How to Build a PC - Newegg Now - $1600 Build - Ryzen 3700x / 2070 Super | Robeytech

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so do me [Music] trying to get on my feet don't let me go i need you right now i wanna be next to you you wanna be next to me next to wanna me [Music] [Music] [Music] baby just don't walk away i need you now faded [Music] it's getting to me you you wanna be next to me i wanna be next [Music] foreign so [Music] what's up everybody how are we doing [Music] oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy it's another week of robotech who's ready tired huh that's not good god we just started wow look at this what's up everybody 320 people already hanging out ready to do some building today guys we got four uno dos tres cuatro cuatro what is it ichi nissan shi shi uh und kata five five or sorry four four four shows this week four shows it's going to be crazy may okay one may not happen so three shows for sure four if not and we have a special guest potentially tomorrow i believe tomorrow is we're gonna have excellion joining us um joining us to hang out and uh hang out and uh uh we're gonna we're gonna be fixing his one of his pcs so it should be we're gonna should have some interesting shows coming up and having some fun so i'm excited about it sorry i got a little bit of i had a lumpia burrito like a uh like a genuine um like a filipino burrito it's the first time i've ever had that i was eating that beforehand so yeah people are pretty stoked about what's going on hey thank you very much wesley i appreciate it all those people guys um look at this okay so here you guys are used let's get some hype going you guys ready for some hike because we got a hype train going on remember hype trains always unlock uh my name always goes in there and guys okay two things one i'm hoping somebody says something here in chat here pretty quick and it's a very special guest but hopefully but i got some other things type hyping it up here in a minute hyping it up very shortly check this out ready guys ready for some hype watch this there's there's there's the cam look at this there's the top down cam we're used to that right like here's our top down oh it's a little a little frozen we're gonna fix that that's what i was eating my burrito let's yeah let's not have that be there okay there's the top down cam so we got the top on camera there we go oh i'm echoing oh i wonder what that is i'm echoing oh one second i'll fix it there you go i should not be echoing anymore okay so we got the top down cam right we got the top down can that's cool got the top dunk up now get ready get ready get ready check this out boom new camera side camera is now officially in the mix we got the side camera it's fixed guys it's fixed chillax we got the side camera in the in the new one now so we can we can get in on some additional some additional shots now it's uh it's all hooked up and all that sort of stuff so we got we got more cameras now remember okay so here we are we already got it going so i don't wanna i don't wanna lose if we got four minutes and six seconds uh you guys remember two we get two hype trains we get both hype trains and we've been getting both in over the thing if we get to level five on both of them we give away a one day one terabyte western digital five uh sn 550 so if you want a uh sorry a 500 gig if we get to uh we get if we get both of them two of them we're getting we're getting all that stuff done so we want to make sure that you guys have to get to level five to unlock epic giveaways so it's up to you twitch because we get the chance twice in the show to get all of those level five ones unlocked and i know we can do it we already got three going in there but let's we're getting ahead of ourselves already i just want to get the hype train going pog pog pog and you guys see what i'm repping today right i'm repping today i'm ready i'm repping my halo infinite stuff because tomorrow is a big day for halo halo infinite right we're going to be uh showing off the first ever campaign gameplay tomorrow so we're going to be showing off some halo tomorrow morning starting at 9am pst over here on twitch they're going to have it at ign and i have all those stuff so we got a lot of stuff going on it's mad hype so i'm gonna be we gotta i got a special shirt that i got that is a developer so we're gonna i'm gonna show that and and show that on tomorrow night's stream um and then uh you know we're i'm gonna be chilling and watching on the i'm going to be chilling and watching on the uh on the xbox sorry on my cortana build so we're going to make i'm like i'm going to be all sorts of hyping it up right so let's uh let's go in there how do you get a sweatshirt you have to work on halo infinite guys sorry this is just for halo infinite uh developers as is the shirt the shirt is a halo is for halo mcc developers so that's how i basically got this um i don't know if she said anything yet rumor is my wife is going to be joining us today on the show as well uh so i think brenda roby um is going to be the person who's going in there so if you uh guys so people are talking about people are talking about uh people are talking about uh wanting to get some tech don't worry it's coming we got that we got mrs roby hype she should be joining i think she's joining us on twitch that's the rumor she's going to be she's going to be joining us on twitch today so make sure that you're nice to her um because she's going to be she's going she's going to be a so here there it is at brenda roby there she is she's saying hi so mrs roby's there yeah people are going in there yeah she's here she's saying hi yeah brenda there she is there she is my wife's hanging out today she's gonna check out a show i work on halo smoke smoking mojo i'm the director of player voice i'm the director of player voice for halo infinite so i don't i guess some people didn't know that so yeah we got in there so yeah we're getting miss roby guys we got to get we got to dedicate this hype train this this hype train that's going on on twitch right now we got to dedicate this this height train to um this hype train to mrs roby because mrs ruby's hanging out and we want to show her that we're you know we're all about killing it here in the ruby tech community 424 people already already you guys are hyping it up like mad and i love it okay so i've completely skipped my entire introduction so i should start over at the beginning i i just i'm so stuck with this hype train and we're going to go in there how big is robytech seems delayed um okay so uh for those of you guys don't know my name is justin roby i am the uh host of roby tech rugby tech is a show dedicated to pc building pc tech news and basically all around just general shenanigans while we basically do cool stuff here on the show um this show happens every wednesday thursday and friday uh starting at 6 30 every once in a while we'll add some additional streams it seems to be pretty normal from now on we'll add them on saturdays where we do some clg special deals we got a clg marksman build coming up here pretty soon boom there we go level three hype right there we have the clg marksman build coming up we have a couple more clg builds uh so well the one that we're gonna be doing this saturday pretty excited about um if it happens we're gonna be doing two pcs at the same time i'm gonna build two pcs at the exact same time we're gonna build them side by side and then marksman is gonna be giving one of them away on his youtube channel so that should be pretty rad uh speaking of giveaways we have two very big active giveaways that are happening right now we've got the 2k pc build so i know the mods are starting to drop that in the channel you can check that out we got that that's gonna be ending in about three two three weeks we got the 2kpc build that's going on right now that we're giving away um thanks to nzxt and newegg for all those parts and then we've also got the samsung g7 i'm doing the review for that whole it is sweet i have to say that is a that is a sweet monitor so i got that set up right now with my cortana build i've been playing some world of warcraft on it and so uh we're giving that away so you can get both of those get in on both of those remember subs on roby tech on the you mixer channel sorry mixer's dead we'll do that press after in a minute sorry on the twitch channel remember subs you get extra entries into that giveaway so five extra entries into that samsung monitor giveaway and that monitor giveaway is worldwide so we got some awesomeness going on there now now before we go any further i know we got a hype train going on i know we got hyperturing alright so for the next we're gonna give 45 seconds because today ladies and gentlemen it is the end of mixer 46 000 people followed me on mixer and today is officially the last day up until midnight tonight or so it's like midnight wherever i think it's hawaii midnight hawaii time mixture will be available and then starting tomorrow we will slowly watch uh you know a piece of robie tech history uh pass into the night so it's gonna be uh it's gonna be kind of crazy um just because we're gonna do the hot quiet i'm not expecting you guys remember this is dedicated this is dedicated to to my wife and we got 2 minutes 57 seconds i'm gonna i'm gonna up this instead of a 500 gig if we get both hype trains level five i'll make this a one terabyte nvme ssd that we'll give away at the end of the show we'll never we'll go into the show so you guys got to get this going because i will add it to i'll make it a one terabyte we got to get this to level five ladies and gentlemen let's make it happen i know you guys can let's get those remember bits all that sort of stuff we'll give even nicer giveaways and stuff like that there we go we got some hundred bits going in there people are get let's get level five come on um please refrain from spamming wow that's why how is she spamming wow she's already in trouble man that's gonna go in there um so anyway guys uh i wanna i just wanna give a shout out and uh just a moment of peace we're going to do 30 seconds of of peace and if you want to what you can do is press fba respects we're going to do 30 seconds for what was the beginning of robytech all the streaming with jess cordon to myself on the morning mixer 30 seconds starting now there we go 30 seconds we have one one seven a minute and 17 seconds to finish out this hype train guys if we want to oh somebody threw a little bit more donation in there come on guys let's finish this out let's show her what it let's show a level five gets to come on silence was a tribute the silence was a tribute to the end of mixer come on guys there's a subscription right there let's get that out come on we can do it one minute one minute we just gotta get to level four come on it unlocks more time this guy that's this is emotional it's emotional that we're not only not only did we do the submission but we didn't even finish the we didn't even finish we're not going to finish the hype train we've never finished a high train let's get it come on is it going to happen are we going to give away the one terabyte oh there it goes okay phew okay we got to level we got to level four i think it's going to unlock more time i think we get more time tonight i'm just i'm i'm getting nervous my wife is like she has to see the hype and that's going to take us in there i think we get a little bit more we got to see what's happening i'm waiting to see what happens i'm waiting to see level three complete let me get nervous get nervous what's happening okay four minutes and 39 seconds let's get it come on two more levels two more levels guys we can do it we can do it two more levels and let's finish this out okay so while i'm doing that let's talk about the giveaways for today because i know everybody's excited about the giveaway so giveaways are going in there there we go some twitch subscriptions there that's the there's there's the robotech community right there there's the ruby tech community just slap through level four you just make you make a teeth you make you make it spicy for me at level four for a little while you make you make me sweat it like oh do they do they still care do they they still want to be apart but nope nope you guys are just like yeah no here watch this we'll be swaying and you just go right through okay so let's talk about the giveaways for today because i know that's what everybody's excited about uh giveaways for today um so no matter what we're giving away a 25 new a gift card that is our creme creme de la creme like our base level creme de la creme would be like the end that's our base level like we're going to get to whoa 22 subs already geez we're going to give a 50. gift card so we're going to wear a 25 new gift card no matter what if we get to 25 subs which oh guys holy crud you crushed it never mind level five complete there you go hey can we get a shout out to brenda and then hey mixer rip that's how we say goodbye to mixer hype train for mixer de la vie there we go level five right there that goes right there okay um so anyway uh we're gonna if we get to a 25 subscription 25 subs today we will give away a 50 a gift card we get to uh if we get 250 subs we give away a hundred dollar new gift card and then if we get to a hundred subs which we did which we did we get to a hundred subs we give away a um 20 60 oh sorry a 20 60 ko if we get to 150 subs we get that a 5700 xt if we get to 300 subs we make that a 20 70 super and if sorry 2080 super and if we get to a thousand subs which is never gonna happen but if we get let's get to thousands of i'll give away a titan rx so that's that's how it goes like the more we see subscriptions the more that goes in there the larger it gets now somebody's asking what happened uh it's the sapphire it's it's a pretty nice it's a pretty nice uh we gave one away last time so yeah we it ended up being in there a thousand subs for a titan that's a 2500 card yeah we had 160 subs um the other day uh twitch link is rubytech guys if you want to get in on that now remember all giveaways are available on all platforms youtube twitch uh facebook actually we learned that facebook you can't enter you can just watch but you can't really enter if you uh face youtube and twitch you can both enter and do the giveaways um but uh subs on twitch get extra entries until until ladies and gentlemen because in august 1st we're going to be launching the new youtube subscription stuff and then you youtube that's i know you you guys i mean right now there's there's usually more of you than there are and it'll grow like we usually get seven 800 people over on youtube we will as that grows uh we will uh we will be acknowledging you and you guys have the option to paid sub over on uh youtube as well so i'm pretty excited hey thank you one does alternative appreciate that uh you will get more entries if you stop on both yes you could technically stop them both and enter on both and then you would get double the entries i guess so that is that is one thing you could do uh someone gift 100 subs yeah that's crazy so anyway um big show today um we got a lot going on oh uh sorry uh one of the other things too i always like to i always like to cover this is a live show guys so if you're watching this on youtube if you're watching this on youtube and you're like what because we have about we have i mean we've had 64 000 people watch these shows after we're done with the stream so if you uh if we get to the end of this show and people are like oh what is what is going on why is he talk who is he talking to like why doesn't he just put all this stuff in the description guys this is a live show we're interacting with the live show it's all about just having a good time and so because it's live we make mistakes because it's live i talk to people on the i talk to people on the channel okay i'll fix that so we've already we've already got the 50. gift card hold on oh boy man already so much hype already we just started guys just started not even it's nice it's like it's just it's already just crazy today okay going to sub goal in that goal we're on our way to the 50 a gift card a hundred dollar new a gift card we have fifth what do we have we have 27 we started with zero oh no sorry we had we have on our way to 50 we have 27 7 30 20 20. okay there we go subscriber there we go okay so we're 27 there you go the next one's going in there so uh thank you very much for all those prime subs and everything like that oh no we're not oh