How to build Lian Li Evo RGB with TL LCD fans and more (detailed PC build guide)

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hello this is the provoke prawn and this is the Leon lee1 Dynamic Evo RGB in this video I'm going to be unboxing and setting this case up and more importantly I'm going to be showing you how to do it in a basic build so standard setup that's uncomplicated and fairly straight forward so you can end up with a view that looks something like this now obviously standard traditional horizontal GPU lean Le's RGB fans naturally lean Lee cooler and some other things but obviously this is a standard layout I've done a deep dive on this Cav if you're interested and want to find out more about it so if you want to see all the different options that are available but I thought it' be useful to do a in-depth build guide step by step to show you everything you need to do to end up with a result that looks like this which is obviously featuring Leon Le's TL LCD fans as well as the standard TL fans and there's a mix of reverse blade and standard orientation 120 mil fans in here a 360 mil radiator and more now I'll leave specs in the description down below as well as links to other videos that I've done on the LCD AO which is Galahad 2 and the wiring of the fans if you want to find out more about that I'm going to start by showing you various highlights of the case and then talking through the steps of building in it things to know motherboard set up power supply unit wiring and more you'll see when you go to take this case apart obviously you need to take the lid off first and basically there's a lot of thumb screws holding things in place quick note there are no magnetic dust filters on any of the panels so something to bear in mind with this case over time it may well get dirtier you can see the back panel and the top panel don't have any mesh filters on them for example the bottom does but otherwise there isn't anywhere else now as standard it comes with these brackets mounted to the rear fan tray so you can see them as standard mounted there this area is usually for fans or radiators and I am actually going to put some fans on there but if you wanted to you could put storage in here as an alternative because you can mount up to two ssds or one hard disc driver on each of these but then obviously this fan tray is then not able to be used for fans so that's one of the tradeoffs for it I want to quickly show you what that looks like if you wanted to do that but I am not going to do it so I'm going to show you the steps for installing fans there instead in a minute but you can see if you want to you can put in loads of storage in this case including drives here and in two other locations as well so there's plenty of storage space in here if that's something you're looking for if you're considering that so the drives to sit on there screw into those brackets and then mount on the side there you can see they're just clipped on so it's really easy to take those off and a couple of other side notes obviously you can mount a radiator on the side there as an alternative up to a 360 mil and there's enough room at the back to put pushpull fans on there so you could put fans on the rear for example and if you're doing an upright GPU mounting which is a separate thing entirely you can also put fans back there and mount your graphics card to the front of that assuming you bought the optional accessories kit cuz it's an ed additional purchase required for that so as you can see there's a few different things that you can do but as I said I want to make it uncomplicated and show you the steps for just setting up a standard build in this case and all the things you need to know now one of the things you obviously need to be aware of is the cabling at the rear I often get asked why the RGB strip isn't working on a case for example it's probably because people have forgot to plug some of these cables in so there's a bundle of cables at the rear that include the front panel USB a USB C HD audio to 3.5 mil connection and some others but you'll also notice there's a SATA power connection and a 5V RGB header connection and that's because you are basically essentially connecting it up to your motherboard so you can sync the RGB lighting with your motherboard software so just be aware that you need to plug those things in for maximum connectivity and I will show you how to do that later on so stick with me for more info on the wiring setup and logic but before that we're going to strip the case down so that it's ready to to build in now there are various different fan brackets I already showing you the one at the rear with the ssds and how disc drives but there's obviously one at the top and the bottom as well now you don't actually need to remove the top one you can theoretically Mount your fans or your radiator up here without removing this but I'm going to take it off just so I can show you how to do it so there's a couple of screws at the back here that you need to unscrew obviously put them aside safely and keep hold of those and then it will slide out there are some notches in there so make sure you remember the direction that sits and the way it faces cuz it's a bit tricky to get back in otherwise the bottom one has a thumb screw at the front which you need to undo and then again that notches out as well again this is also awkward to get back in if you don't remember which way around it goes so just pay attention to that now this rear fan tray comes out really easily because there's a push button at the back here that you just push in and then it'll lift out now you can also put this in multiple ways so you can turn it around the other way so that the radiator part faces the back pay attention to that I'll show you what I mean in a minute now there's an accessories box included with this case with a manual which covers various things which hopefully you won't need if I do a good enough job on this video so set that aside for now and give me a thumbs up if you are finding it useful and then there's a little box with all the