How to Build a PC - Giveaways + $4000 Build in the Phanteks P600s (AMD Ryzen 5950x / EVGA FTW3 3080)

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welcome everybody to roby tech we are live now on the channel it feels a little sorry guys it does feel a little bit framy does it not or no does it seem okay i can't tell no audio oh no audio you guys don't hear anything oh there's no desktop audio here okay all on one side guys it is creamy okay um let's put this in okay so you should be hearing music audio now uh me and kimberly what is that got mike is that one there you go yeah you guys hear audio now well look at that i'm good you're okay i'm good there you go sound and video good better very low low low and low quality both audio work better okay video is a little choppy yeah i think i noticed that too um hold on one sec guys let's see if i can fix the video we will get there just a lot of much better videos good on my end love the new studio audio sounds like it's coming out of a tin can nobody else is g is anybody else getting that audio audio sounds weird keeps cutting what keeps cutting in and out yeah no sound is fine okay audio is fine okay um yeah okay just choppy video okay i think it actually has something to do with one second we have so many cam links now i'm gonna see if i have a usb 3 just to dedicate to my one cam link the main cam link i think that's a problem guys level three hype train is still happening so if we want to get that giveaway make sure you don't forget about that we'll talk about giveaways here in a minute welcome to the beginning guys first studio first tech issue see do i have another usb i do okay i'm gonna take this one off of here okay main the camera's gone i know oh never mind that's the top down crud i just screwed the whole thing up hey where's the main m static kim yeah here we go static cam all right guys working on it i had it on the wrong one and we're gonna give as much as dedicate as much pipeline as possible okay hold on i might have lost top down two we'll see okay hold on camera went away okay that seems better okay so that's fine let's check top down do we have you guys not see that but okay now okay okay that's all better okay look at that that looks better yeah there we go okay welcome everybody to roby tech um uh hold on one sec uh hopefully that's it okay there we go yes hit save so you don't do that anymore okay level 4 hype train okay welcome everybody i can see chat in front of me now so all that stuff we guys i want to walk you guys through a quick tour real quick to let you guys know in there but welcome to roby tech i am your host justin roby we've got the wow stick ready let's grab my my camera here and let's uh i need to hit record i forgot about that the cam records all the way over here now so i got a level four complete okay and hit record on this okay now we are recording and i can bring up my screen and we can feel like life is good again and then you guys see stuff which is always good so um yeah we're gonna do a tour here in a second just bringing up my uh my screen here and getting all of that stuff oh my daughter's been on here so it's like all messed up um because she was in here while we were setting up the studio okay we're going to bring it up here okay show flow there we go okay welcome now we are okay so welcome to robbie tech ruby tech is a show dedicated to pc building tech news tech deals and so much more guys um it echoes on the overhead cam okay it sounds like we're oh yeah hold on uh we let me fix that there we go okay so that i fixed that yeah we have mic'd because these are we have so many elgatos at this point in time it's like uh just getting used to all of the new tech as it gets in there but we we got that um we uh we got that uh all squared away um anyway uh welcome to the show welcome to the first ever show in the new studio um we have quite the setup now guys it is upgraded uh it is upgraded by quite a bit um we are joined here of course obviously with trey who's here for the first one as well we have a oh that sounded good what's up chat yeah there we go and then my my very my pavel lights are dropping so that's always good oh you know what i'm gonna do use this clock to block it better hold it okay wow okay going well so far just dropping hard drives and all that sort of stuff i am going to do this introduction at some point in time okay here we go so c drive okay drop some seagate drives there we go it's uh it's already going bonkers um anyway a new setup new new craziness uh it's gonna be a lot of fun we're here with trey um and i'm excited we have all of the typical giveaways we'll talk about all that in a minute um but part of roby tech 2.0 i wanted to talk to you guys and get you guys an introduction in terms of all the things um that are happening um it's weird to do this right now um it's uh it's weird to do this right now because uh i'm so used to a different layout so my uh i'm getting used to this as we kind of walk through it um but uh we uh part of ruby tech 2.0 is just talking to you guys about the new consistency that we have for content uh just so you guys know i wanted to walk you guys through the schedule again our show is now every monday wednesday and friday starting at 5 30 p.m uh today is the first of the mini robitech 2.0 and the consistency that we're gonna be having moving forward we now also have vod content every tuesday and thursday starting at 10 30 a.m so if you're looking for your robbie tech fix don't worry you basically almost get it six days a week actually you do get it six days a week monday stream tuesday vaude wednesday stream thursday vaude friday stream saturday world of warcraft game stream and then sunday is my day off so that is when the stream happens all of this information has now been updated down in the twitch information below so if you guys want to know like what the questions like where things are and all that sort of stuff you can look down in the info panels on twitch youtube we also have two new introduction videos that are going to be going up on twitch and youtube that'll basically cover all this for you so you when you go to our youtube channel or you go to our twitch channel there's gonna be a whole introduction video going for there we also as you can see logoage is starting to change so we are getting away from the robotech uh unfortunately when we started this whole channel and we i love robotech um the problem is is that with robotech um that we were pretty close so we're just gonna be a little bit safer and start um changing our branding so as we get ready to launch our merch and all that sort of stuff you're also gonna see changes in our uh our logo edge as well and you're seeing the first iteration of that uh behind us as you're looking at the rt that's uh very indicative of our new logo that's going to be coming out here um pretty soon so yeah rip old logo don't worry we'll still have we're gonna run some uh we're gonna run some limited runs of some of the shirts and things like that so people still want to get some of that old ruby tech stuff totally cool i loved it it was absolutely awesome but we're gonna be showing some of that stuff and having that stuff go away go go be available so people can still get on that because i know a lot of people are excited as well as things like our pc build maps and stuff like that which are in progress now and actually very close very soon uh to be able to ship and uh get uh get uh people are gonna be able to pick up i know a lot of people are excited about picking these up too um and then uh the other thing too is that uh let's talk about uh what's happening on the show today we are building a very very cool system um today it is a pricey system with all of the absolute awesome bells and whistles it's in my one of my favorite cases the fanta xp 600s um and then uh we'll uh we'll be showing all that stuff off as well we hit level 15 already i'm sorry level five so i'll talk about giveaways yeah we got to level 15. level five already and we'll talk about that i do want to i do want to address something um guys this show runs for about three hours it runs for three hours every time so if for people coming in saying hey start the build guys the bill takes about an hour and a half to two hours hour and a half to two hours there's gonna be chatting in here the thing is it's also a part of education learning and interacting with you that's why it's a live stream if you want to just watch builds we have things available for you to do stuff like that just by going and checking out our vods but this is a live stream this is about interacting so please don't sit there and ask me to rush through things because that's not the point of these kind of this kind of content right so we have content for people who don't want to do that too um uh let's see i'm trying to think of what else oh giveaways so let's talk about the giveaways that are happening today um and and go from there um because the other thing too is that as part of the giveaways i want to let you i know that's a large part of why people like to show up as well we have pretty awesome giveaways as always the first one we already kind of unlocked that's the level five hype train if we get two of those during a stream we give away a 250 gig nvme ssd um if we get uh 800 likes on the youtube youtube video while we're streaming uh we give away a 250 gig nvme drive and then down there you can actually see it says 50 the newegg gift card if we get to 50 subs that becomes a 50 new a gift card if we get to 100 subs that becomes 100 new a gift card if we get to 150 subs it becomes 150 new a gift card if we get to 300 subs it becomes a gigabyte 32 inch monitor if we get to 400 sorry if we get to 450 subs it becomes a 3060 ti if we get to 550 subs it becomes a 5600x if we get to 650 subs it becomes a 30-70 and then it goes on from there so there's go there basically you have stuff for every goal and it's all the hardest tech to basically get a hold of and we'll be giving those things away to you on the stream so the more that you get hyped up the more that we basically give away which is always sun always uh always a big part of this as well so this is the first time in the studio yes it is up and running uh we have some new camera angles as well so we've got uh we've got we've got some classics we've got the top down so we got the top down here it is right here we got the top down as you can see we've got our normal one it's also got the zoom capability you were used to before so we can still zoom in i think oh there goes yes you can still zoom in you can see that i need to hit record all the zoom in stuff and zoom out is there uh we've got the side camera but it's a little bit different because the side camera is here you can actually see it we the case is just basically sitting here but there's me i'm on the side camera right now he's basically uh uh controlling that we got tray over here controlling that so you've got the side camera and then finally thank you i'll fix that okay that should fix the echo okay so there's the echo so there's the echo gun and stuff let's go the final one that we now also have is the wide shot we've now got the wide shot make sure that there oh and we'll turn that off there you go there's the wide camera so you can see the whole thing it's a little framy i think it's just having too many i think what we have is we can't have elgatos they all have to be kind of on their own dedicated thing but here's the wide shot as well so we have this angle much wider and you can see everything from hey brittany's here what's up yes we got so many angles and you guys can basically see so we're going to be able to go from there the other one that we're adding is finally we're adding the um the phone cam so we can basically zoom in on that stuff that'll be in on friday's episode we're still working through some details the other thing too is we're also going to be uh we're also going to be uh streaming to tick tock here pretty soon we've got a special uh software for basically doing that it'll track us while we stream to tick-tock so we've got a lot of