DEBUNKED: Why 'gaming' PC is NOT a 'creator' PC! | Biggest Mistakes People Make & Believe! i9 + 4090

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this is not a gaming PC [Applause] unethical the database it can only be X by one [Music] this is a Creator PC and the difference is much bigger than you actually think we've done some Builds on this channel before Walter White Beethoven and plenty of others this Sam it's gonna have some Batman Vibes nice and I'm gonna debunk the Creator versus gaming PC part by part while you learn how to build this PC let's go for it fantastic sale by Newegg is live right now and there's some amazing deals to be found it's the second biggest sale of the whole year I'll leave the link in the top of the description below but here are some of my favorites that I can see this Intel i5 13600k which is probably the best bank for more Creator CPU right now and finally it's less than 300 in fact 284.99 which is unbelievable price for that we've got MSI z694's Wi-Fi motherboard God packed full of features and things that you might want as well as awesome design discounted from three hundred and seventy dollars to 199.99 absolutely insane there's all sorts of PC components CPUs GPU storage Ram coolers anything you want as well as laptops like the Lenovo Legion Pro 5 insane discount on that as well as full tower pieces I mean this is like a treasure land you pick and there's loads of good deals out there go check it out right now do your holiday shopping early so you don't have to panic last minute this is limited time only so act fast links in the description below thanks Newegg for sponsoring this part of the video okay I was gonna do the unboxing in the uh you know usual setup but I can't really fit it through the door there so I'm hoping that the case what we're going to be building in is actually smaller than this case because this is absolutely huge this is cougar craters create your legendary case mods okay some accessories in here okay there's a glass panel in here I'm not sure if you understand how big this is like I could fit in this box okay let me see if I can fit it in the office now [Music] oh [Music] okay let's take a look whoa look at the front as well it's kind of hard shifting it around here there's four USB type A ports in the front here we've got bent glass that goes here which is interesting does this come off foreign look at that I bet this was hard to make so interestingly in the front we can only have 120 millimeter two fans or 240 millimeter fans so I'm not exactly sure what we're going to do with this case but I've got a few parts that I think will fit in this build quite nicely is this going to come off nope so I can put some more fans on the side there so this case is calling for something epic and I'm thinking what parts do I want to use for it for motherboard I want to use this MSI z690 unified they haven't done the z790 unified for some reason but what I love about this is that it's absolutely Pitch Black it's probably the nicest dark black motherboard that you can get but look at that I think this just fits in this perfectly well over there motherboard number one difference between gamer and the Creator motherboard is that that often buying a more expensive motherboard for creators is cheaper because if you actually included all of the features later that you want to add let's say a 10 gigabit Lan more USB type-c ports maybe you want some other ports or features on there on your motherboard already built in maybe front panel USBC then adding all of those features later will become more expensive than actually paying for those features in the get-go for example uh Asus Pro ad set 790 motherboard which has pretty much everything in there that you already need if you want to add all the 10 gigabit land and other things later you might not only have the expansion slots to do it because you're you know 4090 is massive there but also it is more expensive second thing about motherboard is the igpu power some of the gaming motherboards high-end gaming motherboards don't even actually route power for the igpu so if you want to use the good you know quick sync from Intel from the igpu you might not even have power for it by choosing the gaming board and number three when you are already using Adobe products buying in Pro art motherboard will get you three months off from your Adobe membership which makes those Pro art motherboards very very affordable so highly recommend checking those out when building your creative PC if you are Adobe user since it's a special case for CPU I would also like to use something special and by special I mean this this is the 12 900 KS even though this supports the 13th gen as well I want to use this one because I don't have a 3900 KS I really wanted to use that one but because it said 619 the 12900 KS will fit perfectly in here oh no okay got it there was the tiniest bit of fluff in there [Music] is probably the biggest mistake point for people when building a creative PC number one the igpu actually matters so when you are a video editor and you want to get into a quick sync getting that igpu is more powerful than Nvidia Graphics because it supports more codecs than Nvidia media engines so don't get an F variant when buying an Intel CPU and for AMD CPUs the igpu doesn't matter a lot really unfortunately number two even though AMD X 3D CPUs are the best CPUs for most of the gamers for actual creators the Intel CPU seem to be performing better in a lot of the applications for creators I