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[Music] welcome back we have such an exciting video today um so this is us in the future so the video you're gonna see it's of us in the past what she means to say that this is from a past project that we've done um if you follow us on instagram it's for maybe we'll post a picture we wanted to explain a little bit what's going on with this project we have wanted to open youtube for a very long time but we never got around to doing it so everyone has always been like oh my god you should record your projects and post them and show how you do it uh but we never did so with that project it was gonna be such a big one it was the first had ever like taken on that i told jesus i was like i'm gonna record it i'm just gonna like try to record little pieces first mistake i made the clips are very very short i we didn't really talk so the whole video is gonna be a voiceover and i recorded the phone upward so the next clips might be sideways we want to apologize that the the video is not going to be the best quality the best angles but we still wanted to make you guys this video for you guys because so many people were so interested and we were a little bit on the fence but it's still content and it's still something for you guys to at least have an idea how we did it and we're gonna try to like explain it as best best as possible on the voiceover i wish we'd we would have known i know i've had that those clips for months on my phone and you know i was like please let's do a video please let's do a video and i've been promising on instagram like because everybody's how did you do that how did you do that i'm like i have a video i'll be posting but yeah so it might not be the best quality video but i do feel like it will be very instructive yeah um we'll show you guys what we made mistakes on what and again you can always make it your own you can make it smaller bigger whatever you want yeah even though it might not be the best quality or the best angles we're still posting it for you guys so we hope you enjoy feel free to comment below if you have any extra questions that we didn't explain on the video let's rewind to a few months ago and see how it all started [Music] all right so the first thing you want to do is go ahead and mark the area where this seating area is going to go this is what ours look like when it's done now time to take out the grass alright so mistake number one you do not have to do this we went ahead and took out the whole square because our backyard is on a slope and as you can see here we're trying to elevate it and level it out as much as possible but you do not need to tamper the ground since after we did it we filled all of this up with paver base if your yard is leveled you might not have to do this and you will be saving a lot of time and money we decided to go ahead and do this because we wanted to create this sitting area off the ground here we have our number one helper my dad carrying all the materials we need you guys will see him in this video and meet him more ahead we use the paper base to level out the ground and now is when you really have to go ahead and stomp it into place once stopped it's time to place the first brick you want to make sure that these are as leveled as possible you might have to make some cuts but be patient it all comes together at the end once it's built you're going to want to go ahead and install rebar and cement down every other hole this is going to provide the extra stability that it needs you're going to need a lot and a lot and a lot of cement this is what you do when you live in florida and you have hurricanes every year this bad boy is not going anywhere and this is the shell of what you have just built [Music] once you have allowed the cement to go ahead and dry you're going to install these caps what we used was a construction adhesive more like a glue and then you just place these over the cement blocks this will not allow anything to get in or out these are fairly easy to apply just place them on and make sure they're aligned to the bottom bricks unfortunately we ran out of supplies and had to make quick home depot [Music] and that's the satisfaction of a properly done cut with the caps done it's time to move on to the stucco right now we're going to apply the base coat let that dry and then we'll do the finished coat just follow the instructions on the back make sure to add water little by little this is the consistency that you want once you grab it with the spatula you don't want it to fall out okay so here is mistake number two this product only applies if the surface beneath it is wet unfortunately we didn't know that and we started to apply the stucco but then we had to come back remove it and wet the whole thing and start all over making sure that the base is wet will allow the stucco to go on evenly and stick to whatever it is you're applying it to and this is what it should look like when you're finished applying the base coat we wanted to go for a very old aged rock style finish so what we did was once it was almost dried we went in with a damp sponge and make sure to take off all those rough edges i did not go in too harsh because i wanted it to look like a rock and have a very uneven finish if you do want a more perfect even smooth finish make sure to repeat this process a few times this is the completed look now we go ahead and we do the top of the caps what we did was add more product and just bring it down enough for