different things that are kind of coming in there and uh getting things going from there the echo should be gone we had the echo shortly but i figured it out cameras yeah so all the cameras now are fixed so that's the thing oh man so that is it we got a loft gun yeah we got the nano leaf and we can play with the colors right now we know that this color kind of shows up best on screen we're going to work on that stuff i know people are used to the red and the white but going from there everyone's saying wide shot is best everybody really likes the wide shot huh i like i don't know this is the main center shot you can see me a little bit but are you guys just basically saying you don't want to see my uh you don't want to see my pretty face so close close is that what it is then of course we got our ice as well so we're good there got to start from there thank you very much zach for the five dollars the other two that we also have is now i have a screen that's directly in front of me so i can see uh i can now see chat right here so we're going from there so uh oh it shows the gear shelf yeah we got the gear shift don't worry i'll try and i'll try and uh vary it up right now the the wide shot seems to be having some perf issues so we'll have to figure that out but yeah this is the new set and going from there looks like it's it's going to be a lot of fun uh how is everybody doing yeah i can see i can see chat now which is good so um i love you too derpy waffle and hold on i'm gonna i think my resolution on my main on this screen hold on one sec exactly five dollars thank you very much man love this page i am learning a ton good i'm gonna change something here it feels like this screen oh there we go let's change this down to 200 there we go i uh the screen resolution over here was so small that i couldn't re like it wasn't giving me the whole thing no i want this one there we go that seems much better now i can read there we go i can see the whole chat now oh hello where's my stream chat there you are okay there we go we can put this over here and we can put the other one where is the other one there it is okay now i can see all the chat thank you very much at for the five gifted subs already and now i can see all of the stuff okay cool now we got it all up double audio people are saying double audio where is he saying who are you hearing double audio again no i don't see you yeah i think the problem is that i have people who are seeing further on and so it's like sometimes they think they're it's like from an older red no no okay sounds good okay good okay we're good okay so anyway that is what's happening welcome to the show whoo and then everybody's saying the audio is good okay cool um no double audio okay audio is good everybody says it's fine um good so far you i'm a little nervous i'm a little nervous getting into the build but uh i just want to basically take a couple minutes we are 35 15 away super naru gifting 5 subs thank you very much my friend for that coming up on 40 subs we are getting super close to 50 already um how old is my daughter she's 13. she's a very she turned 13 and everything went crazy from there so yeah it's been pretty cool um uh audio is peaking oh that's because the here we'll fix that there we go there that should fix the audio level we're getting all the way through all the stuff have you had do you have protein protein bars no i don't have protein bars on me right now classic lemonade huh video sounds and rooms are freaking yeah thank you very much man i really love the way this sets up you know what i'm going to make my i'm going to make my lights on huh yeah i'm going to make my i'm going to make my video editors mad because uh i'm not supposed to do this but i'm doing it anyway get ready guys i'm doing it anyway you guys i just i can't i can't deal i can't deal with it i can't deal with it right now so there's flashlights on your phone i can't deal with it anymore so i'm going back to the way it should be so one sec and if it looks bad i'm sorry but we're gonna that just that makes me happier so we're gonna go to the we're gonna go to the red and the white i just want it i want it red and white your flashlight is on oh it's still on okay thank you very much okay there we go oh man the dumplings people are asking how the dumplings were the dumplings were so good so i really i'm i was excited about them i think the dumplings were were really good man that looks that looks so good i like the even though it's orange the thing is is we're still working on the lighting in here and so um there's some of this dude chesmix with the 10 gifted subs there we are 53 and already on to the next gear level let me bring that up and i am you guys can see things a little bit better now huh okay let me figure out where all my screens are here jeez roby okay there we go so let's do the next give away the next tier of sub goal we're at 55. and let me bring this back up huh it's funny you're like i don't care i'm making my video editors mad i am i am new egg gift card okay and we're supposed to change colors they both change colors yeah we're at 55 and we're gonna go to one there we go oh apparently we're gonna go to there we go okay grab our goal okay next goal is up guys so yeah we're gonna i i think we have to i think it's like getting it to show the right color is always the tough part oh that's why i know why it's so bright hold on there you go this will fix it too there you go it'll get more red though as i turn turn down the colors then it gets more red as well little there you go that's a little bit better and let's keep playing with it hold on bring it right to the right just closed on me we're figuring this all out guys stand by to stand by and then we're gonna make it so it's the right and they won't be as mad there we go okay there we go hey there we go five tips get the subs from vega 585 as well there that's better britney taught me that basically making sure that the the lights are down so you can see the colors a little bit better oh man hello from germany what's up kid how are you guys okay so we are live i think everything is is working as it's supposed to i've got the the channel up let's check our number 639 hanging out with twitch tonight 628 over on youtube and we have 176 over at newegg who's ready to talk about the parts going in today's build because i think that's what you guys are excited about let's get our build on and let's actually start doing some stuff what do you guys think it looks pretty good yeah it does i think it looks great i think i like the red and the white so and then you get some movement you get some movement as well oh and i know other people really want to um thank you siri shut your face siri um oh i don't know i'm going to gamestop probably because their stock is so hot right now oh man that whole thing is going was hilarious oh by the way who saw the model s refresh huh that was pretty crazy wasn't it uh let me see here um let me go to all wishlist and let's bring up the one that we are using today oh come on who saw the model s refresh yeah i know i know dude bit wit dude that was that was some that was some sad news for those who don't know uh bit wouldn't announce that him and him and wifey sauce are officially separated which was uh that was pretty brutal so seeing stuff of that on there too yeah that that that model s looks pretty sick right so yeah that tesla looks pretty ridiculous as well there's echo again people are saying there's echo but i don't see yeah i know it's pretty sad yeah you saw that too yeah yeah he did a youtube video about six hours ago uh saying that he um he um basically uh yeah that that essentially happened i feel like our colors are really washed out on the on the thing we'll have to work on that stuff so um it's different on my computer screen versus oh okay okay so that might be it okay um okay people are saying no echo we'll leave it like who's ready to talk about parts i think i think i've i think i've i've spent enough time it's time to talk about parts and go home who's ready for part hype we're uh we're going from there we got like we'll here we'll do well i would say i would say we'll go to a wide shot but um we'll uh we'll probably keep it close in here so you guys can actually see the parts and go from there okay um let's start with our cpu oh i have to walk a little further now so for our cpu we've got the ryzen 9 59 50 x 16 core 32 thread this thing um i ended up getting my i ended up having a couple people who helped me get these uh about mid december which is how long this poor gentleman has been waiting to actually have this build built um and the thing that's so crazy is that um this build uh these have just not been in stock i haven't seen these come back in since like mid-december so i have like i think another three builds that are on the docket that are supposed to use these um and for those of you who probably don't know like uh the way that higher end the way that higher end cpus work is that what they do is they print a wafer and on that wafer is a bunch of different cpu dies and the best dies um they you could have like 5800 x's 5900x to 5950xs all in the same wafer but based on how they test is when they they basically get put into um their appropriate categories and the problem is is that in this case like obviously getting 59.50 x's is really hard to do in fact um the 10 900k from intel i don't know if you guys knew this but the 10900k which i have a box sitting right here uh the 10900k from intel um they made a whole different product sku the 10850 um specifically because of how limited the 10 900k ones were in fact the 10850 is almost the exact same cpu as the 10900 minus just uh i think it's like a small diminished number in terms of overall clock speed but outside of core and everything else is exactly the same and because they didn't they didn't have so many they had so many cpus not making um their mark that's why they invented the 10850. um the 5900x and the 5950x are kind of the same thing i think amd had already pre-thought that that's why you can still get 5900 x's but this is just an incredibly hard cpu to get that's the moral of the whole story that i just digressed into but i figured i'd give you guys a little lesson in terms of uh what's going on from oh i forgot to turn on our our set piece just sitting back here i turn on the set piece yeah um it's got m binning yeah al bundy's uh absolutely right over on the thing it's called binning but yeah here's the uh here's the so this is our main cpu for here uh ryzen 9 59 50x absolutely beast of a cpu and going to go great in the system um for our motherboard we've got the um rog strix x570e um you've seen this board before i've used it quite a bit overall really really great board um we used the rg we used a crosshair hero in the last build so we've actually had quite a few rog luckily we have some uh i think we have some msi i think we're doing an msi board on friday um so we do have some other motherboards coming up we've had quite a few of these kind of coming up there and on top of that we've got our course just to let you guys know we're not doing just commission builds we actually have a new corsair we have the 500d the 5000 the new 5000 case that we've got a hold of um we've actually got a couple other ones including one from like alx which like opens up so we have some new cases that we're going to be reviewing here on the show which we'll be live streaming builds for so i know we've done a ton of commissions but we got some variety coming up with some of those builds as well but i want to just let you know so we've done a lot of rog um these are great motherboards um we according to my tech specialist one of the things that's interesting is i know that something that asus has been working on is uh drivers to help with heart with um with um ram compatibility um specifically at the higher at like specifically like the more amd specific ones like corsair and the uh g-skill trident z um neo uh have been have had issues with these particular boards running at their speeds i know amd and i talked to sorry not amd asus i talked