How to Make PENNE ALLA VODKA Like an Italian

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ladies and gentlemen this is pineal vodka the way it should be done this dish was very popular in italy in the 1980s and in the 1990s but not anymore the add of fashion but it's still very popular around the world and it's not done the right way so today we're gonna make it the right way [Music] do [Music] hmm hi and welcome to the enchanter's plate the place where you get to learn how to cook fantastic italian recipes this is a recipe i don't remember growing up with but i called my mom and i said hey mom what what do you know about this dish and she said this dish was very popular in the 80s and i actually used to eat this when i was a child i don't remember but i used to love it like everybody else in italy i don't know why it's out of fashion so i think we need to make it today it's my first time making it and and then let's see if we should bring it back on the italian menus or not let's see it's my mom recipe with my twist to make penne la vodka like an italian we need 300 grams of penne rigate then i'm gonna use two small cans of italian peeled tomatoes some marzano is best okay now an italian will use one can which is about 400 grams i know americans love the extra sauce i like it too so i'm using two cans 200 grams of cooking cream which is about one small tub of cream extra virgin olive oil 200 grams of cured pancetta you can also use smoked pancetta or bacon if you can find pancetta the pancetta is best a little bit of basil half onion cut into small pieces three tablespoons of pecorino cheese or parmesan or cheese salt and pepper and last but not least 100 meals of vodka now what we're going to do is with the pancetta here we just want to cut it okay into strips just like this this is beautiful beautiful pancetta and then what i want to do with the pancetta is it's like if i make carbonara i want to cut small strips like this why am i doing this i'm doing this because i want to be able see to get the fat and the meat on each on each piece okay now what's going to happen is the fat will give flavors to the sauce and it will become crispy first thing we're gonna do on a medium low heat we do this slowly okay put a pan and about three four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil extra virgin and then we're going to put the onion okay we want to cook the onion for about five to ten minutes until it becomes golden and now we also add the pancetta and we want to cook them together let's say for about five to ten minutes until the onion becomes golden and the pancetta becomes crispy you already have the garlic in the pancetta because the pancetta it's got garlic and spices in there okay so the pancetta will give extra flavors to the saucepan now this is my choice i'm using this beautiful tomatoes why because beautiful tomatoes are full of flavors let's put a generous amount of salt okay generous amount let's put some pepper generous amount and and then we crush okay you can crush it by hand or just use these two crushers okay and gently crush your gender you don't want to crush it too much but if you want to be nice and gentle the best way is to use your hands and you just crush it you fill it with your hands you just want to press see you want to feel it just make sure you wash your hands when you do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] okay guys here after about five to six minutes look what you got now is the time for us to put the vodka in there the vodka is very important why because but it will give an important amazing flavor to this see the flavors are coming out don't worry about the alcohol this dish no it doesn't have any alcohol in there the alcohol is actually evaporating right now okay so even if you don't drink alcohol this is safe to eat it's safe for kids safe for everyone and here we go so now what we do we let it evaporate we wait about two three minutes we're on a medium low heat we want to make sure the vodka makes love with our ingredients and then we add the tomato sauce do not put the tomato sauce first and then you put the vodka that's wrong really wrong [Music] oh wow if i smell this i do get the vodka to go into my nose and i can tell the alcohol evaporated into my nose right now now at this point we're going to add the tomato oh beautiful and with the tomato we want to make sure we now cook it for at least at least 15 to 20 minutes okay we want the tomato to make love with every single flavor on a medium low heat okay don't rush this please do not rush it i believe the flavors of the beautiful tomato you know when you crush it with your hand so much better so much better okay guys here after about 10 minutes the sauce is reducing which is pretty amazing the way it's reducing but there's still lots of water in there okay so what we need to do now we need to add the flavor i don't care what people say oh you don't use basil here you don't use anything i love tomato with basil it's very hard for me not to have tomato and basil together you know especially when the basil is in season summertime i want those beautiful flavors of basil in my sauce so i break it break the basil with my hands and give those flavors that the tomato deserves now see guys you can see here it's still too runny still too much liquid in there we want to remove the liquid we want this to become nice and thick and then we will be able to add the cream but we only add the cream once the liquid the water is gone from the sauce so i think we have about five to ten more minutes and then we add the cream okay guys the sauce is ready now keep the sauce on the side and let's cook the pasta okay only cook the pasta when the sauce is done now we want to