Rustic Metal Speakeasy Gate Door | JIMBO'S GARAGE

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welcome to Jimbo's garage good afternoon everyone and welcome back to Gimbels garage well in today's video we're gonna be making another gate just like all the gates that come out of the shop right here it's just a little bit different this one is a little midea medieval time type of look you might say it's gonna be about four feet wide about six foot tall we're gonna have an arch top to it we're gonna have a handful of these buttons or rivets or whatever you want to call it you're gonna have a viewing window in it a little bit of wood a little bit of metal it's gonna be a great little project let's get started on today's video alright I'd like to take a moment to thank today's sponsor which is metal supermarkets calm they've got over 80 locations across North America offering up a wide variety of metal types shapes sizes and grades from steel aluminum full roll hot roll galvanized alloys brass bronze copper and a whole lot more check them out at mellow supermarket comm for location near you alright let's get back to today's video alright so we're gonna get started with some 1 by 2 by o63 rectangular tubing that's what we're gonna be using for the basic frame of this you know I got a little bit of problem with my workbench here with my cut-off saw here's I just don't have enough room anytime that I'm cutting any longer material I guess swing it out with a with a rest out on the end I don't know one of these days I'm gonna have to do something about that but anybody got everything cut up that I needed right there and then this is a pre-cut or pre bent I should say radius piece I had my middle supply store do I don't have a roller so anytime I get radiuses like this I just have them roll it for me I'm just doing some layout right here and be sure I get the angles just right there's not a 45 it's not any kind of particular degree right here based on the radiuses they're always different so once I established it at least as close as I could I just don't want ahead and cut it right out the cutoff wheel here you know once you just lay it out you market adjust give they just come right off it cuts off really nice little deeper with a flap disc and this assembly time just clapping everything down with some fixture clamps of the welding table and this is just the basic frame and then I'm gonna get this thing squared up and it's just right on the money right out of the chute like always man tiniest table I can't say enough about this alright so I'm just gonna go at the outside of this world as much as I can on this side right here I'm going to tip it up you know I couldn't get those cut you know as much as I try to do all the math and get everything right get the angles right I can never seem to there's always a big gap somewhere and that's what I ended up with right here on this radius I'm trying to tie it in here that's just a big gap so this is the way I solved it I just took some 1/8 filler rod and then just laid it in there and just kind of fill that gap and yeah that worked out alright I guess I'm just getting the lockbox installed right here you know this lock boxes here are pretty cool been using these a lot over the last couple years I get them at King metal calm a big supplier of all kinds of iron you see all the decorative irons I used for my gates that all come from King metal calm there's about three locations here around the United States anyways just getting everything welded in right here you know you know I got this design the the client gave me a couple of pictures and they just said hey you know we want something that kind of looks like this you know however you think it should look they basically put it in my hands and said just design something that that it's going to look cool so this is kind of I'm just kind of going off of a basic picture and this is my own designs what I'm coming up with right here alright this is the viewing window or speaking window whatever you want to call it it's called a lot of different things and the next thing as as what I'm thinking is to build a box around this and then I'll build a well that's you know screen or whatever you want to call it that great to the front of the box you know sometimes making just a simple little box like this it's just as much as making the frame I remember the bird king after I got all my pieces cut up and just kind of deeper into pieces all right over the welding table and you get my table dogs right here and just fast and everything into place and I'm gonna start off with a ninety degree and we're gonna get this thing tacked and like I said you know it's just a small little simple frame but it may as well be a giant frame because it's the same about welding that's involved all right so it didn't take too much I had to move things around here a little bit to get this thing square to get it nice and square anyway a couple little taps and we're good to go all right once I'm all going to get everything well - every little piece welded all the way around inside and out and there it fits on there pretty good all right so now it's time to just get this thing grinds it up and clean up the edges and soften everything up and grind everything down you know so everything is coming together here pretty good I did have a little bit of a glitch right here though Bracey here in the gate after I finished my viewing window or speaking window