How to Make Crowdfunding, Fundraising & Charity Donations Website like Kickstarter & ketto WordPress

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hell friends amnesia can train this real teach you how to create a fundraising and charity donations website like kickstarter gofundme and keto with wordpress in this website that we're gonna create in this video you can raise funds for your project startup non-profit organization charity ngos etc and apart from regular fundraising features this website has some really amazing and unique features like first of all here everything happens on the front end so whether you want to create or edit a new campaign creating rewards changing profile settings everything is done from the front end your users don't have to go to the dashboard or the backend to do these things second of all it has a really amazing front-end dashboard with beautiful graphs and information and anyone can come to your website and they can create a campaign and raise funds for their projects and you get a commission on that obviously because everything is happening on your website and there are many more features that obviously i'll show you later on in this video now first of all let me show you a very quick demo of the website that will be creating in this video so if you follow my step-by-step tutorial this is the website that you will be creating and this is all the features that you will be getting so first of all if you see this is the website that will be creating if i scroll down this looks beautiful as you can see this is the exact same website that i'll show you step by step how to create this website now at top if you see this is our header now another great thing about this website is that we have a inbuilt header builder and so you can you can create these kind of headers by yourself so if you for example if you don't want this top section you can just get rid of that section similarly if you don't want your logo at the left hand side maybe you want it in the middle or at the right hand side you can have that thing as well if you don't want this entire section entire uh you know if you don't want this phone number section you can just delete that section if you want to add or something else if you want to change the style if you want to change the height everything can be changed so basically we have inbuilt header builder in this website now in this header you see you have your email address and your address over here then after that we have this link so if you click on this thing we have added few links so here so if you want to add a new project you can click on this link if you want to see your front-end dashboard you can click on this link and all the other links then if a person wants they can simply click on this link add a project and they will see this page now they can simply fill in this form and they can create a new project from the front end itself they don't have to go to the back end to do that thing they can create the project from the front end itself they can simply enter all the basic details that is required over here and they can create their first campaign or their first project let's again come back to our home page then you have your main header now in the main header you'll see we have our logo and after that we have our menu in the middle and at the right hand side we have this thing as i said earlier if you want to change the layout you can easily do that now if you see the next section that we have is this beautiful slider section so i'll show you how to create a slider like this in fact i'll just give you this slider you can import it on your website and you can do some changes on this slider so this is an amazing looking slider as you can see very useful if you don't want this slider in the first section if you want something else you can have that thing as well obviously now in the next section if you see we have displayed our top categories so you can again see the design looks amazing we have used this consistent color throughout the website you know this is our primary color this blue color and this greenish color is our secondary color so i've used this you know this same color throughout the website just to make your website more professional so that your website looks you know pretty much similar throughout okay we are not using different font families on different pages or different color scheme or different color palettes on different pages so your website will look pretty consistent throughout so this is how this looks like now if someone wants to see only technology related campaigns or projects they can obviously click on technology and they can see those projects then when you scroll down we have a call to action button and again if you see in this section also if you see in the background we have a very beautiful pattern going on here also if you see in the top section we have a very beautiful pattern going on in the background so i'll show you how that is done now if again someone clicks on this button because this is a call to action they will be redirected to now create a project page then we have featured few projects on our home page so if you want you can feature a few projects on your home page and obviously i'll show you how a single project or how how a single campaign page looks like then when you scroll down you have this counter you can display different numbers or different things so here so for example how many numbers of project completed you can use this these kind of icons this color and all okay then if you see this section this is how it looks like again we are adding few more projects few more campaigns on our home page then again when you scroll down another call to action button so again and again if you see we have added two three different call to actions in the home page itself obviously because we want more and more people to create different campaigns the more people create campaign the more money you can earn and obviously you because if you're use if you're doing this for non-profit organization also you want your project and you want your website to be more popular more work should be done through your website so very important then when you scroll down you can have your testimonials section so as you can see again very beautiful professional looking testimonial section then we have this video section so you have this nice title over here at the left hand side and at the right hand side if you click on this thing you will see this pop-up and this video will start playing so you can have a video section like this then we'll also see how to create these kind of news and articles so basically we'll see how to create different kind of blog post now these things are really important most people just don't most people just ignore it but these things are really important because blog posts help you to get you know organic traffic for free using google search results so very important again when you scroll down at the bottom i have added this mailchimp newsletter form so if someone wants to sign up for your newsletter they can simply enter their email address and click on subscribe and obviously they will be added to your mailchimp list then obviously at the end you have your footer and again this is also not a default footer we have designed it ourselves so we also have a footer builder built in in our website so i'll show you how to create that thing how to use that footer builder to build a beautiful footer like this one then if you want you can click on this call to top button and you can go to this top page now let me show you one thing let's open a single page let's open a single campaign so that we can see how it looks like so let's open this one now as you can see the single campaign page looks something like this first we have the same header then after that we have this title section so here's the title then we have the breadcrumb over here and then your project or then your campaign you can call it project you can call it a fundraiser you can call it a campaign so this is how it looks like at the left-hand side you can either showcase some video or you can also showcase few images or some gallery of images then you can have your short story so in few lines you can explain about your project or about your fundraiser then in the right hand side first of all a person can see what category this fundraiser belongs to so this is related to film and videos then the title of the fundraiser you can see how much money is pledged so 500 is placed by one backer and how many days left for this fundraiser to end now the goal is fifteen thousand dollars and after that 500 is raised now if you also want to donate some money you can type in some money for example if you want to donate hundred dollars you can select this option click on back campaign now in the next step you will have to do the checkout you can make payment through paypal through credit card debit card or you can also make payment through this wallet system that is inbuilt in this website so this option is added over here once you make any payment obviously this bar will increase and your your name will be added in this backer list and in the backer list you can see this person has donated 500 at on this date obviously if you want to become anonymous if you don't want your name to be shown over here there is one option for that as well i will show you about that option later on in this video now on the story section this this section will have more detail about this project or about this fundraiser so you can add images you can add videos you can add text list all these things to explain more about the project then we also have the reward system so if someone you know makes a payment or someone makes a donation or someone pledges some some amount of money in this example as you can see 320 or more you will give them this reward okay so you know 31 rewards are left so if someone wants they can select this reward as well so that you can select this reward you can give them this reward as well okay so this is how it looks like now let me show you the front-end dashboard so if you click on this thing click on dashboard this is how your front-end dashboard looks like so you can see how much money you have raised how many people have totally bagged your projects or your campaigns you can see all these things if you want to add some money in your wallet you can type in that thing click on add balance in the next step you'll have to go to the checkout and you can add some money in your wallet and after that if you want you can also connect it with stripe now if someone wants to withdraw their money if if you're if you're a person who is running this campaign if you know withdraw this money i'll show you later on in this video how you can do that if you want to create a new campaign obviously you can just go ahead click on this button add new campaign and you can just fill in the simple form and create your own campaign now you can also post some updates for your campaign so if you open any campaign you'll see you'll have different updates so if you scroll down this campaign is updated few times as you can see on this date this project is now live on crowd so if someone wants to post a new you know update for their campaign they can go to first this option my campaigns and here they can see all the different things now if they want to update this campaign they can click on update and they can now type in the update related to this campaign click on our add update and they can type in the update so this is how this thing works now in this video we'll also learn how to create different pages so i'll show you how to create your about page as well so as you can see this is how your about page looks like again you don't need to create it i'll just give you a simple you know layout a simple pre-made template you just need to import it on your website so everything doing everything will be pretty easy similarly for contact page as well we'll see how to create this page or how to import this page on your website all right all right so this was a very short demo of the website that we'll be creating in this video i hope you guys like the demo website now if you like this demo website and if you want to create this amazing website make sure to watch the complete tutorial now before you proceed further make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you don't miss any future notifications now if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any sessions for me you can always leave them in the comments section below now let's start creating this website i guess now to create any kind of website whether it's a fundraising website an e-commerce website a simple blog or a business website any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account a domain name is simply the name or the url of your website for example all these things are different domain names so we also have to purchase a domain name on the internet so that whenever someone wants to visit your website they can simply type in this domain name in the browser url bar and they can land on your website now the second and the most important thing related to your website is your hosting a hosting is basically a computer wherein this entire website is saved so if you see this entire website including all the different media files all the different campaigns all the different pages the database of this website in fact this complete website is saved in a computer and that computer is running 24 7 so that whenever someone wants to visit your website from any particular country at any given time they can always see your website live so your website is always live it is always up and running now hosting is the most important thing about your website because everything related to your website is directly or indirectly dependent on your hosting so your website speed your website's performance the user experience on your website your website security and even your website's ranking in google search results is totally dependent on your hosting so if you selected a good and reliable hosting your website speed and performance will be amazing you will have better security on your website and you'll also get better ranking in google search results and obviously in contrast to that if you select a cheap crappy hosting your website speed and performance will be really bad and your website security will also be not that great and you also won't get better ranking in google search results now there are literally thousands of different hosting products available in the market but unfortunately only handful of them are really good enough to consider but you don't have to worry about that you can simply do one thing open a new tab and type in fc now fc stands for fast comment and this link is also given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now this is the hosting that will be using to create this website now there are some more hostings that are good enough to consider so if you go to my website here you'll see right on top you'll see this link wp hosting best wordpress hosting if you click on that thing you'll land on this page or if you want you can simply go to hosting you will land on this page here i have listed some decent and you know good hostings available now the number one in this list is siteground now you might be thinking if siteground is number one then why am i recommending fast comment now the main reason is that siteground is not available in most countries you can see it is only available in following countries north and south america australia european union and few asian countries so in most of the world this you know hosting is not available that is the reason why we are using the second best hosting fast comment now if you again come back to this page as i said earlier we are using fast comment for this video now here's you can see we have three different plans available fast cloud fast cloud plus and fast cloud extra so basically this is cloud hosting and we have three different plans if you hover over this option all important features you can read about some of the basic and important features that you get with these hosting so first of all you get cpanel and softaculous app installer which will be useful to install wordpress on your website or wordpress on your domain name then after that we also get free daily backups so your website will automatically be backed up every single day so even if something happens to your website you can easily restore your website then after that you also get free daily backup so your website will be backed up every single day so even if something happens to your website you have the daily backup you can easily restore your website then we also get free cloudflare cdn we get let's encrypt ssl which is very important now because we are creating this website and in this website we'll be accepting online payments we want this thing over here so we need ssl certificate if you don't have ssl certificate installed on your domain name you will not be able to accept online payments so very important then to further more improve your website security we also get bit ninja server security there are few more features you can read about them if you want if you hover these options advanced features you can read about these features as well then after that with this plan with these two plans fast cloud plus and extra with these two plans you can host multiple websites in one hosting so what does this mean so today you're creating this website this fundraising