different accessories that you can see that you're going to need and there's a mounting braet which is for a 420 mil radiator if you want to install a larger Radiator on the top of a case and then you also have an anti-ag bracket for your graphics card which I'm going to show you how to install later on so that's for your standard orientation it'll just support your GPU and it's a very nice additional thing that's included in this case you'll see that in the manual there's also a list of all the different screws so you will need the manual to work out what screws are For What and it shows you the shape and how many is included so make a note of that and keep an eye on that as you're going through this build process but unfortunately there is a little bit of work to do because the little tray that it comes with so you can see all the screws are bagged up in in there now this is a Nifty little box because you can basically segment the Box off and then you can store the different screws in different sections on it which is very handy during the build and also just for saving this for later if you want to do any upgrades or changes to your case you obviously have a number of different antivibration amounts for your ssds and hard dis drives as well as a bunch of screws some cable ties and more there some little plastic slats that you can then put into the box to section off the Box before you go about empty out all the packaging and then filling each of these up this takes some time and it is a bit of a fiddle and I love it and I hate it because obviously it's nice to have this box but it's a pain to have to go through this now these little rubber mounts are for your hard dis drives and ssds so you use nose they're especially important for hard dis drives obviously because they're going to stop the noise going through the case but you'll also use them in the various different ways when you're putting your drives in you'll also have motherboard screw screws power supply unit screws fan screws and more and they're all sectioned off in there there's also a standoff bolt for removing the standoff screws if you want to put the motherboard in a different position because there two different positions available in this but I'm going to leave it in the standard position during this build to make your life a little bit more straightforward check out my in-depth video on this I'll link to in the description it talks about the different positions and what you can do with them there are a few different ways to mount the ssds I've already shown you one another one is to put the rubber anti vibration mounts on top here put your screws into the holes there and then once that's tightened up you can then use that to notch into the case at the back of the case you will have noticed that there is a door that opens up this doubles as a tray for your ssds so you can actually just put your ssds in there and you can put several in there so you can actually easily foit them in and this is preferable I think because it hides them away out of view and it also gives you easy access to be able to plug in your cables and they don't get in the way of the cable management either cuz the case is really Ry enough there'll still be plenty of space back there alternatively you can use these cages at the rear so there's two hard dis Drive SSD trays that can be removed and I say that because you can either put hard dis drives or ssds in there as a choice so you could put one hard dis Drive in each or one SSD in each or a mix of both as I'm doing here installation process is pretty similar you have screws that basically fit through the holes and the rubber washers that are in there and then screw the drive into place obviously you need to make sure it's fa the right way around so that the cables will be able to be plugged in but you can't really get it wrong the way it's designed is set up so it's pretty straightforward to do and relatively hasslefree the same logic can be applied to SSD so you can put them in this tray and Nestle them away now obviously a point of this is if you don't want to use these trays you can actually remove them entirely from the case you've seen they're just held in place with thumb screws so if you're not planning on putting loads of ssds at the back or hard dis drives you could take these out and give you more space for cable management at the rear and just store them away separately so that's handy too note that this SSD setup here uses the same screws that your motherboard installation will so slightly different from when we put it on the door a minute ago it then notches back into the cage at the rear and then don't forget you'll also need to replace the thumb screws that are in the cage in the first place that held it in place at the back of the case so you can see you've got options and where to Mount Your ssds or hard dis drives if you're even going to use them and if you're not then you've got plenty of space to store other things a example that I'm using in this build for example is I'm using one of these cages but keeping it empty a bit later on so that you can then put a fan controller in there instead I'm going to show you the setup of the motherboard you can skip forward or leave typ stamps down below if you just want to know more about the case I'll going show you all the steps for building just straightforward so this is an MSI z790 Motherboard which is the edge tiax Wi-Fi which has some pretty awesome highlights including Wi-Fi 7 compatibility and the ability to work with PCI Gen 5 mvme SSD so super fast speeds available in there it's also a very capable border which supports ddr5 up to a very fast speed and you'll see it looks really nice and Suits this case really well as well I'll leave all the specs Down Below in the description so you can find out more but obviously we're going to go through the setup process now for this board one of the nice things about it is it's really easy for the installation of your mvme ssds CU as you can see that top slot basically remove moves with just a clip under there are some thermal