whatever you want to call a lot of people call different things and I got to looking at it and it just to me looks proportionally too big for what we have going on here with this game it just didn't look right it just looked too big you know the client they had showed me a picture of a game that they liked and it happened to have one of these in it and I didn't pay too close attention the picture was kind of far away but when I was in my metal supply store I saw this and I thought this was it this is what we use this is where I'm going to get and now that I've got in here and I've got it dealt it just doesn't look right so I'm changing things up a little bit I'm taking them get rid of this and I'm coming in with this a little bit smaller this is about 10 inches square that elbow is about 14 inches square it looks to be a little bit more proportionally correct for what we going here I saw this on Amazon ordered it Next Day Delivery I have it so we're just gonna take over from this position right here and we're gonna move forward and get this thing finished up so let's do it yeah that was a lot better it it felt better anyway he know a little bit smaller and looking a little bit a little bit like it should I guess alright here we go I'm just getting the center piece in again I'm building this just the way I think it should be built this is the this is one of the ways it would work to hold that box into place and I thought it looked pretty nice I have a cross piece going across the lock box here and then I got this piece going vertically up and down the center and starting to look pretty good use the string line right here in making some marks to get everything lined up nice and square and and look at all the clamps I got you know I like I said I can't even I I know I mentioned this in every video but man having a welding table like this and all these fixture clamps to hold everything in place and snug and down tight like this I don't know what I did without it before I feel very blessed to be able to have this table and and have this clamps and the way everything works it it makes things a lot easier in the fabrication that's for sure turn the clamps we got them all off and everything is nice and square and straight and now it's time to just weld everything all up flipping it all around I am working off the HTTP protocol 220 mts here today and I'm writing some 30,000 Swire and running about 20 cfh 90% argon 25 10% co2 alright once you get everything all grinded down here are welded up I'm just gonna grind the visible areas the ones I can anyway that usually that's always on the outside edge and you know one thing too I wanted to point out to you guys when you go ahead and doing this to be sure that you get all your welds well it up solid you don't want to have any rust or deterioration coming through there later alright so this is some two inch flat bar stock eighth inch thick and this is what I'm going to be using for the outside should say the front face of the gate we're going to give it that illusion that it's a it's a 2-inch square tubing and it's going to allow me to have that you know one-inch reveal on the inside this is what the wood is going to be going up against and you'll get a better feel for here you can see that that's what I'm doing remember the rail is only one inch wide by two inches deep and you can see that this is the two inch flat bar going on the front and that's going to give us that look of being a two inch square tube and on the outside it's going to give me a one-inch reveal to the inside and then this centerpiece right there is one is shipping I'm gonna straddle out and it's going to be half inch on either side of that should be enough to to hide the wood in there and be able to fasten it down to I just get all the pieces here cut in there clamp down and tacked into place I am going to later on flip it around the other side and I'm gonna get some some some welds on the inside of that plate as well once again massive clamps everything clamping everything into position right here this is one thing that I did right here I probably you know would do it a little bit different next time so this is this box the interior box right here you can see I straddled that two inch flat bar right over the center and gave me a half-inch either side of that when I could have held it to the to the outside of that had a smooth transition on the inside of the box but oh well nevertheless it that worked out pretty good alright here is the top piece that I need to create the radius for and what I'm doing is just cut some relief in this you know I'm just using the right now I'm using the width of the saw blade about every three inches apart and I'm going on about two-thirds of the way through or a little bit more maybe and I'm gonna ultimately get this and the vise and kind of close that gap up and I'm not certain at this point whether or not I'm going to be able to if it's going to be enough I may have to open those up a little bit but I gotta start somewhere so that's where I started and I got a little bit of a bend down if you got a little bit of radius but it just wasn't quite enough I had to come back and open it up and I'm just using that with a cut-off wheel right here and it's getting in the same sockets there and after I closed him up I'm just you know opening it up a little bit wider and this should be enough for me to to close it up and make that radius that I need and that's looking