mean Photoshop Adobe you know pretty much suits that's Lightroom Premiere Pro After Effects as well as DaVinci Resolve especially if you're a video editor because it also offers the igpu which I already talked about but even the other applications the single threaded one workloads Intel seem to be boosting a little bit higher resulting in better solution for creators it might change but in 2023 Intel is ahead of the Creator CPU between AMD and Intel number three biggest one more cause is not necessarily good depending on your workflow fewer faster cores might actually be faster and better for your workflow for Ram I want to use something black and this is a ddr5 motherboard and I'm going to use the team group Vulcan ddr5 this is really nice matte black and this is going to fit this build just right look at that these are two 32 gigabyte kits they are 56 Mega transfers per second so not like the fastest of ram but all together we're gonna have 64 gigabytes and the 5600 Mega transfers per second is still quite fast for the 12th gen and with four sticks I'm not sure we're going to be running be able to run this anyway so let's see boom Ram 16 gigabytes is enough Gamers say well actually not for creators if I'm honest I would settle at minimum on 32 gigabytes of RAM if you can and when you can upgrade it to 64 gigabytes as soon as you can because I have found that 64 gigabytes is kind of the sweet spot where you are not as bottleneck with the ram capacity because if your application has to fill the RAM and empty head fill in them and empty it you're gonna start to see like lagging issues and it doesn't feel as fast because your RAM capacity just isn't there enough some applications that like to use a lot of Ram or photoshop Premiere Pro Lightroom Adobe well basically all Adobe applications number two don't buy too fast Ram you think whoa I'll buy 7600 Mega transfers per second ram but actually this might not be the best and fastest for you because first of all this is not what your IMC integrated memory controller supports so it's actually out of the warranty spec so if something happens to your CPU you because your RAM was too fast then technically Intel or AMD don't have to warranty your CPU because you have actually gone above the spec so for the most Optimal Performance stay within spec when buying the ram kits for ssds I've got a few there's two in here let's add this one and that one and that should do for now there's Kingston Fury Renegade which is a very fast SSD this is one terabyte and then I've got a solidine p44 pro which is the best OS drive you can buy right now on the market what I have tested okay I haven't tested all of them but feel free to check them out the video where we tested all of the ssds and so seeing like which ones that's best for which use cases but we're going to use that for the OS so we're going to just plug that one in the top slot we've got heating on the bottom and on the top then we've got a secondary slot there and I'm going to use the Kingston Fury one terabyte drive here this is also very very fast like one of the top end nvme drives Gen 4 drives performs very very well but the idea here is that this secondary Drive is also super super fast if you want something that's blazing fast for your projects whatever drives as I created then that's the one now there is also third Drive underneath there fourth and fifth on the bottom here and I'm going to use these bottom slots because then I can get it under one heatsink and for that I have the netac nv7000 T ssds one of them one terabyte one of them two terabytes they're kind of mid-range budget ssds very affordable if you want to check them out I've just tested them have a look at the review on the channel if you haven't seen them yet but for extra projects and Cash Drive we're going to use these as well and I'm going to leave one empty well for whatever you want to use fall but all of these drives kind of you know fit into my Batman theme if you know what I mean look at the design of these I know the design doesn't matter on the ssds and performance does but this case let's let's let's let's think about the design as well ssds for creators number one when building a Creator PC don't pile all the stuff on one SSD don't just get a four terabyte or extra project drop Archive Drive cache Drive no you can't do that go find out how to separate your workflow into OS projects and Archive Drive as well as Cash Drive I've got a video on the channel number two if you're a Creator who works with large files make sure that your terabyte written spec actually satisfies your workflow at number three when plugging in ssds don't plug them into the wrong slot and actually handicap some of the other things like lose some of the PCA lanes for a GPU or for some of the other things that you might be using just make sure that you have read the manual where to plug the SSD in especially with Gen 5 ssds and for the cooler we're going to be using one of the best coolers you can get which is the EK nucleus CR 360 AIO [Music] okay now the question is where are we going to put the AIO because it can go in front so we could put it like that stretching the tubes a bit not ideal we could put it like that it would be all right but still stretching the tubes a little or we could put it on the top there I like that the most and have the tubes come over just something like that we put tubes up like that that looks even nicer okay radiator goes on the top let's get some screws and attach them for cooling it's better as well