How To Build A Sales Funnel for FREE | BEST Marketing Platform for Beginners ( Tutorial)

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now we all understand the importance of shifting our businesses online however one big issue that many of our clients and viewers face is the overwhelming number of paid tools and software that they need in order to successfully run their businesses online for example to launch your business online you need a website or a sales funnel so you can start generating website traffic and ultimately sales also to continue engaging building relationships and driving sales with your audience you need to get started with email marketing activities and to build a membership site or to sell online courses you need a dynamic platform that can handle all these online activities for your business now recently we discovered an all-in-one marketing platform that allows you to engage in all the online business activities that we mentioned above completely for free this impressive tool is called hey guys spirit here welcome back to this channel and if it's your first time here then thanks for joining me now today i'm going to guide you through how you can create a sales funnel for free using system dot io i will also share how you can simply use this one free tool to run your entire business online even if you have zero technical skills this tool will work for you okay so just quickly before we launch into consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this channel and that way you'll stay updated with actionable videos and tutorials designed to equip you with the skills knowledge and tools to help your small business thrive online and without having no out the way let's go ahead and dive into this all-in-one marketing platform [Music] okay so before we dive into this tutorial it's important to note that this video is a sponsored video so the team at reached out to us and asked if we could create a sponsored video about this powerful tool now we did a bunch of research to identify if this tool is incredibly valuable for small business owners and what we discovered is there is no tool like that provides everything that businesses need in one place in one product to grow and run a business online so because of the immense value that we found in this tool we believe that this is going to be extremely beneficial for our audience and our clients now to arrive at and get started with a free account what you want to do is click the link below this video in our description and that's going to take you here now i just want to highlight that if you decide to use that link and upgrade to a paid plan then we will get a small commission and this just helps us continue to create educational content for this channel so thank you in advance okay so before i guide you through all the generous free features that provides we need to understand what a sales funnel is basically a sales funnel is similar to a single page website however with a single focus cta call to action and is usually aimed at driving conversions now a sales funnel can be broken down into a online funnel that you can use to upsell provide long-term value build loyalty and trust with your audience with your customers now like i mentioned at the beginning of this video not only allows you to build a sales funnel to drive conversions but also you can engage in email marketing activities marketing automations you can build a website a blog and you can also create online courses and build a membership site usually you would need multiple tools and paid subscriptions to launch your business online using all these different activities and in this video i will guide you through all these complimentary activities that you get for free all in one product okay so without wasting any more time let's get started with by simply clicking the link in our description and that's going to take you here then simply navigate up to enter your email address so what i'm going to do is add a new email and create a fresh account then simply head over to your email and locate the login details and here we are in our email all we need to do is click on this confirmation link and here we need to enter a new password confirm the password and then click i am not a robot and save and here we are within our dashboard now today what i'm going to do is build a sales funnel but first i need to think of a product or a service that i want to sell on so for the purpose of today's tutorial what i'm going to do is create an online course that i want to sell through our sales funnel then following this we're going to set up email marketing through so we can continue engaging with our audience build our audience and also provide value to their audience in the form of content and offers so first things first what we want to do is set up payments on our account so that we can get paid when people purchase our product or service through our sales funnel so to do that what we're going to do is navigate up to the top right hand corner and click here then simply come down to settings and here what you want to do is take the time to fill out your profile information then once you've done that simply navigate over to account settings and under sub domain what we want to do is add our business name or our personal brand now this depends on what you're using for now for the purpose of this tutorial what we're going to do is use our business name which is cindio media and so we want to make sure that our sub domain in our url is branded correctly so we're going to go ahead and add our business name and then once you've added your personal brand or your business name come down and make sure that the time zone date format and time format is correct and then simply click save okay now that we've done that what we want to do is navigate over to payment gateways and then take the time to connect stripe and connect paypal it's a very straightforward process to connect both these payment gateways and this is going to allow you to collect payments when your customers purchase through your sales funnel so go ahead and take the time to set up those two payment gateways and then we have other settings down here that we're not going to cover in this tutorial okay so once you've taken the time to set up your account what we want to do is navigate back to dashboard by navigating to dashboard and clicking main dashboard okay now before we go ahead and create a sales funnel what we want to do is navigate over to products and sales this is where we can add our products or services now for the purpose of this tutorial like i mentioned earlier we're going to come down and create a course that we want to sell with our sales funnel so to create a course all you need to do is click courses and then navigate up to add a new course and remember all the activities and features that i'm going to cover today in this tutorial are completely free within's free plan and basically if you want to get more out of you can upgrade to an affordable paid plan at any time okay so what i'm going to do is quickly fill