to them directly they are working on a ton of bios updates specifically for 5000 series ryzen to help improve that and so we should see improvements for that i know a lot of people have come into our tech specialists um and into our tech support chat over on discord and just had a lot of questions about that and so that is something they're specifically working on uh as well so anyway that's our motherboard a little bit more information for you if you didn't you didn't know but there's something else that you uh you didn't know about okay for ram and cpu the reason i bring this up is because we are using the g skill trident z neo um this is amd specific ram uh this is at 3 600 megahertz uh at uh with cl16 so this is uh uh really in terms of latency it's 3600 megahertz low latency ram which is great and then another big staple on the show is the wd black sn750s we've got a 500 gig and a oh no sorry that's where the money went for this build i forgot about that uh coming in at four terabytes of storage here we've got two two terabyte sn750 drives um which is a lot of storage um and uh in uh in a lot of power in a very itty-bitty uh living space right here so uh should be awesome for our build right there um okay and then for our power which this was something he requested specifically because nothing says 3080 like 1200 watts so uh he's using uh this is the silverstone 1200 watt sti 1200 uh this is a platinum level power supply uh from silverstone 1200 he's got lots of headroom i mean you could pretty much uh you could also run like a vacuum and some other things in here if like you wanted to um so yeah we could uh house off that yeah so we could yeah you got a lot of upgradability um hopefully maybe in video get better and make their their next rounds um a lot a lot more power efficient i mean definitely a smarter thing but i was uh we're definitely overkill on this psu and if he wants to go to a 30 90 or 30 run two 30 80s or 36 30 70s why not he's got the power i got the power i got the power apparently my voice doesn't have the power right now because that just uh it just died and then for our aio aiaio we've got the corsair iq h100i capelix um love this uh aio um the thing i like about is repairing this with the ml 120s um which we're going to be using in the build and this thing comes with what is essentially a corsair commander pro inside of it so that makes things a whole lot easier the the thing about this particular case though and let's go to the wide shot the thing about this particular case though whoa we're using the wide shot it's so wide look at how wide it is it's so wide in here i don't know why uh we got a lot of room i can do some running here we go i'm gonna burn some calories i'm gonna burn some calories today anyway on the wide shot um we're using the uh we've got the uh this really uh really yeah why can't it's wide because i'm on atkins just kidding i'm losing weight stop making fun of me uh anyway we uh this this uh the the uh the p600s um actually has a fan hub in it ooh i'm a little winded uh the p600s though yeah i know it's laggy guys sorry about that uh the p600s does have um does actually have a fan hub in it um so we don't have to necessarily the one thing that's nice is we all the components i would need i don't actually need an aio like this which is uh kind of crazy so something that's kind of cool about that case but nothing we really need to we need to worry about since we have this aio so that is that and then finally because you guys have been waiting so patiently so patiently this goes right here uh you've been waiting so patiently for the graphics card oh no they can see the man in the mirror yeah he's the man in the mirror um we're using the uh evga geforce rtx ftw3 um and so uh i ran three feet yes i know um and so uh we the uh this is i ran more than three feet i ran like 40 feet because i was like running back and forth and this is like this is so just so you know does that lisa mister mister i'm looking at the wrong camera let's just you know mister this is 12 feet because we measured it and so i ran like a 50 yard dash you should shut up see that's a lot of energy that i could spend it on this stuff anyway using this motherboard using this using this here using this case uh sorry using this gpu love this gpu really like the way uh it looks um it's gonna look great in the case we've got that massively awesome rgb um rgb uh strip and uh so it's gonna be uh it's gonna be it's gonna be crazy um and i'm gonna like i don't like the way this looks uh and then i'm trying to remember what he chose for what he chose for we have two in here i'm trying to remember what he chose for the uh i don't know if we grab the cables these are black and yeah so we have looks like we have i don't i don't think we should grow grab the cables so i don't know so we got to grab the cables there should be so you're going to have to do a look tray there's they're in there i tell you what colors we have i know but some there's ones that actually are made for the three cards and they're different but you have to look in the box i think um so because they actually have three pieces so it's so grab we're gonna be putting black all black cables in this i think it's only one black okay so it should and it should be the then it should be the only one so yeah it should be one black and it should be the right one so yeah um and so there we go right there that's what we uh that's the last thing is the asia horse actually cable extension so yeah there um and yeah that's yes we're gonna without that is our build and that's what we're building today i like how the guys like my man trying to explain bad athleticism it wasn't it wasn't that about it i did not shout out what ice i'm drinking today is uh it's again it's coconut pineapple so that's what we're going with i haven't done the shout out on it yet but that's what we're doing oh hey so bad said that you could actually run there we go so here's our oh this looks like it's been opened it's only black this is black mix so maybe we were going to get a white oh well between these two we should be fine okay this is fine okay so we're gonna do black mix is what we're gonna do in this build okay there we go oh look at all these look at what i found i found like a treasure trove here i found a treasure trove of the jew i did not know i had all these ah i found a treasure trove of cable extension of zip ties so i'm gonna grab a lot of these and put them in the drawer like when you find things on set you didn't know you had guys hey avo thank you very much for the tier one the gifted subs there we go okay so i grabbed a bunch of zip ties while i was at it too okay oh dad joke time yes it is dad joe time we haven't we haven't done a dad joke in a while so let's go and do a dad joke and kick this build off right and then we'll get started how are we doing 75 150 how are we doing on likes uh how we doing likes on uh the channel uh for the video new background hey thanks very much for the background uh yeah the whole thing looks really good i think it's gonna be awesome okay looking at dad jokes um okay wow somebody did a lot of stuff [Music] okay i'm trying to find um okay okay i've got a joke i've got a joke hey thank you very much for the for the oh nice you got a five dollar super chat i've got a joke guys i've got a joke about construction but i can't tell yet because i'm still working on it thank you very much now i'm gonna thank you very much for that uh he gave us that uh that awesome dad joke um to go from there so uh i said so butters this is from butters my friend can't afford to pay his water bill i sent him a get well soon card [Laughter] that is that is awesome oh man okay well we're about to start the build um and we're going to get the build started here in just a second now if you want to submit dad jokes and you're just curious about the dad jokes uh we have a dad joke section over on discord where you can submit them if they're super funny i usually take credit for it but if they're kind of okay then i'll give the other people credit for it um but yeah they're up there if you want to submit dad jokes we try to read dad jokes throughout the in there that's where my hashtag tech hashtag tech dad uh thing gets in there and that where that basically comes from um and so uh if you have jokes pop on over uh get them in there and you might read and get them read live and get credit uh over on discord now i do want to make it super clear because we had like a weird thing happen um dad jokes these are clean dad jokes hence the term dad joke like unless like you're a dirty dad i'm not a dirty dad so please keep them pg-13 when we're talking about this stuff i don't want to have like inappropriate dad jokes that's not stuff we're gonna basically be reading uh live on the channel so going from there anyway 1653 people here i'm going to give you guys a quick introduction and we're going to get right into the build i'm gonna grab the motherboard so you guys know that i'm actually about to get started you have a super chat from indy fan indy 500 fan i was able to buy a 30 90 on nvidia i mean on news you already see it yeah i did but i didn't but i didn't read it no i didn't read it but thank you um by the way guys uh i do want to let you guys know a couple things one uh new egg shuffle if you don't know about new egg shuffle and you are having a hard time getting cpus gpu stuff like that every morning 10 a.m follow me on twitter i'll send you a link it's their basically their new raffle system um we've had a lot of people who've actually been able to get um their gpu cpus um what it does is the way that they're fighting bots is that they know how much stock they have they basically have a lottery system everybody submits for what basically parts they want um and then if you get chosen then it automatically ends up in your chart in your cart and you can purchase it and you purchase it at retail there's no markup they also do non-bundles and bundles so there is an option of just getting a 30 70 without buying a you know a gigabyte psu or whatever it is um and so uh really though it is not the best situation it is the best of the worst situation in terms of what i have seen on my twitter as i've done this is a lot of people who have now been able to get a hold of cards for the first time because now they have all the orders come in they can do a lot of checking making sure there's no duplicate accounts uh duplicate accounts and then they're able to get a lot more into customers hands um right now a lot of people are doing this bernie sanders meme and they're like hey i once again i asked for more cards guys they have no control it's up to the companies to basically send stock uh to them but i do appreciate that they're trying to find a way to get more into people's custody more into customers hands which is good um and so uh anyway that's that's if you want another way the other the best way used to be evga doing the same thing now newegg's doing it called the new egg shuffle every every week day it looks like starting at 10 a.m and then you get the chance to choose till about 2 p.m and this is specific time uh just as an fyi so um going in it from there so i wanted to let you guys know that um lastly the other thing i want to update you guys on because we have a lot of people who are new uh coming in here giveaways for the channel because we have a lot of people asking giveaways uh the giveaways for the channel are we have uh two 250 gig nvme ssds one of those is attached to youtube likes the other one is attached to the level five hype train the last one that you see down there is the the new a gift card if we get to 100 150 oh jeez that's wrong let me fix that we're at 78 sorry there you go that's better uh if we get to a hundred subs then that becomes a hundred dollar new a gift card if we get to 150 subs it becomes 150 dollar nua gift card and then every essentially 150 subs after that it becomes like a 30 60 ti a 5600 x a 30 70 and it goes up from there so there's a bunch of different tech that we unlock and we do additional giveaways on the last thing i