when the radiator is on the top there okay we're gonna use the EK team Ecto therm paste here looks like there's enough for just one paste there isn't much more in there foreign [Music] interestingly the tubes for this EK seem to be very very short so I'm gonna have to bend them on an angle because they can't come up and on an angle there like that because you would get like a nicer line when you look it from the side the tubes would be like kind of parallel to each other because they have to push this way you can see they'll have to go like that because one of them has a bit of a shorter distance to go than the other one this one is quite tight here coolest for creators number one air coolers are underrated a lot of the high-end air coolers are not just cheaper but also more powerful than some of the 120 and 240 millimeter aios so don't underestimate them because they're also very very bulletproof nothing can really go wrong with them and they perform solid for the next 10 years you don't have to worry about blockages in your pump or some leakage in your radiator also the air coolers are more electricity efficient if you want to be more efficient and most important really don't handicap your CPU by under cooling it even though you can air cool the 3900k or KS for example it's best to get an AIO for those types of CPUs because you will lose performance if you go air Cooling in the long run because it does extract all of the cooling capability of your cooler and air coolers usually don't perform as well with the 3900k and KS compared to an AIO 360 millimeter AIO and not all 360 millimeter aios are equal so Choose Wisely we're gonna have to figure out some fans but the ek's own fans I don't like that because they're RGB and their white inside so it doesn't kind of look black when the PC is off so I'm thinking we use these the Lee and Lee unifan p28 because look at that these fans now they look really really nice we're gonna get a similar design with these fans here as you can see they look absolutely amazing and the easy installation of these is one of the best things about these fans [Laughter] the cool thing is Lee and Lee has designed these fans so that you can use normal size like radiator screws for these because usually if you have thicker fans like these are 28 millimeters thick your usual fan is 25 then the screw is not gonna just hold on but they've taped with the screw holes in so you can use a normal screw that will go in and it's still going to stick out which is amazing well they'll have to go that way okay [Music] oh okay that's looking pretty cool already now I don't know what to do about this bit here because it's kind of like empty and would love to have some fans in there or do to do something right just for the Aesthetics because this is pretty Beastie build and when you're having this on the desk you're not gonna get this one because you know the performance or like the airflow this is really for Aesthetics so we're gonna have to think about what fans to put in there maybe these three just slot in there we're gonna have to see I'm gonna have to get some kind of RGB in there we'll think about that but let's do something exciting and install our GPU now look at this Beast here [Music] this is another interesting bit here in order to screw in you're gonna have to like almost remove this here I'm not sure if this is a like loose kind of feels loose there but it's kind of hard to fit in I've got a long knock knock to a screwdriver you can see it's on an angle here it's not straight [Music] I think this looks pretty cool in here look at this angle build you didn't see it quite like on the side or when you were down there but the radiate angle is that and the motherboard angle is just like that interesting I think we still have to put something in there for the Aesthetics this GPU looks really cool in here just because these lines they kind of like follow the curved line what's going on and then this kind of um metal in the front here is a little bit more gray than the rest of it these are like a bit more silvery gray which matches with that gpus for creators and there's a lot of different things here number one RTX 1490 is probably the best bang for bug GPU for most professional creators you're thinking what on Earth are you saying you just say you buy the most expensive thing no actually when you start to look at the performance even performance for money then when you start going down the list 40 80 40 70 40 70 TI you know 4060 TI you start to realize that the lower you go the less you actually get for your money the 4090 is so much more powerful than the rest of the pack it just kind of soars on its own there it's got the most vram which you will need if you're a professional Video Creator especially and when we're talking about 3D the 4090 is especially good because it's just incredibly powerful number two don't underestimate the vram needs for your work Vlog when editing 4K or 6K and you start to mix and matching have multicams in your timeline then that vram can actually add up or fill up very very quickly for example editing these videos like this on YouTube I have actually used over 18 gigabytes of vram that's why we're using a 4090 not a 4080. number three if you're looking for a budget option don't call for team red or for Team Green it's actually team blue The Arc a750 have a look at my review if it's out yet it's absolutely amazing and performs very very good for creators so I highly recommend checking them out apart from 3D creators perhaps not