pads with some stickers on top you need to remove those thermal pads before installing your drive now I'm using the fire Cuda 540 which is a Gen 5 drive here and you'll notice that it just notches into place there's just a little latch that goes down over that and holds it down rather than an M2 screw it's traditional you can then put the heat shielding back on and I would recommend doing this because it helps keep the drive running cool and those Gen 5 drives can run particularly hot the motherboard also gives you other options but as an alternative you can also use something like corsair's mp700 Pro which has its own built-in heat shield and it has a fan in it and requires SATA power separately from your power supply unit in order to make the most of it now I did notice that I did have to use a screwdriver sometimes with those latches so just keep that in mind if you are planning on using a similar motherboard on the bottom of the motherboard you can remove more heat shielding and more stickers for access to more thermop pads and there's multiple Drive ports on here I've done a fully in-depth video on this motherboard and some of the interesting highlights of it as I've said you can use a gen5 port at the top for your Gen 5 drivers but these other mvme ports down here are also Gen 4 so you can have multiple pcie Gen 4 mvme ssds as well as a Gen 5 Drive in there although that does give you less GPU lanes for your PCI graphics card which is worth bearing in mind and I've done a test on that too so worth checking out that video link down below the heat shielding on this does make a difference though so I would recommend replacing these not just cuz they look nice but they also help with thermal transfer to keep your drivers running cool and you want to make sure they are running cool cuz if they get too hot they will thermally throttle and you may lose performance which is obviously less than ideal quick note you've seen I put the fire cuder in the lower ports now it will run at Gen 4 speeds instead of gen five but they are backwards compatible so you are able to do that if you want to it's obviously not making the most of the hardware but it is something to keep in mind now for this I'm using an I9 13900 K but this border will actually work with 12th 13th and 14th gen CPUs so you do have the option if you upgrade the BIOS to put a 14th gen Intel CPU in there instead I'm using two sticks of ddr5 of course their Vengeance RAM and you want to slot that into slots A2 and B2 which is the second slot from the left and then the fourth one closest to the edge that will ensure that they run at the right speed and that the system boots properly now I'm also preparing this for the all-in-one cooler that I'm going to be using so there is a back plate that goes through the back of the motherboard this is an LGA 1700 socket motherboard now I've done an in-depth guide on the Leon Le Galahad 2 LCD cooler is set up on wiring guide for that that'll link to in the description if you want to find out more about it cuz I am doing things slightly differently here by using different fans and my own thermal p B and that's just simply because I'm reusing this AIO so we'll get to that in a little while this is a th000 wat power supply unit co-link regulator which is a modular power supply and I want to quickly show you the steps for setting it up because it's worth bearing in mind plugging in the cables you're going to need where they're going to be plugging in and how you'd wire them at the back of the case now this is actually a very small th000 wat power supply unit which is an interesting point here one of the things you'll notice is just how much room you have at the rear of the C because the power supply unit cage actually juts out a little bit so if you do have a larger power supply unit you may find it's not a problem installing that still we're going to install quite a few different cables now I have a full wiring guide on this power supply unit if you need it for other things so I've done a lot of separate videos related to this that are worth checking out and I'll link them all down below in the description but this is nicely marked up as a modular power supply telling you where things need to plug in so you can plug in each and everything you see it also has the 12vt 600 W power connector on there as well for the modern graphics cards and quickly show you the steps for various different things so obviously for wiring up and powering your motherboard you run another 24 pin motherboard power cable which is this one which is split into two parts on the power supply end now I'm showing you the steps now outside the case so you can see it really clearly but I'll also show you it wiring in later on properly when it's finished so that you can get an idea of how to do that but it is important to secure all these cables at both ends and I would recommend plugging in the cables to the power supply unit now so you've got them plugged in before you put them in the case because it'll make it easier to build with now the cable that hooks into the motherboard goes on the right hand side there and you'll notice there's a clip on that you need to make sure that is properly secured and seated in there and clipped in if this Cable's loose then your power may not come on and your PC might not boot so worth keeping in mind now this motherboard also has CPU power connectors two eight pin power connectors that you need to find you see the markings for CPU power connectors on here or pcie connectors so we want to put those in in the relevant ports and then plug them into the top left obviously once You' finished the build but this is where that would go this is for used for overclocking your CPU and giving extra juice to your system it is important to plug those in and make sure they're in use especially if you're using an I9 and a powerful CPU and you want to make the most of it so they plug in in the top left again it's the same sort of logic that there's plastic Clips on the edge of the connectors you can only plug them in one way you'll notice that the shape