want to let you know because we only have two more days today and tomorrow is the 3080 uh sub only giveaway we're giving away 130 80 to one lucky sub here on the channel um the way that you get that is all you got to do is uh have it is uh drop have be subscribed to the channel the rules and stuff for that are all on the discord if you want to go get the information on that because i know a lot of people have been asking questions about that how we handle that legality that's all basically up on discord um if you um if you're over on robytech or over on you can pop on over and drop a free prime sub your free prime sub if you have amazon prime you can then use that sub and you may potentially end up winning a a gpu because of it now if you want to get extra entries you can get extra entries by donating subs by subscribing to tier 2 or tier 3 and then finally for subscribing for multiple months it gets you one extra entry but it also gets you entries to all of the other um all of the other giveaways that we're going to be doing throughout the year so lots of stuff coming up in terms of that stuff those are the giveaways that are happening today if you want to get up in that from there this is the last month that we are doing canada um and if you subscribed internationally we will work to get you the gpu after this month we will not be doing international again there's too many rules in terms of the way that that stuff works um if you win a prize here on the stream this is not that's only for the sub giveaway prize if you do any of the prizes that are here on the stream unfortunately they are not they're u.s only um and so if you win anything the other two is you have to be over 18. sorry we do have lawyers i mean there's certain things that we just got to deal with legal sorry i wish i was smaller and i didn't have all that stuff but of course i now have lawyers and so we have to make sure that we're doing everything by the book so uh it's not youtube subs it's twitch subs understand the difference between a twitch seven youtube sub is twitch subs actually come with a financial support which is how we do so many of these giveaways um as well as getting things from there so that's going from there yeah it's coconut pineapple today okay who's ready to start building that's we've given everybody a thing i think we've walked through everything everybody's well aware of where at that number seems wrong i think i did something wrong hold on one sec guys was that 78. we're at 86. yeah yeah we're at 86. sorry one sec guys we're at hundred of eighty-six let's get some uh build hype okay now let's get some build hype in the channel because now we can actually do some building and we'll go to top down who's ready for this you all ready for this burner okay and your copyright and yeah and now i've got a decent what is it called a dc whatever it is that this is the dcma takedown okay let's zoom in a little bit so you guys can see that a little bit better that's really zoomed in okay there we go okay so here's our thing right there whoo oh man okay let's get this opened up and let's start building a pc hey thanks for the shout out from greece that's awesome what am i doing i'm walking in a circle okay well i just did a full circle for no reason whatsoever but we got it so that we're in okay let's go and pull out our motherboard here and put this off to the side we've got way more room in the front to drop except for when i hurt except for when i hurt uh when i hurt my my little man trey here the box little oh there we go right there so build probably takes about an hour and 40 minutes two hours tops i like to chat though so we did a speed build um which that video will be live we did that live and then we have a vaude of that coming up next week on tuesday um that you know we like when we do full cable manage and everything um we did it like in an hour and 45 and that was pretty quick um so this one i usually take about two hours um it's 6 21 now so i'd say usually it's right around 8 30 between 8 39 is usually when the the whole stream ends so i'm gonna take this down you have a few people asking can you explain the bios update for five thousand processing sure um so people are asking is like hey well you're using a b550 motherboard which we know was really made for 3000 series so if i'm going to do a 5000 series how does that work well very simply ladies and gentlemen on certain cards like for instance this one we have this thing right here which is called bios flashback which i can zoom into right here i need to get that i think i'm gonna have to get a monitor here for the smaller one okay so we go right here um what this allows me to do is this has what's called bios flashbacks what you can do is you can download the latest bios to a usb drive um we actually have a lot of streams where we've already kind of done this you basically stick it in that usb slot right there and then when the pc is powered all you gotta do is power it leave it powered off but you push this button and then what it'll do is it'll literally flash it whether you have a new cpu or old cpu or no cpu in at all you can basically flash the bias to the latest one and then it will work with 5000 series uh ryzen now in the case of if your motherboard and we have learned this on the show if your motherboard does not have bios flashback you have to do what's called breadboarding um or test benching is another word that people use for it and the way that that basically works is um you have to put in an older cpu like a 3700x or 1600x or whatever it was then you basically build the pc on your desk um boot it up plug in and flash the bios there and then from there take it all apart and then put the new cpu in obviously a lot more of a pain in the butt um now motherboards are shipping that say ryzen 5000 series ready um the only way to really do it like micro center is probably the best place because you never know if you're looking at like new egg or amazon whether you're going to get one one way or the other there have been rumors and i have yet to meet somebody who this has happened where they will apparently um motherboard companies will send you loaner cpus that doesn't make any sense to me because i you know hey send me a 150 loaner cpu or whatever it is right so um but some people go and they buy like a cheap you know apu or whatever for like 70 80 90 bucks throw that in and flash but again my recommendation if you're gonna do that is look for that particular feature and then once you have that particular feature then you can basically uh you you know you'll be able to update this so it works at ryzen 5000 so there you go that is what they uh this is that's that's the history that's what you're gonna you're gonna kind of look for but let's get out let's get a let's get our let's get our motherboard installed here i mean sorry let's get our cpu installed so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this we're gonna take it to 90 degrees and what we're going to do is we're going to grab our oh where's my oh there it is oh i wanted this ruby tick knife get our knife and open up our 5950x do you do motherboard tours anymore or no i do and i'll do that that's a good point i didn't do the motherboard tour today um and we'll do that here in a minute okay let's pop this in right now and then i'll give you guys the motherboard tour i love like when you look at these boxes like i love like this is the box and if you look in the box like the only thing that's essentially here is like this which is nothing because these used to come with like built-in like they came with cpu um coolers but um not anymore so they just they come empty so that's that's all that's in these boxes a lot of a lot of empty space essentially i never understood why the boxes were so big well sometimes because they want sometimes they do have um they do have um stock coolers in them so that's why they sometimes i don't like the square ones but okay here we go grabbing our 5950x putting it in there on the side like that just popping that in and then boom our cpu is installed everybody we've done that okay so who who is new who's like this is their first time ever seeing like a live pc build or have never built a pc uh before because uh that's a really good point that uh he uh he brought up who's never who's never done a pc build before if you're new to it me okay we got some go bads new here okay awesome um what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna real quick just to make this a little bit easier for you i'm going to walk you guys through a motherboard the main reason i do this and i know a lot of people are like oh roby like i've seen like 50 billion of your builds yeah that's great but we have new people and the thing is i want them to learn also is i'm gonna walk you through it so when i'm talking about parts it makes a whole lot of sense to you and it doesn't sound like it's all greek to you not that there's anything wrong with greek greek is a great letter great great language and they make really good food it's a great yeah so up here in the top left this is our eps power connector this basically powers your cpu you'll notice there's an eight pin and a four pin if you're installing if you're doing a pc the only one you actually need is the eight pin there have been limited cases where you'll actually have to use in both of these to get the pc to work but in most cases you only need the eight pin i think it's like 99 so in today's build you'll only see us plug in the eight pin the four pin is for what's called high over like like massive overclocking we call it ln overclocking which is liquid nitrogen that's what this is specifically for so if you're going to do some massive overclocking that's where you might use and want to have both of these this power right here powers this segment of the motherboard and that is your socket your am4 socket with your cpu and then your vrms which are around it these things right here are for cooling the vrms you can see the vrms here underneath slightly that's what this is for the vrms handle things like the power phases to the motherboard they do a lot of things to stabilize and keep this thing running the way it needs to uh over here to the right this is your ram we've got dual channel ram on this particular motherboard and they come in pairs so this is pair a and this is pair b um channel a1 b1 b1 sorry a 1 a2 b1 b2 um you can actually see right oh sorry b1 b2 a1 a2 i forgot their switch so this is b this is channel b and this is channel a um down here in some motherboards you can actually see it written here it actually shows you if you have only two dimms where to install them and then if you have all four which we have in this case you can fill the entire thing because you're ocd like me um up here in the top left these are fan headers we've got our cpu normal system fan and then an aio fan pump header uh that's what these are for this is an rgb header we have a single one it's a four pin um i don't know why this motherboard i don't know what it was about their b550 they decided to take away the second five volt but that's what it's basically for so um this is an rgb header not a lot of them use 12 volt but if you need one this board has two oh never mind there's a second one oh good okay this does have two five volts i just didn't see it down here um so this is the five volt one right here this is your atx power this is what powers the other three quarters of your motherboard um and this is your where you're going to plug in uh power your main your main uh motherboard you can actually see right here here's the 24 pin layout right here it's like it shows you the whole map that just happens to be next to it so that's pretty cool uh this is usbc right here um or usb 3.2 gen 2 as it's called these are your sata connections down here you've actually got an eight you've got eight of them right here so we got we could plug in the eight down there down here at the bottom we've got the front panel connectors so this is where we're gonna plug in all of our front panels i don't have that on here we should get that added with our