for them number four for photographers the GPU doesn't matter just get any GP you want or how much budget you have depending if you do other things as well but it doesn't really matter number five AMD gpus are good and getting better especially the 7000 series but they really don't have a match for NVIDIA because the team green cards really I'm optimized for Adobe stuff if you're working for resolve then perhaps the AMD gpus aren't good that's my 2023 option perhaps that's gonna change I hope it's gonna change and number six GPU is much less important than a CPU you're most likely gonna hit a CPU bottleneck first than a GPU bottleneck first and the changing uh GPU is easier than CPU so I would much rather have a high-end CPU and a low ended GPU than vice versa it's been a minute and um I've had a few thoughts and I've had some time thinking about it where do I want to go from there because I kind of felt stuck at this point like okay what do we do next because online you can see quite a few builds with exactly the same fan configuration the circle 220 millimeter fans in the front and the RGB will be Circle and then one in the back but I kind of thought I want something a little bit different so I was looking around which which fans are there and I got these the lien Lee unifan al-120v2 basically these fans are RGB fans but they also match on the side with our top fans there and these are all blacker that are going to be for the radiator it's very very cool I know the inside of this is still white what's different is that it's got lots of RGB on the sides here like on the edges here and around here and these are all separately controllable which means that I I can turn off the RGB for the middle fan in there and then have the RGB show only like these little lines of things which means we can get quite an interesting shape of things going on in the front there not just like maybe round circles we'll see figure around a little bit what looks good because in the front it's got like a little line on the top there so basically we're changing these three from the front and in the back there to kind of give nicer kind of taste of RGB and then we're also going to be putting three of these because I've got two packs of these as you can see there's another pack there and we're going to put these in there as well as an intake so they're going to be pushing air in from the sides there but if you look at the fan from the front that's what it looks like from the front but also from the back it looks very very minimal and you've got the same RGB functions in the back as well so we can get some really nice kind of tasteful RGB going add a little bit of taste to this build and then secondly I was thinking about this 12 volt high power cable here and if you're gonna have just the extension on here you're gonna have like three massive cables coming around here which I felt like I'm not sure if if this this looks good and even though I've got black extensions or we can have black cables for the you know motherboard and for the you know CPU power and so on I got these two things first of all this little thing over here is an angle 12 volt high power cable basically how this works is I can just plug this one in here just like that and as you can see through this now we've got the cable on the top there and then we can have the cable run from the top over the like GPU and then through the back very minimally a very Tastefully and for that I got this one this is from easy DIY and you can get this from Amazon this was very very cheap and if you don't want like expensive cable mod cables this will work as well so this is basically the 12 volt high power extension cable this is black and it's got four columns in here here as well and what we can do with this cable is now plug this Cable in on the top there okay and have this GPU cable just run very very minimally like that onto the side there and then through the back which makes this build really really nice and doesn't like kind of affect any of this side profile of the GPU that really fits in with this design so let's get these fans off and the new fans installed also because these fans are unifans so you can actually link them together already just like that and now we can just have this go on there the cool thing also is that because you can connect these unifans together like they clip into each other when fixing this right now I have fixed it with just two screws one on the top there and then one on the bottom there and they're already very very solid there now you can put more screws in there but it just makes the whole construction much much stronger by the way these fans also are 28 millimeters thick so a little bit thicker which means more performance and they go up to 2000 RPM foreign [Music] cables in the back and figure out the like hubs and RGB in the back of the PC there is one more major component that we want to install which is the power supply and for that I'm going to use the antex signature 1001 Platinum one it fits very nicely in the color theme and 10001 is plenty to actually get it all powered the cool thing about this power supply is that it's got a little OC Link in here which means that by using this little cable like these two cables you can link two of these power supplies together and then if you're you know PC has loads of stuff for example or dual system you can have two wheel power supplies for your one system and they kind of like link together and you don't need like two separate motherboards to work them