out this information to create a new course and then i'm going to guide you through all this information so as you can see i've added the course name digital marketing for small business owners so basically our business indio media is going to be promoting this course through a sales funnel hoping that people convert through our sales funnel and access our courses within our membership site okay so that's the name of our new course then we've added a description and a url path basically you want to make sure that this is named similar to your course name so we've shortened it to digital marketing course however you can add the entire name if you like then the course domain we're using the free domain by system dot io then below that we have theme you can select a theme here the font if you like the instructor name and then we're going to leave everything default for now so because we haven't created a sales funnel yet we cannot connect this to that funnel okay so once you've added all the information simply navigate up to the top and click save and then here what we need to do is add our first module simply click add module and go ahead and create your first module now for the purpose of this tutorial we're just going to create two modules and the first one is going to be called seo for beginners then come down and click save now within your modules you want to create lectures so for this module here seo for beginners we're going to add two lectures and within your modules basically what you're doing is adding lectures so within this module seo for beginners we're going to go ahead and add two lectures by simply clicking add lecture and this one's going to be called what is seo and down here you can add a delay after previous lectures if you want to slowly roll out each lecture however for the purpose of this tutorial we're going to allow people that purchase this course through our sales funnel they will have complete access full access to this course that we're creating so we're going to leave that at zero and then down here we can select a template for our course structure our course content so i'm going to go ahead and leave this one selected i can also preview each of these templates if i like then come down and click save and basically this is where we can go ahead and create our first lecture for our course under our first module now down here you can see that this is the content for our lecture what you want to do is go through all this content and make sure you change it based on the content that you want to provide in your first lecture now over on the left hand side you can see that provides a block builder so basically over here we have elements that we can simply drag and drop onto our lecture page over here now this drag and drop block builder is identical across all the different features within for example if you want to build a blog a website if you want to build a email campaign or if you want to build a sales funnel you're going to have access to this block drag and drop builder so for example if we scroll down here and under this text let's say we wanted to add another text box all we would do is click and drag and place that below this section here so as you can see that's been added and now if i want to customize this text block all i would do is click on it and that's going to generate all the settings on the left hand side so i can change the font size line height font type if i like then i have all these other options down here and you can do that with each of these blocks for example if i scroll down if i click here and scroll down here we have an image if i click on this image module and navigate over here you can see that i have options for customizing this image i can add a new image or i can delete this image if i like i can come down here and add a url so if someone clicks on this image that's going to take them to a url this could be a affiliate link for example if you're talking about a specific tool within your lecture then you can add a photo of that tool and then link it to an affiliate link and then if we scroll down we have other options down here for customizing that box that module so what you want to do is take the time to go through each of these different sections and customize them the way that you like now for the video what i would do is click on this video module here and that's going to generate the video settings on the left hand side now what i can do is choose to add a youtube video or i can custom embed or i can upload a file and you can upload files onto for the purpose of this tutorial i'm going to keep youtube selected and then what i'm going to do is add a youtube video in here that explains what is seo remember that is the name of our lecture and that's exactly what our lecture is about okay so what i'm going to do is highlight this youtube url and then right click and then click paste and that's going to add my youtube video in here what is seo and then again like i mentioned what i'll do is click here simply scroll down and change all this content with the simple block builder so remember you have your elements over here that you can simply drag and drop if you want to add a text box you can add that in here by simply dragging and dropping headline text bullet point list if you like you can drag and drop content box you can also add column layouts and then you have other options down here like a form or different forms of media another video audio image and others down here social media links facebook comments and more down here so you have so many options for customizing your landing pages your email campaigns your website or in this case this lecture page now if we scroll back up to the top we also have blocks if i click on blocks i can come down and i can select any of these options for example if i click testimonials i can add these block templates so for example if i like the look of this template here this section template i can click here and what that's going to do is automatically add that section down below and then again you can simply customize each of these text elements or these other image modules and what i can also do is move each of these element modules by simply clicking this up arrow i can also do the same with these text modules or elements and then we have row and section so if i wanted to move this section all the way to the top because at the moment we've only got two sections this large section here and this section we just added if i click the arrow that's going to take that section all the way up to the top so what i'm going to do is actually go ahead and delete that section by clicking this delete button i can also save this section i can also navigate over to duplicate to duplicate that section or i can head over to settings and customize the settings so what i'm going to do is delete that section and click ok and then as you can see i just have this video okay so the last thing i'm going to do is quickly just go ahead and change this text to what is seo and then as you can see we also have basic formatting options above