the wii they make it for your super nintendo they make it for sega saturn um saturn the sega cd and the uh turbo graphics 60 16 cd also all those and you can also get a cd dvd version of it and use it on your dvd player so over here i have a sega genesis and my sega genesis has a mega everdrive x7 which i downloaded a 240p test suite already and i'm running the emulator and with this i'm able to calibrate it uh my crt tv now i'm running hd retrovision component cables so just remember that whatever cable system that you're using and you got it hooked up to your tv that's where it's gonna be adjusted to because when you switch your feed from your component cables to composite the signal switches so once you did all your adjustments to your component cable feed it's going to look different and you're going to have to adjust it all over again for your composite so try to figure out what are you going to use the most if you're going to use composite all the time or you're going to use component like me which i have basically a component for every single one of my systems okay and i have a lot of systems i have sega genesis i have a sega dreamcast i have a playstation 2 playstation 1. all these have hd retrovision cables i even have it for my wii down here i have it for my super nintendo i even modded my nintendo 64 so now that i can run my hd retrovision component cables to them so everything is running component cables except for my nintendo but i'm not worried about that i don't need to do any adjustments to that i'm just making sure that when i play the rest of these systems that it looks the best on my crt tv okay all right so let's go ahead and turn over here to the tv all right now i already got the 240p test and you can see on the bottom right it says sega genesis so that is the version that i'm using today and that's the version that i'm going to show you how to use on your tv now right there i have highlighted the grid scroll test that helps you adjust your geometry and test for it okay so what is geometry i have my notes here geometry is the shape and the position of the picture on your crt tv and how well it fits out the screen okay so if you want to find out how well your tv is working like this the geometry this grows grid scroll test will let you know and as you can see it's bars lines of bars going down i can switch the position by stopping it but the a button i'm gonna start it i can hit b and make it go up i can put b make it go back down again and c will make it go to the left and right it's crazy there you go it goes to the left okay now you can see how up here on the top scrolling across how it goes a little fat to skinny that's because my yoke is off center but i'm not going to adjust anything to the back of the tv because if you open the back of your tv you can and will die by touching the wrong part of your tv okay i'm just letting you know this is what this grid scroll test is for it's for testing your geometry okay checking how well it is all right so let's go down to you have your lag test now the lag test and manual like test this is for testing the lag in your flat screen tvs okay and when you turn your lag test if i was to have a hd tv over here flash screen and it was feeding signal the same way the same signal that i was going to the crt tv then i'll be able to test to see just exactly how much lag was in my flat screen tv okay so that's what that one's for if i was to hit a my crt tv has no lag at all so it stops on three as soon as i hit it and then you'll be able to see just exactly how much lag will be in your flat screen to the left of it and that instead of stopping on three it probably stops on eight you know it stops on four maybe stops on five or six it just all depends this will let you know just exactly how much lag is in your actual flat screen tv okay but uh manual lag test same thing it lets you know just exactly how much lag there is and so when you think that that thing is lined up in the middle you can actually hit a okay and up there you can see where it says offset how many frames per second that it's actually off for the lag okay but this is where like i said these are for your hd television your flash screen tv so we're not worrying about that so we're gonna back on out okay then you have your drop shadow test your drop shadow test right here this is so you can see just how well your flat screen tv processes your 240p signal so if you want to use hd retrovision cables which send out a red green blue beautiful decoded signal and it goes out with component cables to your tv and you're only using a flat screen this will actually help you to see just exactly how good is processing that 240p signal if any of you process it because that little circle that i'm moving around needs to flash very fast like a strobe light and if it's not flashing like a strobe light and it just looks like a dark black spot like this like you're looking now uh on your screen then your tv is not processing the signal very clearly okay but this is what that's for but we're not going to worry about that because i just want to go ahead and show you how to use the test patterns right here and with the test patterns this is what you use to calibrate your crt tv to get your linearity good and then you got your color bleed check over here which is very good about helping you adjust your reds greens and blues your service menu you actually change your larinarity also in your service menu and i'll show you what uh definitions are there to to do those adjustments you have uh two different kinds you got i believe the bottom one right here this is a 240p i believe and then you have another one right here which is a little higher um signal which is i believe i believe it's the three something or 480 i'm not too sure but both of these help you adjust your linearity and what is linearity i have it written down right here let me see where my linearity definition oh linearity is what happened okay i thought i had a written down i had to go look for it linearity is just how well your tv screen fills in correctly it fills in the space the spaces in between these circles should be all the same if your linearity is correct now what i mean by linearity is say i had a whole bunch of pencils laid across the spaces in between them need to be the same all the way across okay so if i had 20 pencils the the spaces in between to be all the same so this right here this helps you to test that to check to see to make sure that it's correct so you can go over here you can measure those circles and measure that they say that if it's just just correct okay all right let's see and then you also