There is NO Height Limit in Minecraft

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even if you're cheating there is no way to build in the void in minecraft or is there i'm gonna push vanilla minecraft to its limit to see if i can find a way to build below bedrock last time we were able to make working vertical slabs in vanilla minecraft and these videos have been blowing up so why not keep it going well first things first we can't necessarily build below bedrock unless we know what we're gonna build so let's get a couple building blocks here we're just gonna make a simple little outline with some window spaces like that and i think this is pretty much a decent size just to get the concept working but of course we're going to need a cool roof on top that's pretty good let me brown these out a little bit and then of course we're going to need a door now it's certainly not a beautiful house but it's a house so if we go into spectator mode and fly down all the way beneath the world we can see we are in the void it's a bit dark down here though so let's get a torch in the offhand there we go we should be able to see a little better but of course you may notice that if i get a block uh building down here it's not possible we can build right here we can build on that level but we can't build below this level we can't build below y0 or can we you may notice that while we can't place blocks here we can in fact summon things like armor stands if you've watched my other videos you might have an idea of where i'm going with this i'm not going to explain this in every video but if we summon a falling block at our position with the properties of no gravity of 1 time of let's go negative 1 million and a block state edit where the name is let's say stone then we can summon a block of stone that is technically falling sand and has no collision huh you see where i'm going to this but while that's great you can see if i run the command again it doesn't necessarily line up properly at all but to fix that all we got to do is execute the command at our position and then align it on the x y and z coordinates and then we run our previous command right here i didn't copy that first let's put it there and now it will always center the blocks within the coordinates so with that information we could go down here below bedrock a little bit closer and we could run this command and it does work we do have a block down here you can notice uh for starters there's no collision and you can't have a house you can't stand in you know but i've learned from the last video one thing we can do is summon a shulker at our position of course and we can give it the properties of no ai and that's pretty much it but you can see what we can do is effect give all entities of whoops backwards all these of type shulker and a distance of let's say three blocks uh invisibility for ever i guess invisibility zero with hiding particles and now we have a full shulker right here that we can stand on so why not combine them you can see if i stand still i will summon a stone block i will summon a shulker i forgot to align it i will summon a stone block i will summon a shulker that we execute at our position align with our coordinates and then we run the command no ah okay so i see the issue if i run the command to summon a falling block it centers it on the corner of a block here and the shulker cannot be on the corner of a block it has to be like in a block so we have to do is take our falling block command and just add 0.5 to the x and z coordinates just like that there we go now we have a block that lines up so a third time's the charm let's summon a block let's summon a shulker and then let's get a little bit closer and we need to find our invisibility command which is where is it invisibility and now we have an invisible shulker inside of this falling sand block and it has a full hitbox and while that's great there's still one more thing we need to fix you may notice that if i try to summon a falling block but instead of stone i make it let's say stone stairs uh it works but if i turn uh it always faces the same direction how are we supposed to make an upside down house with only vertical stairs well let me show you first let's kind of clear up this area let's kill all entities of type not player and at whoops in a distance of like 20 there we go if we take our command for stone stairs right here and then inside the block state along with the name we change the properties and then this properties we set the facing to east now we have stairs facing east then along with facing we can also change the half to be top and now it's upside down but there is no way i'm gonna stand here and type in three commands to place every single one of these blocks we're going to have a bunch of command blocks let's say this line will make planks this line will make logs this will make glass panes and so on and we're going to have a tool that every time we use it it will pick the block we want and place a redstone block in front of this line and spawn that block at our coordinates so for example this first one will be our command to summon planks the second one will summon shulkers and this last one will give all the shulkers invisibility although actually we need to execute at ourselves and then run the command so now if we copy this paste it in all these and then change it so for example instead of oak blinks this one will be an alkalog and instead of oak planks this one will be a glass pane then if we were to run these commands this will summon the oak planks this will summon a log and this will summon a glass pane but you may have noticed that uh these didn't actually summon the shulkers and that's because this is only activating the front row commands these need to be chain command blocks so that when this first one gets activated it pulls the signal all the way to the end so you can see now if i were to let's say summon a log it now still didn't work and that's because these need to always be active there we go so now if we summon a log it will have a hitbox just like that but you may have noticed that all of these chain command blocks are duplicates so for example this is the shulker shulker shulker and these are all the same invisibility command so if we know we're gonna have redstone blocks all along here like this then what we can do to have them always run the same extra commands is run some redstone down like this let's get those blocks out of the way and then if we steal these command blocks we can point them right here and of course the first one has to be an impulse to get the chain going then we can break all of these so now if we want planks we put a block here we want logs we put a block here and glass panes we put one here but you may have noticed that it only worked for the first one because these are already powered so all we need to do is make sure we get rid of this redstone block so let's put a command block here and it looks like this is the positive z direction so set block let's go positive 2 on the z air just like that and this needs to be a chain so if we copy this now every time we place a redstone block it should get rid of it perfect so one more time for a demonstration planks and it has a hitbox logs with a hitbox and glass panes with a hitbox although uh i don't think these should have a hitbox so all we have to do to make sure the glass panes don't have a headbox is remove this redstone so now if we want planks they have that with the hitbox logs with the hitbox and glass panes without one so let's get it set up alright so i added all the other blocks we're going to need and let's see if i got it right on the first try so this should be planks that should be logs this is stairs facing east stairs facing west stairs upside down east upside down west upside down north upside down south then that should be bottom half door top half door didn't seem to work uh wall torch which is backwards uh the other type of glass pane and then this first glass pane test number two these should all be fine because i already tested those so now we should have the top half door bottom half door facing the wrong direction uh torch facing right direction and then the panes were fine so i just need to flip this i had a typo okay there we go but now here's the coolest part if i go to this will open up a handy little website and scroll down here we go to book editor what we can do is change this text to something like oak planks right here highlight it and make this text run the command slash set block specific coordinates redstone block and we generate the command we can copy this and then if we get a command block put it over here paste this command in here and activate it i now have a book in my inventory and anytime i click this text it will spawn an oak plink wherever we are in the world boom easy without this website you would have to watch me type this entire thing by hand and i don't even want to do that so let's get a new command block put it over here paste our massive code in there give ourselves the book and now you can see we have a void builder and if we click on any of these it will summon that block at our coordinates and we can also click to kill all players at the bottom right here so now i think we're ready to build our house [Music] [Music] and here is our completely finished void house with a little bit of shulker head sticking through just so you can walk on it but uh if you don't care about walking on it you can just literally kill them with a sword and get rid of them you can walk through the door fall down here you got your crafting table your workbench uh yes flawless underground void building and for confirmation you can see we are at below y level zero and a pre 1.17 world so why don't you check out this video next on the fastest way to find diamonds in the new minecraft 1.17 caves and of course don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Mysticat
Views: 1,419,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YM7qRR7iht8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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