we're home let me see how many we're at because i have it all right here we are at 30 already okay let me fix that uh alert box one two three four we're at 30 subs we go 30 subs already okay there is there's our actual count 32 subs wow it's already you guys are on craig you guys are you guys are crazy town today oh third yeah there we go um and there you guys are getting all your stuff okay so going back to this stuff uh so yeah like i was saying this is a live show uh because this is live we make mistakes because this is live i teach you because this is live i'm answering questions because this is live it's about being in front of a live studio audience like all of you right here who make us who make this show what it is i if i was up here just talking like a crazy guy that'd be pretty weird but the fact that i have you know four to five hundred people i think we're over 500 right yeah 500 easily on our way on our way to a thousand easily 604 people we already have 600 people here guys and because of that that's what makes this show fun is just interacting with the awesome people on the other side of this uh either eating pizza either building their own pc maybe slipping a slurpee maybe using their pins like they're not supposed to trying to pet hamsters and it'll make me mad but i still love you anyway that is the thing this is a live stream just know it's a live stream if you want to skip ahead i try to put all of the links down description below for different parts for you to move ahead to if you want to do that if you want to catch the whole thing and all the shenanigans then just sit back relax grab your shake and enjoy and have the fun um so what's happening in the show today this is just a straightforward build show uh tomorrow is a new egg now so new egg now is when we usually go through tech deals but this is this is my show this is my this is my ground right here no new egg we got amazon links down in the description like we're oh thank you very much for that super chat we got amazon destroy links down in the description it is straight up anarchy here anarchy right now and that means that we're just going to build and have a good time and hang out with you so we'll talk about tech deals tomorrow when we hang out with excellent we'll talk about deck deals on friday because i also like to save you money when i build pcs but today we just want to build so should be a good good time um thank you very much for the yeah so i super appreciate that um is the build i'm building today capable of streaming and gaming absolutely this is a great build and so that my friend is a great segue into what are we doing today roby well that's a great question that's a good that's good that you would ask i promise i did not pay that individual to have him tell us and and move over so here we go we're bringing it up let's talk about the parts that we got in today's build who's excited who's excited okay so let's start with the cpu because we like to start there i'd like to start with the brain it's a ryzen seven we've built you know what honestly um next week don't worry we're going to be doing a benchmarking show i know some people have been waiting for this we're going to be doing a benchmarking show um and uh in the benchmarking show we're going to be showing off some 3600 xt some 3800 xt's and some 3 900 xts we've done a bunch of 3 700 x builds as of late and so it'll be good to kind of do something a little bit different so um anyway guys uh we're going to be starting with the amd the amd ryzen 7 3700 x8 core 3.6 gigahertz pc uh 3.6 gigahertz cpu now by the way by the buy by the buy this this pc comes in at just shy i paid more because this was like previous to fantastic this pc right now is coming in at 1 16 16 18 that was before like basically amd dropped a lot of its prices so we ended up paying about 1700 this is a really good pc for this price this is around the 1500 mark people asking what is this cable is this pc capable of gaming and streaming absolutely gaming at 1440 streaming at 1080p 60fps this is capable of 1440 at high frame rates and uh the cool thing is using the case that we're using the meshfic which we'll talk about a little bit later great airflow completely capable of air cooling i am i this is a full on robie ruby recommends a plus this is a great build if you're looking to do a build and get into pc gaming right now remember we talk about 3000 series unless you care about rtx for 1440p it is okay to buy a cp buy a gpu right now and if you were like really interested in getting into pc gaming this would be a great build to do some pc gaming in so anyway at the core this is the ryzen 7 30 700x like i said eight core 16 threads should be an absolute based great for what we're doing today um for the gpu we're using the geforce rtx 2070 we've used this a couple of times the main reason being is that like um uh gigabyte has just been kind of killing it with prices as of late and this is the thing is like a lot of times when i do these these commission builds uh people are looking for gpus or like best bang for your buck and so you know you cannot you cannot um you cannot ignore uh great bang for buck this is a triple fan design great for cooling it's overclocked just all in all really great card and usually on sale for a really really good price again this is another one that actually got for a little bit a little bit more than what they're actually cheaper right now remember the rumor is so something this is interesting the rumor is is that uh nvidia has stopped develop stopped printing 2070 super 2080 and 2080 ti dies in preparation for 3 000 series nvidia announced and so uh we you will start to see another kind of drought when it comes to uh gpu so if you are interested in getting a pc and you're and you don't want to wait for 20 for uh uh the future or 3000 series then now is a good time to get the cars because the price the cards as the drought starts to happens will actually go up and again we're talking about 2070s if we're talking about the 30 70 gpu more than likely those are early to mid next year they have a tendency to do 30 80 the 30 80 ti in the 30 90 as the rumored first cards and then early in the next year is when we'll see the 30 70. so again if they really did stop printing the 2070 super now's a good time to actually get one before the prices kind of hike up and your the one thing i will tell you about gpus is gpus do not have a tendency to go down when the next gen comes up outside of the gray market or the used market and again that's kind of an interesting place so um that's going in there wow 666 people dude come on let's get some more people in there that's kind of scary ah yikes uh except for the case in the i o i start building once i ever see my knees hey nice congratulations garty um okay so that was our gpu that was our cpu let's talk about our motherboard um we're using b550 right it's like the wii it's like the time of b550 um i put a b550 in ryan's build uh we're putting a b515 this but this one we're using the b550 tomahawk um i really love this build i really love this this um uh motherboard it's a great looking motherboard tomahawk has a tendency to be like when you think about tomahawk from msi either that's x570 b450 or even b550 you have a tendency to think of hey if i could get every feature for kind of the right price that's what tomahawk represents from msi so all in all pretty excited about this great looking board he's gonna be happy um still gets uh still gets uh pcie pcie 4 on his first by 16 slot and he gets pcie 4 on his first m.2 slot so more than awesome and should be a great mobo um for this build and someone in stock sometimes not out of stock but retails for around 179 bucks uh for ram just because we're gonna do it right we got 32 gigs of trident royal z this is uh rgb this is uh four amd so um this is their triton z oh this is not the neo okay so he's not doing the neo i'll have to update that so trading at 3 600 megahertz 3600 cl 16 1919 so pretty good timings uh ideal for ryzen in terms of speed and 32 gigs which gives him that expandability so should he stream edit all those other things he has that option and he's still going to get fast ram remember 3600 megahertz this is like this is basically the amount of the how fast it takes to transfer data between ram and all those other things the 36 400 megahertz can make a difference and you know even j's two cents show that it could be as many as 15 uh to 20 frames per second so uh we'll be doing some with some benchmarking we should play around with that a little bit later but we've definitely seen some nice increases in speed based on this stuff you guys just reminded me the build is wrong no it's not no the build's right right yeah yeah okay okay yeah so it is right never mind you are you guys are seeing this build right i just realized that i i just need to confirm that i think you guys are seeing this build hey 343 people over on youtube right now 343 that's a good number just saying um okay so that's ram um for uh storage i had it out right here and potentially we're gonna give this away we're halfway there already guys uh we're giving away this uh we're giving away um sorry we're not giving away we're installing the western digital blue sn550 this is a one terabyte overall really really great uh really really great uh m.2 drive i'm pretty stoked about this these have come down in price in terms of overall um in terms of overall price you get 2 400 makes per second um which is awesome um will be great for basically running games and perfect amount of storage at one terabyte so one single drive there uh for power supply uh this is actually in stock this is the evga 750 ga i bought a bunch of these these have been in stock recently uh if you guys a lot of people ask the questions like some people said like hey is that actually even a good gpu literally guys we've probably done seven builds with this and i have not had a single complaint from an individual on this particular power supply so um i've never heard any whining no issues on my end these have been perfectly solid and for 169 139 bucks uh a really great price is 750 so zap counter is way behind let me take a look i'll look i i have the analytics right here guys if it really is that means we're panicked like roby get on your sub counter there it is uh how to migrate your refreshing no it's not it's right where it should be right right where it should be that's exactly how many subs we have so um okay so great power supply and uh yeah if you somebody asked this power supply is in stock yes power supply is in stock this is quiet uh we haven't had any issue there so yeah we're good there so um good on that uh asia horse cables love you guys will see me i use these in almost every build sometimes i'll go thermaltake but really do like these they're a little bit more especially because we're using a smaller case a little easier to manage than the thermaltake i think i think that's it right we've gone through all the parts i think the only thing we haven't done is we haven't gone through the um case but i always show the case off a little bit later okay guys that's it that's it i think i think i think we could build i think we could build i think can we build we can build we can build who's ready to build oh i don't know why i did that i didn't want to do that i want to go to i want to put this in chat and let people chat so i can see the chat uh kind of fans we're keeping the stock fans we're going to add a single additional fan uh probably from nzxt um into this just as a as exhaust fan but for the most part the meshify has good fans so i'm pretty happy with what it has in here so it should be fine i am using the stock cpu cooler that is the other thing that i am doing so that is a good question and the answer to that question is yes okay bringing up the logging in to restream real quick so i can see here see your beautiful chats and begin to begin the lord's work why are you not logging in i'm gonna log in here real quick so i can see you guys i i like to use this no that's not it this thing is not what are you doing oh yeah i'm in okay good okay good oh nice yeah and then remember guys uh if you're over on youtube or you're over on and you like sometimes people are like hey i don't have any money to support you or anything like that that's totally awesome um the other thing oh my gosh i forgot remember uh we will be giving away xbox game pass ultimate we give those away at different points when we're doing the build we'll give away one year when we finish the we'll give away one year when we finish the um when we finish the um build the other thing too is that if we get to 500 likes on the youtube youtube channel so if you got it you this is something that doesn't cost anybody anyway go over to youtube uh check out the live stream just hit that thumbs up button if you get the 500 likes that unlocks another giveaway and that giveaway is usually xbox game pass ultimate as well but depending on how fast we get it we get it super fast and we'll do a year if we did it semi-fast we'll do three months but regardless still you know you're talking about a pretty good value regardless of whatever it was the only thing too is down in the description are links to help me if you guys are like if you're buying stuff on amazon if you're buying stuff on newegg that stuff actually helps me and it lets people know hey rubytech you know he's a guy who semi knows what he's talking to really doesn't know what he's talking about but i still want to support the poor bloke and uh so you can use those links i think it's exclamation point amazon or exclamation point new egg i'll give you those links and anytime that you shop on those channels um it basically helps and supports me and shows um you know the big big manufacturers that uh send us parts that hey you know i actually have a community and uh they semi like me so you know if you want to check those stuff out you can do that and that that's going for that uh what video card am i using again i'm using the uh i'm using a gigabyte uh 2070 super the wind force oc so that's what we're using in here anyway guys thank you very much those all those subs all that stuff let's get started on building who's ready to build let's get the hype going get it hyped get it hyped come on let's go hype time i do have an awesome community thank you very much blondie and i have an awesome mod and i have awesome tech specialists who are here answering all those questions because when you have as many people i mean i'm guessing now i'm going to click on the link and there's going to be even more yeah 700 people in a chat it's really hard to follow along and so i apologize for that guys so yeah um going from there um okay so uh let's get started let's get the height going let's start building um and go from there so i'm gonna grab our motherboard motherboard i was looking at this board a little bit earlier so um i just i love the way this board looks so this is the msi the tomahawk right here getting it going thank you very much for that subscription chris chris uh where's my thing okay let's zoom in a little bit and get it getting tighter a little zoom action oh look at it it's so ready it's ready to be it's ready to be unleashed the tomahawk is ready to be unleashed i was looking like i said i was looking at this board a little earlier today playing around with it oh such a pretty build such a pretty gpu um i think i don't need i think everything i should need is actually already out i don't think i need anything in here and if i do they're here i'll grab those out that is garbage garbage you like how you guys like how exotic i am when i can say things like garbage right oh nice what's up david how are you welcome yeah you're just in time i always like to spend a lot of time at the beginning just getting things hyped up getting people happy getting people in the mood for some pc building okay here we go there it is there is our s there's our beautiful beautiful uh motherboard right there i'm always happy motherboard who's ready for a motherboard tour we love to do motherboard tours motherboard tour you know some people call realtors i'm like the realtor of motherboards i'm going to take you on a tour of the motherboard and just because people loved it i'm going to do it with twing the knife because people like when i do it with a knife i don't know why because you're weird that's why okay so let's walk through let's see what we got on the board oh by the way before i get too much into this who is new