new mat this is your front panel they're mostly the same in all cases um and we'll get that added to our mat um which i think is a good idea they're mostly the same at all cases every once a while they won't be but in this case they are i mean they're they usually power power plus and minus power switch uh hard drive and then reset switch underneath this we have two more rgb headers we've got three more fan headers then we got usb 3 we've got two usb 2 and then finally way over here to the left we actually have a hd audio and then this is one of the cool things is where you start to see things with more expensive motherboards this allows you to not have to use things like a pc speaker this just shows you what the error is right off the bat and you can also do things like modify in the bios to do things like show system temperature if you wanted to actually have this be a little bit more useful during the during your pc's life span we've got two m.2 we'll show those a little later because we're gonna install two dn.2 drives and then we've got one by 16 2x8 and then two by one pcie slots and then finally at the backsend i showed it a little bit we've got all the i o uh usb three point usb three uh i think all of these are usb3 a usbc 2.5 gig and one uh one gig uh one gbe ethernet wi-fi in this case displayport hdmi 2.0 which unless you have in amd you very rarely use and then you've got your audio and then this is for your bios flashback stuff so that is an overview of the motherboard who learned something new out of that i'm just curious who like oh i never knew that that's thanks roby here's another question another question if only the four pin is plugged in what happens oh no you usually it'll be the system will be super unstable you should not just the you definitely need the eight pin at a minimum not just the four pin and you use both for overclocking and you need both for overclock if you're gonna you need both for like serious overclocking so yeah uh how hard is it oh it's very hard to find it's hard to find every 3080. so like a white unicorn strix 380 is really hard um what's the difference between the two ethernet connections one's one and one's 2.5 the one's faster thank you very much jay i appreciate you i'm glad that you liked it we're already past the next giveaway goal what's the 2.5 2.5 gigabit oh gigabyte yeah oh i wouldn't use that unless i had gigabit internet yeah faster yeah you you you want a really fast switch and then it's great for internal places most people won't need it but if you're if you yeah most people don't need it that's a short part of the higher internet that's what i mean i don't think you have there nobody has ethernet yet that will support that google google with the dark fiber if you can do two you're the fastest we have here is gig so then either one of those would work i could get faster i mean then one gig oh well that's cool there you go well nevermind i'll show it up now okay so next gift card so we're up to the next tier for that so we're on our way to the 150 to a gift card let's install our ram now though it's 300 a month oh jeez i picked i paid for that i'd pay for that two yeah that'd be awesome okay so we're gonna pop in this is our geforce triton z neo this is 3 600 megahertz at cl 16. yes you could do that espl you could do that but they get yes you could do an aggregate and then what is the name of that thing uh port linking or it's different in cisco and everything else but you can basically then combine the two switches and get two that way yes you could do that and then it would just basically um load balance data as it goes across and you'd essentially have a two gigabit uh connection which i actually have two two gigabit two one gigabit connections in my house i use comcast and centurylink i have both so one one yeah so i could put one in both and then do both so okay so let's pop this up pop this off we're gonna throw the stickers in there in case he wants to stick him on something important um okay and then we're gonna we're gonna take drop these out waffle style waffles everybody loves waffles i haven't had waffles so long waffle style here we're going straight up waffle style you throw them in the deep in the deep fryer anybody had deep fried ram that sounds pretty tasty ram deep fried ram oh waffle fries love load balancers huh he's like i love load balancers me too oh yeah let's go and find so the way you're gonna install ram is there's a little slot in what's called the pcb this is the printed circuit board everybody say printed circuit board printed circuit now everybody say deadly neurotoxin i don't know deadly neurotoxin there we go we got the printed circuit board there's a little slot here in the where you pop the ram we're going to pop these little tops up just like that and then we're going to slip this in like so and then we're going to get a very satisfying if i did this right click clack are you deaf oh that click felt so good that's a good click such a good click oh huh that was a quality click right should you say something oh man okay let's get another click in you guys ready click click click love those clicks in the other room it's gonna kill you my cpu won't work because they didn't comb my beard that's what people are saying oh clack click oh man those quality clicks that's just the sound that they make when you do that i don't mean to hurt your earphones or your headphones man it's just that's what the that's that's quality clicking right there oh the click okay so all of our stuff is in i've lost my functionality with both my thumbs you know what here's g skill let's zoom zoom in just go talk to me talk to me come here stop making your ram so dang sharp man's got to live man's got to live that's what i'm going to say i feel it i feel it in my fingers okay that was that was uh okay uh time to install our m.2 drives all right youtube let's get to 800 likes um where is my there it is a small one now don't worry i have my wow stick but i'm going to use this for the m.2 yeah there you go somebody wag man finish it out there he goes oh we forgot the peels guys here we go very appealing oh like a sunburn just peel it off like a sunburn just rip it off it feels so good how am i gonna start to do voices because i can't oh okay getting getting the other people okay there we go oh that was a good peel too that was a good peel the roby lay off the no that's what i it was like lay off the drinking water the clock the clock is off i need to figure out how way to plug in the clock we have a special we have a special component coming in to make sure we have power to the clock because the clock is currently not working because it needs to be powered to work so anyway the clock is currently off i'm sorry i know people are really mad about the devoom clock not being here right now but it's coming yeah these these uh these those sticks have cl 16. uh just to show you oh can you throw me the box that's your feet that's your feet what's box this is the ram okay so just so you guys can see somebody's asking hey these do have cl 16 [Music] zoom in is that as much they can zoom i'm gonna zoom in oh as much as i can zoom yeah yeah so there it is right there cl cl 16 19 1939 it is right there yeah there's cl 16. don't worry the clock is coming back you're gonna buy my wife a new chrome chromebook i'll get the yeah we'll get that 80 right out there okay [Laughter] okay so now we're going to take off this and get our m.2s installed there we go little little install here i just have to shut it down okay there we go and giveaways go because it freezes oh okay there we go this is your way of getting us to get you a new laptop that's what it is you found me out okay popping it up well yeah of course everybody yeah melquido yes of course everybody would like 16 16 16 36 that would be great that's very nice low latency ram um it's also sometimes we have to deal with budgets so 748 likes we're close to the the first giveaway of the show the first giveaway in the new studio so you guys liking the new studio everybody happy with it it's all right hey what's up board or how are you like a side step from the old one what wow you are just you're fired sidestep is massive how much more organized disorganized will you be [Laughter] um okay here we go right here okay we're gonna open up our two these are two terabytes a piece that's four terabyte i can do two plus two equal four or terabyte how many terabytes four four terabytes i'm like the count oh man i'm glad uh oh thanks ella ella ella tilikov over at uh youtube was like it's okay it's all the terabytes in here guys hey we'll give you guys while i'm uh while i'm opening boxes we'll go to the free parts there we go getting the white camera there there we go we got the wired camera so you can see me unboxed it's a little framy we'll work on that uh in the next stream it's not the it's not the main one but we basically got the the little framing one there there chipset board on the fan on chips yeah it's an x570 chipset fan there's one oh that's already open i've already opened that one since already well i already opened it because i used the knife earlier oh i gotta work out more okay got the box open that was hard oh i'm winded i'm winded from that a box opening there it is okay and done that's good he went shopping yeah no that's the that's the white the white angle yeah yeah we're not in it we're not my bad my bad okay got that ready let's go back to top down and we get ready to install everybody ready everybody ready for some install okay you ready for some rare get some get ready hey what's happening to geopanda okay guys you want to make baby m.2s baby baby m.2s what you can do if you only have a single m.2 go to your friend's house and borrow a second m.2 what you can do is you just insert them together just like that so like then what happens is you just gotta touch where you want the baby to grow like that and then you put it cover it and in nine months you'll have a second m.2 drive it'll only be it's nine months it'll only be half the size of the two that you put together so if you get two terabytes you can basically end up with a one terabyte there i taught you a trick that nobody wants you to know [Laughter] [Music] okay let me grab the uh you see no one in the reflection of the pc case um i'm trying to find the where's my forgot my m.2 standoffs i need my scissors so much more workspace now [Music] yeah just be careful you know or you what you could do is like you could try i haven't seen this yet but maybe what you do is you go get two four terabytes and then you like just touch them and then hopefully like then you can return them and maybe go like in nine months you have two two terabytes that's not what we learned in m.2 ed okay going and installing our standoffs now stop it people are gonna believe it somebody's like i'm gonna get i'm like literally gonna get like a hate tweet like roby i tried your trick and i've it's been nine months and i don't have one and i'll just write back and be like oh you might want to take your m.2 to a fertility clinic uh can you over bend your m.2s uh you could i mean you have to really work at it but yes it is possible i guess i've never tried this just says how bad is it if you over bend your m.2 i mean uh you're you're printing the pcb you could lose connectivity inside the storage is on the is on the chip so um but uh i i wouldn't recommend it i don't know why you'd need to bend them uh can't we just download more oh you can totally download more hard drive space oh totally yeah you should go do that right now don't do that i'm just kidding don't do that that's a bad it's a bad idea okay there we go we're going to go and pop this in here okay we've got now we've got our m.2s on now we're going to do is we're going to peel because it's appealing um this one goes at the top this one goes to the bottom okay here we go we're going to get this this is our thermal our thermal pad here we go right there oopsie no the text had to drink people are asking what's the what's the memory speed of the ram uh 3600. 