How to build a sliding barn door with corrugated metal panels

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hey everybody this is Doug with artfully rogue and this week's video we're gonna make another door but this was going to be out of corrugated metal and wood I don't often work with wood but let's head to the woodshop and get started so I'm going to make a bracket for my router that will allow me to run it alongside the edge of the wood and cut the groove that I want to cut alright hold your ears alright and trim this off just a little bit [Music] okay I'm gonna take a moment just to explain this real quick one I don't do a lot of woodwork in my shop and so when I do have to do woodwork in the shop I need to get a little creative so on this door what I want to do is I want to create a pocket or groove or I'm sure there's a great wood term for it where the metal sits in and doesn't move around much so here's what I've done I've got my router as opposed to having a router table what I've done is I put the two side boards on edge and then I've made this bracket here that will run alongside the wood and then cut the groove that I want in order to keep it nice and tight I've clamped this 2x3 to the boards and then clamped the 2 by 3 to the wood clamp this together so that shouldn't move because now that's both boards together gives me a little bit wider cutting or you know surface to like land the router on and do the same thing over here now believe it or not I do have a router table yeah that's my router table I don't often use it and it makes a great flat space to store a bunch of crap which it's doing a really good job of right now but with a router table like that and in my skill level I don't want to run boards of this size down a puny little router table like that and I had the edges squared at the woodshop where I buy my wood at so let's go ahead and see if this little contraption is going to work [Music] [Music] all right so I'm going to add on to this jig that I made earlier so that I can cut the ends of the board I guess you'd call that via the tenon side right and then we'll add we'll see what happens the nice thing about this particular door is it's going to be a reclaimed look on the wood so even if even if I being it just a little bit it's okay it has character all right I'm pretty pleased not bad for a hack job as far as like doing what I needed to do with the router to get that mortise and tenon joint done so yeah I'm pretty stoked all right time to rough it up a bit [Music] [Music] okay I figured I'd spare you the agony of watching me stain this entire thing but it all came out pretty nice in my mind I used an expresso type stain and some like these dark lines and things like these are some of the markings that I put into the the wood myself just to kind of give it some texture and a little bit of flavor a little bit of that distressed look so there you go all stained up now I just got to look over to the metal alright so I'm putting the finishing touches on the metal right now I got them cut to size I wanted to get a little bit more rust involved and it's kind of doing its thing all the joys of being colorblind well as you saw I had this entire thing stained and I showed the client and they were thinking it was gonna have a little bit more red to it well apparently had a lot more brown in it and so we have planed off a lot of that Brown and we're gonna take two on the stain sometimes you just got to work a little harder and to perfect the piece so that you keep the client happy and that's what's important you're doing this for them this is gonna be in their home so even though it does suck that I had to do all that work and then do all this work I think the end product is going to come out nice so here's the finished product I used a red mahogany stain and the client was very happy and this is before I sent it out and then this is the door in the clients house and so actually it fills the space really nice and I'm happy thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video if you liked what you saw give me a thumbs up if you haven't already subscribed please do so it really helps out and we'll see you in the next video take it easy
Channel: Artfully Rogue
Views: 52,991
Rating: 4.8263774 out of 5
Keywords: artfully rogue, sliding barn door, how to make a sliding barn door, corrugated metal door, arizona custom doors, custom door
Id: BF2pfHNGdVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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