How to build a seatwall / seat bench

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hello everyone we are here on this job site here and we're going to talk about how you build a seat bench like this [Music] on this project here the client wanted a seat bench off the back of the fire pit and the project here we were going to do a seat wall initially but we wanted to uh but they wanted to add the seat bench back to it so they're pretty simple really ultimately what you're going to build is your standard seat wall right five courses high the average you know when you sit your knee is going to be bent like that relatively uh comfortably like that and most your most of your the audio and this is going to be really interesting most of your chairs and seats gonna be 18 to 20 inches tall and so this is right there at 20 inches give or take and so it's just your standard seat wall and on this fortunately these aren't glued yet but on this seat wall it's really fortunate these backs can be open because we don't need to worry about trimming it to fit exactly because on the back sides where it matters right but for a dual you know freestanding seat wall we'd have to trim each piece like this to make sure the gaps look like this on the back side right but it doesn't matter here so we just do what i call a barbarian cut but it's just a real fast cut over you know over exaggerated exaggerate so we don't have to make any measurements and actually don't even apply what am i talking about it doesn't even apply on this because it's a an outer curve like that so actually there's no cuts [Music] now so you're gonna build that seat bench just like that like normal and then we build an independent structure behind it another whole seat wall there's a lot of things you can do with this like you can fill that cavity with stone you can fill it with block you can fill it with stone and geogrid between the two i don't like geogrid because that that product is going to throw off the elevation tolerances through here and makes it harder to build so what we do is we kind of in between kiss some stone uh run some stone between it bow glued two butted together there this being a curved structure it's the strongest structure a curved structure is instead of straight right because all this arc you know sitting like this you know you're subject to this but when it when a curve you have a curve like that it's going to be stronger so this structure as is very very strong and i have no no issues with it being [Music] stable and secure so this is built on our standard bed here of a number 57 clean stone with a one inch setting bed here or one inch one inch setting bed of number nine stone which is this stuff right here and makes a really nice building surface so like i said these cores can be filled with anything you can let it we leave it open we don't mind but you could fill this with nines whatever you fill in there you want to be clean clean stone open grated whatever so it doesn't hold any moisture and uh yeah and so the other end of it is what you do i'll show you well just like these block here the quick and dirty way or easy way is you know these blocks here are going to have gaps like that when you lay them out on an initial course you measure this gap here and you transfer that you can split it between the two or to one side that's not the quick and dirty way britt's got the quick and dirty way i don't know about that but essentially you take that gap and you transfer it to the front with a measurement and cut it so there you go that's how that lays out
Channel: Auman Landscape
Views: 35,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lmn software, retaining wall, seatwall, seat bench, build a bench, paver patio, patio design, pavers, paving, build a patio, how to build a patio, bullnose coping, install caps
Id: ok67cvIgSnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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