but then you can just get from the other one which is pretty cool feature pretty unique um if you need that [Music] the power supply installation is quite interesting as well I'm not sure if you can see this right now but this is like the bottom part like power supply comes on the top there and then the power supply comes here it's got like two brackets that hold it on they're kind of and the power supply should sandwich in between them so you're gonna have to take this bracket off put the power supply in put the bracket back and then screw it in from the back side which means that if you've got GPU installed like I have right now it's very hard to get the screws underneath the GPU good job I have this flexible iFixit screw driver kit so I can do it like that because otherwise this would not be possible oh [Music] okay you've screwed the power supply in from the top and then the bracket comes on the other side to kind of support the other end so it's not like sagging down you're gonna put all the cables through it first foreign [Music] supplies for creators number one thing don't cheap out because a good power supply can last you many many builds and is cheaper to buy now than Buy in the future and with a high-end usage of your PC try to go above 80 plus power efficiency rating because that will pay for itself over the long run number two don't underestimate the ATX 3.0 or PCI 5 spec for your PSU because for your next build most likely you're gonna need those things because power supplies are really changing so if you are building right now try to get those specs number three try to buy your power supply 1.5 times at least bigger wattage than your PC actually needs because that will also help you with the future upgrades your power supply is also going to be more efficient when it's not 100 on the load depending on the power supply but that's usually the case number five make sure you have enough pcie connectors for your GPU and CPU connectors because I've made that mistake before so I'm gonna do the cable management actually like this then there's more room to be on the back if I had it this way you might not see it so so all the power cables as well as the RGB all of them are going to be configured now [Music] okay I've done all the cable management but it's it's not like ideal or very nice to do because there's not a lot of spaces where you can put the cables and wrap them around and there's nowhere to actually put the excess of the cable or of the PSU cables or something like that for example so basically I've got the idea that I'm just going to put the the glass on and then hope that nobody sees on the other side basically and this doesn't even fit through as well because there's too many cables in there so there's no way to lock this in place and the glass is going to be the one that holds it in place there are little little Rubble pads that go on there to make it hold tight I'm hoping that's going to do the trick I'm gonna peel the back side of the glass off we can't do that later foreign thing is the glass is going to be on a tension and there's no way to change that there's no way to screw that bottom thing in and all of these screws actually don't have any rubber on them so this is just metal screwing onto the glass which is not ideal either it would be nice if there was some kind of rubber in there but whenever you're getting this case make sure that you've got a power supply or you're going to get extra cables for your power supply that support the 12 volt high power power cable and you don't have to have four in there because right now I've got the um actual converter that converts the 12 volt high power cable to four eight pin PCA cables in there as well rather than having it directed to the power power supply um because that would save a lot of cable clutter cases for creators number one don't buy an ugly case you're a Creator have some respect for yourself you know what a good design is buy a beautiful piece case there's some Gamers cases and there's some really nice cases don't buy the gamers cases let's do all of us a favor and then get those nice cases you know sold more than those ugly gamer cases you know what I mean number two don't get misled by the fan support you don't necessarily need a lot of fans for example on this PC the side fans there are just for the show they don't actually give you any more performance they're just blowing some Edge just onto the wall this is not really good think about your airflow and the airflow design because you don't necessarily need a lot of fans you just need to have optimized number of fans and lastly when choosing a case make sure you have a front panel USBC pod as a Creator you don't know how important this is when you need to plug in some USBC and you don't want to go behind the PC case and try to find your you know USBC port in the back having it in the front panel is amazingly helpful well now there's only one thing to do which is to connect it up and see if we can get a first post [Music] okay I've got the power on and let's press the power button which I think is this okay [Music] there it is okay let's take a look what's going on in here total 900 KS team group SK High links okay that's about 5600 on it's very very quiet right now quite impressed actually how quiet this is okay I'm gonna change the frequency for 5600 to 4800 because there's no chance that four sticks this is gonna be able to run it at that so I know that the 13th gen can do 5000 my 3900k can do 5000 right now so I'm gonna change this