who's new to the channel uh yeah everybody's happy about the knife there you go who's new to the channel i'd love to see show us do a show of hands who's new there we go look at all the new folks awesome welcome everybody can we get a can we give uh can we give a clap to all the new folks love the new new folks let's get let's get a clap out thank you very much all you guys for hanging out and hanging out today some of you guys are lying because i know you're not new because i've seen your name anew before but anyway i appreciate you guys being new and welcome to rubytech for the first time remember three times a week and come hang out with me it's always awesome even my wife thinks it's awesome that's why she's hanging out so just don't forget okay so let's talk about this let's talk about this beast this beast of a motherboard okay so right now these these things here these are basically your vr and your vrm uh uh heatsink solutions so they basically keep your vrm's cool vrms are the things that basically as you uh are doing things like overclocking etc they dissipate the heat that's what they do they're basically the voltage regulators for your um your cpu and your motherboard up here this is your eps power connector uh this one only has a eight pin eps power connector but oh thank you very much mel i'm glad you saw it uh just because it has eight pin does not mean it's not you can't overclock it a lot of times when you'll see the additional four pin eight pin that's for like what's called ln cooling ln is liquid nitrogen or extreme cooling because we're not going to be doing this i'm pretty sure that trap miguel is trapped by the way is he here trap miguel you should be watching this is his pc so trap miguel is not here i'm pretty sure he's not going to be doing liquid nitrogen cooling he didn't put it in the budget anyway up here on the top right uh these are actually your fan headers we've got two of them up here this is an addressable rgb header you've got two more here that's right ladies and gentlemen four fan headers right here in the top right corner thank you very much msi for that this right here is your atx or your motherboard power which is awesome you've got six sata connectors down here at the bottom these are where you connect things like uh your uh hard drives um is kind of the primary one so you have six there um right here this is your usb c connector so usbc or actually it's usb 3.2 gen 2 not necessarily usb c usb 3.2 gen 2 that's your usb 3.2 gen 2. thank you fully they made that connector way better because we have the other one the bait in my existence down here we'll talk about that a little later again another fan header awesome we're now up to five uh you got your front panel connectors right here uh this is your usb 3 connector absolutely hate this connector it's like the bulkiest most non-bendable most non-malleable connector in the world and whoever made it not not a fan right here you have your usb your usb 2 another fan connector that's making it now six seven right here a couple more uh another rgb right here and then over here is your hd audio up here in the middle you've got one two m.2 slots these mdot this one right here is a gen four so a pcie gen four um again because this is a b550 this gen four is actually powered by the x5 by the the cpu itself not um the the chipset the other thing too is the difference between x570 and v550 is this is not actively cooled and then the only two is this one is actually pcie gen4 this by 16 and these by ones are not or by fours are not supported by are not gen 4 so only the top one is on v550 the other thing is this is your am4 socket this is where we're going to stick our cpu and then over here let's take a look at the i o because that's always makes it happen again no integrated uh no integrated wi-fi in this case but lots of i o um we just now amd just announced their 4000 series g don't be confused they're not 4000 amd they're actually zen plus and zen 2 architecture but should you stick one of those into these motherboards um you could actually use the hdmi this is non these are not usable unless you're sticking in a g a g um c apu um this is usb 2 usb 3 usb 3. two lan you've got a 2.5 gig and a one gigabit uh this is your usbc and then you've got your audio connectors so quite a bit of io and we're good there so that's your tour who enjoyed the tour who enjoyed the tour everybody had a good time on the tour should i i should have had more snacks i think that's what people are saying i should have more snacks during the tour what do you guys think good i'm glad everybody enjoyed the tour that's awesome yeah yeah best tour awesome love the tours with the knife something tells me that if i did if i did tour if i did a tours of houses with knives people would not be as excited you know what i'm saying i'm just saying but it's okay to do it um uh so somebody's asking would you use uh honestly there's a lot of opportunities especially like in our case like we have 10 gig or two and a half gig we have 10 gig internet uh here in the uh studio main reason being is like for data transfer rates that you have you have uh you have backbones that support it so i my time zone with the clock you see it's 719 and it is pacific time that's what time it is okay uh let's go ahead and get our cpu out cpu time guys it's cpu time i need to come up with like dances and songs for all this stuff can we get some cpu hype in the channel here we go oh i know i know you did have popcorn i forgot to get the popcorn yeah right to the point wow nice okay so we're going to take out there's our cooler we're gonna grab our our cpu out there right there we're gonna throw this in the garbage for another day not really for another day nobody else is gonna use that stuff okay i like how there's a there's actually like a d boom thing and remember guys everybody loves this part remember i want you guys to know and i know a lot of you regulars are going in there trey couldn't make it today he actually is uh he's being forced to work till 8 pm so trey's not here today so i'm on my own you just got me in my wacky stuff oh wow that's a nice jump right there jesus [Music] um so just you guys know and this is for trap me go this is an authentic amd cpu i just want to let you guys know that hey there's the wife there she is she's saying hi uh this is an authentic uh amd cpu you cannot photocopy this uh it's not possible to photocopy this certificate of authentication even though you can completely ripen right right in your own serial number so remember that ladies and gentlemen that this is authentic and there's no way that this could be a fake one not possible nobody could prove that i could do it people are saying lick it i'm not licking the cpu i am the one man show today okay yeah it looks legit don't comb your don't comb your mouse okay um so here we are we're gonna install the cpu we're gonna go and open this bad boy up so here's the deal guys everybody prepares for this moment this is a big moment so this is our ryzen 7 3700x thank you very much for the subscription write the 73700x you try not to touch the top the top here is your ihs uh your eyes oh you know what what you should do let's let's do it with this one let's see if we can do let's do a little side camera action here we go uh this is all right here oh look at that let's see i'm trying to trying to get it in the frame there we go uh there's our ryzen 7 oh it's a little harder let's see where the focus is there it is ryzen 7 3700x right there look at that side camera action uh ryzen 73700x try not to touch the top you know what i mean like we don't want to basically do that uh this is your ihs you could touch it it's not going to be bad but really the big problem is these gold pins in the back you don't want to touch the gold pins you want to pet your hamster with them you don't want to lick them you don't want to cut peanut butter with them you don't want to basically make a zen garden with it there's all sorts of things that you do not want to do with these pens so all these pens are very very uh delicate the other thing too is i will let you know is that if you are going in there and you're going to install your your cpu like we're going to do don't stick your thermal paste underneath it don't comb your peanut butter don't put peanut butter down just what you're going to do is you're going to see this this little really really gold arrow right down there at the bottom there's going to be a little arrow over here what you're going to do is you're going to take this you're going to go like this just going to set it in there it is just like that and then you're going to wiggle it just a little bit let me see you wiggle it and if it wiggles and it's in there nice and snug and then just go ahead and pull that lever down and there you go we've installed a cpu we have installed a cpu ladies and gentlemen that is what has just been accomplished it is because of you we'll zoom in on that so you can get a little bit of a better view and uh there you go cpu is installed and it looks gorgeous wouldn't you say i think it looks really good um but can you feed the dog you should not feed the dog with it either okay so let's go ahead and let's move right on over we're gonna install our our uh ram next so ram is pretty easy this one uh let's see let's test it okay so we've only got one set of um basically clicker or what's the word i'm looking for um fasteners i just my mind just blinked i apologize i'm so hyped up um so yeah we only have one set of those because we're gonna be filling all four slots uh we don't necessarily have to worry about hey look at this it's like it's almost like perfect like i've got it like lined up like you can actually see how the power what like what these actually do um so uh what we're gonna do because we're gonna be filling all fourth four of these we don't have to worry but if you're only gonna put in one or you're gonna do two oh the ramp transition sound oh i forgot which one did i do i've done so many uh um so yeah uh we're because we're gonna be doing all four of these but if you are only gonna do less than four you wanna make sure that you um you check your your motherboard manual to make sure that you're sticking them in the right place so um a2 b2 is usually where it is um and that's to activate dual channel ram uh thank you very much for that son i have three dogs that is true oh i got my wife here she'll answer all those questions people are gonna ask lots of personal questions and luckily my wife loves she's like an open book she'll tell you everything except for our bank account numbers honeys please don't tell them those or our credit card numbers that would be bad okay here we go open it up um let's try not to uh let's try not to uh drop these like i did ryan's but luckily that pc did boot we're good oh nice tricks for trey's here i thought you were gone buddy i thought you were working till eight is it eight oh it's 7 25. no not your debit card number either don't give him any of that stuff jeez guys not giving out accounts thanks babe see i've taught her well security squared okay here we go you guys can see the the beautiful ram we have here it's like the nice dark silver color um should look really good inside the seat inside of this so we're gonna give him the stickers that he can do with what he will what he will trap miguel i like to just say his name trap me again here we go we're gonna put those out and prepared remember the other thing that's kind of nice about g skill ram is uh not only is it attractive but you can also use it if you're ever attacked in your house like it's like a great defensive thing ah like you're you know like you if you need to like do like you know like defensive maneuvers or whatever it was or like i don't know like cut cut cut cheese should not cut cheese never mind don't don't take that as thing do not go and try try and cut the sliced cheese with your ram sticks ladies and gentlemen that was that was bad of me yeah you should not do that void's the warranty that issue cha cha you like you guys like my sound effects these are top-notch sound effects i'm telling you um no okay so we're getting our ram out here and you don't want to ram in the ram just because it's called ram does not mean you want to force it in order to be like you want to be a little bit delicate with it ram is pretty ram is pretty uh ram is pretty uh ram is pretty uh resilient though you can really yeah yeah you got you got you know all that sort of stuff so you're pretty you're pretty safe shape there you know what i'm saying okay here we go okay here we go so when we install our ram you can see right here there's a little pcb this little it's called a pcb pcb stands for printed circuit board and somebody asked before i go too far let me ask what is an apu an apu is a gpu that also includes a graphics card in most cases ryzen graphics so if it's like a four thousand i'm sorry uh they have like 4 000 g's that means it's an apu which means it's a ryzen cpu that includes a graphics card i meant to answer that question oh welcome d9 okay so here we go we got our little slot right here you're gonna line that up with this little slot and then you're gonna you're gonna make transformer sound effects and then you as you put it in there and i will tell you this guys doing sound effects when you put in your ram actually increases the overall power of the ram so i'm just letting you know so here we go like this one will do like a bird i'm on the twitter i'm on the twitter tweet tweet tweet that was a terrible sound effect that's why it's terrible because it's not going in because i did such a terrible sound effect it doesn't want to go in because it's like why did you give me the worst sound [Music] effect there we go okay that one's in what shoots what sound effect should we do with oh minus five dkp okay here we go machine gun oh i killed the ram oh and see that one doing it nicely there we go and how about this one this one's like the get to the choppa it slips right in oh i dropped it wrong that would have been so cool if i would have nailed that nailed it but i didn't get to the choppa okay ram is in we're locked good to go oh i'm bleeding everywhere okay man yeah this g-rail g-skill ram does look good okay so we got our ram installed everything looks good there uh next up let's install our mdot our in two slots [Music] like the camera was ready to go it knew what was happening knew we were going to do some m.2 installations uh okay okay here we go yeah yeah oh [Music] okay i'm trying to yeah [Music] [Music] i'm not demonetized how could i be demonic like i could just ask halo to let me like do it you know i kind of worked there oh jeez okay i am preparing for dmd okay so here we go um open this up somebody asked a question about the m.2 yeah it's a parody it was it was 80 it was more than 80 different hey what's up sev how are you man the church of roby tech okay here we go we're going to open this up and get it prepared for some in dot 2 installation 2 installation okay there we go oh look at that it's ready to go we're gonna do it oh we only we're only doing one so i don't even know i was like about to open the other one but we don't have to do it okay you know what i need to do i need to find a little figure to for my visualization of oh i forgot we have we have our oh yeah here we go we got dongle guy everybody i would like to meet you i would like to introduce you to dongle this is dongle dongle guy the dongle guy is my my visual guy for when we install our install our m.2 hey thank you for the host man appreciate okay so we're opening this up just getting this ready grabbing our i love these m.2s there we go it's nice and blue i'm blue blah what i think of every time i open a western digital blue m.2 drive [Applause] okay in the garbage so what we're going to do now is if you look on the m.2 you'll see again another little slot in the pcb um before i do that though you want to unscrew this little screw there is no screw in there good okay um you want to take out this little screw because you're going to need it 568 hanging out on youtube right now thank you very much for that tony and congratulations on your first build thank you for that two dollars um and 373 hanging out on twitch right now love you twitch 946 people total that is amazing guys we're on our way to over a thousand and we're only we're less than 30 minutes we're lying not even usually it takes us like this this channel's just growing it's doing great okay so what we're going to do is