as well as on the left hand side now when you've made any of your changes what you want to do is simply navigate over to save changes on the top right hand corner and then to view your page your lecture all you would do is click this preview and as you can see this is what our course lecture will look like okay so what i'm going to do is head back to the editor and then what we can also do is scroll down to the bottom and you can preview what your page will look like on mobile as well as on desktop okay so once you're happy with all your changes simply navigate up to this exit icon up on the top right hand side and like i mentioned before we now have one module and one lecture within that module now if i wanted to add another lecture to this module i can go ahead and click add lecture now i can also navigate over here and i can duplicate this lecture if i like and that's going to create a duplicated lecture page over here and basically duplicating is great for when you've created a design for your overall style of your lectures you can simply duplicate that lecture and then just change the content rather than building from scratch again and then to simply customize this lecture all i'll do is click edit lecture content i can also preview this lecture page i can edit the lecture settings and create a drip campaign if i want to create a drip but remember i'm going to provide this entire course when a customer purchases this course through our sales funnel and again we can duplicate and then we can delete this lecture now what i'm going to do is quickly go ahead and add a new module and i'm going to call this google ads for beginners and then hit save and as you can see if i navigate up to our first module here and click the down arrow you can see our two lectures within our first module then our second module down here is called google ads for beginners what i can do is quickly go ahead and add a new lecture but what i'm going to do is navigate over here and click duplicate and then again i'm going to click this down arrow and then simply drag this new copy and put that below our second module and just like that i have two modules and three lectures so i'm going to leave our course like that for the purpose of this tutorial so we can start building out our sales funnel now before i do that i just want to quickly go ahead and change this name by simply navigating over to settings and i'm just going to go ahead and quickly change this name to how to do seo and then hit save then i'll quickly just change the name of our third lecture under our second module and i'm going to change this to what is google ads and then hit save okay so i'm just going to go ahead and expand our entire course and this is the course that we're going to use for today's tutorial so that is how you can create a course with so this is the service that we're going to be selling with this is basically a membership site with a course that our customers can access once they've paid for this course so remember you want to take the time to create and customize your course your lecture pages so we've created our course now what we want to do is create a sales funnel by simply navigating up to funnels and then navigating over to create first what we want to do is name our funnel we're going to call this digital marketing course sales funnel then down here we have the option to either build an audience so this is creating a sales funnel that collects emails and builds your email list we can also click sell which allows you to build a sales funnel so that you can convert your customers by selling a product or a service then we have custom and run an evergreen webinar so for the purpose of this tutorial because we're selling a course what we're going to do is click sell and then come down and choose the currency that you want to use and then click create okay so first on the left hand side you can see our sales funnel steps so at the moment we've got a order form then the second step is a thank you page you can add additional steps so for example if you have a multi-step sales funnel you can go ahead and create that here by simply coming down and clicking create step all you need to do is name your step then come down and select here and this is where you can create a squeeze page which is basically a landing page you've got an inline form pop-up form then we have a sales page order form and we have more down here for example you can add up sell after your sales page if you like then we have webinar and we have other options down here but for the purpose of this tutorial what we're going to do is keep this very simple and we're just going to use a squeeze page or a sales page and once a customer converts and they purchase our course that will send them to our thank you page and they will have access to our course that we just created okay so first we have our order form selected so what we want to do is come down and select a pre-made template that we want to use for our sales funnel and our order page so i like the look of this one here what i'm going to do is click select you can also preview each of these templates if you like i'm going to go ahead and click select and then navigate up here and name your order form if you like what we're going to do is click here and add digital marketing course and then come down and add a url path this should be related to what you're trying to sell or the focus of this page i'm going to call this learn digital marketing and then down here we have the option to set up affiliate commission and a payout delay this is if you have other people that are promoting and selling your course however what we want to do is focus on resources and price plans so with resources what we're going to do is click here and then navigate down to select a resource and then scroll down and what we want to do is select course and then choose the course so we created a course called digital marketing for small business owners then down here what you want to do is click choose course access type we're going to click full access remember we talked about dripping your content so someone could for example watch the first module or get started with the first lecture and then you could drip the second module or second lecture a few days later what we're going to do is allow people to have full access once they purchase this course so basically this course is the resource which the customer will have access to after they purchase through our sales funnel then what we want to do is come down and add a pricing plan so click here and then navigate up to price plan type here you can select a pricing type for example one shot subscription payment plan we're going to go ahead and click one shot and then come down to choose a price plan now if you don't have a price plan yet what you can do is go ahead and create one by clicking create a new one we're going to name this digital marketing course price and down here we're going to add digital marketing course plan this is what the customer will see on the payment page and then down here we need to