of them is slightly different on each of the ports so it's difficult to plug them in wrong and you shouldn't have a problem with it if you're pushing them in the right direction and clipping them into place next is the power cables for the ssds and hard dis drives this will also work with fan controllers pay attention to that cuz we're use this later on but this is a flat SATA power connector there's daisy chain you can see there are multiple connectors on a single cable so one end plugs into the power supply unit and then the other end you're able to connect up multiple drives to it look for the markings for SATA on your power supply unit and plug in that end there fully securing in now it is worth often plugging in a couple of these especially if you're using multiple drives and multiple fan controllers and things because although you can daisy chain it's still worth separating out some to ensure you've got maximum power across the board so maybe for example just using two for the ssds and then a separate cable for other others and plan this out based on what you're putting in the system for example I'm putting two ssds in here but I also need power for the case for the RGB lighting and for the fan controller alternatively you might also need one for your all-in-one cooler as well so you may have a SATA connection for that requires power so there are multiple different things you may well need to connect up to this so just keep that in mind for the data connection from the ssds in case you don't know that runs from the drive and then connect next to the bottom right hand side of the motherboard on this motherboard there's six satle ports at this angle and then another two along the very bottom Edge as well so you can potentially connect up multiple drives so it's perfect for this case cuz you've already seen how many different positions you can put ssds and hard dis drives in and then you can connect them up again I'm just showing you this now outside the case so you can see clearly how they connect up but I'll show you in a minute how to wire them in once they're actually installed cuz that's when you'd want to do it with the graphics card wiring this is going to vary depending on what you've got so I want to quickly start off with the PCI connections so these are standard eight8 pin power connectors and this is an RTX of 39r gigabyte so an older generation of gpus you'll see with this power supply you actually have three cables two that are single connectors on one end and a third one which is sort of daisy chain affair with a pigtail connector on the end of that so ideally you want to use the two separate connectors where possible so this graphics card requires two a in power connectors so we look for the PCI connections on the power supply end plug the cable into that and then the other end plugs into the graphics card two separate power connectors will ensure maximum power for the graphics card and that it gets the best performance possible there this is obviously One Step you will use this with an Nvidia graphics card AMD and Intel but you may well find that the newer graphics cards out there require the 600 WT connector instead and I'll show you the differ for that in a second so as I said this is a 3090 two eight pin power connectors you may well find that you have three connectors on your graphics card orjust two now these eight pin connectors are actually split into two parts so they are pushed together here and clipped in place and then you can just push them in you do need to make sure these are pushed and seated all the way once your graphics card's in place and you're putting these cables in just Notch them in and push them in carefully if you look closely you'll actually see the one on the left isn't fully seated and that could result in problems with performance of the graphics card or it just not working entirely so it's really important to make sure they seated properly at both ends of the power supply unit when it's fully installed in your system to get the best performance out of it just note that because it can be a bit tricky now as I said you also have the option to use this additional cable if you require third power cable and that may well be handy for more power hungry gpus or adapters that you might use for newer series graphics card so some of the 40 series come with additional cables but alternatively if you're using a 40 series like this gigabyte of 4070 TI you can make use of this dedicated power cable this basically has one cable at each end one single connector on it that connects straight to that 12vt high power connector on the graphics card and it makes life a lot easier because you don't have to use the included adapter that comes with your GPU that usually requires multiple of the traditional PCI power connectors on it so this cable is actually really nice easy to fit into there but you do need to make sure it's fully seated take care to make sure this is connected up fully to your GPU this is even more important because that's a very power intensive cable and there has been problems with these cables melting if they're not properly seated in your graphics card or if there's unnecessary tension on either end of them so make sure it's pushed all the way into your power supply unit in that special slot you can't plug this in wrong and then fully seated the other end into your GPU as well well and then just make sure you're not pulling it at weird angles once you've got it in the case so you can see the way it slots into this 4070 here you'll notice the 600 watt markings on the top of it and then it just slides in and again push that in until it clips into place it's really important otherwise it won't work properly so that's the setup for the gpus now there is actually an additional use for power cabling in this build so I want to talk about that because this is going to vary from case to case in this one we're using the Leon Le TL 120 and 120 LCD fans now these actually require an additional power cable because these fans are uni fans that use a controller with four pts on it can