we're going to put that little slot in like so you're going to kind of push it in push it in and then when it acts like a bouncing board like a like a diving board that's when you know you're kind of good now here's the deal we got dongle man dongle guy remember dongle guy he's going to show you so like dongle guy it's like and then he swims away into the water but then there's a shark dongle guy nah dongle guy's dead guys oh sorry dongle guy we always lose one we always have to lose one when we're building a we're building a pc okay so now we're going to do is we're just going to take that fungal guy died slip it in like that can we get it can we get an f we get an f uh for pay respect for dongle guy or a dongle guy he he died get a nap in chat have to pay respects for the death of dongle guy who was eaten by a fake shark you guys should i'm hoping like here's the deal guys i'm hoping that you guys see me making jokes having a good time when you're building a pc that you do not need to stress when you do this if i can do it sure i've built 90 pcs in the last year but guys if i can do it you can totally do it and i'm a so i think that you guys you guys are more than capable and you should feel great about your opportunity i'm so excited that so many of you guys are getting ready to build pcs i love that pc i love that henry cavill built a pc and so here's the deal guys have a good time when you're building it have a great time that's what i want to show you more than anything is just that you can have fun while building a pc if you can build legos you can build a pc so there's there's my nice little um that's my nice little segway my nice little hype you up have a good time guys that's all i'm saying that's what we want to do here we want to have fun while we're building pcs today yeah yeah he was sacrificed the india nice congratulations and hey if you're ordering parts sdk kayaker please do me a favor support me that would be very great i'd be very grateful and you could do that by using the links either at amazon and newegg that is that helps me tremendously okay that's enough of my little plug hashtag affiliate okay here we go we're gonna put those in and then we're just gonna slide this in like so oh i've got another additional inbound two just hanging out on the thing there and there we go um i there were three of these i'm gonna actually do myself a favor and i'm gonna go ahead and just put the other one so it doesn't get lost in the little underneath here so he can have it if he wants to install another one it's just going to be safer that way it's going to be a kind individual or our other for our mr trap miguel and make sure that he doesn't lose the tiny m.2 screw there we go and we're just going to screw that back in and that was just so he doesn't lose his screw so that's that's why i did that not there was no installation reason i'm gonna throw the other one in there hoping i'm gonna put it inside this little box hoping this one does not disappear because they just gave you an extra one which is very sweet of them it's very nice thank you very much you're so kind msi okay there we go grab a drink of water who's having a good time i do read the chat i am not who is on mixer you should not be on mixer evan i actually have a whole video um over my youtube channel about when you should wait i think the one that's interesting is 4000 series ryzen but again here's the deal if you are if you are itching to buy if you are needing a pc and you're going to wait for 3000 series nvidia or you're going to wait for 4 000 series ryzen here's a deal it is going to be it could take some time right because fourth of like when 3000 series came out like it sold out almost immediately and there was a lot of time and prices did not come down with the price of ryzen cpus right now not a bad time to buy especially if you're buying in the 1440p range which is like a 3700x at 3800 x you're not going to get hey thank you very much for the five dollars mike uh you're not going to get a ton out of waiting for the upgrades now 3000 series what what matters if you care a lot about ray tracing that's when it really kind of matters and you may want to wait if you're playing 4k if you're doing 4k anything you absolutely want to wait because that's high end and you want to wait given it's so close but really we're looking at 30 80 30 80 ti 30 90 are going to be the first and then ryzen 4 000 we're going to see you know anywhere between a 20 and 15 20 maybe 15 to 20 boost and for cpu power specifically for gaming that's not a ton um unless you're looking at high-end or uh super high-end fps gaming at 1080p or at 1440p so hopefully that answers your question on whether you should wait or not okay guys last step here we're gonna put in our we're gonna install our cooler cool cool i love the cooler i don't know why i said it that way okay so here we go we're gonna take out our cooler and it's like uh and here we go right here this is the prism the prism uh wraith prism um now you have two options here i always like to talk about you have two options for cables when you install your wraith prism cooler you've got usb which is short which is always kind of a problem so sometimes you have to run this along the front of the board or you've actually got an addressable rgb i have had i have had little to no luck with addressable rgb with this uh my wife's like terrified i've had little to no luck with this rgb cable so i would recommend using usb um the software is actually made by cooler master with this with the um with the cooler master software and this i've had much better luck in terms of controlling colors so i would recommend uh the usb over rgb so there's a little little tip for you ruby tech tip there hey what's up blue box how are you man keeler there you go so cute my board came in a little square pad did i mean that no the all of the thermal pads and stuff like that should be included in the uh it should be on the board so you shouldn't need anything uh the new giveaway winner is announced at the end of the show but we always announce all that stuff at the end of the show there you go there xfx again you just have to make the call i try to make let people make um we don't know yet nemo i try to help people make that call on whether they should be patient or not but if you're just really wanting one then i don't think it's a bad time um prices are going it is going to start getting hard for me to justify that as prices jump up as we get closer to launch though uh specifically around gpus but now is a good time before here we go right here guys we're gonna go ahead and take this one off so right here is the yeah this is the one you want to take off this is the one for usb so there's two here there's a longer one and a shorter one you want to take the shorter one off that's the one you want for when you install a usb specifically you're going to take this little this little thing right here this is your fan header your cpu fan is the first one on the left so you're just going to plug it in just like that like so and then this you see these little silver latches here these silver latches go on these little lashes down here and there's one on each side so what you're going to do is you're basically just going to align it vertically like so and then what you want to do is you want to basically have like kind of bend this down and have it latch over the first one like that and then you'll kind of twist it around you kind of jig this one it around until you can get the other one on and this can be this can be kind of a weird process but you will it is capable yeah that one went very easily and then right here there's actually a little a little lever you're just going to pull that lever over not that level crunk why do we even have that lever oh i just had to do that that's for my wife and anybody else who lives in peru's new groove pull the lever crunk so what you're gonna do is you're gonna pull this whole lever over even if it's a little hard it's okay it's supposed to be just keep pulling it over until it locks and then it's good and then what we do is we basically uh you're basically going to take this and we're going to zip tie this together so like so so we're going to grab a zip tie nice swag master i'm glad yeah i'm happy i i bet you tend to want my wife like went to go to get a drink nobody knows what that that joke is or ty oh you could tie a knot i like to use zip ties you could tie a knot if you wanted to but i like to use zip ties and then zip tie it down it's your call however you want to your choice when it comes to when it comes to cable management yeah thermal paste is already included guys it was on the bottom people were panicking what about the thermal paste it's already there stop panicking okay so what i'm gonna do is i got that nice and hidden now i kind of push it and tuck it underneath the vrm clip that off and there we go now it's as if it's just hung there on its own yeah so there you go just like that again the last thing we're going to add is we're going to plug in a usbc cable oh man i took that rgb one off for like no reason dang it ruby okay we're gonna pull this up like that you see the little see the little connector there at the bottom and then we're gonna put that in just like so there we go okay and now our motherboard is ready guess what guys motherboard ready okay next up let's move this out of the way we're gonna move our motherboard over to its staging area and let's grab our meshfly case clay you'll know when we do it you'll see the first giveaway here in just a few minutes uh when we uh get to the when we get to the when we get to the uh what one of them trust me it's not hard you'll you'll figure it out okay um let's grab our messify c case i love how small and compact this case is but i will tell you the reason that people love this case so much is because of this right here hope not opening because of this right here at the front so this is a completely mesh case tons of airflow in terms of fans etc we're probably gonna this cave this is a this is a um this is a uh what's what i'm looking for commission build so this is for trap miguel i don't even has he said anything he's he's i'm hoping he's here this pc is built for trap mega so lots of this is mesh mesh front very easy lots of air that basically can come in there which is one of like one of the best in terms of just overall air cooling and because we're using an air cooler great case good thermals uh you got your tempered glass on the side uh just an attractive looking and it's hard to see maybe i'll show you in the top let's let's try the side camera see if it shows it a little bit better let's get a good camera angle on the side camera here um yeah um let's see there you go gonna get it off to the side yeah you can see it's got like that fractal type look so this this isn't straight yeah it's not straight it's actually kind of like a mesh here so it shows a good job of like basically getting it up there it looks very nice and it looks it looks it's just an attractive looking case with really good airflow so yeah it's fancy it's it's not expensive though this is usually this case is always it used to be 99 bucks it's always been sub 89 during fantastic you could get as cheap as 80. um so price wise great case for what you get um from a cooling perspective so that only includes one fan um it only includes one fan i'll show you that here in a minute um so we're gonna throw a couple more fans in here just to make it a little bit a little bit better from an air flow standpoint and go from there though it only i think it only includes one here's only one fan in here it's oh sorry two fans there's two fans uh two there's an exhaust fan and then a front fan uh yeah two there's a two 120s includes two 120s so you have 220 millimeter fans and then actually the the other cool thing is down here at the bottom like if you wanted to do um let me just finish stripping the case real quick you can see this other thing you actually have the option like if you for radiator support and other things like that you do have quite a bit um in terms of that sort of stuff too so and again really i'll show you the cable manager the other thing that's nice about this is here in the back you've got this really great cable management area right here so to basically go and gives you lots of room for cable management um you can actually rubber grommets here to the side so again going into that area and then there's actually a detachable here at the bottom see if i can get it with the top down here down here at the bottom you can actually remove this if you wanted to have like add additional cooling fan all that sort of stuff access down to the bottom given that uh i'm going to add a single 120 i'm probably going to take this fractal put it in the front and add a single 120 to the back and that's going to be more than capable more than uh more than good for his airflow stuff so i should be good there hey look at this like now with the side camera like we can really kind of show we've got you you can see more in terms of me like as i do installations and stuff like that look at that it's like i keep getting better uh it'll fit a 240 millimeter rad yes 240 or even a 360 if you wanted to at the front uh you have that option if you remove that thing yeah so now we have more we have more more access to show you as i do installations and stuff but right here on the back what we're going to grab real quick and grab our little extra stuff so and it shows you here it shows you what's what you actually including here with your uh with your uh let's see get in there focus camera focus there it is yeah so those are the screws and stuff that it actually includes so okay uh stripping wise we're gonna take this off oop we're gonna take that out there's our dust filter and then we're not guessing there we go and then this is attached which is kind of you can remove it but we don't we can't remove it all the way so that's kind of that's kind of wacky uh not my favorite but okay so let's for now what we're gonna do real quick is we're gonna add a single we're gonna we're gonna move this fractal this fractal fan here in the back move this fractal fan here in the back we're gonna move this to the front so i'm gonna remove this and then we'll have we'll replace this back one with something else so you have like matching fans there we go look at that more cameras more cameras guys like it's like i care i want to make it better for you guys remember what i used to do this and you guys couldn't see what i was doing now you can how did it how did you guys like the additional cameras hey everybody's enjoying this like now you can actually see more of the installation oh red cell welcome enjoy your dinner more light okay i can probably i can that i can probably fix right now so let's give you some more light here let's do this i have access to light right here it's really high right now but let's see how about that how's that is that better and then and then i can actually i can actually make it brighter i wonder if i i don't know if i need i'm curious i could do a little bit lower hold on sorry guys there we go that's really in there how's that still dark okay um i can make it brighter i bet here i'll make it brighter when i'm on the side camera where is my phone oh here you go oh look at my wife's actually even saying stuff like it's hard to see with the black on black okay here we go let's see if it's what do i i need hold on is it this one see which one it is no it's not that one this one there you go how's that i mean you're really bright that's brighter whoa that is really bright like i can't okay i'm going to turn it a little bit down but there you go okay see it a little bit better okay so now we're going to do is we're going to switch briefly i might just have to have i might need to add fan light controls to my i need to see if i can add that to my stream deck i'm pretty sure there's got to be a way but i need to add light so i can bring up lights and stuff like that so you guys can see a little bit better uh yeah this is definitely not my full-time job this is a part-time job so my wife would say i have two full-time jobs at this point in time as much as roby tax basically takes but it's because i got to make sure i got we got to ship a good halo you know what i'm saying okay let's push this back a little bit there we go oops let's get that out of the way so you guys can see what i'm doing yeah we're just putting our fans on i wish there was a way to oh