How to build raised paver patio - Techo Bloc

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what's up guys I'm here on a paver job you see our pavers just delivered here what we're building in the back is a raised paver patio so we already started digging everything out this outside that's much deeper here this is where the wall is going to be built up top there's going to be a landing in front of this back door over here the paver the patio height is going to be at the bottom of the siding so when you walk out they'll just step out onto the patio this side will need the landing because it's it's higher at this point you can see we have our geofabric down and I'm using the mini excavator to run the three-quarter modified back and forth from the trailer into our work area this is our first lift we like to get down about three inches and then run the compactor on it Phil's checking the elevation as we go to make sure we're putting it down pretty evenly it doesn't need to be exact on the first two lifts but we like to keep it close so when we get to that last lift it's not as hard to get it level all right so we got our basin we got about eight inches modified in here we compacted it in three lifts and now we're going to start setting block so here I'm setting the first Corsa block and this just like building a retaining wall this this course takes the longest you have to level your blocks left to right front to back make sure they stay aligned with each other you can see I had Phil put down a real thin layer of modified it makes it a little bit easier with leveling if you have a thin layer of screenings down we just had to adjust the course a little bit because we weren't respecting our String Line enough and uh some modified was holding it down so you need to be careful of your string line at all times so we got our base course in and we got it secured with uh about six inches of modified in the back and a good four inches in the front and it's very important to secure the base course especially before you add any more forces that way nothing's going to shift or move around on you this is our second course the wall block these get glued and pinned I give you guys a little close-up of that in just a second but this course goes much faster than the first one as you can see you basically just setting the blocks the only thing you need to keep an eye out for is making sure you're staggering your seams each manufacturer is a little bit different they'll tell you to maintain at least two three inches sometimes four or five so you want to just keep an eye on your seams as you go all right with these blocks I like to get a couple dabs of glue in make sure you don't have any big rocks sticking up then we use these pins the pins slide down in these grooves and sit right in that notch taking a screwdriver just to tap it down to make sure it's all the way in and that's it it's locked in place so there we have our three courses of black on that's our that's our last course and now we're getting ready to build our steps there's going to be two steps right here [Music] so that's a wrap for today you see we got our steps in and we put a nice thick edging of concrete all the way around it a lot of times when you build steps you can just backfill it in with modified get it in there nice and tight but I like putting concrete around it just so it's extra secure so you can see our modified is built up to the existing grade towards the house we recompacted everything the existing sub base and our modified there and now I'm putting in another layer of the geofabric I don't like to put in just one layer when there's multiple grade changes so I brought up the grade behind the wall to be close to the existing grade that was by the house compacted it all put that additional layer of geofabric in and now we're just going to build up that grade to match the height of the wall I believe we did it in about three lifts because it was a total of eight or nine inches [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] for the Caps that are going and go on the landing area how to cut four caps on a 45 and then I had to put two smaller caps that go up against the house actually I think they were full size I just had to notch them to get around that J channel on the siding once we got that done we you saw Phil tampton some modified now we're putting the caps on the steps those we had to trim so they didn't overhang too far now we're gonna put the pavers in in the landing those all had to be cut I think we got one row in well one staggered row and then all the ones that went against the house had to be cut we try to keep all the cuts against the house so they're not as noticeable so now I'm running my compactor over the pavers to get them compacted if you notice I'm wearing Crocs it's because my boots are real muddy so I brought the Crocs with me because I didn't want to muck up the patio I'm not running the compactor along the border that outside border near the cap because I didn't want to risk chipping any of the caps so I'm just running them on the pavers and then I'm going to go back around with the Mallet and a piece of wood and just Tamp them down a little bit by hand [Music] foreign as normal I'm using a small broom because my big push broom the handle actually broke so it took a little bit longer so that's it guys that's how you build the raised page paver patio as usual thanks for watching don't forget to give the video a thumbs up and please subscribe to the channel if you're not already I also have some other how-to videos on retaining walls so be sure to check those out [Music] thank you
Channel: Sean Markee - SRM Contracting
Views: 188,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to build raised paver patio, paver patio, raised paver patio, retaining wall, techo bloc patio, techo bloc blu 60, techo bloc brandon wall, techo bloc walls, srm contracting, pavers start to finish, paver patio with steps, raised patio with retaining wall, raised patio with pavers, raised patio with steps, techo bloc, pavers, patio, blu 60 techo bloc
Id: kwWeT2DoeYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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