3600 memory speed okay there we go guys m.21 is in m.21 it's giveaway time i like that slim pickings goes i downloaded more ram and i won one million dollars from a nigerian prince after you do this it's a giveaway giveaway time okay we'll finish the we'll finish the motherboard and then we'll do the giveaway time luckily i don't have to do anything like i i have like a giant whole second desk to do staging so i don't have to like do as much anymore and because we're doing an h uh capellix um aio um there's no like i get to just use the standard uh mounting stuff okay so we're ready this is basically ready to put inside the case that's a great time for you guys it's like we planned it that way just do the thermal pads ever have to be changed no no no you're not for the lifetime that you that you should be using this i mean maybe if you're gonna use it for like forever but i've never tried can you use a m.2 2280 in a 22-110 slot uh so understand the slots the slot that all of those that we looked at let me just shoot back out so you guys can see a little bit better um so uh just you guys know um the uh what was i gonna say oh yeah the uh 22 the all of those slots that i was showing you there were all 110s so they all could fit and do a a 20 a 22 110 uh the thing is is that you just move the standoff to the right place so uh in that case we put it on the 80 because they're 80 millimeters 110 is the length of the m.2 so there is no such thing as a 110 slot it's just 110 is the maximum size but yes you can put a 2280 and a 2260 all inside of a 22 110 m.2 slot so what happened if you don't screw it uh then it's not holding and you could it would on it could become unseated it may not not it may not become unseated because of the thermal pad but you do have a chance now understand some of them actually when you screw down the top also screw in the m.2 and that can so you may have actually screwed it in without knowing it there's nothing like a uh there's nothing like a unintentional screwing wait that doesn't sound right let's read a dad joke and then we'll uh we'll do a giveaway give away give away what do you call a computer that can sing what what you call a computer you can sing adele adele adele that's so good uh that was a good dad joke and that was from being able to go that was not from the house of tom that was my dad joke gosh darn it i feel like i thought of that one before huh i feel like you've told that one before oh i tried to catch some fog today but missed [Laughter] uh that was also for me not blast furnace blast furnace did not think of that that's for me not this person not this it was from me not this other person okay uh let's go and do the giveaway this is for a 250 gig nvme ssd guys i'm loving our new space i'm loving our new space you don't have to i don't have to like i can stress like i can like like i can do like i can do like yoga in here now like we got like mad yoga work in here yoga work every who's going to do yoga we're going to have yoga in here on monday mornings come join us for yoga on roby tech tech yoga like where we do stuff like okay guys okay guys grab your fans and we're going to do the fan lotus pose okay let's do the 30 80 stretch it's gonna be amazing people are asking if you ever got an ice sponsorship i haven't yet i don't know why look at this entertainment this is quality we need more people to tweet ice oh here we'll go to the here so you guys can see me do the giveaway here we'll go to the side chat so you guys can see it over here i'm over it my machine doing the site i'm doing the giveaways okay um okay we're going to cloudbot giveaway okay so this is for a 250 gig western digital nvme number one everybody say thank you thank you twitch thank you twitch that's what we're thinking right now we're going to say thank you to which everybody say thank you twitch okay so here we go thank you twitch okay so where this is for the thing entry for this uh the way this is gonna work is i'm gonna give you a word and then that word is gonna be good for two minutes all you gotta do is you just got to you just have to put it in once you don't need to spam it if you spam it you could get you could get um you could get banned um so you don't want to span it uh you don't want to spam it because you don't want to get timed out which means you couldn't claim so uh the entry point for this is going to be exclamation point twitch and it's going to be good for two minutes and that giveaway is starting in a minute as i can find it there's so many giveaways on here there it is okay starting that giveaway right now two minutes guys two minutes and then while we're doing that i'm going to start stripping the case here cam link okay so let's go ahead and start stripping our case we're not on that camera anymore it's fine i'm just moving it make myself more useful than usual oh this is like stuck in it oh whoa and there goes the tv yeah i was almost i was let's drop that okay take our door off did you tell them uh what it was yeah exclamation point twitch two minutes guys starting two minutes ago all right it's closed oh no we say i'm one minute left yeah a joke a joke i choke i jest so that that corsair case is that a new case right yeah the new 5000 yeah a new case instead of 5 000 with a letter or it does have a letter i don't remember which it's the airflow they sent me the airflow the wow stick i need to put a link to the wow stick we're using the wow wow stick wow stick new screwdriver got it as a christmas gift from andrew over at newegg oh oh birthday gift sorry he gave it to me for my birthday 110 subs guys we're getting close to that 150 mark we got to kick off the new we got to kick off the new studio off right you know what i'm saying got to get all those i've been the someone said i've been damning ice to get you a sponsor oh thank you that's awesome thank you for that open up our fans here because we gotta do we do gotta take the fans out and get them installed okay uh giveaway has ended go to side camera again congratulations there it is right there mayhem maniac mayhem maniac you are the winner uh mayhem maniac over on twitch congratulations you are the winner and mayhem maniac so there we go mayhem you are the thing look at our look at did you see our pretty like our our test bench just all lit up now it's all working so pretty got it or it's got our rs3080 just sitting in there looking all good looking all fly yeah there we go um let's get to go and get our case fans installed and then we'll uh we'll get that going okay it's getting a little wacky back here a little wacky with uh the fans and stuff okay uh no it works on it works on you uh somebody's asking does it work on just twitch no it works on uh all of my commands work on every on robytech and slash robitech unfortunately they do not work on newegg um if you're over on newegg you got to pop over to rubytech and then go back right afterwards but if you want to get in on any of those giveaways unfortunately you got to pop over there's no way to make our bot cross cross account i guess is the way to think of it so um i apologize for that it's just i don't think anybody thought that that was going to be a case where i might stream like where there's a lot of streamers who stream to multiple different twitch accounts so that i apologize it's not that i don't love you no it is not international sorry that's the other thing and i apologize for that as well but we've had a lot of issues with the international with international stuff so i'm sorry guys we tried we really did try for a long time to make it international okay we got everything out [Music] okay our there is clean somebody was asking uh why the ml 120s and not like the qls honestly uh i like mls because they're quiet i know some people are okay with the fan noise of the ll and uh the fan noise of the ll um but uh i'm not i think that lls are really really loud so um for in this case uh i i have a tendency to go with mls um i know the rgb uh all in in the mls they are the fan the rgb is only on the inside i still think it looks really good you'll see it when we've used it a lot in builds the ql's right now i think they come in stock in march so right now getting ql fans is really hard um they've been very popular um and i know a lot of people like i've seen like carter pc and some of these guys say they're not worth the money and frankly i just don't think that those people have used those fans a because they have high-end bearings um they also um the way that they do the backs um uh for a high static pressure are rounded if you ever look at the difference between like a 40 fan and a 30 fan there's actually quite a bit that goes in the difference between these two these are still probably slightly overpriced in terms of what you get but in terms of the engineering in these performance on these are much better than say for instance the asia horse or um even low in like fantex fans but if you look at like noctua be quiet which have a tendency to be more expensive like these that's because there's a lot that goes into making sure that these are more effective in moving air so i want to be super clear cheap fans you get what you pay for more expensive fans you get what you pay for and i i'm starting to have a real issue and i think i've seen this become more of a problem on tick tock than i have necessarily on youtube where we have a lot of people who keep things accountable where a lot of people will say things that are bad because they've watched like another person do it but they don't actually ever test it themselves and the thing is is that i kind of wish that um people had the same kind of rule we do here at robytech which is like i don't talk about things i've never installed or used or tested and so um i have tested a lot of different fans we have done a lot of that stuff and i will tell you there's a big difference between uh using something like this and using you know asia horse you know asia horse fans i'm not saying there's anything wrong but there is actually a big difference in the amount of air that they move the other thing i'll also say is that i also think it's pretty crazy when people will think like put like a bunch of fans in like a no airflow case and be like yeah these fans work just like these yeah they do because they don't get any airflow because the case is terrible so anyway i just wanted to this little rant there you have buckets and buckets of fans yeah we have like buckets and buckets of fans that we have tested so there is a difference i just want to make sure i just want to make sure that you uh i know i need to get the wow stick link i will get it for next one i'm sure i will get i want you to know that every show i get notes from blondie and that will be on the blondie this one has been so focused on just getting the the stream the new studio up that i just forgot so it's on my list guys i will get it done uh phantek sk140s are fine they're great fans uh the rgb like again you're paying for the rgb but the shaping in the back um the fin dens the the bearings are a little bit noisy um so they're inexpensive fans but they're not bad but they're they're on par with like for instance these fans that i'm taking out of the case right now right there's a reason that they're less expensive because they don't they don't spend they're not trying to make high engineered fans so are raid max fans garbage i haven't used them so i don't know i i i haven't used there's a lot of fan companies i haven't used them i've used intermax i've used noctua which are fantastic i've used be quiet um i've used corsair i've used uh asia horse um i've used uh xpg i've used and i've used the new ones from ek which i think are rebranded um so i've also used a lot of nzxt um which mgst fans are actually pretty good too and the other thing too is like one of these you can always look at like when you're talking about high like high static versus low like high st hsp or high static pressure fans is that you're looking for gaps if these have overlapped and they're high static pressure which means they're pushing a lot of air and there's not a way for a lot for them to get air transferred across um the big thing you're