How To Build a Sitting Wall

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welcome back to the channel we're gonna do a little how-to on sitting walls we're going to show you step by step on how we like to build our sitting walls something really easy here it's a 15 linear foot sitting wall lights caps very basic so follow along [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so got our base Stone underneath here we've got a three-quarter inch about seven or eight inches and now we're just going back and bring in some of our chip Stone we're going to use it's like a 3 8 inch Limestone and I'm just going to make this even across and then we'll start laying our Stone in so we'll get this pretty smooth and then we'll bring in our first layer of block get that nice and level it'll take a little bit of time once we get our first layer and we'll be uh flying up so yeah [Music] [Music] thank you all right so for our wall we're going to be using this Brandon wall block uh what's really cool about this block is it comes in three pieces but if you use the large block you'll have zero Cuts if you do a 15 foot circle like we've done the only problem is it's a small wall we don't have any other features we can use the block for I didn't want to buy a couple pallets to make that happen so we'll actually do the first course in the large blocks which have a cuts for the corners um it should fly up pretty fast maybe once we get to the second or third row we'll start putting some Smalls and mediums and cutting them in place and then for our tools pretty much small level medium large extra large level make sure we're measuring from there to there we can get the whole thing we'll use this little guy little torpedo level to measure front to back side to side mallet sitting pad feeling pad you want to sit you can kneel you can kneel you can sit whatever you want to call it stack some block [Music] foreign [Music] all right so normally if we're doing a larger wall we've got a pretty long footage to go we'll actually use some screw bars and we'll run them we have really small ones run this way and then we'll screed back and get it perfectly even all the way around but we're only going I don't know 12 or 14 feet through our wall so I'm just going to kind of use a level kind of speed back how it looks if you just get get it pretty close put the block on see how close we are [Music] yeah so pretty much there get it level front to back side to side looks like we're here highs I'm going to rub some out of the way no biggie [Music] ah we're working [Music] shovel Chevrolet's backside we're a little low we're level we need to go down just a hair even with that one to the side for your money here and um it's like we are money [Music] foreign [Music] so as you can see we had no cuts at all we used all the large pieces this thing was a really nice 15 foot radius and now we're just gonna cut our corners on the edge so we'll measure our adjustments at the top cut that angle off do the same over there for a corner and then our bottom row will be done hard part's done now we're going to keep stacking and building up to our sitting Wall height [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in for our second row but we have some lighting wire that we need to address and we have some paver lights that are running along the side of the patio so we're going to run this wire through here and it's actually going to run all the way up this first little section here and that way once gets to the top of the wall it can run all the way across I want to beat this one down the right side that way you don't see any landscape wire so that's a good way to hide that so we'll have to keep in mind whenever we in the next course we need to keep moving that wire up a little bit [Music] oh no we got an explosion ah [Music] what happened all right so now we're just gonna Salvage the glue because uh yeah we're just gonna use we don't need that much glue so we'll actually use a full shim I'm gonna make it work spread it around like some peanut butter [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] look at that it's a new glue gun right there yeah I think what happened is this was just an old cam and the piece inside was a little crooked and so when it applied pressure just spot the hole in it it's all good [Music] thank you [Music] so we're gonna keep continuing with these large blocks for our second row and actually we don't really need glue in this case come with these little pins it's kind of a little close you can kind of see how these work out over on this side if you pop that in sit on the channel of this block below it put one there and we'll put one there as well I forgot we could actually do this on a curved wall another straight applications pins and that's going to hold that in tight one there as well I think we'll just use this method and then we'll just glue the corners if there's nothing to channel into when the corners it'll make our life a little bit easier over here what do you think right okay [Music] just do a little bit of Wiggle make sure it goes in the channel that's going to interlock everything all the way up in a nice fit [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right so we're actually getting a little lucky here we're actually able to mix in some Smalls some mediums without any cuts sometimes it works with a sometimes it doesn't probably make a couple cuts per row it has these little Shadow lines as you can see sometimes you can make a little bit bigger a bit smaller for allow for enough buy so far three rows up no Cuts I like it all right so we've got two we got two rows in we want to go between 16 and 20 inches for our wall all depends on how tall the customers are how tall their family is I would say they're about my height Tim we're not like I'm not super tall or anything I'm at least yeah five nine three quarters so we're gonna go two rows a phone call coming in it's Matt let's see what Matt wants Matt what's up buddy what's up I don't know what's up with you you called me I did I know hey you still at Kurt yeah all right he says they have some concrete adhesive we need some more blue yeah it's the same blue we use in pavers and blocks you just say like concrete favors and blocks okay yeah I got a box or something okay big big the big ones got it goodbye love you okay all right so where was I was uh yeah it's the two rows probably gonna go two rows put a cap see how high it is check it we might go another road we're gonna put two lights you have to put some lights on today so we got this lighting wire that's going to keep running all the way up we've got it nice and hidden up the block down the other block wraps around it's been a nice gray cap since we've got a lot of gray and black beam going on it's gonna be nice let's keep stagger some blocks it's a sitting wall built [Music] all right [Music] [Music] so we've ground out some area here to see if we can get our lights to sit flush I'm gonna test that out and we're not quite there yet so we gotta grind a little bit more out and then we want this to rest flush up here so that this part comes perfectly with the top of this you can put your caps on top look real nice [Music] [Music] all right thanks for watching our how to video on the sitting wall we hope you like our new how-to series we have coming out if you want to see anything more in depth feel free to comment below or we're pumping out some more of these videos so have a good day [Music]
Channel: RC Outdoor
Views: 24,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, sitting wall, tutorial
Id: _CAY5JIldQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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