to 48 hopefully that's gonna be okay save configuration and exit yes okay the overclock failed on the memory so what we're gonna try now is to see if we can update the BIOS and then see if that's going to change anything if we update it to a newer one okay let it do its thing then let's install Windows and get ready to configure the RGB oh just realized that little Chrome there is kind of reflecting this floor here so it looks like I've got an RGB effect there as well for moving can you see that from this main angle look at that I've configured that now we're on Windows some things are going good some things are going um bad okay let me address one thing the RGB issue here okay so I have to work with three different programs number one is the Liam Lee l connect three which will connect the Lee and Lee fans and that's the nicest to work with actually it works perfectly it does exactly what you want at first I had a little bit of struggle like finding out how exactly what what the heck does it all mean like how does it work but now it's working as you can see I've got the L connect 3 on here I can see like three sets of things that I can adjust separately so there's three connectors that go into the Hub this is back fan there right um this is the side fan and then this is the front fan and I've got one like Freeport which is that one and it's very easy to see which one is which for example if you go to device and select the first one look it flashes blue there then we go to the side one and then when I'm clicking on to change the name of this it flashes blue and then the same with the front so you can know like which one is which so you can easily like figure out what's going on right once you go to the lightning settings there is a few things going on so you've got the inside which is one and then the outside little lights which are basically two so if we've selected the first one then I can select either the outside or the inside ring both of them or just the ring inside or the outside so if I'm going to the outside here I can change the colors you can change the effect I've left it to breathing effect so the outside lights are breathing effect as you can see why is the inside breathing as well okay right now for some reason is inside breathing as well so if you go all we go static and then if we apply to apply to all it applies to all of the insides of this so now it shouldn't say it's not breathing anymore so it had some kind of when I flickered it around it went a bit Bonkers but right now all of the outsides are just breathing right now and as you can see breathing breathing breathing breathing that's what they're doing so now I can change the color effect I'll show you this because this got me a lot of time to figure out I can change the color here for example I can go yellow and you can this is basically a Color Picker here right you can change the speed and brightness but then you're gonna have to um kind of apply the color to your like these little squares so if I'm going to pick Green I'm gonna have to pick Green and these are like kind of the fans respectively as I understand this correctly or like the LED lights there so if I'm going to press press apply to all you can see that now all of these are green right the flashing green if I pick white and then I'll do some of these white now as you can see this is why this is green does that make sense but if I'm gonna want to make them all white I can just press connect and all of them are white now and apply to all they're all kind of breathing white but because I've got like a teal and orange theme going on I can make it deal everything on and then now this RGB is is working then second RGB what I have going on is MSI Center and there is the Mystic light which to me this is like one of the worst ones here right as far as I know this is the only way to connect to the motherboard so what's connected to the motherboard I've got the EK block connected to the motherboard and then this front panel light in the front here if I'm gonna pick for example all of the LEDs which means inside there as well you can see that the ring if I change a rainbow and press apply what happens now is it's going to start to nice make me really colorful lights there can you see orange there for example see orange very very saturated orange very good like you know lights right but if I'm gonna go to uh static which I often like to do or steady right and I'm gonna pick orange somewhere over there look what happens now if I'm pressing apply this is such faded this is not orange look at that it's like a little white something faded there so this is and if I'm going to Blue the blues are very nicely saturated but all of the like even red look at that that is like pink that's not that's not red I don't know how to calibrate it but when it's going RGB it can do that so that's like a bit of a weird thing let's see greens as well greens are kind of as well look that's not green there so what I have said this to is teal because that's very nicely saturated than that like front will match there as well so it kind of goes together but I would love this to be orange like the light uh fans over there for the third software which is our GPU we have to use Firestorm okay and it just minimized it automatically okay we go to Spectra I don't understand what on Earth is going on over here first of all I don't know what idle and active means there is there is no like okay this is what it does and this is what that one does I have no idea I thought is it like