pretty good I think I'm gonna get it with this one right here and there it is all right I'm going to mark either side right here I'm going to get this thing cut and get this last piece into position you know I'm still working with this 10 tooth in CH blade it's missing a few tooth that's banging around here and there I'm that's I think we're getting close to the end right here I'll be able to change that to the 14 to that 14 to 3 6 inches just a little bump tack right now I'm just trying to get this thing held into place and these are the last couple pieces right here alright so now everything is all tacked in I'm just gonna go around on this side right here while I've got a gauge on this side and I'm just gonna get everything welded and all the way around and once I got all that done oh I forgot about the lockbox right here I need to get a little something around that you'll see me get to that here in a minute you never getting some flat some half-inch flat bar stock and I just went ahead and just welded that set around the outside edge that's gonna allow that wood to get in there feel that gets concealed like the rest of it sometimes you're just asking in for my improvised and do whatever you have to do to make things work let's I forgot about this but it worked out pretty good alright now it's just going around and getting everything welded out finished up there welding there you know there's a lot of it and you know it there's a lot of detail that goes into something like this you just don't realize it you know when you think about when I think about building the gate I just don't think about all this detail right here alright you can see it right there cleaning out the nozzle now I do have this stuff from CRC is from there weld aide line is called nozzle dip HD stuff's pretty good I've been using it for the last couple months and I'm telling you you just one dip of that stuff and you can weld all day long and and there's no buildup in the nozzle at all it's actually some pretty cool stuff kind of messy they're first coming out kind of gooey but hey it's well worth it saves you getting a pick and pick pick your nozzle out clean all the time you can see I'm just welding up these are the these are the sockets we're getting these things all welded out and I'm gonna be coming back and grinding all that and the the idea is to not be able to see anything and just think that that's all just part of the the frame all right so I'm just going around and I'm just gonna start well grinding all this down now you know I go through a series of different flap discs right here you know these are all Mercer products and this is this particular one I'm starting out on this on this right here is a 29 grit trimmable flap disc this is ceramic and this is a good one I use this a lot and it does it does a great job going around roughing things up and then later I usually come back with a six year old 120 grit now here you see me flipping over to a 24 grit zirconia now this this this one here really hogs and moves some metal quickly and I had a lot of grinding ahead of me on that radius right there and I just wanted to get a good flat disc in there that was just gonna remove some metal fast and that's what this this one does right here and I will like I said I will go back after I get everything all around I will go back with the sixty or end or even a 120 to remove the scratches these things leaves some pretty aggressive scratches in the metal and you know if you go to those you know smooth air flap discs it takes those scratches out makes it better for the paint you know you don't seal scratches to the paint all right here's what I was talking about just going through here and I'm just hitting some half-inch tacks about every four or five inches apart right here on the inside this is to hope that the metal is not going to you know come apart to peel away I just got a little bit on the outside and this is going to be sighs could definitely hold everything nice and solid it's a bunch of welding though you know that's why everything is fast forwarded here you know I couldn't imagine being real-time you know this this thing really actually took me you know three or four days to build and you know I'm not I'm not getting eight hours a day you know my shop here I I do a regular job so I'm able to work at this in the evening time but you can just see that all the weld and all the detail that goes into it all right so I got to get over my plasma cutter here I need to it's time to address the flap or the lid for the viewing window or speaking window and I'm just cutting me out a a little square piece right here that's what's gonna get started plows because been working pretty good out of here for about two or three years now and you can see those are my torch lead holders in the background I'm cutting them out there it looks like it is time to change zoomable took a couple of taps to get that out of there I'm ordering my scrap man here and just pulling some stuff out because I got to try to figure out how this is all gonna go together again this is just a bunch of detail that you don't think about this is just a little piece of piano hinge here and I've got some that half-inch flat bar stock I've got a weld on to the one side of it there and that's gonna give me that space that I need to get on there a little construction calculator right there just give me all the angles and dimensions that I need and it's just trying to put