website tomorrow if you want to create some other website maybe an e-commerce website or a blog or a business website tomorrow again you don't need to purchase a new hosting you can host all your website in one single plan because this supports multiple websites hosting then after that we also get free website transfer and domain transfer so if you have registered a domain name somewhere else maybe on godaddy namecheap or some other website you can register or you can transfer and migrate your website for free even if you created a complete website so if you have already created a complete e-commerce website on some other hosting maybe on godaddy maybe on hostgator or bluehost and if you're maybe not satisfied with the speed and performance of that hosting then these guys will help you to migrate your website for free now in the next step i'll show you how that is done now with this you're also getting 25 gb of ssd space now most of the hosting providers use the hdd space to host your website but here at fast comment and some other hosting if you see this hosting list that i've given you all these hosting siteground fast comment a2 hosting these guys use the ssd space but most of the companies most of the hosting products they use the hdd space to host your website now if you compare ssd and hdd if your website is hosted on ssd server that is on fast comment server your website will be 30 to 40 times faster than other websites which are hosted on some other hdd servers so this is really important also you're getting 25 gb of space which is more than enough if i talk about this website this entire website as you can see i have multiple projects over here multiple campaigns many different pages post media file everything is given over here the total size of this website is hardly 2 or 300 mbs so you don't have to worry about this space with 25 gb of space you can create hundreds of different websites again if you want you can scroll down you can read more about all these features i don't want to waste a lot of time over here for most of you guys i've just recommend you to start with the plus plan fast cloud plus plan so simply select this plan and click on this get started button now you will be redirected to this page and here you have to register a new domain name so whatever domain name you want to register you can type in that thing over here suppose if i want to register this thing i can type in here and at the right hand side from this extension list i can select dot dot me dot in many different domain name extensions are given so whichever domain name extension you want you can simply select that and click on this button use this domain or if you have already registered a domain name on some other website maybe on namecheap or godaddy or any other website you can select this option i already have a domain name and now here you can select that domain name you can enter the domain name that you have registered on godaddy and after that click on use this domain now what you do after this thing i'll show you in the next step now in this case i want to register a new domain name so i'll type in that domain name and click on use this domain now in the next step you have to enter your basic information first of all under account information you have to enter your name your email address master password your address phone number all these basic details now from here these two things are pretty important email and master password now whatever you enter under email and master password this thing will become your login details or this thing will become your login credentials so whenever you want to log into your fast comment account you will have to enter this email address and master password so make sure whatever email address and master password you enter over here make sure you remember that thing make sure you write it down or type it down somewhere then after that you have the product information i would recommend you not to touch anything under product information leave this extras option and just come to payment information now you have to make payment for this hosting you'll see there are different options available we have credit and debit card option available so if you want to make payment through your credit card debit card or your atm card you can just enter your card details so here just make sure that only four types of cards are accepted american express visa mastercard and discover now the reason i'm saying this is because most of the people in india have a rupee card narupay is a domestic card which is not accepted anywhere outside india so if you have a rupee card you better get your card updated and upgrade it to visa or a mastercard now if you want you can also make payment through paypal so this option is available now once you do all these things just go ahead at the bottom tick mark these two things and click on this button complete order now once you click on that button you have to now come to this website my dot fast comment dot com and here you have to enter this email address and master password that you have entered in your previous step so whatever email and address and master password you have entered in your previous tab type in the same thing over here and click on login now this is your client area for fast comment you have to scroll down now first of all let's see the support tickets option if you click on support tickets and if you select submit tickets so if you have any problem with your website with your website speed with your website's performance or anything like that you can always come to this support ticket option and you can raise a new ticket if you have anything related to billing or sales ssl installation website transfer cpanel help if your website is down anything like that you can select this option you and you can contact the support team and fast comment now here what i want to show you is this option website transfer so if you have already created a website on some other hosting and if you wanna you know transfer your website if you wanna migrate your website to fast comment you can fill in this detail you can fill in this simple form you can enter your current you know control panel link username password all these things you can enter your website name that you want to transfer and after that these guys at fast comment will do this thing for you now again if you come back to fast comment we have one more option under support tickets the second option is this option if you want to change your domain name dns support domain management if you wanna migrate your domain all these things you can use this option all right now again let's come back to fast comment cpanel now if you scroll down you will see this button over here cp which stands for cpanel click on this button again you'll have to enter your master password do that thing and click on proceed now a new tab will be open and you will see your control panel or your cpanel now this is how your cpanel looks like now the very first thing that you need that you need to do is you need to see your primary domain so you'll see your primary domain name at the right hand side and here make sure you see something wp or something dv certificate or something like that is written over here and you have this lock pad besides your domain name if you have this thing present over here it simply means that your website has ssl installed in it if you don't see this thing it simply means that your website does not have ssl installed so you don't need to worry about that you can do it manually as well you can do it yourself you can simply click on this search bar and you can search for ssl you'll see this option let's encrypt ssl select this option and scroll down now you have to select the domain name on which you want to install ssl if you don't see your domain name you can click on this search and you can search for that domain for example i want to use this domain crowd2.4m so i can select this domain click on this issue button and after that again click on this blue issue button and after that ssl will be successfully installed on your domain name now once that is done you can now install wordpress on that domain so for that again click on the search bar and search for subtaculus app installer you'll see this option click on this option now there are several apps given over here whatever or whichever you app you want to install on your domain name you can select that obviously we want to install wordpress which is the first option you can select this option and click on this install button now you'll see this page and here you have to first of all select the domain name on which you want to install wordpress so in this case i want to select this domain crop2.fam.tin and make sure under choose protocol https is selected there are two options over here http and https as for secure so make sure you have https selected over here then after that under this box you will see under this in directory box you'll see wp is typed in for you make sure delete this thing make sure this box is empty your in directory box should be empty then after that you have your second option which is your site settings now under the site settings you have to give your website some name and you have to describe your website in few words so let me change this name to something else maybe i'll type in crowd over here and under site description i'll type in fundraising website or something like that so basically you have to give your website some name it could be your name your personal name your brand's name your company's name and you have to describe your website in few words now if you don't want to do this thing right now if you don't want to change this thing i'll show you in the latest step how you can do it okay so later on as well when you install wordpress on your website you can change this thing from your wordpress dashboard then the next option is very important your admin account option now here the default username is admin and the default password is pass obviously you should change this thing if you don't change this thing it will hardly take few hours before your website is you know attacked or hacked because whenever someone is trying to hack or attack your website they always try this username and password so make sure you always change this thing now let me type in some other username over here and after that you can also type in some other password so you can hide this thing and you can type in some other password now once that is done you have to also change your admin email so they will give you some demo or dummy email over here make sure to delete it and type in your own personal email address over here all right now again once you do that you have to just go ahead at the bottom and click on this blue install button now once it is done you will see wordpress has started installing on your domain name this is a very short process this is a very short process as you can see it is already created it is already completed now once wordpress is installed on your domain name you will see two links given to you if you open the first link this will be your website so your website is looking something like this right now if you open your second link this is your dashboard link now this link this dashboard link is the most important page this link or this page is the most important page of your website because you will be controlling your website from this page so if you want to change the style of your website if you want to add any new campaigns or if you want to add any new features to your website if you want to manage payments manage campaigns everything from everything will be done from this page and whenever you want to come to this page you simply have to type in your website name after that put a forward slash wp hyphen admin you will land on this page now whenever we install wordpress on a new domain name there are few basic things that we have to understand and there are few basic settings that we have to do now the very first thing that you'll see you have this left-hand sidebar and you will see there are a few options given over here the first option is your dashboard option and this is how your dashboard is looking now on our dashboard we have few widgets which are not really important so if you want you can do one thing go to screen options and you can untick all these widgets from here now later on in this video we'll add some important useful widgets on this space now the second option from your left hand side is your post option so we'll be using this option to create different blog posts if you see the demo website if i scroll down at the bottom you can see we have created this thing these kind of blog posts will be created from this place from this post option then after that we have the media option whatever media file is present whatever images media file is present on your website you can see all of them from here you can manage them from here if you want to add a new one click on add new and you can add some new media file then we have the pages option which obviously will be used to create and manage different pages then we have the comments option which obviously will be used to manage comments if you want to approve and approve any comment if you're not reply to any comment if you're gonna market spam or delete this comment you can do it from here then another option in fact the next option is one of the most important options which is your appearance option so under this appearance option you basically change the layout the style the appearance of your website so right now if you see this is how your website is looking and this is because of this theme now these three things that you see these are called themes and obviously if you have a new theme your website design will change let me show you now if i just do one thing i don't want to no i have not done anything i have not made any changes to this website if i just go ahead and activate some other theme right now this 2021 theme is activated and these two themes are not active so if i just go ahead and activate probably this 2020 theme let's see what happens if i activate this thing come back to this page refresh it and now as you can see just by activating some other theme your website design completely changes so this is basically what a theme does it changes the style and appearance of your website now you should always remember one thing to only have one website or only have one theme always installed and activated for you all these extra themes go ahead and delete them okay just like this click on this theme click on this delete button and delete them now the next option is your plugins option now under this plugins also you'll see two plugins are already installed for you you can just go ahead and again delete these two plugins which are not really important now plug in what is a plugin first of all now plugin is kind of a software and or an add-on that will add some extra features and functionalities to your wordpress website for example right now this website that we have just created this is just a regular blog there is no feature available in fact there are no campaign related or fundraising features available no one can create a campaign no one can risk you know any funds no one can we don't have any payment integration anything like that so to add all these features to add all the fundraising features we have to use different plugins so later on in this video you will see when i install and activate a new plugin that plugin will add all the fundraising features to your website then after that we have the settings option click on this option now make sure first of all if you have not already changed your website name and description you can change it from here then make sure to see your email address make sure your email address is correct over here if it's not you can you know replace it with your own email address then make sure to always tick mark this thing membership anyone can register if you don't tick mark this thing no one will be able to register on your website which is really bad because we want people to register on our website we want people to create campaigns we want people to raise funds all these things will be you know enabled only after they are able to register on your website so make sure this is always tick mark anyone can register then after that based on your country based on a location you have to change your time zone now if you're from india you can select kolkata if you're from some other country you can select the time zone of your respective country and after that you can just click on save changes now under settings you will see permalinks click on that by default day and name will be selected or some other option will be selected you have to select this option post name this is the most seo friendly permalink structure so make sure you select this option and click on save changes now once you do this thing again come back to your dashboard and with this all the basic settings related to our wordpress website is now completed right now let's do one thing let's install the new theme because right now if you see your website is looking something like this which is not really great so let's convert this boring website into something amazing and beautiful like this one okay so for that we need a new theme and with that theme we'll also get all the required plugins all the plugins required to create this professional fundraising website now to download this theme or to install this theme first open a new tab and type in crowd