it to connect with the walls that were already there once it starts to dry this is what the product is going to look like you need to make sure to keep it moist for the first 72 hours to prevent cracking the finished coat we got was in the color white so this is what it looked like this process was exactly the same as the base this is one of the most important things in the seating area the support we went ahead and cut a couple of two by fours and drilled them straight into the concrete blocks and held them with some concrete anchors we decided to use pavers as a seating area to avoid buying cushions since they were very expensive and it's not what the locals were going for you want to make sure to add plywood on top of the wood supported to the bricks and the pavers will go on top of this when anchoring the two by fours make sure to leave enough space for the width of the plywood so it stays flush once we did that we went ahead and started with the actual pavers we've been asked why we didn't go with the cushions we wanted something that was easy to maintain and clean since this is outdoors and gets rained on all the time that is why we decided to go with this and it's actually extremely comfortable we might buy cushions in the future but it is definitely does not need it since the support of the wood and the front of the blocks are flush you don't need much to actually apply it you just install some of the construction adhesive and you lay the paver on it and it's going to sit as flush as possible once they're all applied make sure to all the connections with the seating area done it was time for the fire pit you want to make sure that this floor is as leveled as possible so you can avoid extra work on the next ones or you can have a wonky fire pit i mean it is up to you we can't tell you what to do we kept some paper base in a little bucket next to us and just added some in the corners if it needed to assure that we had an even ground for those that don't know paver base is a mix of crushed concrete and sand mix [Music] once the first floor is leveled you want to go ahead and pour some paper base in the hole to prevent it from moving for the rest of the fire pit we went ahead and used construction adhesive and just place the bricks flush with the prior one repeat this process until you have your desired height we used some fire bricks for the actual area that was going to consist of the logs and around it we bought these black rocks off of amazon as always they'll be linked below and these are decorative rocks so it'll look nice when it's done the base bricks that you see there are fire retention bricks and of course we couldn't wait to test this out [Music] finally we leveled the ground one more time and went ahead and installed pavers we decided to go ahead and use these little pavers for our floor we will link some videos below for a guide of how to install them and after months of work we finally were able to celebrate we were done i hope you guys liked it um i hope the instructions were informative i i know it's very quick but please please please feel free to leave us comments below we will answer whatever it is that you guys have questions on we made it a little bigger than what it had to be if you decide to recreate this you can use make it any sense that you want you can make it your own and i mean in the final video you're gonna see how both corners have like a different tone and level what we decided to do there since it was a corner we kind of thought it was like empty space and realistically if you have people here it's hard for someone to sit like that because of the angle so what we decided to do there which we did not add clips of that here on the video because it is something that obviously you could just make it your own however it is that you like you could just leave it as a seating area but we decided to go ahead and make it like elevated little tables that way you have where to put your drink or your food or whatever you have at that moment i want to go on emphasis of why it's so big why we made it so big we're just two people we're huge on family and we wanted something that was spacious and relaxing and big enough that when our whole family was together we all fit we could all be around the campfire and spend time together it's something so permanent because it is concrete that we did not want to regret the fact that it was too small after so we just went ahead and made it a little bit bigger we hope you guys liked it thanks for tuning in as always we'll make sure to link in the description below all the materials that we use if you have any questions just comment on the video below or dm us on instagram we'll make sure to answer we'll link it below as well make sure that you like and follow subscribe subscribe tell me oh follow the instagram the next one
Channel: The Handy Creators
Views: 707,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firepit direct, stamped concrete patio with fire pit, bonfire backyard, fire pit on concrete, area seating, the fire pit, urban fire pit, high end fire pit, awesome fire pits, built in fire pit, modern outdoor fire pit, seating area, retaining wall block fire pit, stamped concrete fire pit, outdoor living fire pit, concrete wood fire pit, brick patio with fire pit, paver patio with fire pit, retaining wall fire pit, unique fire pit, modern fire pit, best outdoor firepits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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