when the GPU is Idle it has one effect and when the GPU is active it's a different effect but when you go to active it gives you different effects than when you are idle and they're not mix and match I don't think active yeah none of them are the same so is it just different types of effects I don't know I've tried to figure it out I can't find any information online if someone can help me out let me know in the comment section below then you can select multiple lighting zones right there's like this back logo there this bit over here then underneath lighting and then there's underneath the GPU and then kind of this wave there as well there are like different parts of the GPU if you select not the first one but the other ones for example like the first one is still on Exchange color static look everything's still on it's just it's just like not working so with the GPU I've got the biggest trouble I would love it to just maybe the edges to be orange or the other way around the edges to be teal and then this bits to be orange in there for example but um I don't know so here I am with like the RGB situation I wish we can control everything in one place like I know the lien Lee fans cost a lot but the actual RGB experience it does and works exactly what how it is and there's no trouble right all the other bets are just I don't know what's going on so why don't we check how well does this system perform by the way after updating the BIOS the actual clock speeds of the ram I got it to 4 800 megahertz with four of them so as you can see updating by bios sometimes helps so you can see our core clock speeds there and sometimes it's gone to 5.5 right but what I want to know is how good is it at cooling this inside this room right now there is 27 degrees 10 minutes multi-core start and let's see whoa instantly thermal throttles there at 310 Watts 5 5.1 so let's try this again interestingly it's very instantly thermal throttling so I think the thermal paste application there wasn't that good or the ks just runs very very hot because on my 3900k this was very very very good it's interesting that the case is like blowing air out from here because the fans are pushing against the glass on the top which slides it across this way and the other way which is kind of interesting phenomenon let's try a single one not good I'm quite not happy with this so let me turn it off maybe try to repaste it and then see what happens because this is not good and what I like about the unified motherboard is that the Dr debug is not actually red but it's white light over there oh you can't really see it let me show you that can you see that light over there it's white and then the bottom lights on the motherboard are white as well okay let's also try a Mark here I'm gonna put this on and let's see about our GPU now then honestly there's not going to be a trouble for this GPU 67 there it's interesting knowing and seeing that this connector actually works here as well so this angle connector under this is like one of the nicest um Solutions I've seen on any of the graphics cards it so nicely fits in between there and then you can just put your cable back if you have a connecting cable like that one I like that a lot so I don't think the GPU is going to be an issue here so if you go to the fans the fan speeds are like 49 right now um so let's say if we go manual and go ha hajja look at this temperature now at this point as you can see it's got so much more cooling potential so it's climb down now downwards 28.9 we've heated up the room and look at that it's still going back downwards downwards downwards I wouldn't worry about the GPU temperature I'll let it go back to like 4080 as you can see let me try re-pasting because I'm not quite happy how that GPU or CPU did it so this time we're going to be using Arctic MX6 because I ran out of the EK one and usually I've had really good results with this one so let's see if we can get it a bit better there second attempt is even warmer in the house 28 degrees okay and let's try this again I've turned a bit more the screws tighter I don't know how tight should you like put them they feel quite tight but let me try that again see maybe it's not getting like a proper pressure on it no still instantly instantly thermal throttling maybe it's the repositioning of the tubes I don't quite know so then firstly the overheating and I think that is just due to the 12900 KS it's got a lot of power condensed into a very very small area on the CPU that just is very difficult to cool down and if you look at the motherboard as you can see it is pushing 1.5 volts maximum through the CPU which no wonder it's gonna run hot when you put that much voltage through so depending on the motherboard's actual power as well because some motherboards are a little bit more conservative in terms of the voltage and power and how much they push this but this is very aggressive gaming motherboard which pushes the CPU absolutely to the maximum as you can see here on the cinebench 2024 we have reached 104 degrees on the CPU package and 100 on the core temperatures there let's take a look at some of the benchmarks here now then of this Batman PC so first of all in cinebench 2024 the RTX 1490 on this redshift it's 33 000 points which is absolutely insane Scott as you can see the radiant Pro W 6800 is getting about three more than three times less points is very very powerful M1 Ultra is somewhere over there M2 Ultra somewhere above there so if you're looking for a good three rendering GPU then this 