together a handle and the latch system that you know I don't know there's a thousand ways to do in this and this is just something that I thought of at the last second may not be what you think about that you know I had to make a decision here I had to move forward and this is what I come up with I'm just drilling this out and then I'm gonna put this in here and again this is just the handle this is what's gonna lift this thing up now realistically this you know this is more of a something that's decorative and it's probably not going to get much use but hey the idea is there and and and the purpose is there and it actually works all right you know so I'm clamping the hinge in place yeah you see me using this these little clamps right here I've got this from clamp plus I've got a couple of them these things are pretty cool when the bigger ones can't get into the tight spots like that these little ones are real it's about a quarter of an inch round bar stock on the end fully adjustable to whatever you need and it's perfect for holding stuff like this in place all right there was a bunch of work right there but hey there it is it's on and it's done I had to come up with a latch of some sort again I thought about it for a long time and you know just wearing myself out thinking about stuff and this is just a simple little thing this is what I come up with and it's gonna work there's some final touches right here grinding everything up and cleaning it all up I'm gonna drill and tap this and I believe I was just using a quarter 20 right here found a little bolt in there and that's all I really need to kind of hold this in place like I said I don't think it's going to get used much it's more of a decoration than anything but it is functionable at this point all right and here it is I think I mentioned that to go through the disks this is some final final grinding here I don't know if this is six-year 120 but whatever it is I'm just going through and kind of cleaning up everything and buffing everything out getting ready for the next stage right here which is staining the wood now I chose to go with some 1 by 6 red clear redwood here tongue-and-groove and looking for some real dark stain this is what I come up with and this stuff stained up really nice it's a color that we were looking for here and this wood is super lightweight and so it's you know you can go it's going to give you that appearance it's a heavy duty gate but at the same time nice and lightweight and you know this gate really is not that heavy when it's all assembled and hung up there and the stuff worked out pretty good I use something similar to this on a couple videos back I don't know six or eight months ago on a gate I used not redwood I used clear cedar though one thing I forgot to do is get the little grate welded on the front right here and while that wood was drying a stain was drying I took advantage of that got that on along and ground everything down here alright so for the the clear coat I'm just using some polyurethane this is some well I guess it's spar you're saying I don't know the difference you know I just read the outside of things and said this is exterior yeah you could use for some exterior so I got a couple of good coats on there this is some semi-gloss and put a couple of good coats on there both sides and it gave it that not not not a glossy finish but got a little Sheen to it and that's pretty cool I get a lot of people ask me about painting and what kind of how do you paint it what do you do well in this particular case I'm obviously a priming it and I'm rolling the primer on and rolling the paint on now this just adds for some really thick paint and you can assure that you know it's a lot different than then spraying the paint on and of course powder coating is probably the best way to go but in this situation I'm looking for a rustic look and by rolling the paint on you it gives you that little bit of a an old rustic type of look all right so we're time to get the the wood installed here things are starting to take shape and a couple things I've got to measure here and Mark and get everything fit fit in there that it's gonna work and look evenly on both sides of the gate right here barely had enough wood to make this happen I mean I literally was down to a quarter of an inch in length I underestimated that but I was able to make it work here I'm sick of some tape on here and I'm numbering these things the same because ultimately they're gonna get cut in half and I wanted to keep the grain going in the same direction so I wanted to be sure I matched the two pieces of wood up so it looked like it was all same together I thought about doing this and then I realized off I get a mixed up they're gonna look different so this is the way I did it by number and um and taping them and then just using my jigsaw to cut the radius part out a little bit of aggressive blade here that a little bit of tear out right there but it's not not too worried because it's gonna be covered up by the by that overlap of the flat part to two inch flat bar stock there and then just drop him into place right here and line up the numbers that there was a little bit of a gap issue I you know I had to I knew I was going to have something there so this right here so I just had to rip an extra little piece I had this is about five-eighths of an inch and I'm cutting them about three or four inches long and there's little spacers that are gonna fit right