there we go there you go now you can see so there you go okay there we go fans are all installed we're just gonna do one more in the back we'll get to that a little bit later cross that back let's make sure right away there we go pop that right back on okay bands are installed and we're good there okay let's go to top down get our get our uh get our what if that would it sometimes shines on me but i don't know we'll see if we can get a little bit more down let's see if we get some more down there and then i can turn that one up i don't know if that if that helped it like it does shine some light on me a little bit so i feel like that there we go there we go okay go and put our motherboard in there we go like a glove looks good don't you think not a fan of the case oh i wonder why okay um let's go and grab our yeah nice yes here you are that is a fair statement oh wow comes with a microfiber cloth that's nice okay some good benefits there we got this is i'm impressed with this like they give you a lot more standoffs i hope i had do i have sandals on this stuff i should have checked that i think i do no i did not that's interesting no now i know why they gave you all the standoffs they didn't install standoffs interesting that's a first okay we're gonna install standoffs red that's it that's something i haven't had to do in here [Music] so we're gonna get all our standoffs installed [Music] there we go yeah that's uh i haven't actually got to build in this in this particular case in a while so there that is a new i forgot that they do not install the standoffs not a big deal but we will get them installed and something new for folks who haven't got to watch this before now remember i am doing an atx power supply i mean an atx motherboard this does not support eatx so uh we could either do mini itx itx um so and then that would change where you put the standoffs but if you're doing this build this is how you would basically do the standoffs this right here once you basically get your standoffs this little tool right here allows you to tighten the standoffs that's what we're going to do real quick so you're going to put these over each one and just make sure it's nice and just make sure it's screwed down just like that just basically basically finger start them then when they stop spinning you're good we go pretty straightforward tighten our standoffs down there's all our standoffs installed there we go okay i'm gonna put that little bad boy in this bag now we're gonna put our motherboard in i would have been like screwing going why is this not screwing in okay i'm gonna do line that up the way it needs to be there's a little peg right there that holds it in oh look at that i can see all the standoffs now interesting very very interesting okay so these are the screws we're going to be using these are going to be the motherboard screws right here oh nice welcome to discord man sonic 36 subs guys i think you guys are waiting for that second hype train though that's usually what happens we get to that second height train and then uh people go a little bonkers here we go we're gonna start we're gonna start killing the beast one hit point down here we go next hit point another another another tying it down another hit point down like we're defeating the motherboard monster it's a stock cooler yes and if you want to see the build the all the build parts are down either in the youtube description or you can check them out in uh um uh the builds are in the in the stock in the youtube description or the mods will show them that's weird i feel like some of these feel like they're thinner those are definitely not thinner here we go weird there you go oh what the heck these screws are this is like one standoff has got like a super wide screw there's a couple of them that are like crazy wide and i understand why that one's a little thicker interesting not know what's going on there that i've never seen before it's like that standoff is a little bit different i mean it's i'm not worried about it but with your parts list oh there we go okay that's in okay cool awesome there we go all right there we go we're good there um we'll check to see if this is long enough from there but we are got our motherboard installed uh no it doesn't have the right way to do it at all there you're getting some good advice here or you can join our you could join our thing thank you very much for that thank you ken hey that's awesome i super appreciate it man super appreciate you stopping by and telling me that that's awesome okay those are good pc guy what's up top left screw no i didn't thank you good call out i missed the screw you guys can see better than i can it's awesome aji they so far i mean for what we've tested like you haven't seen the same length of time that we haven't had a lot of time the same length of time but people have been pretty happy with them so far did i get that in nope not even on the screw okay instead of trying to reach that way i'm going to turn it there we go now it's in okay thank you very much for catching up good good next up we've done that what do we got to do now um it guys it's like it's funny how fast this goes when you don't have an ai oh because all i have to do is like basically have front panel connectors let's go ahead and install our back fan let's see here we got oh i'm gonna go ahead and do a corsair now i want to do something a little bit nicer it's definitely a 120 right yeah i have one of my other options here a couple corsairs it's 140. i wonder if i have any of those i'm curious i may not um actually go into the pool of nicer fans here what are these these are vector there's a ek intermax this is what i was looking for yeah there we go well this is what i'm gonna give him for his exhaust fan what do you guys think people don't know what that means this will make him happy what product do you use in your hair i use crew there you go that's a good fan uh 3600 mr highline if you could if you can afford it i would do a 3600. that's a big boyfriend right there knocked to a that's a good fan for the front i mean for him i think good exhaust but keep good air flow so we're gonna use our noctua fan for the back here get that installed real quick what did i do with did they give me any fan fan once no it did not that's interesting they did not but okay that's something i did not have a shortage of this fan grab four man those are long the shorter ones stubbies with the stubbies that's not a fan one there we go four stubbies okay come on baby re focus here here we go focus here focus low focus stop if i focusing maybe push it back do you focus on that there he goes like focusing on the wrong thing got to work on that focus maybe if i turn this like this i'm gonna see if i can get the focus going huh come on focus all the black it's having a hard time with the there you go there you go you can get a focus now there we go 700 actually 734 just on youtube how are we doing on the youtube likes guys how are we doing that we remember we want to unlock that one year if we get to 500 likes real quick then we'll uh we'll do a year of game pass ultimate 317 come on guys no big deal just hit that like button you guys are 730 for you right now just go and hit that like button real quick guys i blame trey yeah not enough likes is right okay let's put that through here okay there we go okay okay so now we have all of our fans fans and stuff hooked up let's see i'm guessing no i always like to try though we'll try and see if we can get the usb to go reach so usb is just usually just not long enough but we'll try right right up here through the vrm and the you know what i have [Music] this is like going to be like pretty close to like a blackout build there we go with this reach it's close ladies and gentlemen real close it will it'll reach that's pretty impressive i could run it underneath this these little shields but um i'm kind of okay with it okay well let's see we can we can do it like this will reach okay we're gonna we're gonna run it behind awesome okay so let's go ahead and hook up our front panels up top down oh somebody okay so this cable is what i was talking about right here this is the one that comes off of the comes off of the the aio it's like not sometimes it reaches sometimes it doesn't it just depends on the build this one actually will reach so we're going to run that one down here this is our rear fan so that's going to go up here we have two more fans right here and do these two and we can run these actually up to the top um so we're going to undo all this stuff real quick it's the cp it's the it's the aio it's what controls the rgb for the wraith prism cooler is what that is what that is what that's two okay so these are our cp these are our fans for our these are our two front fans so we're gonna undo these real quick there we go fan are we doing all likes now guys it's there is no io we're using uh we're using a um air cooler there's no ai on this build okay there we go we're gonna run these up because we can there's two actually down at the bottom i think i'm gonna try and run these all down here is there another one right here is no oh there is okay let's see what see what we can do here i think there's i'm gonna look and see where our let me see where our fan hitters are there's one there okay so the best place actually makes sense is up here okay so we got two fans are gonna run up here that'll be all of our fans so there's our fans uh front usb three wow that's kind of short actually okay so front panel connectors that's hd audio that goes over here usb 3. wow that is like the shortest usb 3. and it goes really right there that's kind of unfortunate which means it's going to run across the center of the board could have given it so that's one kind of mark for fractal could have given us a longer usbc usb 3. okay we're going to put that in first there we go put this in okay front panel connectors those are easy these go right here there's not a lot to this build guys to be honest i think this i actually might run i actually might run this the long now that's better ways just to do it that way okay it should be all the front panel stuff okay so let's hook it up just thinking through okay so here's our fans we're gonna take these first two fans this is fan one and cis fan two there we go there's one and there's two i'll show i'll zoom in on all these so you guys can see a little bit better actually here let me zoom in now i think we have enough light that you guys actually seeing pretty well okay here's where we are now we're gonna hook these two up there we go there's our two fans i'm gonna take this one right here and this one right here there we go that's a rear fan that way down okay these go through back through here okay front panel connectors oh this is always my problem okay there we go front panels here so we've got hard drive all those other ones we're gonna zoom up to this so you guys can see this i'm gonna try my best make sure you guys can see these these i always have to like like do like weird kind of i can zoom i can actually put this down a little bit oh why am i doing this so i can try and get this like off the side thing okay so we've got the bottom left the bottom left is your hard drive light which is this one right here so this is our drive hdd ldd that goes right there there's your hard drive one i push that one down okay next to it that's your hard drive right there that's the first one you can see it takes the bottom no it keeps coming out i gotta figure that out um so that one right there there's your hard drive light next one is you have your uh reset switch reset switch goes next to it there you go there's our reset switch we're gonna kind of push that down trying to get this out so you guys can see the okay reset switch there we go okay so there's your reset switch in your hard drive right there so this screw i got to figure that out this screw is wide i got to figure out why this screw isn't staying in the post is fine the post is right there there's not a screw that goes in the post on this one it looks like we'll be missed replacing the middle middle mobo post and the screw in the bottom middle mobo screw i don't understand what you're saying here all the screws uh and then we have power switch power switch goes right above that like this and then power plus and minus go next to it just like that okay and there's our front panel connectors i'm gonna pull these tight doesn't see all those there we go and then just like that now our front panels are all connected another one at the top did i miss two oh yeah i did i missed one at the top okay good i got some more motherboard screws to put in okay next up is usb 3. so this one is it's got like a little nipple at the top there's only one way to kind of plug this in just going to basically put it like this and then go straight at a 90 degree angle oh my gosh i really think that they want you to do this from the side which is not my favorite okay this one's got to be done from the side guys it's just not that long this has got to go from this okay okay so this is your usb 3. apparently it's got to go from the side what you want to do is you want to make sure it's straight at a 90 degree there's a little nipple at the top and then you just want to go straight down like this and then don't if it should just go in nice and easily it's not crazy just goes in just like that and then you just want to pull that tight there there's that uh usb this is our hd audio right here again also has like a little missing pin it only goes in one way i'm gonna verify and it's just going to go with the top hd audio will be faced up it goes in the left like so push it down and finally you've got your usb i'm hoping this will actually fit and this is also keyed one way there's also another little there's also a missing little pin here i'm just gonna rotate it sorry guys i gotta get i gotta get in here to get this one okay that's too short okay run it the other way i've yet to be able to run that the right way say so if you're gonna do this with this yeah it's too short what we're gonna do is you're going to hide it i have a tendency to hide it so i just run it along the bottom here the motherboard case this will run it this will lead it in and then what you can do is you run it into this corner like so and then you should have enough length to run it all the way through here there we go it's one thing i wish amd would do better okay so this will get hold held down and you will not see this guys like when i put all the stuff in you will not see it what you do is you just basically have your usb like this it's keyed one way put it in right there [Music] i'm gonna use this to hold this down [Music] there we go okay so now what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna tighten all these down and then we'll put in our gpu [Music] okay [Music] what is this of course the hd audio okay i'm gonna fix this so i don't have it wrapped into everything like these little things that you learn as you do stuff it's like please don't have this intertwined with your front panel connectors we're just untangling that yeah already hooked it up there we go okay now we can finish it there we go okay okay i'll do that one my wife is calling me hello hello what's up babe yeah zoom oh zoom out oh see look at this she's calling me to make sure i do the right thing okay i'm gonna zoom out so you guys can see this thank you there we go zooming out i'll show you guys the connections on the front on the other side this is why i need this is why i need trey he wasn't here today okay well we zoomed out and we're good okay guys i'm gonna get off the phone with my wife thanks babe okay there we go so that's all hooked up and we're gonna do is we're just gonna tighten these up real quick okay why did fernando what happened that's interesting i know a lot of people recommend this case there we go okay now we're gonna do is oh that's interesting okay here we go okay there we go now we're gonna do is we're just gonna the last part is just to get this little bit in this little spot i'm just curious what happened like what about it because i i this case comes very highly recommended i know a lot of people who love this case and from an airflow standpoint it's awesome so i'm curious why i cut myself i'm bleeding here we go there we go okay cable managed there nice clean this one we'll go ahead and just just to keep it nice and clean here yeah that was the nzx that was a wrap yes that was a wrap on that build we made that any even henry cavill used a