O11 EVO RGB with LCD Fans - 14900K high end build
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Channel: GGF Events
Views: 49,788
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Keywords: lian li evo rgb, o11 evo rgb, evo rgb case review, evo rgb review, o11 evo rgb review, lian li lcd fans, tl lcd fans, lian li o11 vision, lian li tl fans, lian li o11 dynamic evo xl, optimus 4090 block, Optimus Foundation Intel CPU Block, EK P360M Black Edition, patriot viper extreme 5, rog z790 apex encore, ggf o11 evo rgb, ggf o11 build, ggf evo build, ggf custom build, thermaltake Marble Blue, o11 14900k build, o11 dynamic evo rgb review, lian li ces 2024
Id: 0G45o7v__TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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