control up to 16 fans or seven of those LCD fans but you'll see it has multiple connectors on it one of which actually requires one of those six pin PCI power cables that's the same one I used on the 3090 a minute ago you split it in two by removing one end of it so you can see that it's possible to just take that end off by sliding it out of the power connector and then you'll use this now this is going to make things a bit trickier I've done a separate video on the wiring logic of these fans but in this instance it's going to be fine for me because I already have a 40 series card I'm using that additional adapter so I've got spare PCI power cables but if you haven't that's something to bear in mind with this build then as I said make sure you plugging in all the cables you know you're going to be using just so that they're ready CU it makes life a lot easier less fiddly and it also just gives you easier access to be able to do it then put the power supply so the fan faces the outside of the case cuz youve seen at the beginning there's a mesh case so there air flow through there this will pull cold air into the power supply and keep it cold and running properly and then we secure it with four screws into the corners you'll notice what I was talking about earlier on about how the power supply sticks out of the side of the case to give you more room you'll also see even with all the cables stuffed into the back of the case there's plenty of space in there now we're going to mount the motherboard now this motherboard has a pre-installed IO shield on it so you can just mount it into there without any worries about that put it down on top of the ATX standoffs and then use the motherboard screws that are included with the case to screw it down into place there are nine screws holding it down here and as I said earlier on this is in the standard position so this is the position it's in you can actually move the standoffs up if you want to and have it in a different position then connect so this is the usba a connector for your front panel connections plug that in run it from the side there and then the USBC connector there so these will both only go in one way and with the USBC one you want to make sure you hear a click when you push it in then you'll know that it's fully seated and the port will work properly on the front panel connectors we then have the other connections here so you'll see that we've got a front panel connector for your power switch and things so you just run that to the bottom right from front panel connector on your motherboard look at the manual but it's usually marked something like jfp1 for example or front panel and then HD audio goes on the far left hand side in this instance J aud1 and that's your 3.5 mil connection and then there's the 5V RGB header and that is for the RGB lighting strips on the case as I mentioned earlier so if you plug that in you'll then be able to sync that lighting but don't forget you'll also need to connect that SATA power connector as well as the r B connector to make the most of it so we can then use that same cable that we use for the ssds to plug in the case to power the RGB Lighting on the RGB lighting can be controlled by a button on the case but it can also be controlled by syncing with your motherboard software in this case it would be MSI Mystic light then we'll run the other power cables through so we've got the 24 pin power cable from the power supply unit running through here through the rubber grommeted areas into the right hand side of the motherboard and then plug that in again make sure that's pushed in all the way so it Clips nicely into place and is secured down there a little bit fiddly to get nice and neat there but with a little bit of fiddling you should be able to get it looking nice especially thanks to this cable management system at the rear so if we run the two8 pin CPU power connectors up there you'll see there are multiple Hooks and Loops that you can run these through there are some velcro ties here and these are really handy because they mean you don't have to use plastic cable tires at this point but you can still neaten things up and that means that you can then check to make sure everything's working properly before you go about fully tightening and sorting things at the end if that's something you want to do we obviously have to run those two8 pin CPU power connectors up to the top here and it is easiest to do it now rather than when we Mount the allinone cooler cuz in this build I'm going to mount 360 mil all in one cooler at the top and it's just much easier to do the power cabling before that don't forget to log in the SATA power connectors for your hard dis drives and ssds if you're going to be using them and as I said for the RGB lighting and anything else that you're using or at least making sure you've got enough spare there to do that so these just Notch into that Dock at the back and you can Loop those two connectors together now I'm using the unian TLs here so get a triple pack these are reverse blade fans which mean they're going to be pulling air from the rear of the case through in into the case itself these fans are nicely set up with a little display in the middle you can adjust with tempts gifts and all sorts of other things done a video separately on these that are link to in the description they are uni fans which means you can click three fans together and then set them up in the case really easily with just one connector connected to the control box you can have up to seven of these fans in the case if you want to and you can do it in groups you can have three on one port three on another then a single fan on that controller and the connections for them are pretty simple because you see that basically have metal pins on the ends they slot together and then you just got one power cable that runs to the controller I've done a full in-depth wiring go I talking about all the sort of logic and ins and outs of this that I link to that's worth looking at if you're considering these fans because they're a bit more complicated than lean