fractal meshify case i've been pretty happy minus the the motherboard screw issue i got to figure out here in a second there we go okay what am i looking for i'm looking for i put my clippers somewhere my oh they're there i couldn't find them okay guys we're uh we're gonna put a gpu and our cable extensions on and then get it all installed there we go simple easy peasy i wonder why like so far my build minus the weird standoff issue i have i'm just gonna fix these two motherboard issues um that i've got here minus that like so far it's been pretty painless i've been pretty happy with building in it so i mean this issue right here is not this is not a this is not a this is not a uh this is an amd issue why they keep like giving us shorter things the lack of usbc is kind of sad but outside of that it's been pretty straightforward um let me see what's going on with this ding i mean i'm i'm not gonna be able to get a screw try this one there's some some weirdness with a screw down here that is something right it's got really dark tinted glass okay well there that screws in so that just needs a thicker screw so that's fine we're gonna grab the nope not that where's our other ones through there we have one more screw goes in the top left right here there we go okay screws are in now i feel like this one top screw you're saying top screw which top screw i just did a top screw well those are all in that screws in that screws in that screws and that screws in that screws in that screws in what screw are you seeing that i'm not seeing oh roby kids okay all the screws are in no they're not blowing below the shrub he won't need that like that's he's fine okay uh so we have all that stuff installed uh fan installed let's go ahead and go and grab our gpu just because everybody loves that part gpu installation time you shouldn't be doing 4k with a 2080 anyway you need to do a 2080 ti 2080 even struggles with 4k 2080 super even struggles with 4k there we go i don't know why people are trying to 4k game really right now right like until like 4k gaming right now like yes you can do it it's at 60 fps you're gonna have some it's i don't know i just i don't yeah okay 1173 people how those likes are those likes over on youtube right now hey what's up red one yes it is samuel it's a great motherboard yeah that this this uh this screwdriver this screwdriver is 17 years old this screwdriver is older than my marriage i'll be honest um okay uh we need gpu here it is guys gpu time everybody's favorite hey what's up guys yeah it wasn't the mesh if i see 40 more guys 462. come on let's finish it out guys let's do that let's get that giveaway unlocked there we go there we go uh what camera am i using uh that's a that's an a6500 that's an a7 mark iii and that's an a6400 so there's three cameras uh and then we have and then they're all attached to ninja fives so i give away the first giveaway will be uh if we get to 500 follows which is usually the first one we get that one will be uh a xbox game pass ultimate and then we'll do one we'll do a giveaway when we finish the pc that will also be xbox game pass ultimate and then we always do one when we will do uh we'll do a 20 a 50. a gift card which will become a hundred dollars i'm pretty sure um and then right now if we get the second hype thing then it'll become we'll also give away a one terabyte nvme drive 500 likes we just hit 500 likes 500 500 likes okay let me uh we'll start that giveaway here in just a second i'm actually gonna go ahead and grab this off i always forget put this in here this we always ship the drive we always ship the gpu separately yeah there's not a lot of there's not going to be a lot of rgb in this okay guys get ready for the giveaway we're gonna start in just a second first giveaway of the night bam okay first giveaway tonight this is for let's do one year we'll do one year we'll do one year of game pass ultimate one year game pass ultimate coming up who's decided who's decided [Music] custom one-year game pass remember twitch subscribers you get extra entries in on this starting that giveaway now and while you guys are doing that here is a little gpu porn there you go we got our we got our triple fan look at this bad boy look at that looks so good look at alexander there with the sweet thing looks so good we'll give a little top down here a little top down oh we'll do a little side view look at that little side view right there so you guys get a good looking on that count good looking that card it's a good looking card right there overall i really like these cards and it's going to look really great in this case so there we go right there get it in and then it'll do a really good job of kind of hiding that cable it's amazing how this kind of blends the cable really really simply okay i'm going to top down and boom just like that it's in just like that it's in beautiful beautiful i see gigabyte cards of green rgb2 i put in the gpu and it made it look so good and i think to myself what a wonderful bill [Music] and i think to myself what a wonderful build thank you thank you very much laughs all right there we go all installed let's go and get our now it's time for our uh our gpu extensions who loved who loved my uh rendition of uh what a wonderful built what a wonderful world because i think it was pretty magical if i say so myself don't quit your day job which day job i have so many i have full streaming in in halo come on guys that was good come on mc tigger mcgee thank you for the support pretty good there we go uh what is the nicest aio uh the other one the aorus one uh the the kind of the go-to is the nz uh sorry the um corsair h100i platinum really like that one as well uh ones i would stay away from right now is aio is uh intermax um deepcool another one another good one deepcool we've been really happy i know that's that's what i'm saying tigger who uh who did anybody hear i know tigger was there who else uh did anybody else catch some d d last night i'm the director of player voice for i am basically your guys's representative to the dev team so i work with people like i work with sketch and others um to help make sure that uh player feedback is listened to both with we do betas and flighting um but also when we get to live and as we play the game that your guys's feedback is heard and acted upon so that's what i do oh tony are you 12 it's time for bed struggle with an rcx quattro yeah yeah that's not a great gaming graphics card honestly like even titans and i have a titan uh even titans uh you know it's like they're great but 4k gaming is pretty taxing 3080 kind of feels like the beginning of what could be the indies past your bedtime but this is like you're up now dnt oh it just started so yeah okay so you should be in bed right now go to bed we have a good time playing it we have a good time playing gpu uh the evga is a bad they seem to it's that's hard to say right because evga the 20 this one has more overclock potential evga buys better bend gpus um and have a tendency to not be overclockable as much but the out of the box performance of a 20 an evga is better than a gigabyte uh that's not true for aorus like if you got an aurus gigabyte that would be better press f why is susan passing f already all right msi or tx20 and the gigabyte yes uh yeah there's always a difference uh if you're buying like the trio it's like the difference is like if you buy like a 2070 so evga only has one brand but gigabyte like you know when you think of like honda and acura or uh lexus and toyota aorus is like a higher end brand of gigabyte so if you buy an aorus 2070 then out of box performance will be better on the aorus same thing with msi if you buy the gaming trio versus just the msi 2070 super this is a mid-tier 2070 super not to say it's a it's a slouch it has some higher overclock potential but it's not bend as high and will not perform at max as much as the regular one same can be said with all evga they just bend their stuff better nice go to them okay here we go okay so we're gonna do that now we're gonna grab our grab our cable our our combs cable combs everybody loves cable combs who doesn't love cable combs okay we need one of the oh there's our cpu and we need one three and one four here we go nailed it boom getting so close to this build guys we are about 27 minutes away from the next hype it usually starts it's usually right at two hours so we should be seeing the next hype zone if we want to unlock that la that last giveaway so anyway thank you very much for all the 38 subs uh it makes sense for a one tara oh pick a winner picking a winner thank you congratulations to er a real steve real steve it's real steve not fake steve real steve you won one year of game pass ultimate congratulations yeah let's get our get our cable clothes cable comes on it's like the time consuming part oh he's happy dude holy crap real steve's pretty stoked think okay i want to start let's start from this side um when we do so here's the deal i forgot to do this because that was the youtube one i will uh when we do the one year for the for the build one i will take away the sub bonus on the twitch stuff because uh that's supposed to be for youtubers and youtube are supposed to get equal equal opportunity on that one so i apologize youtubers on the next giveaway i will make sure that we remove the bonus for twitch subs so that way you guys i i'd like to make that equal because it's that's really kind of your guys's thing so i already said buy a one terabyte for gaming sorry i guess i didn't finish the statement though so you may not have understood that versus my you weren't reading my mind well will the price drop what do you mean oh sorry ssd my but yes i misunderstood your question i would do ssd any day over hard drive for gaming i missed you could do sshd which will give you pretty close if you really wanted to kind of try and find it in between uh seagate uh fire cuda two terabyte sshds which are hybrid drives um can be close um and because of the way games work you will see that kind of performance but it's nowhere gonna be near as fast as an ssd sorry i misread that question my bad yeah ssd load times are night and day i actually have a whole video on it for xbox and like i think in the end like it was like doing like cod or whatever it was it send it like over a course of a year depending on how many hours of games you could play it could save you up to three months of your life from load screens it's like something ridiculous you got to watch that video um if i'm watching the vod i'll link it here um great little video i know it's xbox related but it's the same thing for pc it's putting our cable comes on now pci gen 4 is not required unless you're a video editor that's where you'd see bonuses from that from a gaming standpoint there's nothing that takes advantage from those load times though i will tell you this with like xbox one x well sorry with xbox series x and ps5 um you will start to see benefits from pcie gen 4 i'm guessing um given that they both use navi um gosh darn it did i uh robie ah when you put it on backwards aios are worth it if you're gonna overclock air cooling is more than capable if you're gonna do stock charlie oh my wife's laughing at me okay so i'm gonna do this one the right way right now backwards cable comb uh who won the giveaway was uh a real steve on twitch congratulations to real steve how are we doing on views twitch we we usually like we used to hit like over like we hit over 400 oh we're over 400 getting close to those giveaways seven what are we 125 people yes you get xbox game pass oh game pass ultimate for pc is totally worth it by the way guess what i got set up and even mrs roby can attest to this the new gaming pc streaming setup is up and going now guys so i will probably set up i gotta figure out a time but i might do some more pc gaming streams here pretty soon so if you want to watch some gaming there she is she's agreeing so we're going to do some more pc gaming i got to figure out it's got to be a time where i'm not taking away from family time but yeah this it'll be this channel you mean do i have a channel this is the channel you're on the channel sync you're on the channel right now it it so garty if you want to push the piece the cpu more if you want to push the cpu more you can do that with an ai oh more than you can with air cooling oh do i have a youtube channel yes there is a youtube channel for gaming that we're going to be doing um sean labrie is working on the the john labrie is working on the uh the stuff for that if i ever not work at microsoft like not to say that that's gonna happen but if i ever like like say frances chrisley was like roby you're useless you need to go then and i go full time like full time doing content creation or something like that and then i probably do i probably do a lot more game streaming but i have a day job ladies and gentlemen and my day job is pretty dang awesome i do do budget gaming builds in fact there's a 500 to 750 and we have an updated one by the way i forgot to tell you this we have new youtube videos monday we're doing an updated 1k build so we'll be doing an updated 1k like what's the best 1k build come mid 2020 so we've got that coming out uh 2k1 we're also going to do another step-by-step one for that build uh so a couple couple things have changed so we got that um and then we're gonna we have um we're doing a review of the g7 monitor we're all we'll also announce the winner of the g7 monitor um from samsung winner um let's see what else do we have we have uh we have a bunch of we have a bunch of new videos uh we've got the riot we've got uh the live edits of the um liam lee white arctic build so we've got a live edit of that coming out this week so taking that three hour stream and cutting it down to 40 minutes um we've also got a re-edit of the ryan mccaffrey build coming out um we've got uh geez we got a lot of content coming out guys uh we're gonna be doing another we're gonna do we have the new nc 100 case from cooler master that's the new nook one so we're gonna show off the nook and put a 2080 ti in a nook so we got that video coming out so those are all pre-records vods that are coming out as well so we should have some fun stuff way way too many oh wait okay there we go now it's right like when you do it right that's how it's supposed to work okay cool let's pull this through there we go uh the pc giveaway is currently active and you can watch that you can watch that uh that is currently going the giveaways we saw on the channel is we have a 50 new a gift card and we have some uh game pass ultimate giveaways and if everything goes well on twitch we'll also add the um we'll also do a one terabyte nvme ssd uh from uh western digital giveaway as well and guys we have some pretty exciting western digital stuff coming up here pretty soon stay tuned i think it's next week or the week after oh gosh and by the way i have something to i am something very exciting i want somebody to look this up the in win d5 um go look it up because we're going to be giving a pc away in that thing and it is crazy and it is going to be awesome and we're doing a build in that that's for the in for us a really cool special build in that that'll be on par with the may the fourth build so there we go tit twit matt uh he's looking it up the d frame the d uh sorry it's in wind d frame let me make sure i i set it right i'll put a link in the chat there it is d frame two so in wind d frame two doing it in the blue and white one but here you can check it out here you go we're gonna be doing something in this and we're gonna be giving away oh it's got trouble for my own run there you go there you go you can check that out doing a building that custom water cooled crazy giveaway on that coming up too i'm hoping we can do some of that on stream it just depends because it's like it's got to be done by august 15th okay that is in okay so there's our two of our video two of ours are in we only got two more cables to get done and then we're on to psu and we turn it on post who's who's got the post he's got the post uh mode emote ready post hype emote yeah dude it's gonna be awesome i'm excited about that build all custom water cooled gonna look sick uh this uh uh honestly it's cleaning and then keeping it off the floor will be the two big things but then you can vacuum it out that's the other thing too vacuuming it out or keeping clean you think you would survive at paw i have lots of friends who would help me survive it so yes feel good about it and my wife's pretty awesome