have your color bleed check all right so when you open your color bleed check these lines right here are designed to where you can adjust your color your red green blue and make sure that they're not too too red too bright and all that to where they're bleeding into each other because as you can see there's there's black lines in between these are just little pixels these are little pictures all right there and then there's spaces in between and that's where it needs to be black and then you just have your color so if you have your colors too bright and this is where you would go to help adjusting the the color so that they're not bleeding and stuff okay all right let's see then you have let me see what else i think that's it now you got your grid pattern where is it right here now you have two grid patterns these grid patterns help you to adjust the position of your tv your horizontal and vertical positions now it also helps you to notice um convergence okay now your convergence is very important because whenever your tv yolk in the back is is out of misalignment then you'll start seeing some bad color like you you want to see all white you'll see various blurriness maybe down here in the corners or you'll see blurriness all on the top everything but this actually helps you with your geometry also to make sure that your tv is is filled incorrectly and that everything is just positioned perfectly okay these great patterns grid patterns are very good about doing that now i don't know everything but this is what i know so i'm telling you that okay now uh let's see what else do we have okay we also got color bars over here now these color blurs help you adjust your color also now it looks a little bright because you know it's my camera just sucks okay it's the camera that's this camera doing it but i do have the colors adjusted properly to where you have white over here and you got white over there and then you have the other very colors if i had a color bar uh wheel or anything like that then i'll be able to actually test and and make sure that these colors are correctly perfectly set okay okay all right now that's all i know for that okay so what i want to show you is how to adjust linearity okay let's go over here let's go to your grid pattern first let's go open this grid pattern now with this grid pattern i want to show you how to adjust your horizontal and vertical position and size okay let's focus better okay all right so let's go ahead and get into the service menu so i can show you how to do some adjustments with the different definitions of your tv alright now when it comes to the sony's in order to get to the service menu you have to hit display five volume up and then power on your original remote if you don't have the original mode i don't know how else to get into it okay this is the only way i know how it's the only way that works for me so with my sony trinitron original remote i'm gonna hit display five on him up power it's gonna turn on and now i'm into my service menu the first thing that pops up is right there on the top left it says death now that def means in i'm in the def def depth part of the service menu where my h position is located at h size vertical size vertical position vertical linearity uh this uh s c o r i got this written down that means vertical sweep correction now that is related to linearity also now that what that means is in this setting on scor or sometimes it says l s c o for larinarity uh vertical linearity i mean v s c o sometimes it'll say that different tvs have different uh ways of putting that definition it's kind of hard so you have to go through and say dang i'm thinking that's what it is okay so for sony trinitrons it will say this s-c-o-r and that is for your vertical sweep correction okay now this helps you to fix the distance between the top and bottom part of your screen when you go to vertical linearity this only helps you to to make the spaces in between the lines of the center of the tv okay so when you're adjusting vertical v l i n vertical linearity right here this is the um the value then it only changes this area okay and so with 37 if i adjust it up or down then i'm changing the distance between each one of these squares and what you want to do is you want to get them all the same so if it's one inch make sure they're all one inch but up here these are not going to change when you change the value of your vertical linearity those don't change until you go to your vertical size vertical sweep correction i'm keep looking at my notes i want to get this right i don't want to tell you all wrong so now when i'm in the vertical sweet correction then i can be able to adjust how big these lines are over here with that and i can i can change that y push it up or down okay but remember this is going to change only this section of your tv the linearity of the top and the bottom vertical art only controls the middle of the tv so you have to adjust both so i suggest you get a ruler and test these squares and see how big they are and you can get them perfect using your grid pattern okay now with the same grid pattern if i wanted to adjust my vertical position i will go to v pos which is vertical position and then i'll be able to move my tv the the screen up or down you can see see how it's going up and down all right now that'll let me center my screen just right right there right there for me that's good for me right there now i can go down to vertical size vertical v s i z vertical size and with this i can adjust the size of my screen you see how that's getting smaller and bigger so i can go ahead and say you know my characters i can't see you know the top score on the top of the screen so i need to make the vertical side a little smaller so that the whole screen fits in now usually the game when you're playing a sega genesis or super nintendo or other games like that usually only the white part of this grid is the actual game play the red part is part of the signal that doesn't show so you can actually you know put it to where you almost have just half of the red out i personally don't like that i like to just to have the lines just barely out like that see all the lines on the very top bottom i like to adjust it to where it just barely doesn't show them okay same thing for the horizontal position and size so if you want to change the horizontal size see how it's going in it's going out you can go and you so you can fill in the whole screen now you notice how the left side touched and went out of the screen before the right side okay so then that means i have to go and adjust horizontal position this moves the screen over