4090 from Zotac is pretty good the multi-core and single core here 13.99 points and 116 if you want to test year on by the way cinebench r24 is actually free and available for everybody to test I'll leave a link in the description below if you want to test your PC by the way let me know what scores you're getting and what specs because that would be interesting to compare in the description below doesn't matter how high or how low end it will be interesting to see how well does it stack up with the Batman PC but interesting on the cinebench r 2024 is pulling 316 Watts maximum from the package power of the CPU and as you can see one with idling we are going very very low as well on The Intercept use like six Watts that's very very low a two cores have boosted 5.5 gigahertz and then the rest of the 6p cores are 5.2 and then the ecos go to four gigahertz when we're looking at the GPU GPU Max temperature was not very hot at all as you can see it this is not a problem for that we only pulled 277 GPU power the rail power was 307 but it can pull much more there as you can see and interestingly we did use quite a lot of the GPU memory on the redshift benchmarks 22.5 gigabytes which is very very interesting so the more vram you have the better redshift basically performance there you get as well so now the creative benchmarks we got 1180 from budget bench for After Effects so you can check out the actual specs and you know the individual test results and if you want to compare it to yours as well as some of the hardware info on the side like during that Benchmark what did we use how well as the hardware reacted there the GPU only pulled 188 max watts as you can see there and we use about 10.9 gigabytes of vram and lots of interesting information that you can check out then we've got DaVinci Resolve for Puget bench and you can see the extended and standard overall score standard overall is over 3 000 points which is very impressive and the actual DaVinci Resolve studio version was 18.5.1 which is one of the latest ones and if you haven't upgraded yet I highly recommend to do that because I can see that the fusion cores in the 4K and 8K media scores overall scores the 18.5.1 is faster than the previous version I have been testing on the 18.0.4 with that version of don't you resolve we're getting actually lower benchmarks so in Premiere Pro we got 708 and 900 as the extended and standard overall scores but I do want to mention that this motherboard does not support power for the igpu even though we've got an igpu in there then 12 900 KS like I mentioned on the CPUs there before this motherboard does not support power for this and we can't use the iron GPU even though it's there you just can't use it there's no igpu out from the motherboard either so as a creator that is not an ideal thing to do as you can see gaming PC is not a Creator PC if you need to have a motherboard that supported igpu would get even higher scores but here as you can see we don't have the Intel quick sync interestingly the GPU power we did use over 400 watts there as you can see 435 Watts CP equals 322 Watts pretty decent and the last one is Photoshop here we got 1413 points and even though with thermal throttle there interestingly our package power was only 95 degrees and CPU core temperature 93 degrees now to underline it one more time gaming PC is not a creative PC and if you are a Creator please build yourself your own PC your creator PC which would not only be cheaper but also better and you can make it look whatever you want whatever theme just make something nice do us all a favor and don't build a PC that's some kind of RGB vom unicorn try to build something that looks nice have some design to it there's plenty of builds I have on the channel or just check out some other builds that you can find online but just don't build the gaming PCs okay do everybody a favor support the creativity the creators build a nice PC and support us by buying our merch technology nevertheless I think this PC does have a space and a spot in this Channel and I think this just shows that you can build whichever PC you want and you can make it whatever theme and I kind of like this PC I like the different design and I can appreciate the design aspects for this one would I personally have this case and build this PC for myself probably not because I'd like to be more efficient what would work for my workflow but nevertheless we've used some cool parts that you can use in your builds not all of them I would recommend but some of them for sure like the GPU and CPU Cooler I think they are very very awesome there if you want to check them out comment your favorite budget and theme in the description below and let's see which PC should be built next oh and guys I never said thank you for subscribing and you'll never have to [Music] please [Music] foreign
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 48,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, best tech, pc build, gaming pc vs creator pc, batman pc build, best pc for content creation and gaming, pc for content creation and gaming, content creator pc, batman themed pc build, batman themed pc, cougar cratus build, cougar cratus pc build, zotac rtx 4090 pc build, zotac rtx 4090 build, pc build 2023, creator pc vs gaming PC, why gaming PC is NOT, why creator PC is not gaming PC, Gaming vs creator pc, creator pc differences, ultimate batman PC
Id: t9h0TsaGxMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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