so she'd keep me safe um this build is for trap miguel it is a uh it is he is a uh he is who we're building this for i don't know he did he say that he's here is trap miguel here i told him to stream us today yes that is a good mother it's a good samuel oh people swagmast is ready swag you have you actually have all of them right you actually have the beefy coors one too right yes the giveaways are international oh what's up robin how are you thanks for going oh he was here earlier okay cool sorry i keep asking and then i keep not paying attention so that's on me how many ones do i have one two three four five i have a lot i think given the length let's do one more let's do four that's a three okay let's do one more just in case yeah because you have like the higher c you have your tier three right swag hey thanks penny uh twitch that like i could but like by the time you pay all the fees and stuff it's over 700 it's hard for me to do like to take budget build like really budget build um um commissions because by the time it's done it's like well then you just paid over a thousand dollars okay there we go that one's installed hey guys you can see the top down now so show you the cables we've got installed so far so we've got one of these in this is in and then up here in the top left we've got that one installed too so it should look it looks really good nice and clean just the way i like it you always like clean um let me zoom out a little bit so you guys can see that there it's a little bit better okay last cable to get up and squared the last one guys and then we're on to psu and then we turn it on post time soon lynn you just kind of pay attention you'll see it it'll happen we'll we're doing one when we post um i like i like mid tower i mean full cases like we're going to be doing a cool one in a full case in the fantex one here pretty soon um but they take up a lot of space oh traps on youtube okay is i'm sorry i mean is it i-9 with the 2080 super worth it yes jesus and thank you for thank you for being here key is water cooling and airflow um good case is the phantek uh the p600s the p500a is another really great one uh it's got the same internals as the p600s but much more airflow driven so yeah being my recommendations hey welcome no i do not think that nikolai uh 3700x moog yes you can water cool in it there's a really other great case coming out from fantex if you want a lot of room for water cooling one two let's see one two three four one two three okay we have four on this okay oh wait we want five okay is it really great just stand by we'll show it off next week and then you can check it out i know i can't say more than that i'm still under embargo so we'll show you a really good if you wanted something a little better uh for what card flair knight you're welcome cf i like game pass for pc there's some really great games on there and halo infinite will be on there when it launches you have the g9 the older g9 i'm assuming because the new one's not out till september uh for sale anyway unless they have it in the uk apparently rumor is like some places like the uk got it or something like that so okay putting in this last last thing there you go there we go okay looks good let's look at the top top down so you guys can see it and then we're gonna get our psu installed but i think it looks clean thank you for the subscription man that's a good cord connoisseur that is a great one and that looks super clean i am very happy with how that looks let's take a swag of water get our psu in and turn this baby on what do you guys say mostly martinez you know i do this build would work with yes mechs that you just wouldn't release this uh 10k pc uh i do uh well it's funny because i have a 10k pc i do an i9 a 10 900k i do uh 64 gigs of or 30 64 gigs of 50 of 64 gigs of 4 000 megahertz ram i do a titan rtx uh and then i would do oh yeah i do a titan rtx and then i do uh six terabytes of m.2 uh storage uh and then i do um a high-end motherboard uh and then probably an nzxt z73 aio unless you wanted me to water cool it which would be closer to the 10k part rgg and all your men uh so it depends i'm gonna put a psu in guys the last part i'm at the end power supply and then we're done okay so we're gonna run this down here yeah we're gonna run these real quick that i'm gonna leave loose the reason i leave these loose if people are curious is because i do not want to [Music] i want the uh the reason i keep these loose is that i need these to be able to flex and i'm going to keep this one loose too i need these to be able to flex in case i to make it look pretty in the front then yeah that looks nice and clean that's really all there is so let's put our psu in and then we're done i think my wife is ready for me to come home and hang out okay that is done let's grab our psu this is what powers the whole pc last part of the whole thing oh getting close to the how many likes we have on youtube i know we've already got 500 but how do we have we got more uh we uh all we have is all we're saying is holiday of 2020. that's all we've said oh i don't stab myself all right there we go yeah that that that is a great thing there you go pc guy uh well i haven't finished putting together the parts for that money so i don't know yet for the 1000 i will you it'll be out on monday i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna i don't wanna uh i don't wanna ruin it for you okay so we'll need that cable and then let's zoom way out so you guys can see all this stuff there we go it's up here oh there we go so i need that cable we'll need that cable we'll need not that cable we'll need we're going to put one of these in i always do in case he needs it i'm going to use that i'm going to use that i'm not gonna use that i'm not gonna use that see i'm not gonna use that not gonna use that oh i'll show you guys the cables we are gonna keep in a minute just making sure as i go through the box this power cable which i don't need because i have one there we go there's some some tie downs for him and his power supply screws which we'll use these okay save these and next up grab our psu here okay there's our psu the thing that makes it hefty carol baskin killed her husband whacked him okay that is ready for the garbage okay so cables that we actually kept so we have this is our psu cable or our power supply cable for our motherboard uh this is a cpu cable it's actually labeled cpu so this is actually what's going to power the eps power in our motherboard this is a sata cable i always hook one of these up i don't actually need it for the build but i always hook them up in case he actually ends up getting hard drives at some point in time and then finally we've got vga these are going to plug in here and this is going to power his gpu so given that this is a this actually has a um bracket we can install the stuff and then it slips right in so it's actually pretty easy in terms of install thank you for the direct message yesterday i got correct case on the way oh nice i'm excited money okay so for the first one which is our cpu our sorry our motherboard power this is going to go right here and a lot of these only go in one way so it's pretty easy you don't have to worry about it they're labeled at the top there we go next up we're going to grab our vga okay here's our vga and you can see up here it says vga1 vga2 vga3 it's going gonna plug this into vga1 then we're gonna grab our sata even though it's extra i'm gonna actually leave this one twisted up i'm gonna go ahead and just put this here in sata one like so so it'll be stay twisted up and then finally we've got our cpu right here and this one we're going to undo this one's going to go right here where it says cpu one that's it okay now what we're going to do is we're going to put this like this down at the bottom like so and i'm going to use my big belly to hold it up take out my screw cables there we go okay now we're going to do is we're going to go like that okay so this is the top so it goes like this this is going to go right like that you guys can't see this i'm sorry i'm just screwing in the bracket right now so i'm just going to show you i'll show you afterwards where those screws are that's what i'm doing right here at the bottom is just to make sure this is bracket is on i don't know if hype is unlocked yet should be soon four minutes or somewhere around there giving you a double hype and do that motherboard that m.2 giveaway there we go okay now bracket's all installed okay this is what i did is i installed the bracket this is our bracket right here so i put screws here here here here that's all there is to it and the way that you know the bottom so this bottom part of the pc psu comes out of the bottom and then this is the top so now we're going to do i'm going to slide it right in slides right in pretty straightforward grab all these cables and just slide it right in just like that there we go tighten this down and our psu is now installed okay so last step for this this is your cpu gonna run that down like that twist it like so slip it in so cpu cs labeled cpu this is the one that's going to plug into nice and easy lemon squeezy easy is it lemon squeezy there it goes okay once that's in like that we're going to turn this off to the side there you go and that'll clip that'll clip and hold in okay last two cables really easy i'm going to shove this down like that kind of get it out of the way and you want to make sure that this is the like if you want to twist you don't want to twist this you want to twist this so the clip just goes in like however it is that's how it's aligned so it just clips in just like that this one can be kind of problematic but luckily i'm strong like four like four okay there we go and then lastly do these last two right here same thing you want to twist you want to just make sure they're twisted like that you don't want them to be too like these ones you do not want to be too crazy with okay do not like these are like these are aesthetic looking things so they just once you have them in shove them down like that there you go build is done guys and looks clean look at that twist twist it real good okay okay we can turn it on ladies and gentlemen we can turn it on we can turn it on okay we're gonna put this in this is our psu shroud there we go and i have such confidence and i shouldn't but i do let me go ahead and put this on make sure we're all good in terms of oh this is all the way up there we go and then that goes on beautifully now i shouldn't have done that but i did because there might have been some adjusting i needed to do oh that's actually they're pretty straight okay you guys ready it's post time post time cam link post emotes ready there it is ready how's it look looks clean it looks nice i actually really love how clean this pc looks okay let's grab our all our stuffs off there's not going to be a ton it's just a subtle amount of rgb subtle amount subtle amount of rgb okay here we go on we have any lights oh well let's see do i see lights i can't go around like i normally do because the camera's here now okay well i guess we'll just have to see huh oh it's on it's like it's so quiet there it is it's alive [Music] very clean it's a very clean looking build and again remember guys we always take we always take pictures and all that sort of stuff and make sure it looks really good sweet yeah we'll get posts we're waiting for posts waiting for posts guys we haven't seen the post yet i'm waiting i but then again i'm worried if oh no no there it is post is there here we go you guys want to see if it posts there it is post is coming up you guys will see it in just a second and there it is it posts okay so let's celebrate with a giveaway now remember for this giveaway we're not going to we're not going to take away we're going to take away the bonus because we didn't do that for the other one so we're going to take away the bonus for this one um and so this will be even even steven for this one advanced okay so subscriber bonus is gone giveaway settings we're gonna call it new a we're going to call it post post surprise there we go saving and starting that giveaway now to see i'm trying to see if i wonder is is there when if there's a way to see if how long until the the the until the until the uh pipe thing resets show here huh i guess there's not a way to see what the where the what i think goes in there okay let's start let's start uh getting uh let's start getting windows on it i i'm hoping that the hype thing happens soon yeah let's start getting windows on it [Music] it's out of the way this is the end there's the post 57 seconds left man that that noctua fan is doing a lot of air okay looks so good guys oh there's a yeah there's there's rgb down there too so subtle so subtle so subtle i love it love it love it love it love it love it love it cool out there we go post malone okay here we go choosing a winner now congratulations christopher wood from youtube congratulations christopher wood from youtube you are the winner of one year of game pass ultimate here we go turn the next one starting that again congrats g to the yeah there we go okay guys um i'm thinking i'm trying to say no you do not there's like there are certain motherboards that support that stuff um okay guys we still have the other giveaways i'm just waiting for while we're doing this a little bit i'm waiting for the i'm waiting for the hype to unlock i don't know if there's a way to see does anybody know if there's a way to see when the how far until the hype unlocks i don't know if there's a mod command or whatever it was thank you rip chrome exclamation point height maybe i don't know it's got it there's got to be something right can i see like is there a way to think i think it's like maybe no it's two hours is it do i get to see what it is like no i don't know if there's a way to see i know there's i know it shows up but i don't know if i missed it or i know when it resets does anybody know how to see when it is up no anybody no no it's not that is it reset i don't know if it is though because like usually we get a notification how much was your windows install i do not buy windows i leave it up to the person who purchased it to buy that um because i work for microsoft i don't do cheaper ones because um obviously that would be weird no but that was the that was the one other one i'm trying to unders there's like it's i think it's just that two hours ago right so it should unlock it should unlock here any minute i just need to know when it unlocks and so once it does then we can do that go for that last drive and go from there [Music] all right i have this like super small screen because i don't have a tendency not to drag on thee there's another subscription thank you very much for that guys hey josh nosco with the subscription oh he'd know he just got gifted ripperoni okay so guys i want to hold off because i know what's going to happen here is too i want yeah i just curious what when it goes and unlocks because i like i know there's a way to do it right i just don't know what it is uh it can it can you can get it for cheap it just depends oh i can do polls clear chat manager stream monetize your stream 90 second 180 by i don't know what that is uh these are all like oh i should have that one for there twitter timeline i wonder if there's like a thing to like run a 60 start a watch party that's all stuff that's weird um you set up the cool time yeah and it's supposed to be it's supposed to be i know and i did i just don't know how to check when it's up because i don't want to start driving for it if it's up you know what i mean and we're waiting for windows to install right now anyway it's been over two hours and that's the thing is like i want to make sure okay well let's let's go for it let's go let's go for it let's see if we can unlock it i think it's actually already unlocked i think we're capable so we got to get 10 more subs remember we're unlocked if we get two hive trains and get them to level five then we will we will actually be at we will be at we will unlock this one terabyte nvme giveaway but remember you guys gotta you guys gotta start the hype train so there goes there's some giving some subs there we go going from there let's hype it up guys let's see if we can get it going um going from there i i hope i hope it's unlocked i think it's unlocked it's been over two hours so let's go you guys hype it up it's not hype you have to do bits subs stuff like that that's how it unlocks and then we start going from there it's been 