in there and that's gonna push everything nice and snug over and tight and keep it consistent doing the same repeating the same process here on the other side exactly the same you want everything to be the same I'm gonna end up using those same spacers on this side as well and that's gonna make it look nice and even and just like that they're in there and then there's those spacers all right come together pretty good all right so we're using some 3/4 inch angle line right here and this is what we're going to be using to hold it in place and use if you've watched my other videos you've seen this is the way I've done it in the past basically you just put that in there and on the back side and I'm gonna pre-drill all these I'm using some self-tapping screws but still I like to pre-drill everything just makes it that much easier I'm using the same method right here on the radius part though this is a 3/4 angle so this blade right here because it's only three quarters of an inch I'm not gonna have any problem making the radius on this one and like I said this is what I'm doing I'm pre drilling all the parts each parts gonna you know have you know screws in them and the screws I don't know you know like they're about a foot apart or so you don't need a lot of them it's just something to hold it down and the beauty of this is by doing this is in case you get a board it goes bad or you want to replace the boards you can just take the screws out and all the boards will come out and you can replace it with you know whatever same stuff or something different oh that's that's the beauty of this and that's kind of the way it goes just like that you can see just love them just laying them in there just kind of covering everything up and now this is the same process all the way around the gate so anything that little tear out that I had you know it gets covered up right here here's a little tip right here you know I learned this the hard way I've got a piece of cardboard down yeah doing the drilling right there in the past I've done this and I've gotten some Chuck marks on the wood and mark scuffed up the wood on the inside before if this piece of cardboard here worked pretty good these are just some self-tapping 1/2 inch pan head screws and that's that's really all it takes to hold these things into place now you can imagine there's a lot of this going on a lot of screw and a lot of drilling right here but ultimately that worked out pretty good you know just clamped everything in place and by clamping everything in place you know what that does is pushes the wood down for one keeps it nice and tight up against the other side and then just hold it in place so I got right down the very end right here now what I've got here these are these um I don't know they're rivets or nails whatever you want to call them they're rustic looking and it came with about an inch and a half spike on them and so what I'm doing here is you can see I got tape on my drill I'm drilling them down about a half-inch and I cut these things off to about a half inch drilled a small little pilot hole in there and then I'm just pounding these nails in now this is one way of doing it you know there's another way of doing it too there's several probably ways of doing it but another way it would be maybe drill a little bit larger of a hole and get some two-part epoxy and you can put them in that way too that this seemed to work pretty good I did a test sample and it seemed to hold really well and so this is the way I elected to go with it again this is just decorative stuff and you know it just really makes the gate right here is that that extra added added Beauty to it you know I got these I got these on Amazon you know I you know they've got all kinds of stuff there as well King metals have this something similar but a little bit bigger this is this is actually the size I was looking for and with these spikes on here that worked out a little bit better for me on this situation it's going along here pretty good you know this is good a little build right here was fun it's always something different here in the shop you know and that's what makes it fun you know there's never the same thing twice you're always doing something different and a lot of times I'm having to design and create this stuff myself and that's what just that's just the fun of it right there your little project turned out good this is probably one of the better gates that I've done in a long time and I can't wait to see what's up next I hope you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to check out my website at Jimbo's garage comm for your torch lead holders merchandise there check us out on facebook also on the instagram thanks again for watching we'll see you guys on the next video see you next time Jimbo's garage you [Music]
Views: 1,251,445
Rating: 4.905148 out of 5
Keywords: Jimbos, Garage, Welding, Metal, Welding Table, Mig Welding, HTP welders, how to welding, castle style gate, jimbo castle style, medieval style door, medieval gate, outdoor medieval gate, midevil gate, welding metal gate, how to make gate, Jimbo metal Gate, knotted gate, knotted door, how to knot a door, knotting wood, arched castle door, arched metal gate, speakeasy gate, speakeasy door, jimbo speakeasy door, arched gate, how to build a metal gate, how to make arched gate
Id: D0mGHmvcc2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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