get a nice pot and put water in there be generous and put one tablespoon of sea salt when the water goes like when it bubbles and when it's boiling we're gonna add the pasta in there okay and this pasta takes 12 minutes to cook guys it's been more than 20 minutes have to say but see this you know it's reducing can you see guys there's not much liquid you know this means the tomatoes are ready to make love with the cream guys we are about to put the cream in the sauce okay back in 1980s 1990 cream was a novelty together it was new was not used so this pasta was one of the first times that the cream was used okay so that's why the cream in this dish was so popular because of the novelty of the cream let's put the cream let's put a little bit at a time i'm gonna do now i'm gonna add half of this glass and see how it is okay i don't want to use the entire glass i just want to see how it reacts with the tomatoes maybe we need more maybe we need less what we want to achieve here is very simple we want to achieve a pink sauce okay we want the sauce to become pink and that's how you make the penne alla vodka it's a rosy sauce and here we have it guys i don't think we need any more cream oh look at that look at the color that you get this is what you want now what we're going to do is we're going to cook the pasta for 12 minutes and during those 12 minutes we're going to keep cooking this on a very medium low heat so the cream will finish to make love with the sauce the onion the basil the pancetta and the vodka after 12 minutes the pasta is ready so let's collect the pasta and we put it in the sauce see guys i didn't use the entire cream okay i did buy a tube of that cream but now you can use this to make something else that you don't need in just when you cook sometimes you need to fill it okay you can't just follow the recipe you need to fill it and now this is where the magic begins let's put the pasta in there don't worry if we made too much sauce you keep the sauce for next time now let's get a mug of pasta water and we're going to add the pasta water in the pot now we're going to put half mug of pasta water in here and now we're ready to mix our ingredients oh yeah and we're gonna mix together for an extra minute until we have the sauce going inside each penne that's what we want to achieve here the sauce the pancetta and everything they need to make love together and combine all the ingredients the reason why we waited for the tomato sauce liquid to disappear is because of this see how cream it is now if you don't wait for that tomato sauce liquid to disappear it's going to be too runny and you don't want this pasta to be too runny okay you want this to be creamy and look how creamy it is look at that look at the cream see that the best thing to do here guys is actually to let the pasta jump it will become a lot creamier of course you will get dirty but who cares right look you do this and your pasta will become a little creamier now this is something nobody told me to do but i love to do it i've got the pecorino cheese here or parmigiano you put it in there and let's make it extra creamy come on extra creamy yeah super creamy for beautiful people and now we can serve this magical magical pasta and look how creamy it is guys look how creamy this pasta is this is the result you want this is what in 1980s 1990 in italy people were eating this beautiful pasta full of flavors full of passion full of love beautiful wow look at that look at that and look at that look at that creamy look at those flavors [Music] and now we put the sauce on top and look how beautiful this pink sauce is um look at that look at those beautiful colors [Music] best time of the video recipe eating time still nice and creamy oh the pancetta the smell is nice let's save it very creamy the pink sauce is ready yummy it's very very very creamy very creamy the pasta is moist the pancetta is not crunchy and it's actually melting in my mouth i guess because it was slow cooked in the sauce it's not crunchy anymore beautiful flavors you need the basil i can smell the basil the vodka it's there but it's not them you know you get this beautiful rose pink sauce which is so unique and i think it's it is because of the vodka it must be because it's such a unique pink sauce you get such a beautiful kick very a nice unique experience now do we need to put this back on the italian menus why not why not trattorias can serve it look italian food evolved uh there are new flavors now but you know traditions why don't we keep it alive you know keep the traditions alive so if you're a restaurant they still keep this on the menu i have to say well done because it is a really nice dish and well done for keeping the traditions alive but as i always say make food at home because it will taste better bring back depending on the vodka come on easily bring it back on the menus guys thank you so much for watching this episode i will see you in the next vincenzo's plate video recipe aora simanja vincenzo's plate um melts in my mouth
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 778,008
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Keywords: how to make penne alla vodka, penne alla vodka recipe, penne vodka, penne alla vodka, penne alla vodka gigi hadid, vodka sauce, how to make vodka sauce, vodka sauce recipe, how to make penne vodka, perfect penne alla vodka, how to make the best penne alla vodka, penne alla vodka recipe youtube, penne alla vodka sauce, how to penne alla vodka, gigi hadid penne alla vodka, vodka sauce pasta recipe, pasta with vodka sauce, vincenzo's plate penne vodka, vincenzo's plate
Id: Wq0CFOgPmkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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