add a statement descriptor this is basically a small description that will show up on the bank statement then down here we want to select type and again we're going to select one shot and then enter the amount for your course or your product for us we're just going to add 99 and then hit save and just like that we've added our pricing plan now we can also add an additional pricing plan if we like and we can also add additional resources on this sales page if we like however for the purpose of this tutorial what we're going to do is start building our sales funnel now as you can see our name has changed back and our url is different again this is because we didn't click save so what you want to do when you make any changes is ensure that you click save funnel step so what i'm going to do is quickly go ahead and change the name and the url path back to how we had it and then click save again now to view the sales funnel all you need to do is click view funnel step or to start customizing simply click edit page and just like that we can go ahead and customize our order form the way that we like now remember that we mentioned offers a drag and drop block builder this is the same as what we showed you when we created our lecture page so take the time to build your landing page by simply dragging each of these element blocks and placing them where you like then simply click on those elements to customize those elements the way that you like now remember everything is customizable for example if i click on this image i can go ahead and change the image if i like for example up here i definitely need to change the logo so what i would do is click here and click again and then simply change the logo to my business logo then make sure you're going through all this content on this page you can also change colors for example if i click on this button i can navigate down the page and i can change the background color of this button now each section you can also delete so for example if i didn't want this section all i would do is simply navigate over to the far right hand side and click delete and okay and that will remove that entire section so for example if i wanted to keep this page as simple as possible what i could do is delete this section here by navigating over to the far right hand side and clicking delete and okay and as you can see we now just have the booking form up here and then some other information down here that we can take the time to customize the way that we like so again we're not going to spend too much time customizing this page you want to take the time to actually go through each of these elements each of these blocks or you can navigate over to blocks and add different sections like we showed you earlier when creating a lecture page and navigate back up to the top so basically to optimize your landing page your sales form or order form this is the first step in your sales funnel you want to make sure that you have social proof social proof is a great way to give your product or service authority and this can be in the form of reviews or you can have customer stories which is great to help build that authority and credibility you also want to add if aq so questions frequently ask questions or objections that your potential customers might have and in terms of the content you want to make sure that you're providing as much value as you can now before you finish up you can also customize your form field for example if you wanted to remove something let's say for example state province you can simply go ahead and delete that form input or you can go ahead and change the form input by simply selecting that form input and navigating over to input type and then selecting the import type that you want to add to your form so again it's very straightforward to customize your form then once you're finished make sure you click save changes and then view your form before you're ready to go live so for example if we click preview this is going to allow us to preview our form so again take the time to customize each of the sections the blocks the different elements on your landing page before you start sending organic or paid traffic to your sales funnel so what i'm going to do is head back to our page editor and then i'm going to head back to our funnel settings by clicking exit in the top right hand corner then like i mentioned earlier what we want to do is customize each of the steps in our sales funnel so at the moment we've only got two pages in our sales funnel we've got a order form which we've already customized and we've got a thank you page so if we click on the thank you page this is where we can select a thank you page template so for example if i select this template here and here we can go ahead and change the name of our thank you page and we can also come down and change the url path of our thank you page what i'm going to do is change this to thank you and then hit save then what you want to do is go ahead and customize your thank you page by clicking edit page and again that's going to generate the drag and drop block builder for you to start customizing this page template so again you can customize all these different elements as well as the background if you like so for example on the thank you page this is where you can add all your social media buttons you could send people to your youtube channel you can also send people to your facebook group or you can add additional details about your business or how they can access their course membership then when you make any changes make sure you click save changes preview and then when you're done exit back to your funnel settings okay so for the purpose of this tutorial what we're going to do is leave our sales funnel the way that it is so we've just completed our sales funnel we've created a two-step sales funnel with a order form and then a thank you page and what we're selling is the course that we created within now what we want to do is start engaging in email marketing and you can get started with email marketing within completely for free so what we're going to do is navigate over to email and then come down to campaigns then simply navigate over to create and we're going to call this welcome email and then down here you can add a description i'm just going to go ahead and add welcome email campaign then once you've added those details come down and click save campaign then select the email that you just created and this is where we want to create an automated email sequence so to do that what we're going to do is click add an email here we want to add the sender's name in our case that's going to be my name then over here ensure that you have a business email added up here and then come down and add a compelling subject text this is the first bit of text that your customers that your audience will see when this email arrives in their inbox we're going to add welcome to our community and then down here you can choose to create your first email with the visual editor so basically like we've showed you you can use the drag and drop block