again this link is also given to you in the video description below so you don't have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now this is the theme that we'll be using for this purpose you can see this is the crowd crowdfunding and charity wordpress theme you can scroll down you can read more about this theme you can read more about all the features that you get with this theme you just have to purchase this theme this is 43 dollars now this will this is a one-time payment you just pay this 43 dollars and you can have this theme for lifetime and you'll keep on getting all the new updates so whenever this theme is getting updated in future you'll keep on getting those updates so this is really amazing because most of the most of the platforms don't provide lifetime updates but here you're getting that and price is also pretty low so just this is just a one-time payment and with this you also get six months of support from the theme developers so if you have any problem related to related to this theme if you're not able to achieve a certain feature or a certain design you can obviously go ahead click on support or click on comments comment and you know you can go for support support and they will help you out all right so we need to purchase this theme simply click on this buy now and make sure you purchase this theme once you do that you have to select this option you have to hover this option you know and after that click on this option download so basically you have to hover your username and click on downloads now here you can see all the different themes and plugins that you have purchased with themeforest you have to select this theme crowdfunding theme click on download and select this option second option installable wordpress file only now you'll see a new zip file will start downloading once it is downloaded you can now again come back to your dashboard now to install this theme click on appearance click on add new and now you can upload this theme so click on upload theme and you can simply choose this file and click on install now now once it is installed you have to activate this theme so simply click on this button or click on this link activate theme once you click on this link you will see and you will get a new notice now before we go through this notice first let's go ahead and delete this 2020 theme as well which is not really required for us now you will get this notice this theme requires the following plugins so you need to click on this link begin installing plugins so basically with this thing as i said earlier you'll get all the required plugins so all the plugins will be installed for you now you don't need to install it one by one you can simply take market over here this will select all these plugins now in the bulk action select install and click on apply so this will install all these required plugins for you so it has all the plugins related to slider revolutions in order to create different sliders who comments to make you know and to accept online payments and all the required plugins right so now as you can see all these plugins are successfully installed and you have to click on this link at the bottom return to required plugin installer now we need to activate these plugins so again tick mark this thing under bulk action select activate and click on apply all these plugins will be activated for you this will take just a second or two now once it is activated you will get several options let me show you that thing now first of all once it is activated if you click on dashboard now you'll automatically be redirected to this page this is you know this is your woocommerce you know quick setup page so from this page you can set up your woocommerce option first of all you have to enter your address so you can enter any address over here i'll just enter some dummy address over here city name your postal code so basically this is your you know business address your office address or if it is a manufacturing unit whatever it is this is basically your business address after that click on continue no thanks and in the next step you have to select this option let it load you have to select the kind of products that you will be creating or when in which you know category basically your website or your products fall under now this is not really important even if you select something else you know it is it does not matter this is just a simple survey so if you select this thing click on continue now what kind of products you will be creating will be creating downloadable products not physical but still i'm selecting both option as i said you earlier not really important this is just a simple survey now click on continue now how many products do you when do you plan to sell you can select anything you're currently selling anywhere no we are not and after that you can select these options all right make sure you untick all these options these are all extra plugins that is not required so make sure you untick all these things and click on continue again now they will recommend you a few plugins obviously we don't need them we already have the best plugin for us for creating a fundraising website so select this and click on this button continue with my active theme now again in the next step so as you can see they're just keep on they just keep on recommending new themes and plugins again they are recom they're recommending one plugin called jetpack good plugin but not really required so click on no thanks now once you do that this setup will be completed for you now for some reason if you don't see this setup you can go to this option click on woocommerce and from here you should see some setup option because we have we have made this setup you are not getting that option if you click on store details now as you can see you again get this setup so if you don't get this thing go to woocommerce click on store details now if you if you click on this option pages option let's see what happens now because of this setup as you can see this has created your cart page your checkout page my account page and also your shop page and because of this theme this theme has created these pages for you dashboard page listing page user registration page so if you just open this link in a new tab dashboard page you don't have to do anything your complete dashboard page is already created for you your campaigns page all these pages are already created for you if you click on my account or anything like that similarly your listing page registrations page all these pages are created for you because of this theme and this plugin that we have just installed and activated all right so now let's do some more important settings related to woocommerce so again you can hover over woocommerce and click on settings so what we just did was just quick setup related to woocommerce but there are some more settings related to that for example here if you see first of all you can change your address if you want you can select your selling location so if you want to sell to all countries basically if you want all people from any country to come to your website and they can you know participate in any fundraiser so you can select this option now if you want to enable taxes and calculation if you want to charge tax rates or different share taxes on you know campaigns you can enable this option as well i'll show you how you can use this taxes option then you can select the currency so if you want to use indian rupee us dollar or pound or whatever currency you want you can select this thing just click on this option and you can see all the currencies are given to you you can select a thousand separator in some countries it is you know comma in some countries it is full stop so for most countries i think thousand separator is a comma and decimal separator is a full stop so you can type in that thing and click on save changes now in the next step if you click on products i don't think we have anything but i just want to make changes to this thing instead of kilogram i'll select gram which is not really important because we are not going to create any physical product but i always prefer weight you know gram as my weight unit now you can go to taxes and over here if you want to create a new tax class you can come over here under additional tax classes and you can type in that tax name for example maybe 10 percent or 12 percent is charged on this so you can type in gst 10 or if it is called what in your country you can type in where 10 something like that so i'll type in gst 10 okay and after that i'll click on save changes now you'll see once you have created this class you will see a new option will be added for you at top gst 10 rates click on that option or click on that link and now click on insert row under country no under country code you have to type in your country code so i'll type in i n for india then after that leave all these options state code postal code a city and just come to rate and because this is gst 10 rates i'll type in 10 percentage under tax name we'll type in gst 10 and will untick shipping because we are not shipping anything this is not a physical product once it is done just click on save changes and this is how easy it is now you can simply just skip this shipping option shipping tab because you're not shipping any physical product come to payments now under payments you will see few options are given to you for first of all you can enable paypal standard click on save changes and now let's see how we can set up paypal so click on paypal standard now under this option you can see we can enable paypal standard and here you can enter your paypal email address now to enable this option we need the live api username password and signature of paypal and to get this thing you have to go to login to your account once you log into your account you'll see typed in over here you have to change this thing instead of type in this thing slash business manage slash credentials slash api access and a in access is capital as you can see on your screen type in this thing and press enter now once you press enter you'll land on this page and here you have to select this option nvp slash soap api integration and click on manage api credentials now once you do that you will see all these information so api username you can click on show see your username copied from here come back to this page paste it under username now similarly you can follow the same process click on show copy your passwords by paste it under password click on show copy your signature paste it under signature obviously i'll have to hide these things all right so as you can see i've you know copied and pasted all these details now you can go ahead and click on save changes now obviously we want few more payment options so if you again come back to payments you can you know if you want to check out if you want stripe or if you want razor pay whatever payment gateway you want you have to install a plugin for that so you can go to plugins and you can install a new plugin so click on add new now here if you suppose if you want to use stripes so you can type in stripe over here you'll get this try payment gateway if you want to use to checkout or razer pay whatever payment gateway you want to use just search for that thing and make sure it is by some verified user so this is by woocommerce which is great and this has you know this is a very popular plug-in more than 800 000 active installations and very recently updated as well three weeks ago so you can install this plug-in woocommerce try payment gateway by woocommerce there are many more you know plugins as you can see by different you know users make sure you select this option by woocommerce once it is installed you can now activate this plugin and once it is activated you can again hover over woocommerce and click on settings now if you go to payments option let's see what happens now here as you can see many new options are added over here so we have earlier we just had these four options now because we have installed stripe so many different options related to stripe we just want to use this option stripe credit card make sure to enable this thing so this will help you to accept credit debit and atm you know cards on your website so you don't have to redirect your person or redirect your customers to some other website you can accept all the card details or you can accept all the card payments right on your website so first of all make it enable and click on save changes now again to do this thing to fix this thing click on stripe and to enable this thing we need the stripe publishable key and secret key so for that again you go to this website now once you log into your website you have to click on developers from the left hand side and click on api keys under developers now under this option you will get your publish bill key you can copy your publishable key paste it under this option and make sure you untick this thing this is not a test mode we are using live mode so make sure you untick the test mode and make sure here it says live publishability now enter your life publishable key after that also enter your live secret key so similarly just copy it from here and paste it over here all right so once you do that again just go ahead at the bottom and click on save changes now following the same steps you can again go ahead if you want to use some other plugin or some other payment gateway you can you know install a new plugin for that and you can follow the same process again let's click on save changes now let's go to this option accounts and privacy now here we have to tick mark this thing allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout allow customers to create an account during checkout and allow customers to create an account on the my account page so while the customer is doing the checkout while the customer is making payment or donating to this fundraiser they can also create an account if they have not already done that or if they already have an account they can log in to that account in the checkout page and they can also create an account in the my account page so basically whenever someone clicks on my account they will see both the login form and also the registration form now make sure to untick these two things now basically when we untick this thing or if you don't untick this thing what happens is you know username and password will automatically be generated for your customers we don't want that we want our customers to set their own username and password so make sure you untick these two things now go ahead at the bottom and click on save changes and finally just go to this last tab advanced tab and make sure undercard page card is selected and checkout checkout and under my account page my account is selected once it is done you can just go ahead and click on save changes and with this all the woocommerce related settings are also completed again come back to your dashboard right so now let's do one thing if you remember i've already shown you that under pages all these pages are already created for us so you can see the dashboard page all the pages are already created for us so i'll copy the link of the dashboard because right now we don't have the menu and also i cannot click on dashboard i'll have to copy the link now what i'll do is i'll open this website in a new private window in a new incognito window so that i can show you the process how a new user comes to your website how they can sign up on your website and what happens next how they can create and start a new campaign and how a customer or some other visitor can donate to that campaign and after that how this fundraiser will you know request withdrawal for the amount raised in this campaign so let's see this whole process now first of all i'll open this thing in a new private window as i said you earlier i'll open this link crowd2.fam dot in this website that we have just created in fact i'll open this link that i've copied the dashboard link now here when you come try to come to your dashboard if you're not logged in they'll this will tell you the first login so click here to login if you already have an account that is good if you don't have an account actually let's do one thing let's copy the register page link okay so here we have this link register page link will add this link at top don't worry later on in this video we'll add this register link in the menu so that people don't have to search for this page now under register name let's type in john doe and after that username and after that username let's again type in john doe some password and after that some email address website name is not required as you can see so i'll leave this thing these things are not required i'll just click go ahead and click on sign up now once you sign up as you can see you're already logged in and now we can go to that dashboard page again we have to search for these links but later on when we add that thing in our dashboard we don't need to search for these links okay now here the username was john doe that we just set and some password now click on login now once you log into your account as you can see you will be or whenever a new person a new fundraiser logins to your account they will see this page okay over here this is the dashboard they will see how many fundraisers they have how many campaigns they have running pledged amount all these things can be seen from here if this person wants to create a new campaign they can click on add new campaign now it might happen that you might see this link or you