to the left and right the horizontal position okay so with this i'm going to move the value now remember write down the values before you do any of these adjustments because once you move them you will forget and you will ruin your tv you'll be like oh my god you know i can't see mario's feet or i can't see you know you know i don't know the characters you know top of his head or whatever just remember write down everything before you do any kind of movement or adjustments of the value okay all right so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and go to vertical side horizontal size right here h s i z and i'm going to move it out to where those lines right there on their very outside they're right at the red side these red lines right here are just right outside on both sides i like to put them just like that just a little out some people put them all the way to these dots i don't like that because every game and every system will show a little different so for me this is okay and that's the other thing you got to remember y'all is that not every tv or every game is gonna be perfect you just cannot get it perfect you will get it close to perfect but that's about it so don't get frustrated that you can't have it looking perfect perfect perfect but you can get it as close as you can okay all right now let's move on to another part of your testing so let's back out okay so that's that was my notes now let's go over here to this color bleed check all right so now with the color bleed check what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep going through my service menu now this vertical bow also now that i don't know how to adjust the vertical bow um but there's a link in the description and it'll actually help you explain what vertical bow is and all that okay so in vertical angle and all that and trapezius trapeze is actually pretty easy to explain that's um how the screen goes like this and let me back on up because with the grid pattern right here you can actually adjust your trapeze now like i said for me it's 30 30 was good now when you move your trapezius your screen is literally going like this okay so with this you'll be able to make your screen tilt back and forth correctly until you get it just right now i do it with these little circles right here i measure the distance from these dots to the edge of the screen on the top and bottom so as i'm making it go like this and like this i'm measuring here constantly and i'm like okay okay now they're they look like they're about the same same same same same same and i do it on both sides and that'll help me to adjust the trapezius of the screen okay i don't know what p amp is so i can tell you i will not tell you to mess with that l pen i don't know none of that okay i'm gonna move on and i'm gonna look for the color adjustments i do know what those are so let me see where they're at okay let go size position against damn okay there it is r d r v red derivative green derivative and blue derivative now with these those three right there that's your colors that's how to adjust your colors to make them look the best that they can possibly but look so you go to your color bleed check screen on your 240p twist you find your blue derivative green derivative and red derivative and start adjusting those colors now i have it on 60 i got it written down right now on a piece of paper so i'm just going to show you that if i go up it'll start making the reds look real red i don't want that i want the reds to to just look red without over bleeding so i'm going to adjust mine to where it looks good and like i said they have these special lenses out there and stuff that it helps you to adjust the colors even better but right here on your red derivative green derivative and your blue derivative those are the settings and you serve as many to help you adjust your colors so that they're not bleeding they're not looking bad now they also have red cut green cut and blue cut these are also to help you adjust the colors on how bright they are also how um rich they are okay now if i'm wrong on this please tell me in the in the comments and please help me so that i'm giving the correct information to y'all but to me when i use these adjustments on the blue cut and the red cut and the green cut i made the colors look really really good on my tv okay uh hue you got saturation contrast yeah s con so that is your saturation contrast be very careful when you're adjusting these like i said because it can make see how it's going brighter it's looking weird right yeah okay i'm gonna lower it back down because i had it on zero because i i don't want my colors um so so too too bright it just looks ugly okay and then let me let me just my camera sorry oh there it goes okay and you got saturation hue that's also for your colors okay so you can adjust the hue and this is the service menu this is not the regular cheap menu okay and you can change the values remember i'm gonna leave it on 15 because that's where it's best for me but before i did any changes i wrote it down saturation of the color so this is the saturation overall of all the colors not just one not just red not just green not just blue this is overall saturation of your colors okay this will help you adjust your bleeding of your colors also okay to me 20 actually looks the best no i'm gonna put it at 25 right there okay i'm gonna leave it at 25. so i'll be able to still see nice beautiful whites and blues and greens and reds all right then you got saturation brightness now this will help you adjust your brightness of your tv you can actually see where it's going real bright very dark okay now remember there was a there was another part of the test suite over here your i think it's this one this is helping you right here this this one can help you with your uh brightness also and where's it at where's the other one i think it's this one this will help you with your saturation brightness also color bars a great reference helps you with the saturation brightness adjustment and what's the other one there is i think it's pledge yeah this is where you're supposed to adjust your saturation brightness to where you don't see those bars there you go see that's the correct way of adjusting it to where you can hardly see those two middle ones see how if i brighten it up you can start seeing all four bars the correct way is to make it to where you don't almost don't see them at all just barely see them that's the correct way okay so for me the best picture is right there on eight and of course i wrote this down before i changed it because once you start watching tv or playing the game you might