Le's previous uni fans especially if you're mixing and matching them with the other TL fans as I am because the wiring is slightly different and what you can do with it is slightly different too so some interesting setup there but you'll see we have pins sticking out of one end these metal contacts on the other you slide the connector in and then you're basically wiring it in the one thing that's interesting is well as you'll see that there is a wire Notch here so you can actually put your cable in a different direction depending on where you're planning on mounting the fans so that you can run that cable a bit more latly to the rear cuz we're going to run the cables from it to the rear of the case so that we can then plug them into the controller because these are reverse blade fans we're going to put them so the screen faces in towards the case obviously I also have to remove the rubber covers that are hiding away the little screw holes for the fans and then we're going to line up the radiator tray now notice that I put it so that the bracketing sits towards the back this makes it a little bit neater so this tray can be used for radiators so you can put a 360 mil Radiator on there for example or it can be used for fans and you can choose which way around it goes depending on how you're going to mount it so if you're going to put a 360 mil Radiator on it you might mount it with those side brackets towards the front in this instance I'm using it with fans instead so I might want to sit it in a different position or it's a bit neater so you can do this then obviously screw the screws in from the rear and that will still keep things nice and neat and you can see you can't see any screws on the front cuz it's got those covers on so these are some really clean looking fans nicely designed and easy to set up there some pretty cool options in terms of the lighting as you've seen earlier and I'll show you some more of that later on then obviously with the connector in place you'd then run that to the back you'll notice that I've set this up so the cabling is on the bottom so pay attention to that when you're installing these fans because otherwise you might end up with a cable at the top because you can only put the cable on one end for these fans so you'd set that up and then run it through to the controller and the one thing to note here or a little important point to note here if you're using LCD ones is not to use port one on the controller cuz for some reason that's not a good port to use the if using two three or four if you using the LCD fans it can be problematic otherwise so that's the setup of those fans obviously nice intake fans set on the side give good Cooling and then we need to wire them in so the controller has multiple different cables that need to be plugged in in order to ensure that it works properly and can power the fans and the RGB that one connector as I mentioned before is that eight pin PCI power connector which could be problematic if you don't have extras so you need to make sure that you've got one of those the other ones are the USB header a 5volt RGB header and system fan connections now as a basic you only need to use the USB connector if you want to control it with L connect if you want to control the lighting and fan speed with your motherboard software you'll have to use a 5V RGB header and the system fan header and that will ensure that you can then control those via your motherboard software if you plug in all these cables you have the option to do either but as a minimum you need that USB connection in the bottom middle of your motherboard to then ensure that you can control the fans via lconnect software now these are Leon Le's TL 120 fans without the display on so similar sort of setup and these again are reverse blade ones that came in a triple pack and they are quite similar although the connection options are different cuz you can actually run a cable from either end of the fans I'm putting them now on the bottom fan tray the idea being here that I'm going to pull cold air from underneath the case into the case obviously then blowing onto the graphics card for good cooling performance again you need to remove the rubber covers for the various fan holes here and then we're going to flip the fans and the tray over and screw it down now I'm using 120 mil fans here you do have the option to use 140 instead we need to secure these f hands in with the relevant screws and then attach it to the bottom of the case so where we took it out earlier on and you got that thumb screw in there you obviously need to line that notch back up and Slot it in it's a little bit fiddly to do if you're not paying attention to the way it came out so make sure you noted how it came out when you put it back in and then don't forget to rescure that thumb screw on the right hand side to make sure it's secured in place and then you can run a cable on either end I choose to run my cables from the left hand side CU then you can run them basically hide them away quite neatly down the bottom there so this is a good thing about these uni fans you've only got a single cable coming out of a group of fans that runs to the rear and you can choose the direction it goes from and which side it comes out of the fans as well benefit of these reverse blade fans as you get to see the front of the fans rather than the back but it's still pulling cold air in from underneath so it looks aesthetically nice but still gives you some good cooling performance again we then got to run that connector to the control box which you can see is now nestled away in the SSD cage I mentioned earlier on so there's room in there if you've got a single SSD you can put the controller in there so that's a good option now I'm looking at the mounting of the 360 mil radiator I know why I'm going to put this on top but which way round do we want it am I going to put it with the chebes towards the rear or the ches towards the front now this is going to be a personal preference obviously with the LCD fans if I put it with ches towards the front they may be