might see this notice that you do not have permission to create a new campaign please contact the website administrator so we have to give permission to subscribers to create a new campaign now for that if you come back to your dashboard you'll see at the bottom left corner you'll see this crowdfunding setting or crowdfunding option however that and click on settings now here first of all under funds manager we we want to make sure that woocommerce is selected in fact we'll see these settings later on just make sure you select this option under campaign creator press ctrl first press ctrl on your keyboard and after that also select subscriber so these people were already selected and after that we also select subscriber now click on save changes now even subscribers can create their own campaigns now if i again come back to this page and refresh it right now as you can see if i refresh this thing this is how it looks like now i see this form i can fill in this form and i can create my own new campaign now if you come back to this page and if you refresh it and if you don't see this form try to refresh it few times because you know the hosting that we are using this fast comment hosting this hosting has caching default enabled with this website so whatever website you're creating whenever you create your website this there is some caching going on in the background so it saves this form so that you know basically it saves a version of this website so that your person whenever a person visits your website your website loads faster now i don't want to go in detail and explain you about this caching because that is not part of this video but just you know i wanted to you know clarify this thing if you come back to your website if you refresh it still don't see this thing try to refresh it few times now let's see how we can create a campaign now what i'll do is i'll open my demo website over here in a new tab just so that we can copy paste data and i can show you all the details related to this thing now if you open any fundraiser for example if i open this one now here this is the title of this campaign so maybe this is the same title so i'll copy this title paste it over here under title so whatever paste you or whatever you paste under title that title will display like this then after that you have to enter description now as you can see this is the description not this one this is the short description now this is the long description so what we'll do is in fact let me do one thing before we do this thing i want to show you one thing if i if you scroll down you'll also have to select some category now by default one categorize is selected so it is always better to first create different categories so that when a person or when a fundraiser is coming to your website when they try to create a new campaign they have all the required categories to select from now to create a new category you have to come back to your dashboard now here you have to hover over this option products and under products you have to select categories so this will be using this product categories now under this option suppose one category could be technology so we'll type in technology and after that you can also set different thumbnails or different icons for these different categories okay not required but if you want you can do this now i'll click on add new category now similarly if you want to create some more for example if i type in health this could be a new category similarly education can be another category so all these kinds of categories can be created all right after that click on add new category now once we have this thing now if i refresh this page now under categories this person can select some category so this is much better again i'll copy this title paste it over here long description now under long description let me first just copy this simple text this is just simple text so you can just type in this text then after that we have also used these things so these are all lists so i'll again paste in this simple text and i'll show you how you can convert this thing into a list so suppose this is a list okay just a regular list or maybe this is just you know written in few lines and if you want to convert this thing into a list let me show you how we can do that so first of all you have to select this option you have to select this much and after that you just select this option bulleted list it will become bulleted list so doing this thing is pretty easy just you know just like you do in microsoft word you can use these options and if you click on toggle toolbar you get some more options similarly after that if you want to add any image you can click on add media now there is a link given in the video description below if you click on that link you will be redirected to my website now for every single tutorial that i create i always create this kind of blog post so for example if you click on this blog post and you will see uh now when you click on that link which is given in the video description you will be redirected to a similar blog post and here you will see all the important links and with that you'll also see this link at the bottom download free images so you can click on this button and you can download all the required images for free so you can use these images over here let me show you if i click on select media now when you when you download that file it will be a zip file once you unzip this file you will get all these media files okay these are pretty important by the way we'll be using these files throughout our website to design and create our website so once you download that thing you will see all these different media files so suppose if you want to upload this image you can select this click on open and now as you can see this is imported now i can click on insert into post by default this will be small if you want you can change the alignment if you want you can click on this plus button we can make it full size as well okay at the bottom we have this text paste in this text and after that if you have multiple images again go ahead and add an image if you want you can also add some video link over here all these options are given to you if you change the text color you can simply select it like this and change the text color to something else maybe red or whatever you want if you want to make something bolder you can select this thing select bold select italic all these options if you want to add some hyperlink you can select this option and you can link this text with something so you can click on link and you can link it with google maybe okay whenever someone clicks on this thing they will be redirected to that website now in the short description this is so this is your short description i'll copy it paste it over here all right then after that we have to select the category so maybe this is related to technology i'll select technology then all the tags related to this thing so you can select all the tags and you can separate them by simple comma so this is tag one similarly this is also related to maybe a i so this could be tag two and so on then we have the featured image that will be displayed if i come back to this thing these images that you see these are all featured images okay this is that is displayed over here so let me set some feature image maybe i'll use the same image as my featured image all right now if you wanna add some video that would display something like this you can add this thing as well so i'll just copy this video url paste it over here now when this campaign should end so we have different option when the target goal is met or when the target date is finished then then you can select target to goal and date or campaign never ends you can select any one of these options so maybe i want to select target goal and you can select maybe starts over here and campaign maybe ends sometimes after this you can also select a maximum and minimum amounts of person if they if someone wants to donate and donate to this campaign they'll have to donate maximum of ten dollars and a sorry minimum of ten dollars and maximum of maybe thousand dollars if you want you can remove this minimum and maximum limit as well now what is your funding goal so probably my funding goal is hundred thousand dollars so i'll select this thing now recommended account amount you can select uh this option for example recommended amount is fifty dollars so i would recommend a person to donate fifty dollars you can also set a predefined amount so if you see over here the recommended amount would be selected like this and here i think pre predefined amounts are not selected but we can select it like this so for example ten dollars twenty five dollars fifty dollars hundred dollars something like this separated by commas okay we also want to show contributor table on the single page so at the bottom a person can see who all contributed they can see the name they can see the amount they donated if this person who has contributed if this person wants to be anonymous they can have that option as well okay so make sure to tick mark this thing contributor table you can select the country so this is related to india location i'll just select mumbai okay and after that if you want to also give some reward you can give them for example here i think we have a reward let me show you yeah here as you can see if someone donates more than three twenty dollars or more they will get this thing this is some some reward sapphire 50 sold already so maybe i'll select if someone donates more than maybe 250 dollars you can give them some reward you can upload the image of that reward so maybe if you if you want to give them some you know some merchandise or something like that you can upload the image of that merchandise so i'll simply upload this uh this image as reward image click on set and you can type in some details related to this reward okay whatever the reward is you can type in something about that thing then after that you can also you also have your first of all let me actually type in this thing over here under reward then after that delivery when when will this reward be delivered so maybe this will be delivered in september at the end of this year okay so when this campaign ends this thing will be delivered now you can select the quantity of physical products so maybe this will be delivered to 25 people okay now once this is done you can simply tick mark this thing i agree with the terms and conditions and click on submit campaign so this is how a person can come to your website and they can submit this campaign once it is done you can cancel this thing and now again let's go back to our dashboard so we'll have to use this link now if i come to this dashboard if i click on campaigns my campaigns i'll see this is a present over here but this is draft this is not published on this website so if you go to your website if you go to this website you will not see you'll not find this campaign on this website because this is not yet published so whenever a new person creates or publishes or creates a new campaign or fundraiser it will not be automatically published on your website first you as the admin or the owner of this website have to go through that review that campaign and once you're satisfied with that campaign then you can publish it so let me show you how you can do that so you have to click on products all these campaigns will be displayed under products so as you can see it is right now draft if you want you can edit this thing and now you can go ahead you can see all the details related to this target funding pledged amount all these things can be seen from here okay like this now if you're satisfied with this if you think this is good you're gonna make some changes you can go ahead make some changes and if once you want to review this thing once you want to approve this thing you can simply click on publish after this this thing will be published this thing will be approved now if you again go back to this fundraiser's account earlier it was saying draft if i again refresh this page now as you can see that draft thing is gone this is now live if you open this in a new tab or if you just click on this thing you can see this is live on this website people can now come they can make some donations they can you know submit some money so this is how this thing works now let me do one thing we are logged in as a fundraiser campaigner from this page from this incognito window and on this window we are just a regular customer so what i'll do is from this window i'll try to donate some money to this fundraiser okay again let me remind you both the windows have different accounts logged in so on this uh chrome window google chrome window i'm logged in as a campaigner fundraiser and on this window i'm just logged in as a regular customer so let me try to donate some money as a regular customer and let me also do one thing let me also enable cash on delivery just for demo purposes because i don't want to make payment to myself you should not be doing this thing i'm doing it just for tutorial purposes so i'll enable cash on delivery all right and click on save changes now if i select this option maybe i want to donate maybe 500 so i'll select this thing and after that i'll click on uh back campaign in the next step i have to enter my details so maybe i'll enter near shake over here address all these things can be entered from here city name state name is already selected pin code i can select this thing some random phone number email address and after that i can make payment through paypal i can make payment through credit debit card or even uh i can select if i want to be anonymous if i don't want my name to be shown on this list let me show you this list if i don't want my name to be shown on this backers list as you can see so here instead of my name it would say anonymous if you want you can enable this option as well if you tick mark this thing make me anonymous now you can make payment through credit debit card you can make payment through paypal i'm just selecting cash on deliverages so that i don't have to make payment to myself once you select this thing now you can click on place order now once you place order you'll get all the order details like this now if i again come back to this fundraisers account and if i refresh this thing let me first go back to dashboard okay now on the dashboard nothing will show you know it still says zero dollars raised although we have raised all you can see i've just donated 500 so here it should say 500 but for that to happen first we have to review whether we really receive this amount or not so for that you will see under woocommerce you have to click on orders whenever you have any new donation on your website you will keep on getting emails so don't worry about that don't worry how you will know whether someone has donated or not so whenever someone has created a new campaign on your website you will be notified through email whenever someone donates to any campaign again you will be notified through email so don't worry about that now if you open this one you can see somebody has donated 500 for this campaign you can see all the details now once you have received this amount i have selected cash on delivery but you will see here at the right hand side here it says payment to be made upon delivery because i have selected cash on delivery if this payment was made through some other payment gateway on through paypal through stripe reserve or some other payment gateway you would see payment made and you would see all the transaction details so once you see this uh you have received this amount you can change the status to complete it and click on update now once you do that again if this person if you again go back to that fundraisers account and if you refresh it now you can see this fundraiser has 500 dollars raised and you can see this graph and all these things and i've changed okay so this is how this works now this person fundraiser if they want to you know know if they want to add any updates so if first they'll have to go to my campaigns and they can click on update now there is any update related to this fundraiser they can click on add update first of all update date update title so maybe update number one just some demo update some demo text over here let me copy some dummy text paste it over here and after that this person can click on add okay after we don't have to do this thing after that this person has to click on save and this thing will be updated again if i go to my campaigns open this thing let's see if i scroll down as you can see this is the story this is the update okay update posted on this date now we can also see the cam backer list we can if you want you can also review this thing so all these options are given to you and you can see this is working properly now if this person wants to withdraw this amount okay so let me show you how this this person can do this so to withdraw this amount with the free version of this plugin that we're using everything is happening because of the plugin that we're using wp crowdfunding so everything is happening because of this plugin so this plugin has added all the crowdfunding features now if this person wants to you know you know withdraw this amount withdraw this 500 they will have to manually contact you they'll have to contact you through your email through whatever your website email name is whatever your website email is you can enter your website email like this over here okay so this person will go to this