say oh man that's way too dark oh what did i have it on or what did i change so go right down s b r t and say this is where i adjusted the brightness of my tv all right this is red on be careful do not mess with that because if you switch this then you change you turn off your red color you red signal from your tv this is your green signal from your tv and this is your blue signal if you turn these off and you don't turn them on you won't be having you know your your blue colors so don't mess with that don't mess with the bond and gong and ron yeah don't mess with those okay all right this is blue levels again i'm not too sure so don't mess with this i don't know what these are right here i don't know what that is i don't know what the mtrx is i don't know what axis is so i'm not going to tell you to do that touch that i'm telling you don't change it because i don't know what it is you change these other settings that i'm not telling you and you're gonna your up okay all right so don't be messing with them all right the only thing i know how to adjust was the horizontal position horizontal size okay i don't know what the other stuff is so this is your horizontal size you go to your grid you adjust your horizontal size horizontal position your adjust your horse your vertical size in your vertical position using the grid okay you use your color bleed check to go and adjust your where is it at your red derivative your blue derivative green derivative okay your red cut green cut blue cut saturation contrast saturation hue saturation color saturation brightness you don't with your red on your green on and you blew on because this is what happened look just turns right off he's like oh what the happened yeah you just your tv up don't touch anything else i'm not telling you to touch this telling you not to touch it telling you to only change what i know to change okay so if you up it's on you but yeah now i have my tv looking beautiful and i'm done i'm gonna go ahead and back on out and i'm gonna back out again let's see oh wait here's another one the white and red green blue screens this will help you adjust your brightness also okay your saturation brightness so you can get your whites looking good your blacks looking good your reds looking good your greens looking good and your blues looking good okay uh the camera of course is just me lower it down there you go all right so that'll help you adjust that now when you go to your sharpness now when it comes to sharpness it says that it's supposed to be to where you see all the gray all the black and all the white perfect without any ghosting okay so to adjust your sharpness you use this screen to adjust your sharpness and you want to make sure that there's no ghosting in none of the lines that's that's what you go to this screen for um i do believe that there's an adjustment for sharpness i think and the service menu i don't know where it's at so if you have one then you can adjust the sharpness in your service menu but if you don't know don't touch it you have to know what you're doing okay let's see i believe mine has a sharpness okay it don't so so i'm not gonna mess with it sharpness i'm just gonna go and to the regular menu and just the sharpness to get this looking good okay let's see what else oh we have over scan now with the over scan this helps you let me see how i how did i do oh yeah push to the right now you see on the top so this shows you just how to adjust the over scan of your tv by each pixel so when i push over to the white ones that means that it's going to over scan down once over scan one two pixels three pixels four pixels this will help you adjust your your over scan um i'm not really sure how to explain it but i don't i don't mess with that i don't mess with the over scan but this is where you would go to test it and that's what that means one pixel and you can go and all that but no no no we're not gonna mess with that all right all right okay okay y'all so that's what i know that's what you can um use on this 240p test to adjust the colors and everything on your 240p test i'm trying to see where that what's this okay now this grow test right here this is so you gonna see if um there's some vertical bowing going on and what i mean by vertical bow that's right is as the signal's coming through you get what's called a bow where it bows like this ugly in the middle and because it's having a hard time processing the signal and so you'll be able to use vertical oh where's that there he goes right here bebo vertical bow but as you can see as the screen is going across it's perfect the trees ain't warping or nothing so nothing's warping so i don't have to worry about my vertical bow once again if you don't know what you're doing don't adjust your vertical bow because you think that it looks something that something looks bad right here that is bowing in blowing out whatever you know the curve or the screen or whatever but don't do that but if you're familiar with this there's some few videos out there i'll put in the link in the description and explains vertical bow a little better than i can but this is the screen that you would use to adjust the vertical bow once again write that number down before you do any adjustments but as you can see my vertical bow is great there's nothing wrong with this little screen as it's going by i see what else let's see what else i think that was it we have checkerboards i can't remember what that's for we're checking so i'm not going to tell you nothing about that okay okay y'all so you may have a sound test but that's only if you got a sound system with surround sound it helps you to do the center left right and like that but yeah you got a little sound test so you can test your your cheap surround sound system from back in the day but okay y'all i hope this video helps you and i hope i explain everything correct i hope you ain't out there going and your tv up by changing something and and saying damn it that dude told me to change this no no no i showed you what i know um i try to explain to you as best as i can i have it written down i looked up the definition of what it was and so so yeah i hope i hope this is correct i hope that i got all the information correct this time i did it wrong the first time and i gave bad information um so this time i went back and i made sure that i did it right but okay y'all um that's it so uh go and uh give it your best all right peace
Channel: Joe's Retro World
Views: 32,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: js4TCowHeco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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