builder to create your campaign however for the purpose of this tutorial what we want to do is click classic editor and this is going to allow us to create a more personalized minimalistic email so to do that simply click create and then to create the body of your email it's very straightforward all you need to do is come down here and simply type in your email your welcome email you also have access to all these formatting options up here like you see in any email service so what i'm going to do is add hey and then navigate over to available substitutes and what i'm going to do is copy this first name substitute and then navigate over to hey paste and basically what this does is automatically generates the first name of our contacts on our email list and we're going to slowly build our email list every time someone purchases through our sales funnel that we just created and basically when that customer purchases through that sales funnel we want to send this email automatically to that customer and this is going to welcome them to our community you also have other options down here to add to the body of your email so what i'm going to do is quickly go ahead and create our first automatic welcome email and as you can see i've quickly gone ahead and created our first welcome email as part of this email sequence and we've also added a link that takes our customers to our facebook group if they have any questions so take the time to create your first welcome email and before we go ahead and click save and publish we also have the option to add attachments and before we click save and publish we can also save and send a test email to our email to make sure that this email looks okay before we make it go live so what we're going to do is simply click save and publish okay so over here we have the option to set a delay before sending this welcome email now because this is the first email that we're sending as soon as a customer purchases our course we want this email to be sent right away so what we need to do is add xero up here and then leave everything else as it is and click publish okay now for the purpose of this tutorial what we're going to do is add one more email to this sequence so to do that we're going to go add an email and then add a name and subject and then again we're going to click classic editor and then click create and then down here what i'm going to do is quickly just create a rough email so i can show you how email sequences work okay so i've quickly just added this email basically this is the second email in our sequence that's going to be sent after the welcome email and this is going to give a free content calendar to our customers so what we would do is click add attachment and you can actually add multiple attachments if you like but what i'm going to do is just go ahead and upload the free content calendar by clicking choose file and here is the document that we want to provide and then we're just going to click open and this time what we're going to do is click save okay so down here you can see our welcome email that we first created that's already delivering you can see this little green tick this email is automatically sent when a customer purchases our course through our sales funnel and like i said this email gets sent straight away now because we saved this free content calendar email and we didn't save and publish in order to publish this email what we need to do is click publish and this time what we're going to do is set a delay because we already have a welcome email that's going to be sent straight away this second email that offers a free content calendar is going to be sent a day later so what we're going to do is add one and then over here we're going to select days and you can also come down and click after the welcome to our community email so this is going to be sent one day after the welcome to our community email is sent we can also select a time when the email should be sent and days of the week when this email should be sent but i'm happy with these basic settings then i'm going to click publish and just like that the campaign step was successfully activated so this is our email sequence our two step email sequence that we want to send automatically as soon as a customer purchases our course through our sales funnel now the last thing we need to do in order to activate this welcome email campaign is we need to navigate back over to funnels and then simply click on the sales funnel that we created earlier then what we're going to do is select our order form and then navigate over to automation rules then click add rule and then we can add a trigger for when our email campaign is going to be sent we're going to select new sale and then click add action and we're going to click subscribe to campaign and then simply select the campaign that you just created for us we want to select the welcome email campaign and then click save rule and just like that when a customer makes a purchase in our case when they purchase our course through our sales funnel they're going to be automatically added to our campaign the two-step campaign we created and that is essentially what we wanted to cover in today's tutorial how to create a course a membership site then how to create a sales funnel and then how to engage in email marketing this is how you can set up your business online through system dot io now it's important to mention that you can also click on blogs and you can go ahead and create a new blog or a new website by simply clicking create a blog and this allows you to create a single page blog or a multi-page website so like i mentioned is an all-in-one tool that is completely free to use and allows you to establish your business online and engage in different forms of marketing now if you want to see more tutorials on then let me know down in the comments below however that is everything we wanted to cover in today's tutorial helping you get started and making the most of this amazing all-in-one dynamic business platform and there we have it guys that is it for today's walkthrough of remember if you're ready to launch a new business online or you're looking to shift your existing business online then is a great all-in-one solution for you now if you have any questions about make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this tutorial all the way through to the end remember if you got value make sure you leave a like and subscribe to this channel and that way you won't miss out on any future videos we'll see you next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 1,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, sales funnel, how to build a sales funnel, how to make a sales funnel, how to create a sales funnel for free, free sales funnel, sales funnel tutorial, how to use, best marketing platform, best free marketing platform, free sales funnel builder, clickfunnels alternative, how to build a sales funnel for free, stewart gauld,
Id: eFcm5ulilo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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