email they will contact you they'll say that please no withdrawal please help me to withdraw the amount that have raised so this is what available with the free version okay you have to do it manually if you purchase the premium version of this plugin you can do it automatically let me show you how so first of all to purchase the premium version open this tab and type in wp cf for you know wp crowdfunding so if you just type in this link again you don't have to type in this thing this link will also be given in the video description now this is the pro version as you can see all the features are given over here now if you use the pro version this will also add the wallet feature on your website this will add you know as you can see if you want to see more about this wallet feature this will add stripe connect stripe connect is very is very very important very easy to do so you can automatically distribute money i'll show you and i'll explain you this thing you also have front end operation money management so this person can withdraw money all these options are given to you so if you aren't you can you have to purchase this thing click on get pro and you have to purchase this license for 150 for one website okay or for more website as you can see the pricing is different for agencies freelancers pricing is different if you want annual if you want lifetime two different pricing are given over here so you can select whatever you want and once you select this thing after that you have to click on this thing click on downloads once you have purchased this license and now you can download the pro version so this is wp crowdfunding click on download latest version and this pro version plugin will be downloaded now again let me tell you one thing that all these things that we have done this is all done using the free version okay the pro version is only useful if you want to automate the withdrawal process okay so if you don't if you don't want to automate the withdrawal process you can just keep on using the free version or if you want if you have few extra dollars to spare you can purchase the pro version and you can have more features on your website now to upload this thing go to plugins click on add new now click on upload plugin choose this file click on install now now once it is activated first of all you will see if you go to woocommerce settings and now if you click on payments option you'll see few more payments will be added for you because of this thing as you can see stripe connect is added for you crowdfunding wallet if you wanna enable wallet you can select this option if you wanna enable crowdfunding if you wanna if you wanna enable stripe connect to check out all these things you can enable it from your click on save changes again to set up this thing to set up wallet click on manage and you can enable make sure this thing is enabled from here to setup stripe connect same process we have already seen settings related to stripe you just have to go to and you have to enter your publishable key and secret key now if you again go back to that fundraisers account and if you go back to the dashboard here you'll see a few more options will be added first of all connect with stripe option is added so if this person wants if this person has a stripe account they can connect with this and they can get the payment and if you see this option over here if i hover over this campaigns now as you can see many more options are added now bookmark option payment option deposit option all these options are added if i go to payments now here as you can see i've received this payment now here there is a button you you might not see this button so i'll give you a css code a css file you can simply import that file or you can simply upload that css file on your website and you will see this button so let me show you that file all right so if you open the file that you have downloaded you will see this file as well in that folder if you open this thing you just have to copy this css code and you have to paste it on your website let me show you how you can go first of all again let me show you open this file css file copied from here come back to your website now i have actually have not yet created this thing i'm creating these codes while creating the video now as you can see when you paste in this code this is how it will look like so if you want to paste in this code you have to come back to your website however this option hover over appearance and click on customize now click on additional css and paste in this link now there will be few more piss in this code now there will be few more codes but i'll show you those codes throughout the website if i again come back to this page and refresh it let's see what happens now as you can see we have this thing showing it is properly showing now if i if i want i can click on view details and this is how it will look like now again there is another button i think somewhere over here okay let me first do one thing let me come back to this website go back to my dashboard and let me do settings related to this withdrawal option now first of all you have to hover this option crowdfunding under under crowdfunding you have to click on settings now let's see that settings so if you click on let's see woocommerce settings it's not over here let's see let's click on wallet i think it is under wallet yeah now under withdrawal type first we have to enable withdrawal we have to enable people to withdraw because right now they are not getting any option to withdraw this amount that yeah that they have received so first of all i want to select this option they can withdraw time now if you want you can also select this option they can only withdraw this money after the project is complete after the project is completed or after a certain period of time after 10 percent period of time is you know passed and all these options can be said so i'm selecting anytime now receivers percentage was you have to put the percentage amount you want the com campaign owner to have and rest will go to your account so maybe i want the campaign owner to have 80 percentage so you can type in maybe 80 percentage over here okay and you can also set up with minimum withdrawal amount so they can only withdraw money if they have at least 50 dollars in their account okay so if you understand with all type they can withdraw they can send withdrawal request anytime they want but they will get eighty percent of this amount and twenty percent will stay with this website owner or maybe ninety percent they can get and ten percent this what website owner will take then after that minimum withdrawal amount you can set this option as well so maybe 50 dollars now you can sell if you want people to even you know if you want to allow this thing people can even deposit money in their wallet now click on save changes again if you come back to this website and if you refresh it okay here it says your current balance is below then the minimum amount i think this is some problem again we have to repeat the process click on payments view details all right let me see again okay so again as i said earlier sometimes it might happen that even if you refresh your website you might not see those changes so that message was showing because you know again the caching thing though this file had all those information saved so once you refresh it few times once this latest information is served you will see this option now as you can see the goal was hundred thousand dollars i have donated 500 so you know 0.5 percentage is reached and this person will receive this campaign owner will receive 90 percentage which is 450 dollars okay it's against the commission now this person wants to withdraw this money they can click on withdraw they can enter the amounts maybe they maybe they want to withdraw only 300 from this not the entire 450 dollar and they can type in some message please send the payment or something like that they can select this option and click on withdraw now once they click on withdraw this request will be sent to you as the admin now if you come back to your website if you hover this option crowdfunding under crowdfunding you'll see withdraw if you click on this option you'll see you have a new request if you click on message you will see the message that person has typed in if you want to approve this thing you can click on approve and you can send this payment to this person through paypal or through however you want now if you want to contact this user you can simply go ahead and contact the user if you you know if you want to know more about this user you can click on you can see first of all the username is john doe you can go to users and you can now click on this option you can click on edit john do and here you will get all the details related to this person this is the email address you can contact this person you can get them you know you can get their paypal email or you can get their withdrawal you know bank account details and you can send this payment through bank account or you know true wire transfer or through paypal through other means okay so this is how this thing works so this is basically how this entire process works how a person will create a campaign or someone can donate to this campaign then how this person will send a withdrawal request and this is where this transaction ends okay now before you proceed further i would recommend you i'm seeing this notice again and again without setting up wp crowdfunding license automatic or update will not work so click on please check and you have to enter your license so you'll get it over here i think under licenses click on licenses okay this is the one as you can see wp crowdfunding you can select this option you can enter your website link to get the license i'll copy this link face to to here click on add url okay now you get the license code i can copy this license code paste it over here click on connect with license key all right now as you can see this is working now if i come back to dashboard okay i'm seeing that when i try to come back to my dashboard this is a problem i'm getting uh but if i again is just for this page if i go to some other page that problem is not happening if i just go to dashboard this is happening if i try to go to some other page again everything is working fine and this is because this problem is caused by this pro version of this theme wp crowdfunding so i'll by the time you're watching this video i'll contact the theme developer and i'm very much hopeful that they will fix this problem so if you still have this problem you can you know you can tell me in the comments section below alright so with this we have seen all the technical part how a person can do all this process now it's time to design our website so let's see how we can design this website let's see how we can create this slider this beautiful slider after that how we can create these different pages home page about page contact page all these pages so basically the designing part is left so let's see how we can do that all right so let's start with this slider let's first create this slider but i think creating this slider will take a lot of time because as you can see it has a lot of animations going on you know a lot of elements are present in this thing we have to time it a lot so this will take a lot of time so let's not waste uh some time on that instead what i'll do is i'll give you this slider file you can import that file and after that you can make changes according to your website so let me show you what i mean by that so first of all just open the file that you have downloaded from my website and in that file you'll also see this slider one zip file we need to import this file let me show you how you can do that so again come back to this website click on slider revolution from the left hand side now you'll see this option manual import click on this and choose file now we simply need to choose that file which is over here file select this click on open this file will be imported for you and you can do some changes according to you for example this is the file you can just click on this pencil button to do some changes on this file now first of all you can see this is how it looks like you have this thing over here at the bottom left corner okay the arrows you have these three dots over here then we have this media file this is an image if you don't want this image okay this is an image if you don't want this image you can just delete it or you can replace it with some other image then we have this text so if you wanted to if you want to change this text you can simply click on this thing and now as you can see at the right hand side you can change this text and you can type in something else so maybe let me let me type in this thing okay some dummy text okay i'll tap in this much if i just come over here replace it now as you can see we don't need to style it or anything styling is done we just need to change the content now instead of crowdfunding platforms uh let let me type in crowd charity platform whatever you want okay i'm just showing you that you can do it like this similarly if you see this button if you click on this button this button says startup project you can type in something else i'll type in click here okay just wanted to show you that you can change this text or you can also change the link so if you see there are several options given over here you have to click on this one actions click on actions and here as you can see we have this link so if you click on this thing this will link it to this website so i don't want this website i'll delete it i want this thing to link to this page let's see the dashboard click on pages now here we have this thing campaign form okay this is for adding a new listing so we'll copy this if you open this in a new tab just to confirm you can see this is for adding a new listing so we'll select this thing we'll add this link under link url now once you do this thing you can now cut this thing so this is how easy it is to do now similarly if you want to change the background image you can select this option if you follow my mouse cursor click on this option and here you will see this background now you will see this image is selected if you're not if you want to add some other image click on media library and you can select that image for example if you want this image or some other image you can select any image of your choice okay maybe if i want to select this image click on insert and now as you can see the background image is also changed i want to go back to that setting but i just wanted to show you that you can do it like this now once the once you're satisfied with the changes you can just go ahead and click on save similarly to do changes on the second slide you'll see this option over here slides at the top left corner now hover this and select slide two and do the same changes over here if you want to click on this text here as you can see we help surface if you if instead of this if you want to type in something else you can just type it like this all right so this is how it works and again once you're satisfied with this you can just go ahead and save this file now you can use this file on your page so again come back to pages click on add new now we can start creating our home page because we wanted to add that slider because at top we have this slide okay so we'll add a new page we'll give it a title of home obviously because this is going to be our home page and here we want to disable breadcrumb first of all we want to make it 100 full width so make sure you tick mark this thing hundred percent full width at the bottom now select uh page title and breadcrumb and disable breadcrumbs now you can publish this page now we have just created a page we have named it home but just by naming it home it does not become your home page we have to set this page as our home page so again you can come back to your dashboard now you can hover over settings and click on reading and now from this page you can select this option a static page and you can select your home page from here now click on save changes once it is done you can again go back to your pages option and you can select this option home edit this page now we are going to use elementor page builder to design this thing so you can click on edit with elementor now first of all let me explain you how this elementor page builder works for those of you who are using elementor for the first time now if you see this website in fact if you see any website all the websites and all the different pages in different websites are divided into different sections so for example this section is your first section this slider is your first section as you can see then after that this categories is the second section then this thing is the third section featured products uh free feature project is the first section similarly this counter is the fifth section and so on and so forth so we have to create a website section by section now if you come back to this page you have to add a new section by using this option if you click on this red plus button you can now select how many columns you want in this section so suppose if you want three columns you can click on this three and now as you can see at the left hand side things have now changed now earlier we were seeing all the different elements and now we see settings related to this section now if you again want to go back to elements you can click on this nine dots icon if you follow my mouse cursor click on this thing