blocking them so I'm going to end up with them on the rear instead now as standard this this radiator comes with infinity fans but I'm swapping it for these TL fans instead just because I want to keep the fans the same throughout if you are going to use Infinity fans and you're curious you will need the infinity controller so you'll end up with two controllers in the system because you can't run TL and infinity fans on the same controller at least that's what lean Lee says I've not been able to test that but it's something to keep in mind you might end up with two controllers on your system if you are mixing and matching Leon Le's UNIF fans in there now these are the standard orientation fans so in this instance the air is actually exhausting through the radiator so these fans will be pulling air out of the case through the radiator and then out of the top of the case so I'm mounting the radiator to the fan tray now I mentioned earlier on in the video that you don't need to remove the fan tray from the top of the case what I was just doing demonstrate that you can you could alternatively put the fan tray back on now and then Mount the radiator that way what I'm doing instead is mounting the radiator to the fan tray with the screws that are in cluded with the AO and then positioning it into the case that way you can see that you can also adjust the position there is some room to move either left or right so I'd recommend maybe screwing the screws in a little bit loose so you can then check you're happy with the orientation before you fully seat it in and set it up you can always tighten these up in a little while but that allows you to move it left and right depending on where you want those tubes so obviously we're putting it with the tubes towards the rear in this instance and I'm also going to be installing a rear fan so I might want to slip it slightly towards the front of the case or to the right if you're looking at this orientation and now we put it back in obviously we need to rescure those little screws that we took out earlier on to make sure the fan tray is held in as it should so now I'm applying some mx4 CPU thermal paste to the i 93900 k and I like to put a bit of a blob on there and then use a small spatula to spread it across the entirety of the IHS to make sure that there's good coverage there this ensures good thermal transfer and the CPU runs cool a nice thin cover across the whole of the thing should sort it out nicely and then we're going to seat down that pump head over the top now as worth noting you don't actually have to use thermal paste if you're using this cooler as it came out of the box CU it does have its own thermal paste so you don't need to buy the mx4 necessarily separately but you do need to then set it up and put all the standoffs in place obviously screwing those thumb screws down making sure they're nice and tight and set up well and then there's some other cables to deal with cuz we've got this single cable coming out of here which I'd recommend connecting up to the CPU fan header on your motherboard you have the option of CPU fan or pump fan one on this motherboard but CPU fan will ensure that the pump's getting the juice it needs to run but also that your motherboard doesn't complain that it's not monitoring the CPU fan speed so we plug that into that connector there and then we we also have the additional cable so there's another cable which comes out the side which is the USB connection this one can be problematic so if you are having any problems with it make sure that it is seated properly in there because you have to push it in quite far until it clicks into place if that's loose then you may well have issues with the display and when I've been troubleshooting problems with this cooler that that was one of the main causes that and I'd also recommend making sure you use a USB port on the bottom of the motherboard that's dedicated just to that and nothing else so don't combine it with multiple other things in a USB hub or other ways so just use a single connector at the bottom there so then the fans on the radiator obviously once again they have a connector and that runs to the controller as well now it's worth noting that in le le lconnect software you can then set these fans remember what group you put them in set those fans up so that they then ramp up depending on the temperature of your CPU so you can do that in ALC connect quite easily I'm then going to put another fan at the rear here and this is obviously another exhaust fan so we now have six fans intaking through in the bottom through on the side and then four exhausting through on the top one at the rear and they're all controlled from that single controller that I showed you earlier on and obviously there's just one cable coming from each of those groups as well so these are really easy to set up and nice and neat in terms of the cabling and the setup there now with the exception of the graphics card we have the PC mostly built obviously we need to make sure everything is plugged in as I've shown you including all the fans you want to make sure obviously they're connected over the controller controllers connected to the motherboard power cables are connected everything's plugged in properly otherwise you might have some issues but this is why I mentioned earlier on that plastic cable ties could be a bit tricky because if you do find something's loose and you tied a lot of other things down it can be a problem so now is probably the time to test these things out run that USBC cable from the AO pump header through to the bottom of the case and then plug that into the bottom USB port and then we should mostly be ready to finalize this off now I'm using the 600 W power cable from the graphics card for this build so to make sure there's not too much tension on it I'm actually running it as neatly as possible as I can down to the bottom middle because it's then going to pop out of the front and then I'm going to put the GPU in there obviously we're using the top slot for the the pciex16 graphics card port and that will ensure