paying for with ml is the bearings these are very quiet and they can get fast though but they're not the fastest but they are very quiet and the bearings last a long time you're also buying durability i think we've had ml fans running in pcs for four or five six years with no problem we have a video on the nzxt h1 case we do we do have an yeah we have a video on how to fix it too because they had that recall um if you bought it recently then you don't need to worry about the recall that that they fixed it with the new with the new ones they sell so okay there's that let's go ahead and pop our last we're gonna just taking all our fans out that we don't need rgb over performance well that and that is a choice right like there are like a lot of people that's one thing i will say like the asia horse rgb looks fantastic you're just buying the rgb in that case and some people in some cases that's fine i mean all in all like it really depends on like where i say it matters it's like if you live someplace like um you know like some place like florida or arizona where you don't and maybe you don't have very good air conditioning where heat will be an issue but for the most part for most places you're probably fine with whatever fans you buy i'm just letting you know like when somebody says like they're not worth it it's like that's not true you know that can be somewhat relative and so i don't know it just bothers me like because there was i did a tick tock and somebody was like somebody's like corsair aios and nzxtaos are crap and it's like what i mean like gamers nexus like their test bench aio their test bench aio is the nzxt x63 right like they're some of the cornerstone and then the other thing too that also drives you nuts is people be like hey um uh you know there's no difference between all of the ace attack um all of the acetech used um all the uh aios that use asetek and actually it's like no ace attack is only the the basically cold plate design and pump design all of the other stuff can be completely proprietary fin density liquid mixture how full they do it there's a ton of stuff that goes into that even the even what kind of hoses they use which will actually do things like keep uh water from evaporating or seeping through there's a lot more that goes into those things than just the pump um and so uh it it's just like no they're they're great aio's and these like ek are awesome i was like you guys two of them have failed two ek have failed me one spectacularly on stream like i have not had to get because their tubing is terrible so it's just it's really funny when that stuff kind of comes up there um and uh and yeah yeah so it goes from there um okay let's get let's get our fans installed now so we got our fans go to our side cam so you guys can see us a little bit better we'll get our side cams in okay so now we're gonna pop in and throw in our get our fans on get these in here and then i think another thing i saw somebody say stop taking all the 30 80s i want to be super clear i don't take anywhere near all the 30 80s and i get my 3080 the same way you do i have entered the new egg shuffle and not i did not get cards today um and so um and if you think i do then you need to go like if you're gonna come and yell at me then you need to go yell at dell and you need to go yell at origin and you need to go yell at all of the pc system integrators who use far more cards than i do and take them way more frequently than i do and sell them any and and sell them at a markup so there you go please don't come in here and yell at me like i'm the one who took all the cards i get my cards the same way you guys get your cards and i have a lot of people who are in our community who can attest to that because they help me get cards so no yelling okay here we go popping this in here using the using the wow stick oh the wow stick makes it so easy wow stick okay we're gonna make sure that that's at the right height oh mama mama blondie what'd you say so people are yelling at you send them to me yeah well it's not yelling i just i think it's just funny right like i feel like there's a lot of people who say a lot of uneducated stuff and it's like well that's it's like i don't mind if you get mad at me it's just you're getting mad at me for something that i didn't do okay what we're doing right now is just going to make sure that the height for the fan is at the right place so that's what i'm testing right here that's good okay cool okay let's get our other fans in real quick if you didn't have cards what would you watch yeah exactly what would you be doing right now if i didn't have cards i like the way i like the i like mayhem manihack over on twitch was like hey if i read it on the internet it must be true and i like i like the way that yeah that's that's that's how it works he's making fun of course yeah you know their quotes from uh the giveaway we talked about that it's like something mayhem i think i think was it mayhem i forgot who won the giveaway but we did announce it um the first giveaway so that was i don't remember the name of the person but i'm pretty sure you're gonna have somebody tell you here pretty quick so who won the giveaway 2042 people hanging out today 115 subs so far as we're moving towards 150 sub mark we've already given away a 250 gig nvme drive and we're on our way to uh go do not forget guys we have two days left two days left to get in on that 3080 sub only giveaway over on twitch so we're going to be if you are a sub on twitch uh you're automatically entered to win um but we have uh we're gonna be drawing the winner of that uh the first week of february um so if you want to get in on that uh now is your chance all you got to do is drop you could use your free prime sub and if you're over at newegg or over at rubytech pop on over use your free prime sub and potentially win a gpu so that's happening right now front panel looks ugly the front panel looks ugly right now because it doesn't have any of the case stuff on it's just stripped so yeah it's just uh yeah thank you very much uh ruby techbot uh ghost for ghost uh thank you very much for that gifted sub oh look at that ghost dropping gifted subs like a boss five gifted subs right there thank you very much for that a couple more we got derek dropping a prime sub thank you very much sir you know what my favorite lincoln vote is what don't believe everything you read on the internet that's my favorite my favorite abraham lincoln quote is don't believe everything you read on the internet my favorite uh verse in the bible is don't believe everything you read on the internet [Music] do you listen to podcasts no i don't have time for that ain't nobody got time for that thank you well you have time for that just because i don't have time for that i can't wait for your gpu either man that's cool it's nice being able to read chat while i build like that was i think that's one of the things i was really excited about with the new placement of the tv is i can actually see it um while you're and i love having trey here um as well because he always brings stuff forward but um it's nice to be able to know that tv is replacing you guys no it's not you're not you're in you're irreplaceable oh what you said last night that's true that's not what i said the p this pc is not being given away we uh the next pc that's being given away is the carter pc and that will be given away at valentine's day it's our valentine's gift to our communities so yeah that's the next one you know some people have been asking for that a lot you do have i have pink i have things for it and my uh i have a lot of people that asked me to do a pink build that'd be a cool like time video or something like that oh maybe i should do a pink what do you guys think of pink build um build uh for uh for valentine's day or or something just other than the the norm if possible i have literally put two two screws now through the frame all together thank you wow stick you got to be careful with the wow stick it's super super powerful super powerful can just screw right through the uh pink and white pink i need to find if people want to here here's my challenge to you guys if people are down for me to do a pink build uh help me find all the pink pieces so go to discord go to general i'm going to say i know blondie's shaking in her boots right now because i don't want to put it in a channel it's hard like go to general and drop hey thank you very much matthew for the five dollars uh go and drop where you think pete parts are blondie never mind i'm not gonna make blondie mad blondie where should we put it uh if people want to find the violet like find me valentine's day parts where should we have that discussion so she'll tell me and then we'll put it there and i will make a list and then i will order them and we'll build a pink build i mean it'd be cool to just see something other than black and white no they're the greatest okay just fair enough just saying my two cents you have no sense since denied okay that you can dm blondie blondie's saying dm her and she will get a list of pink parts to me and then we'll build the pink pc it seems like people are down everybody's down for the pink pc so you'll probably have to do a white gpu or yeah you could do black you do black what if you could do a 3080 with pink like a pink the pink led strip right right right yeah i mean you could do yeah you could do that you could or you could do a white one or you could do a white one or you could do a white one yeah there we go no ice is still not sponsoring me guys okay here we go we need we need more outreach on their twitter yeah there we go okay getting this down time to put up pink and purple cord or cables asia horse cables yes we have pink and black the pink and black and then it's also purple oh there's purple yes there's pro yeah you're right okay i know what we have yes you do you do you do i should stop um okay so we got our cpu our motherboard in yeah you have the pink pink and black and purple ice mix ice blue i need this so nice of them to give you like so many extra parts i know they give you a ton of extra parts here i'm gonna have to buy a fantastic case and get rid of it so you're gonna take view 37 so you can get all here so you have all your extra parts i have like this whole extra desk here which is super awesome okay let's go ahead and start installing our motherboard just because i i i really like those fantastic cases oh they're great i agree i agree okay um where's that not going in let's start with the middle one here uh reason we haven't put in one part yet because there we go oops we haven't put in uh we have a shield that goes over the center but we'll put that in after we get our our uh motherboard twist our motherboard installed what about someone said what about a white build and just change the leds yeah you could do white you could do like an all-white build with pink accents yeah that could be pretty cool or colored accents pink why are you fighting me i'm not trying to fight you i'm trying to give more options uh ravenwing is it's understand i'm not being sexist i'm just saying that uh red red is a red you're right and we've done a lot of red builds we could do a red and pink build i don't have i actually one of my friends who is a man one of his favorite colors is pink he loves pink i wasn't and i know men who love pink i'm just saying pink is a great pink is a synonymous color like red and blue with valentine so it was not meant to be one or the other it was literally just a valentine's like a lot of people say pink with valentines i knew that was gonna come up i can never just win for coming with an idea but thank you for keeping us accountable i am not upset about that so yeah i i hear you cole martin i hear you dude no do not start the hashtag firetrain [Laughter] do not do that so yeah there we go i wasn't right yeah i just want to be up uh i'm in late with fancy i did i did install fans in the front i installed three we're gonna do our our rear fan in just a second i just got finished doing the uh if you guys want a fire trade just do hashtag fire tray we'll get right on that