and now you'll again come back to this thing you'll again come back to elements now if you want to use some element for example if you want to use this button you can drag and drop this button over here you can see this is the default button style now every single element will have three different options content style and advanced now under content you just have to change the basic details you have to change the content you have to change the actual content of that element then after that under style you can change the styling for example you can change the typography you can change the background color you can make it something like this whatever you want okay like this or some other option so you can change the background color you can change the location angle all the styling thing then under advance you can add some margin padding background mask it to you know you know you can position it you can add some motion effect all these things will be done under advance again if you want to go back to that elements click on this nine dots icon similarly in the second section if you want to use maybe this icon option or icon element you can simply drag and drop it over here you can change the icon from here if you wanted this icon you can select this click on insert and as you can see icon change again go to style you can go ahead change the color of this icon like this okay so this is how easy it is to do now if you again want to make some changes in this button you can click on this button and now at the left hand side you will see settings related to button now here as you can see at top it says edit button you're going to make some changes on this icon click on this icon now it says edit icon okay so this is how it works i'll cut this thing and i'll show you how to create this exact same website first of all we want to add this slider so first we need to create a new section so click on this plus button in this section we just want one single column so we'll select this first option again come back to elements and here we'll search for gva revolution slider you'll see this option gba revolution slider drag and drop it over here now you have to choose the slider that you want to display over here so we are selecting this one slider one okay now as you can see this is how your slider is looking now you'll see we have a lot of space at left and right so we want to make this thing full width and to do so you have to click on this six dots icon if you follow my mouse cursor click on this now at the left hand side it says edit section now for some reason if you don't see this six dots icon you can you can do one thing you can see at the bottom left corner you have this navigation option or you have this navigator icon click on this thing and here you will see this thing you have this section then we have the column then we have this slider so here click on section and after that you will see at the left hand side it says edit section now here we have to make sure that this is full width so under content with make it full width and after that also make sure that under column gap it is no gap and now as you can see if i hide this thing this is hundred percent full width now i can go ahead and update this page so whenever you make some changes on your webs website it is always recommended to update the page now let's go ahead and create our next section which is this section okay now in this section as you can see we have two different columns at the left hand side we have all this text and at the right hand side we have all these different category icons so again we'll come back to this option click on this plus button add two different columns at the left hand side first we have this text okay this subtitle and this title to use this thing we'll use the we will first of all again come back to elements and search for gba heading block drag and drop this thing over here the left hand side now first of all this is your subtitle so you can copy it paste it under subtitle obviously you don't have to copy paste you can type in your own text and after that this is your title top category so you can type it over here then we have some more text so this is just your you know basic some dummy text under your description so you can type this thing under your description now this is how it will look we have to scroll down and we have to do few more things we have to make it left align first of all so under alignment text make it left align we also want to change the width now on the maximum width you have to type in 470 okay 470 pixels now before we do some more things we have to do a few more things we have to change the font family we have to also change the color but if you change the color to white color everything will disappear because the background is also white so first let's do one thing let's change the background color and let's add this element if you see in the background we have to use and we have to add this element or this gradient in the background so let's see how we can do that now first of all again you have to click on this six dots icon to make some changes in your in your section or in your row you'll see at the left hand side it says edit section now first of all we have to change the background color so go to go to style now by default we have some you know primary and secondary color on this theme so if you select color background color this is your primary color if you select background color theme second this is your secondary color so if you want to use this thing you can have it or if you want to add some other custom color you can go ahead let's make it default select this background option select this top option now you can add any color you want if you want red if you want a blue green whatever color you want you can add this thing so if you want you can use this option as well i prefer you know for this uh thing for this tutorial i think i will select this primary and secondary color so this is my primary color so i'll select this thing and after that you can do one thing after that we have to add some space at top and bottom and we have to add this thing in the background okay so again come back to this option select background overlay and you have to select this option click on classic upload this image now i'll show you that image over here under media file that you have downloaded in fact let me select all these images except for these two files these are not images these are no notepad files so i'll upload all the images at once so that i don't have to do it again and again all right guys now as you can see all the images are successfully uploaded now you have to select this one okay if you click on this thing the title says bg line circle dot png okay select this one click on insert media now you can see that thing in the background i would also recommend you to make or to increase the opacity to one and after that you can change the position if you want so under position nothing will select top left okay right now you're not seeing any changes but once we add the space we once we had the padding at top and bottom you'll see that so let's go to advance and let's do that so under top and bottom padding i'll add 120 pixels now as you can see this is how it is looking now since we have our background color now we can go ahead and change this our text color to white so click on this thing gba heading block i'll just call it heading block i don't want to keep on saying gba so select this heading block go to style select title change the text color to white similarly select subtitle change the text color to white and also select your description change your text color to white i would also recommend you to make everything poppins or whatever font family you want so if you want to change the typography select this option click on this button and under title will change the font family instead of this default click on this option and search for pop-ins now as you can see it is changed similarly for subtitle as well if you want you can go ahead select this option and search for pop-ins okay do the same thing for your description select this option under typography click on this button and search for pop-ins again once you do some changes on your website always make sure to update this page now here we have this thing okay if you see this thing we have this you know we have this border then we have this image and if you see this image properly this is a circular image and we also have a circular you know border with this image and after that we have this text so let's see how we can do that so first of all we have to create two different columns and we'll have to divide that let me show you now we have already added columns so we cannot add more columns we can do one thing we can use this inner section because what we want to do is we want to create two inner columns inside this left column so for that we use in a section so we'll drag and drop it over here at the bottom and now as you can see under this first column under this left column we have two more columns inner columns now if you don't want these columns equal size we want the first one if you select this option if you see this if you follow my mouse cursor again click on this thing you'll see edit column now for the for the width of the first column or the left column we want to make it 30 and the second one or the right one will automatically become 70. now in the left one which is the smaller one we want to add this this thing okay this border and this image so first of all just add this image search for image drag and drop this image over here now simply go ahead and choose whatever image you want so i've given you this image as well for demo purposes so i'll select this image and click on insert media now this is how it is looking right now we'll go to style and we can make some changes first of all we need to make this thing circular so we'll select this option border radius under this will type in 50 and now as you can see this has become circular now go to advanced and let's add some padding so under padding option just type in six so it will add six pixels from all sides now we want this border around our image so for that we'll select this option border and we'll type in maybe two pixels a little bit thicker border make sure border type is solid and change this border color to white okay now as you can see this border is looking like this again we have to make this thing also circular so you have to select this option under border radius you have to type in 50 and under border with you have to type in two okay now this is still not looking that great so to make it something like this and to add this border okay you can see at the left hand side this is a border we'll again come back to this page we'll select edit column and here we will go to advanced first of all now under this option first we'll dealing this thing because if you type in anything everything will be applied so if you type in 10 pixels under padding top all the padding from all sides will become 10. so first we want to dealing this thing now under padding top and bottom i don't want to type in anything under padding uh right i want to type in 15 1 5 15 pixels and under padding left 50 pixels now as you can see this is how it will look like now go to style and let's add this border now let me get this color of this border okay this is the color again we'll select this border select solid now we don't again we want to deal in this thing because we don't want border from all side we want it only from left side so on the left side if you see this option left type in 8 pixels because we want a pretty thick border and under color just type in this color 30f0b6 okay now as you can see it looks pretty no similar to this one so this is how it is done now at the right hand side it is very simple this is just simple text so we'll copy it from here use this text editor drag and drop it over here the right hand side type in this title go to style and change the font family so this font family that we are using over here is called bilbo swash caps this one now we also need to increase the size so make it 42 pixels and line height for select px by default em is selected under line height select px and type in 46 pixels now you can change this color to white this is how it looks like now you can also do one thing to make everything even to make everything in the middle vertically middle you can go to advanced and you can add some padding at top okay just uh just so that we can bring this text a little bit down so under padding top type in 20 and now as you can see everything is aligned in the middle or you can do one more thing you can select this option edit inner section and under vertical align make it middle okay now as you can see this looks perfect click on update now the right hand side we have to add this thing categories section so again if you search for categories okay so we don't have to search for categories i guess we have to search for icon box group this one okay gba icon box group drag and drop it over here now this is the default design first of all we if you want to change the title you can do it for example first one make it uh maybe okay technology looks good or if you want to type in something else maybe if you want to type in health you can type in health over here and after that you can link this thing with your health category so if you remember we have created this thing let me open my dashboard in a new tab now under your dashboard if you hover over products click on categories here as you can see we have different categories now if you want to copy the link of health category you can select this health and you'll see this view right click on view click on copy link address come over here paste in this link so this now whenever someone clicks on this thing they will be redirected to this health category and instead of this title if you want to add some other in instead of this icon if you want to add some other icon you can search for that icon from here so let me see maybe i want to use this icon so i can select this thing click on insert now as you can see icon change text change everything is changed similarly you can go ahead for the second one uh maybe let's type in education so i'll type in education over here similarly we can change the title or we can change the icon instead of this make it to make it this one okay this one or maybe this one let's select this one click on insert that is also changed again you can go ahead and search for education copy the link right click on view click on copy link address paste this link over here if you want to make anything active for example if you want to make this education active you can just make it yes now once it is active as you can see you will always see this green over here and this icon will keep on popping like this okay so that means that this is set as active now once you do this thing you can again click on this option let's see first of all we have done that or not you can select this option actually uh this one and you can make it you can go to layout first uh select edit setting edit section go to layout you can make it vertically middle like this okay now click on update again now with this the second the second section is also created if you want to create the third section now this was the only section which was a little bit complicated it had a lot of elements all the other sections that we're going to create are super simple only one or two elements are used in these sections so everything else is going to be very easy for example this also is pretty easy if you want you can come over here add a new section single row single column we want to add this title so we'll copy this text in fact we have uh we have a complete element for this so we don't have to create a text then we don't have to you know make it button or anything like that we can just come over here and search for call to action and select this gba call to action drag and drop it over here now here first of all we have to give some title and subtitles so here if you see we don't have any subtitle just have this title so i'll copy it paste it over here now your button so if you see this button if you click on this button here it says make it happen here it says read more so if you want you can type in make it happen or if you if you want you can just keep it at read more and again you can go ahead and change the you know button link so you can actually we can do it from here as well so suppose if i want to change this thing to what is that subscription okay what is that let me see that page okay campaign form so if i search for form let's see here we we get this option c cf campaign form so if you just select this option you will have this link okay now after that you can click on update now let's go to this option in fact let's change the style we don't want this thing like this we want button at the right hand side so if you select button right this is how it will look like now we also want to change the max width so instead of 800 we want to make it 850 okay if you just type in this thing this is how it will look like now you can go to style change the typography to pop-ins or if you want something else you can have that typography as well or you can have that font family as well now if you select we have to select this option this column option edit column select this edit column option select background or select this option which is under style background now we have to select this green color for our background so we