that the GPU runs as fast as possible speed and works well and we're going to also use the GPU anti sag bracket now as well CU I want to demonstrate that so this is a neat little addition to the case I'd recommend using this will work with both ATX and eatx motherboard so if you're a slightly different version of a motherboard you want to use in here a bigger one you can still use this there's a setup guide for it in the Box but it is fairly straightforward so as standard there's this one bracket with a numbering on it you need to put this additional bracket on top of it and then a little pad on top of that there's a screw that screws into that and then this basically attaches to the standoff screws that are already in the motherboard so when we put the motherboard in obviously it was sitting on top of standoffs that were on the case and then we put screws on top of that to screw the motherboard down so what we'll do here is we'll remove those two silver screws that we put in earlier and then I'm going to put some extra standoffs in that are included with the anti-ag bracket setup so the longer ones the black ones will then sit on top so what you've got then is basically you've got standoff and then motherboard and then another standoff and then the brackets and then screws to hold that in place so you can see this black standoff there that then mounts into the standoff that's in the case through the motherboard this basically lets the antiag bracket sit a little bit higher off the motherboard closer to the GPU and this is really neat because because it's one of the nicer anti-ag brackets I've seen because it doesn't require you to find somewhere in the case where it can sit as in coming from the bottom for example cuz a lot of gpus will include an antiag bracket but it needs to sit flat on the bottom of the case which obviously it can't do here because we've got fans on the bottom so we put the standoffs in both those positions and those bottom two right spots in place of the standard silver motherboard screws that are there and then we're going to put the bracket down over the top now the process is slightly different for the eatx but the setup for the ATX version looks like this so that is how it is set up ready to go you basically just put that down on top of it there and then we use the motherboard screws to screw that down now there's actually some black screws as an alternative to the silver ones we used so you have a choice between those you for the black ones you've got stealthy setup there but obviously that's going to look different from the other motherboard screws that are there but I mean as a personal preference doesn't really matter it's the same screws you screw that down and then you can basically put the clip on the right hand side so there's basically a push button on the antiag bracket you can drop that down into the lower position put your GPU in and then slide it up so it basically holds the end of the graphics card and supports it obviously without putting any extra pressure anywhere and it's just giv some relief which over time would be beneficial especially if you've got a large heavy GPU that might be problematic so this is gigabyte 4070 TI which is fairly long and as you can see pretty large probably not the largest out there but it is pretty chunky secure it with the thumb screws that held the PCI brackets in place make sure they're tightened up nice they'll secure it at one end and then at the other and we use the anti-ag bracket to just give it that extra support so you'll see here as well there's plenty of space still moving further out for a larger GPU so if you're going for a 4090 for example it should be fine also in this setup I'm happy to report that the 600 W cable will connect up nice and easily here without out pressing up against the glass so I haven't had any problems there putting any extra tension on it from the glass on the case you do obviously need to try and knen it up as much as possible because it is running down to the bottom but you can then adjust it make sure it's in there securely and not causing any problems and then just turn your PC on and see if everything's booting up as expected you can see the RGB lighting isn't actually working on the fans here so there was a cable that I hadn't connected properly so basically went back and checked the controller and then everything's working as expected you can see we've got the LCD displays as standard they're actually set sideways here you can rotate them andl connect which I've gone into more depth on in that video and you can adjust the lighting in there as well and then obviously adjusting the GPU antiag bracket put the glass panels back on and then you've got a PC that's fully built now this is just one option for what you can do with this case obviously there are alternatives but I'm pretty happy with how it's come out and hopefully this has been a help video giving you some good insights into what you can do with the case how to set it up in the standard position obviously there's extra alternative things that you can do for example you can also get a vertical GPU Mount and there is a support bracket that runs down the front of the case which you can also remove if you found this useful subscribe for more thanks for watching you've made it right to the end of the video you brilliant Legend you if you've enjoyed it click that subscribe Buton give me a thumbs up and drop me a comment down below if you've got any questions if you really enjoyed it consider joining the channel and see the benefits of doing so check out these other videos you might well find them interesting or useful and most importantly have a great life
Channel: The Provoked Prawn
Views: 18,588
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Keywords: Lian Li O11D Evo RGB, Lian Li O11D Evo RGB features, Lian Li O11D Evo RGB feauture overview, Lian Li O11D Evo RGB specs, Evo RGB Build Guide, Evo RGB Guide, How to build Lian Li Evo RGB
Id: LZz2uhZAWzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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