2 hours and 41 minutes so i feel like it should have already happened so we got there's a couple subs there it is okay it started hype train incoming okay you unlocked it there it is okay guys this is the unlock the last giveaway one terabyte nvme drive this is unlocked here it goes let's get to we're already at level two there we go there we go let's get it going guys there's that height i hope my wife's enjoying this this is like how we end every stream we like to end it with the with the hype where is the there it is oh why did it stop showing up there oh it restarted that's why oh there we go there we go 100 bits we're at level two okay we're on the lag we're starting the next one level three's going this is the one that's always been tough this is the one where you guys hide it up for me can we get it hype it up oh there we go there we go get those guys we're four subs away from the we're four subs away from that giveaway we gotta do 100 new gift card four subs a week there we go a little bit there we go some more four more subs guys oh there's some gifted subs right there for money more bits and for those who don't know what bits are bits are basically think of it as a bid as a penny so if you get like ten thousand a thousand bits that's ten bucks okay level three it's chilling there at the end all aboard the high train guys while we're installing windows windows hype windows install hype uh who won the last giveaway christopher wood from youtube we have two more giveaways left guys christopher wood from youtube and remember you guys uh if you are subbing for the first time you're getting those subs don't forget you get extra entries into that g7 that samsung g7 monitor giveaway um you also get extra entries into um you also get extra entries into the oh there's some more man that that cleared fast there's some more stuff there's 50 subs okay remember now if we get to 100 subs that hundred dollar new a gift card becomes a graphics card it becomes a 2060 ko if we get to 100 subs oh sorry 125 subs my bad 125 subs i don't think we'll get that but i mean the other day so anyway we're on our way towards if we had 125 subs but there we go we're level four there's some more we're level five come on let's see if it's unlocked then interview me let's do it there's some more sub height bit drop there's another subscription with thing awesome there's 100 bits we're going to lock it we're going to do it we're going to do it we're at 53. oh i need to keep going with this install here yes yes skip oh it's tight sitting at the end oh there we go there it is hype train unlocked there we go we go we've unlocked the last one so we've unlocked the last two guys the 100 new gift card we're gonna give away for sure and we're gonna give away a one terabyte nvme we did not did we get rated i don't think so why do you think we got rated i don't think so i only see only see the same number i don't know i'm look i'll bring it up here now there's 420 that's pretty typical okay set it for personal use next 55 can we get 65 more subs we can somebody's just got to gift a ton limit experience we're just going to call it rubytech because we don't know his name we always do this ruby okay there we go yes next no password it's all booted you should do a giveaway if we get to like three guys i've already given oh nice sergeant bull crusher yeah you there we go uh no decline we don't want that one we don't want that one we don't want that one don't want that one we don't want that one no one we want diagnostic data that's all we want all right we will you'll know okay guys let's do that we're gonna get we're gonna do the next giveaway giveaway time this is for one terabyte nvme drive you guys unlocked for the western digital one terabyte m.2 remember subs you get extra entries to this this is a nice nice giveaway i must say uh subscribers you get you get three extra entries tier two you get four extrinsics tier five you get five extra entries starting that giveaway right now giveaway starting guys two minutes two minutes of giveaway oh two minutes and 30 seconds i guess 4 30 getting busy getting busy two minutes and 20 seconds we're still installing windows thank you for the subscriptions guys all of them appreciate you all okay we're going to do now because this is the slow part we go to here go to settings update and check for updates regular windows store and then go to here and download updates okay there we go post surprise everybody's having a good time thank you very much for that level five guys 55 new subs you guys are incredible you only need to enter once we're just installing the drives and all this sort of stuff at this point in time just getting those updates making sure everything's ready to go so we're going to take pictures of this beautiful build on monday and then it goes out to our beautiful to owner trap miguel on tuesday and remember guys if you're interested in having me build a pc for you i do do commissions ten percent of just a pc built uh and then 15 if you want to have it streamed um i have some openings still for the month of august so if you want to uh pop in and grab one of those slots they have a tendency to fill up pretty fast um 17 subs and 20 to 30 bucks thanks guys uh they have a tendency to fill up fast um so if you're looking for if you want to do a potential thing just join on discord and we can have a conversation about uh getting you started on a commission build and uh way it kind of works is you talk to me we set a budget uh once i'm paid then i go out and i search for the best possible deals so uh 35 seconds guys 35 seconds okay picking our winner in 20 seconds who had fun today who had a good time just curious i know we're still waiting through the post stuff but who had a good time today everybody yeah awesome i love it i love that everybody had a good time today good good good everybody had a good time awesome good did anybody learn anything good i'm glad everybody had a great time today oh good truman i was married for 17 years i am i have been married for 17 years that's a good thing right use a bigger screw i did okay picking the winner now guys picking our winner congratulations to that person i don't know how to say that person it is on youtube that person won uh no it is it is this i will see if i can post it this person won that person it's japanese it's a japanese winner oh longer than 17 years okay so anyway congratulations to the china the japanese individual i'm sorry i can't read your name congratulations make sure that you reach out hey guys we still have one more giveaway this is for the 100 new egg gift card we're gonna do that one right now remember subs you get extra entries uh tier one subs you get three tier two subs you get four and tier five three subs you get five starting that right now i'm just making sure that's all set up edit yeah okay that's the way it's set up start that giveaway now two minutes two minutes thank you for all those bits guys just waiting for these updates to finish i think that one's done how's this one doing installing the big one thank you for that subscription 56 last giveaway 430 people i don't know what we posted at what we topped out at we topped out at 1200 and something total for the entire stream which was awesome um i don't know what we topped out at for um for where we were max i think i think at one point in time we were definitely 900 i think for youtube and uh four or something it's 442 so we're getting more on youtube right now i don't know what that was about mine seems fine i'm looking at the stream right now i hope you have a comfortable couch huh thanks i appreciate that okay good i'm not roots why am i sleeping on the couch how often how much was i off i the only two is you guys have to understand my wife has to remind me of how old i am i don't remember how old i am a lot of times so i think she's used to it i'm not i'm there you go thanks babe appreciate it taking care of me she knows i'm not the best when it comes to some of those details but i don't even guess sometimes i forget how old i am thanks babe couch couch couch wow thanks trey thank you babe there we go that is true that is true pc guy couch is better than the gun look at those windows updates yeah just installing it's funny because once we get the cumulative update then after that it goes pretty quick uh let's see how are we doing on the giveaway 22 seconds guys hey we're gonna turn the lights down a little bit it's a little crazy in here going back down to like more there we go 83 come on finish it out windows and stalls for the win i didn't set the ram yet no i'll do that i'll do that later it will be 3 600 though okay raffle has ended guys raffle has ended picking that one up now congratulations to i combo combo breaker combo breaker you are the winner does mrs roby have rgb on her ring no no she does not thank you for thank you for asking she does not congratulations combo breaker make sure you reach out to blondie she can get that prize squared away okay we're just getting those last windows installs and then uh we're good um okay well those are all the prizes guys uh let me go through uh the plan for the rest of the week so we are back tomorrow we are going to be doing a build with excellion um sponsored by asus we're gonna be upgrading his asus uh streaming pc we're gonna be putting a new motherboard and we're gonna be putting in a new gpu so that's gonna be happening tomorrow uh and then on friday we're doing um oh my gosh she just forgot his name and bring it up dillinger's dillinger we're doing an all-white arctic pc and the h510 elite uh that should be a lot of fun that's an all-white arctic pc uh 20 uh that's using the strix 2080 super it is going to be a beautiful build so if you're looking for a good way to start your weekend that is going to be the build there may be i will know tomorrow for sure but saturday they may be the marksman clg marksman we're going to be building two pcs uh two 10 900ks with 2080 supers from aorus and we're going to be doing two pcs at the same time so i'm going to dual build and be done with two pc so that should be a lot of fun that's going to be on saturday um i think right now it's from four to eight p.m so we're going to be dual building which is going to be dual wield building dual wheel building that's what's going to be happening so that's going to be a lot of fun uh and then uh no stream again uh with the last stream on tuesday uh for uh we're gonna have the last stream on tuesday for dungeons and dragons we're gonna be closing out the the eternal rail stream we have a video coming out on friday uh that is going to be a re uh that's going to be coming out live on youtube it's going to be a re-edit of the liam lee pc the 0-1-1 dynamics build that we did the all-white build so we're going to having a step-by-step guide that's filled like got rid of all of the streaming of it and so that's going to be coming out and then on monday we'll be releasing the 1k updated video um and then friday of next week we'll be releasing the g7 uh review on youtube along with announcing the winner for that g7 monitor remember all of you subs you get extra entries into that stuff so that's a really cool giveaway that we're going from there so lots of awesome stuff over the next two weeks um i hope you guys uh enjoy that time uh in terms of what we're gonna do now is i'm just gonna restart this uh we're gonna quickly uh change the ram so we're gonna strictly change the ram and then after that i think i'm gonna let you guys go but while i'm here while you're waiting for that if you guys want to ask any questions or anything like that you are free to do so we just lost 200 people just like that but yeah they're like i'm out i'm going so everybody's like ready for the restart already i'm going from there and then halo oh that's right do not forget i'm gonna change the ram here in a minute uh do not forget tomorrow 9 a.m we're going to be doing the first ever showing of halo infinite campaign gameplay i'm getting a phone call from my wife what's up babe what do i do now what i do now brenda the piece what the pc is smoking from the back no it's not pc is fine it's like what the heck is that i was like no it's not the pc wow she's like trying to get me all freaked out i'm like wait what do you mean the pc is faux smoking from behind the pc is fine yeah she's messing with me for sure wow you're hilarious you're hilarious like getting me all wound up about it thanks you got to see a whole pc build so everybody's just saying laughed out loud so you think you think i just get done in like these like just waste these people's money huh okay well i'm gonna finish this out and uh i'm gonna finish this out and uh get get home how does that sound well just for your uh no i've never slept on the couch i've always been a good husband but brenda remember oh yeah yeah funny guy all right see you when they go bye-bye uh i don't want that one trying to remember where the it is in here there it is it doesn't say what the modes are let me just go with mode one that's usually what it is um and then escape escape don't without no don't do that seven i can't see all of the stuff so that should be all set um but i can't see all the settings oh there it is i want uh let's see if i go to the top right if i hit this actually pre-profile oh yeah xmp profile one disabled there we go yes that's all i want there you go so what i'm doing is i'm setting the speed for the ram so it's going to 3 600 megahertz that's all i was doing honestly phantom for what like if you could get it yes i just i have yet to see it like on sale for regular so i do not do i do forza but that's about as semi as i get jay goble no it's not automatic you have to set it you have to activate the xmp or the um oh i just forgot the amd oh man mine just went blank on the amd version looking for 20 wayne ford newton uh there's a link in the one that i just did if you just do uh look at the build it's right docp thank you right arlingt uh the if you look at the build i just did that's a 20 great 2070 super so yeah now it's all set and now our stuff's open why are you confused mr elliott uh the mix the minecraft build is done it's getting some last minute graphical changes um some last minute graphics stuff we'll be debuting it for final uh in two weeks so not next week but the week after so there we go now i can click on this and i'm gonna install it's gonna say oh yeah download and then i'm going to i'm going to update to a [Music] there you go run get rid of the old edge how many people have used this new one i like it i like the new edge setup yeah i know you're an install yeah oh the best 2070 super is either the rs or the evga or the asus strix wait either one of those i'm sorry the reason i look at that is because i don't have the best view that's what i want to close all there you go okay so um yeah so either one of those yeah way better than the old edge uh you could downgrade by going to 2060 ko that's what i would do if you want to downgrade this to 1.4k 2060 ko um and then uh which uh if you look like which i mean you can go back and look at any one of my older builds the 2060 ko is a great and that would that would get it close to 1.4 okay there you go he's all ready okay so this build is basically all ready ready for tomorrow um ready for uh whatever we're gonna do the last minute thing is all we gotta do is we're gonna put in some stuff so we can make the colors all change but outside of that he install nvidia but for the most part it's actually ready to go um i hope you guys have an absolutely awesome night thank you so much for hanging out we will be back tomorrow uh hanging out with excellion outside of that have a great night and we will see you tomorrow bye guys thank you very much uh um all right oh oh um you
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 31,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1600 pc build 2020, 2070 super, 3700x, 3700x 2070 super, build a pc step by step, building a gaming pc, building a gaming pc step by step, gaming computer, gaming pc, gaming pc build, gaming pc build guide, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc 2020, how to build a pc step by step, pc build, pc build for less than 2000, pc building, pc gaming 2020, robeytech, robeytech pc build, ryzen 7 3700x build, ryzen 7 3700x rtx 2070 super, tech, technology
Id: FK7wOf0eaiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 36sec (11256 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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