don't even have to use this thing we can use it from here we can do it from here column theme settings now under this we can select this background second theme color okay so secondary color on your theme basically and again in the background we also want to use this thing so we'll again use this under background overlay so maybe it is this one click on insert okay not over here i think we have to okay we have to use it under background overlay so we'll select this option and upload it like this and after that we can change the opacity to one and we can also make some changes over here so under position i want to type in center left okay now you can see this thing in the background now let's do some changes on the margin so click on advanced and let's add some padding and margin so for padding i want to add 80 pixels from all sides and for margin only from left and right so top and bottom will be 0 left and right will be 15 like this okay now you can go ahead and update this page now we have our third section and again to create this one as well we'll add a single row single column first of all we have to first of all we have to add this title subtitle so again we'll use this heading block you know drag and drop this heading block over here this is your subtitle copy it paste it over here this is obviously your title you can copy and paste it over here you can go to this option you can change the title and subtitle typography to pop-ins obviously you can do it by yourself so i'm not doing it again and again now after that we have this featured project projects or campaigns so for that we'll again select this option and we'll search for campaign now as you can see gba campaign slash project drag and drop it over here this is how it will look like now this is the default style great layout if you want to make it carousel you can make it carousel as well and under carousel also we have style one style too so in this case in this example we want to select style two so as you can see this is carousel okay you can do it like this and this is style two so this is the one that we need now again over here also we can go to advanced and we can add some margin and padding at top and bottom so for padding top i'll add 110 not over here and we have to go to this option edit section go to advanced and for padding top we want to type in 110 and maybe at bottom 100 pixels okay now click on update then after that we have our next section which is this section so we'll select this option click on this plus button this time we need four different columns so we'll select four columns now this is pretty simple this is counter so if you search for counter element you'll see this option gpa counter drag and drop it over here select the icon in this example or in this case this is the icon if i go at the bottom you can search for that icon you can select this click on insert and after that you can change the number instead of this i'll make it 690 and after that text if you if you want you can also add text before or after so suppose it is rupees or it is dollar six ninety dollars so you can type in this dollar sign after that thing also if you wanna type in something you can type in then the title says completed projects okay something like this you can type in if you wanna link it with something you can add that link as well now let's style this things over to style first of all you can change the icon color and all i would like not recommend you to do that first let's change the icon size so here we want to keep it at 64 icon size and if you see this thing icon box size you can select 115 or obviously you can go ahead you can increase or decrease that number as well now again for title we'll select this title and we'll make it pop-ins or obviously if you want to make some if you want to set some other font you can select that thing as well and for number text also i want to select the same font family okay like this now let's add this thing in the background this color in the background so again we'll select this option edit section go to style and we'll just select this option row theme setting background color this color okay this then after that you'll see style will automatically change now we can also do one thing can add some padding at top and bottom so maybe we will add 50 pixels both from top and bottom and after that we can also change this color to white so we can select this color title color make it white okay then after that number color we can also make this thing white okay then all right now after that you can click on update and after that we have our next section which is this section now all the other things are pretty easy if you see these two things were also very easy after this section everything is pretty easy we have seen this one we have also seen this one now to create this next section it becomes even more easy first of all if you want to copy this thing you can just copy paste in like this and now you can do some changes on this so for example if you if you want you can click on the second one change the icon to something else maybe this one let's select this click on this as you can see icon changed after that if you want to change the title you can select this option okay some number you can change that thing as well so this is how easy it is now to create the next section we can save a lot of time we can simply copy this section so we can right click copy this section this entire section so right click on the six dots and click on copy go at the bottom right click paste now because we have the entire style we have all the padding all the margin added everything is given over here we just need to change the content so here the title says explore project so i can click on this option change the title to this one then after that we can click on this option we can click on this campaign and project option and we can change the style so instead of style two we can select style one it is still carousel but style one now if you wanna display uh maybe if you wanna display only one particular category over here you can select that category or if you want to display maybe if you want to order this thing by random by title if you want to display random projects over here you can select random or if you want to display ascending or descending order you can select that option as well and after that you can click on update now as you can see just by copying and pasting this entire section is also completed now for the next section this is also a call to action very easy section click on this plus button add a single row single column now inside this thing we can add this content so we can again come over here inside this thing we can add first of all our heading block so let's drag and drop this thing at the at the bottom over here let's type in the subtitle in title so this is your subtitle this is your title pretty big so i'll copy everything from here paste it over here okay again follow the same process go and change the font family font color all those things and at the bottom you also have the button so in the content we can also add button this time so select button and you can paste in some links so if someone clicks on this button maybe uh they are redirected to that campaign form page so if you type in campaign form you'll get this thing okay now button color is this color second color secondary color okay this is the one title career is white so we'll again go back to this option style select title change the color to white also change the typography it is disappeared because we don't have anything in the background so let's first add this image in the background so click on this option edit section go to style select this background option and add this image in the background so it is this image so we'll select this image click on insert image and now as you can see it is added now we can go ahead and add some padding at top and bottom so maybe both from top and bottom will type in 115 pixels okay like this for for image also you can do few more things if we can we can change the size to cover and we can position it center center or if you want you can also change the position now click on update then we have our next section which is also a very simple section so for that we'll add a single row single column now inside the first option as you can see we have two columns one this thing and for other one for this one so we can do one thing we can add the inner section over here to add multiple columns inside a column and at the left hand side we want this thing we want this title subtitle and at the right hand side we just want the simple text so we'll again come over here we'll select this option heading block drag and drop it at the left hand side copy this subtitle paste it over here copy the title paste it over here obviously you don't have to copy paste you can type in your own title and subtitle all these things we want to make it left to line so we'll select left align okay then after that at the right hand side we just have simple text so we'll use this text editor drag and drop it over here at the right hand side just paste in whatever text you want and after that you can go to style you can change the typography you can change the font family you can change the color all these things can be changed from here i'll just make it pop ins and after that then we have this option testimonial section so if you search for testimonial you'll see this option gva testimonial single in fact we have to do one thing before we add this thing first we need to add another option let me actually see this option first we need to add another inner section okay and in this inner section you don't want two columns you want just one so we can delete this right column or left column just right click click on delete now we have only one column now we can search for that testimonial option drag and drop it over here at the bottom now you already get this design this image and also suppose instead of this name which is so here let me see that name okay here is the name if you want to type in some other name you can type in that name as well similarly instead of this image if you wanna type in or if you wanna add or if you wanna publish some other image you can select that image and you can just upload it over here then instead of this content instead of this testimonial content if you wanna type in something else you can do that obviously and again let's go ahead and add some padding at top and bottom so select edit section go to advanced and we'll add 110 pixels both from top and bottom so this will add this space at top and bottom all right now we have this section this is a simple section and this section is just you know a video section so if you have some text over here if someone clicks on this thing video will play so we'll again add two different columns and this time the left column will be 80 percentage right one will be 20 okay now in the left side we just need to add single options so if you just search for heading block we can just drag and drop it over here at the left hand side this is our text copy it paste it over here make it left to line so scroll down make it left align and we also need to do one thing we need to change this thing max with options so if you just select this option instead of six instead of 800 we need to make it 680. again if you want to change this thing to pop-ins and if you want to increase the font weight you can do that thing as well now at the right-hand side we need to add that video box so for that again we'll come back to elements we'll search for that which is over here as you can see gba video box simply drag and drop it over here you'll get this option we don't want this image so i can simply delete this image and now just you can you can just enter some video link if you enter any link you'll see that thing start displaying okay like this so this is it for this now you can again select this option you can select this edit setting and we can do some changes over here first let's add that image in the background okay this image so we can again come over here we can add this image in the background i've already uploaded this image so this is the one select this insert into post you can select you can select center center if you want you can select something else we also want to make it fixed so even if you scroll up or down as you can see this is fixed so we also make it like this and under size we want to make it cover like this all right now we can also add some padding at top and bottom so for for both top and bottom you can type in 110 okay like this and now we can change this text so select this text and change the color to white okay like this if you want to make everything center line you can again select this edit section and go to layout under vertical align select middle everything align in the middle now click on update now again for our next section we just need to copy paste things from top so here you can see it looks very similar so we'll copy this section paste it over here at the bottom now here the title says news and articles and the subtitle is also different so first of all let's change the title okay now instead of this projects we don't have to display projects over here so i'll delete this thing we have to display blog post so for that we'll have to create blog posts so again come back to your dashboard click on post now here one blog post is already created for you this is a dummy blog post you can just go ahead and delete this one now to create a new blog post click on add new let me open a single blog post just so that we can copy paste some content from here and there so that we can save some time now this is how your single blog post will look like this is your title you can copy it paste in the title over here then after that you have all the content at the bottom so i'll just go ahead and copy all these things you can just go ahead and type in your own content copy it paste it over here all the content will come over here at the bottom paste in the content then at the right hand side if you see we have this sidebar first if you see this is posted under two categories movies and music so if you again come back to this option at the right hand side click on post select categories and add these categories so add new category i'll type in movies and maybe if if it is also featured in some other category maybe music so i can type in this category as well so i've created two different categories so here then we have the featured image which is this image at top so again we can come over here click on set featured image and now we can select this image as a feature image so select this thing click on set feature image so this is how easy it is to create this thing to create a blog post now once you do this thing you can now go ahead and publish this blog post if you open this in a new tab if you click on view post now as you can see this is how your blog post is looking now you can again come back to this page since we have created our blog post now we can use this section okay so again come over here go back to elements and over here you can search for post you will see this option gba post drag and drop it over here at the bottom this is how the default design looks like again you can go ahead change the grid to carousel or if you want you can also select small list many different designs are available whatever you want you can select that option you can also change the style and all once it's satisfied you can just go ahead and update this page and finally at the bottom we have the last section which is this newsletter section so to add this section plus button add a new row single column single row now we have to add this heading block at top so search for that heading block at top all right this is your subtitle and after that you also have the title we need to change the color of this thing so you can go to style you can select title again title card is already black or something else if you want to change the subtitle color you can select this thing change this thing to black or some other color whichever color you want now we also need to add this newsletter form at the bottom now for that first let's update this page again come back to your dashboard now in your dashboard you will see one plugin is installed for you and because of that you'll see this option mc4wp so it stands for mailchimp for wordpress so basically this will connect mailchimp which is which is a free platform for doing you know email marketing so this will connect mailchimp with your website so to do this thing first you have to go to now if you don't know anything about mailchimp or if you wanna learn something about mailchimp or email marketing you can watch there is a no there are many different tutorials on my channel or if you want you can just go ahead search on youtube shake mailchimp on your sheik email marketing you will see tutorials on mailchimp you'll learn you know more about mailchimp and how to do free email marketing how to target audience how to you know send automatic emails automatic newsletters you can learn all about that just go ahead on youtube search for nashik mailchimp now you need to log into your account now once you log into your account you'll see at the bottom left corner you'll see your name click on that now click on account now here select this option extras and select api keys here you will see your api key just copy it from here come back to your website paste it over here now click on save changes now once you click on save changes this will automatically connect this thing with your website so as you can see once connected you'll also see your list name so this is working once you have this thing now you can click on form and now you can create this thing now if you see it will automatically create one form for you if you just first let's give it a title i'll give it a title of form one click on add new form so the default form looks something like this not bad but if you want to make it you know like this then you can just go ahead and again open that file that you have downloaded in this you will see this file let me show you this newsletter file open this copy everything from here come back to this page first delete everything now paste in whatever you have copied and now as you can see this is how it will look like go ahead and save this page now once you save it you will get this shortcode copy this shortcode come back to this page again now at the bottom you can search for shortcode option drag and drop it over here at the bottom paste in this shortcode and you'll see this thing will show up for you now you can again select this option edit section and now we can add this image in the background and you can also add some padding at top and bottom so go to style background upload this image okay which is so here select this image click on insert media go to advanced and maybe 100 pixels both from top and bottom maybe from bottom 110 all right now click on update and with this our homepage is successfully created as you can see this is how easy it is to create your home page just make sure to see whether this is 100 mobile friendly or not so if you click on this icon if you follow my mouse cursor at the bottom left responsive mode you will see it will show how this will look on a mobile phone as you can see 100 mobile friendly no problem at all okay so this looks great if you want to see this in tablet you can click on this tablet icon and this is how it will look in a tablet okay looks perfect so this is 100 mobile friendly now once you do this thing now we can cut this page let's again come back to our dashboard all right so now let's create our about page and our contact page in fact we don't even have to create them we just need to import them let me show you how that is done so first of all click on pages from the left hand side and obviously to add a new page we'll just click on this add new button now first we'll start with the about page so to create a new page we'll just give it a title of about or about us about me you can type in something like this and after that you have to make sure that this is full with hundred percent and after that we we also make sure let's see whether we have disabled breadcrumbs or not if you see the about page let's see all right so we have not yet disabled this breadcrumb and this title section so we can have it just go ahead and click on publish now once it is published you can now edit this thing with elementor so click on edit with elementor and as i said earlier we don't have to create it step by step from scratch just like we did with the home page with this we can just import this thing so again if you open the file that you've just downloaded you'll see this folder pages folder and in that you'll see there are a few files so first of all click on this button now this icon folder icon now go to my templates and you need to import this template so click on this import button or import icon click on select files and let's see under this pages folder select about okay select this option click on open now once it is imported you can now go ahead and click on insert and this whole section will apply on your website in fact this whole layout will apply on your website as you can see if i scroll down this entire section is present for you you can see all the different sections now obviously if you want to go ahead and do some changes on this thing you can do that we have already seen you can click on this thing you can change the heading block you can click on this thing we can change these contents from here the styling is already done for you just need to change some content so this is pretty easy so click on update so this is how easy it is to do again you can come back to your dashboard and let's create another page so i'll come back to the dashboard and let's create this contact page so click on add new this time we'll give it a title of contact and we'll publish this page again we'll click on edit with elementor and now again we'll import that template for contact page so select this import button let's try it again now select this option contact select this click on open now once this one is imported you can just go ahead and click on insert and this is how it will look like now most of things looks perfect you just need to click on this option for example this is your address you need to click on this thing i need to change your address from the left hand side similarly for your phone number all this email you can you need to click on this thing and change your phone number and email from the left hand side now if you see this thing this contact form looks a little bit different so we need to do one thing we need to again make sure to first go to your dashboard now here you will see this contact option click on that and you will see contact form one edit this form now again go to that thing that you have downloaded and you will see okay it is under this folder you'll see this contact form file open this and copy everything from here first make sure to delete everything now paste in whatever you have copied click on save now once you click on save you will get this shortcode copy this come over here and replace it with this shortcode so if you paste in this thing as you can see this is how it will look like now you can update this page so this form looks much better and this is how it is done again we can come back to our dashboard now almost everything is done we just need to create our header and footer so first of all before we create our header let's create a menu so we'll hover our appearance click on menus now here you'll see this is your main menu we have one more menu if you hover this or if you click on this option this is also a menu so we need to create two different menus now first of all to create a new menu i think we'll need to refresh this page okay so this is not working properly so if you if this does not work for you you can also use the customize option so you can click on this button manage with live preview so this will open this in this customized screen and you can also create a menu from here so if you want you can just go to this menus option and you can create a new menu click on create new menu under menu name you can name it anything i'll name it main menu and make sure to tick mark this thing main menu at the bottom now click on next now whatever links or items you want to add in this so click on add item i want to add home page contact about uh user registration let's see we should have one more yeah shop page okay this much now i want to change the title instead of user registration i just want to type in register okay page will be same only the title will change now once once it is done you can now go ahead and publish this page now let's create a new menu so come back click on this button create a new menu and i'll name it my account okay my account menu you know you don't need to tick mark anything over here just click on next now in this thing you can add all these links as you can see add a project dashboard my campaign all these links so you will see them over here okay as you can see all these options okay like this now instead of you know this option instead of cv dashboard you can just type in dashboard instead of campaign form you can type in add a project okay similarly instead of listing page you can type in something else instead of register you can type in something else and after that you can publish this thing again cut this thing and again come back to your dashboard now once you have your menu now we can go ahead and build our header so from the left hand side click on header builder again you don't need to create it from scratch i'm giving you the file you can just import that and you can do some changes according to your needs so you can click on this button add a header builder now you can give it any title i'll just name it header1 you can name it anything you want and i want to make sure that this is hundred percent full width so tick mark this thing full with hundred percent then after that just publish this thing and again for this also we are going to use elementor so click on edit with elementor and we need to import that file so click on this folder icon go to my templates import that template select this option header open now insert this header over here and now as you can see this is how it will look like now again you just need to click on this thing install this email type in your own email address just like this pretty simple okay just uh similarly instead of this address type in your own address then click on this option and here we want to make sure that my account menu is selected so that whenever someone clicks on this thing this is my account menu very important then we have the add a project link so if you click on this link open this thing now as you can see it is redirecting to some other website so we want to make sure that this is redirecting to our website so if you type in that option campaign form if you just type in campaign form you'll get that link as you can see this is the link to add a new project then after that if you see this is the logo if you don't want this logo you can delete it from here you can upload your own custom logo maybe this is your logo you can upload it over here like this okay and after that you can also link this thing with your website so i'll copy my website's home page link paste it over here all right this is not looking good so again i'll go back to this logo obviously you can add any logo you want then we have in the menu so you can select this menu and make sure your main menu is selected then at the right hand side we have this option uh this is your telephone number instead of this if you want to add your own telephone number if you want you can just go ahead and type in your email address over here now click on update so this is how you can build your own header obviously if you want you can do a lot of a lot more things you can just you know redesign this thing restructure this thing you can completely change the layout we don't want to do that in this tutorial now once this is done again you can come back to your dashboard now let's build our footer so for that we'll select this option footer builder now click on add footer builder give it some title so maybe for this one it will be footer one now click on publish edit with elementor for this also we just need to import that file so select this folder icon and go to my templates import this file this one open this and once it is installed or one set is imported you can now go ahead and insert it on this website let's see how it looks as you can see this is how it is looking again same process click on this icon or click on this logo upload it your upload your own logo click on this text change the text all this simple stuff click on this thing we have different links so here you can upload your own link so pretty simple okay go ahead and update this page this is now your footer now again come back to your dashboard now first of all let's open our website in a new tab let's see whether it is working or not whether we have our header and footer or not all right so i think we don't have our header we also don't have our footer so for that we'll need to go to this page theme settings click on theme settings in fact let's see all the theme settings from here so under theme settings first we have the general option under general option if you the default color is this as you can see primary and secondary color if you want to change this thing you can select some different color palette and from here this is your primary color which is by default this color this blue so instead of this color if you want to add some other color you can have that similarly for secondary color we have this greenish color instead of this color if you wanna add some other color you can do that thing as well then on the header option make sure under header layout you select the one that you have just created header one okay now if i click on save changes come back to this page refresh it now as you can see you have your header top if i go at top this is your header so once you select this thing you'll see your header then yeah rest everything looks good select breadcrumb not really important settings now on the footer option we don't want copyright section so disable this thing and for footer select this option footer one that we have created now the reason i disable footer this copyright section is because let me show you that thing if i refresh this website go at the bottom now in the footer we have already designed this copyright thing so we don't want that section at the bottom okay that is the reason why now under styling you can change the main color you can change the background color you know main content link color button color if you want you can change that similarly for typography by default it is open sans if you want to make it something else if you want to make the default font family as poppins you can select it from here so you don't have to do it again and again you can select this option then under block setting you can change this thing as well or how many columns do you want to display for large screen for medium screen you can select this option page option we don't have any page sidebar these settings are not really important we have already but i'm just seeing that if i don't want to miss any important setting if there is any all right so finally if you if you don't want to watch this complete tutorial uh if you don't wanna create it everything by yourself or if you in if you're watching this video in future and if you want to upload or if you want to import more pages like for example here we have more pages which i have not shown you the pricing page company page portfolio page all these different pages in fact we have different versions of home pages as well so basically if you want to import the home if you want to import this entire website that you see over here entire demo website that i have shown you you can just go ahead under this theme setting click on demo importer and click on import demo this entire demo will be imported for you so this option is also available now we have seen the theme settings now let's see this crowdfunding settings so under crowdfunding select settings and under funds manager make sure it is woocommerce and default campaign status so whenever someone i think i have explained you this thing but let's see so whenever someone adds a new campaign we have i've already shown you this process whenever someone adds a new campaign it is saved as a draft and you as the admin will have to publish that drafts only after that this this campaign will start displaying on your website so if you want you can just leave it at publish so as soon as a person uploads or creates a campaign it will it will be published and it will start displaying on your website not recommended campaign edit status so whenever someone makes any changes on the campaign for example they change the goal or they change anything like that whether that requires any you know whether that requires review or campaign remains published so if you select campaign remains published someone can make some changes and the campaign is still published if you select this default option require review so once they make some changes on the campaign that campaign will again go back to draft and again you will have to you know publish that thing now on the dashboard page make sure cf dashboard is selected under campaign submit form the submit form page is selected now you can click on save changes then after that under woocommerce settings let's see don't take mark anything right looks good we have already seen the wallet settings so nothing to do over here as well you can again come back to your home page all right so with this this tutorial is 100 completed i hope you guys find this tutorial helpful if you find this tutorial helpful if you want to watch more useful tutorials like this one make sure to subscribe and click on the bell icon so that you don't miss any future notifications if you like this video give a thumbs up to this video share it with your friends on facebook twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any sessions recommendations for me you can always leave them in the comments section below and finally thank you so much for watching this video see you in the next one
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 17,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nonprofit fundraising, crowdfunding plugin, donate button, wordpress, how to create fundraising website, how to make a fundraising website, how to create crowdfunding website, how to create a crowdfunding website with wordpress, charity website wordpress, wp crowdfunding, wp crowdfunding tutorial, wp crowdfunding plugin, how to create a donation website like gofundme, how to make a website for donations, crowdfunding website, wpcf
Id: YyieL1XZE_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 0sec (7500 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.