no we we love trey we love trey just kidding we do we do love trade now okay we got it against the pink i was like yeah let's do pink and then i was like oh more uh trying to get some more color options in there um thanks man i'm glad you guys like the set i'm glad you guys do you guys like my nzx t-shirt i am mike ugly my nzxt ugly sweater uh my ugly sweater nzxt sent it to me i think it's very cool it is very cool yeah did bring nae nae leave did brittany she didn't want to shoot me i probably did he threw me off at first because i was like where's your hood you got pockets where's your hood it does not have a hoodie it's not a hoodie it is i would thought it was strange too first yeah shirt i've seen like that with pockets yeah it's got like the pockets but it doesn't have like the hoodie you know so i know some people have very strong feelings about hoodies but i guess this is like to find to find uh to find a middle ground so you're so close to getting canceled why lee van junior go says i'm so close to getting cancelled why uh lee i'd love to know why i don't know what i did i'd love to know why so i can keep that from happening hey i'm proud i'm glad you like it blackberries thanks man appreciate it i can see all the i can see all the chant i can see all the chats guys look at this it's already better even somebody's saying i'm about to get canceled i need fan things thanks wag man hey trevor vandenberg thank you very much for the five gifted sub appreciate it man uh we are we there are lights in this already are you talking about lights in the studio thank you for the tour yeah i'm just waiting for this guy to tell me how i'm getting how i'm about to get canceled i want to know all of us inquiring minds want to know hey thanks very much i do not sell parts to people no hey thank you very much for the love from india man do you have uh is there a group in the discord that people can sell yes we do have a marketplace in the discord by the way i do have some pcs for sale they're 2000 series pcs but i have two pcs that are currently for sale on marketplace the 2080 ti oh i also it did get sold we also have a titan if somebody wants to get a titan uh all that stuff is in there so people want to go in there you're getting requests i want you to laugh like seth rogen i don't even know how to do that i'll watch some seth rogen shows whoa okay this is not okay this is not working with this see this this one's not working so i'm going to switch to the other one i do not have cpus for sale all i have is uh all i have is full pcs i have a couple full pc builds and some pcs with um 20 like a 20 both of them with 2080 supers if you're looking for a pc they're good they're mini they're small form factor uh one's in nzxt h1 and the other one is a danny 4 sfx uh send it to blondie raven i think i respond uh i haven't seen anything yet this pc is not for giveaway this pc is a commission most of the builds i do on streams are paid for by other people that's how i'm able to do as many pc builds as i am apollo asks where uh where can we buy mats the mats will be for sale at robytech so very soon we're working on them the designs in place along with the new logo and all the stuff we're working on which you guys can see a preview of the new logo on the wall right now look at that oh you guys can't really see what i'm doing i thought i'll turn that a little bit more so you guys can see what i'm installing there just putting the rear fan in there we go one more i like that i can i can see obs from here you can see yeah you can see the stream running yeah right behind it there we go okay there we go our uh everything is in and running now we got all of our fans in um next up is putting together the aiaio uh so we're putting this free intake not including the aio and one exhaust yes okay here we go aio time we're using that capellix h100i cappellas from corsier corsiere everybody say corsair of course there one of the things that i always keep under here and somebody sent this to me and i think he knows who it is i keep this underneath my build mat so every time i lift up to change the height it always tells me to keep a positive outlook so anyway i have gotten things we have we're going to check fan mail of the year if you guys want to send me fan mail i've gotten things like this cute notes i got somebody said stop stop using beard comb so he actually physically sent me a bear comb oh here it is right here my beard comb like i literally so i'd stop using a cpu as a beard comb he actually sent me a beard comb um so yeah if you guys want to get that stuff in there there's an address there if you guys want to send me things i love little stuff like this it means the world to me when i get things like this so um i appreciate that i usually will highlight like for i know some people sent me some stuff around christmas time i'll highlight those things here on the stream but i appreciate that this sits under here every time to keep me help me keep a positive outlook especially when you get notes like you're going to get canceled um uh this is the wow stick that's what this is so yeah uh commissions are uh i'm booked by the way all the way through march uh early march um but if you are interested in the commission um it's 15 of the total cost of pc uh and then you'll have trade bridges and then you have to build it no you don't want that so okay there we go getting all our extra parts out here this is what makes the cappella so worth it is just that part alone again oh set next goal geez we're already on the next one okay next goal here it is guys next goal coming up thank you very much for reminding me next goal everybody wants the next goal [Music] even though roby used the wrong screen and now can't see any of his chat there we go and now roby can see the chat again okay next goal all widgets sub goal okay next goal is well let's see where's my analytics here uh next we're at 154 all widgets oops oh widgets 154 so the next goal is 32 we are in a new streaming room the new studio 300 ah the good old pew y'all up there we go okay there it is right there next goal is up this is for a 32-inch gigabyte monitor is the next one if we get to 300 uh 300 subs and then after that we'll be going towards a 38 a 30 60 ti what class are you in and wow i oh oh wow so i am currently playing a monk um we have our guild uh i have been playing almost every night so i am the only one active on our server minus kevin who's our tech uh our tech director he is also very active um we are over all the information is on discord you should check it out i'm streaming with everybody on saturdays saturday mornings at 10 a.m i would love to have people come play um and then if you want to play with me just hanging out if you want to hang out with me and play games with me i'm always looking for people to run instances and stuff we are going to be starting shadow lands we uh we are getting uh we are gonna use our boost and have a bunch of shadow lines characters we're gonna have characters just to play on saturdays and then we'll be playing our other characters all the other times so um guild is on cenarius uh please come and join us i will put a link for recruiting if you guys want to come and like reactivate your accounts or whatever it was but would love to see you it's an opportunity to get to play with me and hang out uh in a non in a non-standard way corridor alliance oh we are playing alliance because i like blue that's really the only reason i like blue you don't want to be a paladin or anything is that is that a thing in a while yeah well helen is well yeah that's the thing i i've i've only played like 20 minutes oh man i love wow that's fun it's like it's just a game that a lot of people can play together and i can switch out and play with a lot of people so i like more of like not pushing yeah keys of one to ten do i love the smell of new hardware absolutely i love the smell of new hardware in fact hotels we smell we smell we smell so much the psu we smell the psu a lot uh when we uh like when i do i do psu smell tests it's like uh the new ones and they they stink but we still do it are you moving the tv no i'm literally just i'm just making sure that i'm putting this in right there yep just checking my checking my fans are appropriately placed uh the cooling liquid inside of this is uh is a proprietary based on whatever um whatever but it's a glycol mix in most cases um but it's proprietary to the company they all have different stuff that they develop and use um that uh in different ones so it cannot play to eve have i ever played eve yes i ran the largest corporation in eve at the beginning if you've ever ha if you've been playing eve since the beginning you will know like we i am the reason that uh corporation called bob was even started um and yeah if you look up roby one and eve online uh yeah i uh i ran very interest i like reading i used to write i used to write um fan fiction for eve as well yeah and i ran the eve ign site so yeah yeah yes goon was part of it mr rotten i was part of what started good but i was not in goon um this is long like you're talking about i was like i was uh i was um og eve and i ran a corporation called rona which was the largest corp in eve and then we started the first 0.0 thing you can look literally like there's a whole history if you look up roby one rona all that stuff is in there yeah yeah people know who that is goons are a lot of bob yeah that all that stuff is all from us and we used to have yeah crazy times i was on the first i was in i was in the i was in the cam of the council like i did a lot of stuff yeah it was a that was a fun time fun time actually almost worked for that company uh for uh ccp huh where's my hardware it seems like eve is very time consuming oh yeah dude it's like crazy time consuming can you see if i left all the hardware in that box probably because i don't see the screws i think i left the screws in there yeah that box cool it's in the front yeah there you go whoa i try to be there should be screws in there oh i probably need that too i should not throw that away there they are you give me both of those i don't know why i put them in there that's all garbage thank you i am not a person i am a robot okay there we go i i played a trial of eve and i was like i don't know what i'm doing why am i i'm mining i want a oh really they're wolf i think mine is too i'd remember yeah one of the original i forgot what it was to get on the the thing but yes if you want to read a big history about eve and roby one uh you can look it up rona rona corporation was the name of my corner corporation um yeah i ran it was the largest in eve and then we we were there when they first started doing not 0.0 space and then first player owned first player run or play corporation owned uh space stations and yeah yeah that's crazy like i like reading about the huge space battles and the estimated of how much money people oh yeah people losing yeah and these alliances and stuff like that i'm just like it's it was fun it was it was like a whole second it was like a whole second job it was it was a second job it was like the trial i played for that seemed i was just like yeah this takes a lot of time like yeah it does uh somebody's asking about static bands guys i have ant i have anti-static floor and then uh and then these are like the mats are a certain way so it's like i have a very low chance of actually having static issues here in the studio um but static it takes a lot to actually shock hey thank you very much yi hang for the two dollars man that's huge appreciate that it takes a lot um for uh it takes a lot to fry components from static um my recommendation if you're gonna build a pc is usually like on a kitchen table uh try to not have to do it in carpet but if you do do it on carpet maybe not wear socks um you know a couple things but uh there are things you can do to protect about protect against it um it just you know it's always something i recommend don't try hard you know don't try hard to do it yeah so yeah hey thanks miss fit appreciate it man for the studio compliment oh i might there we go this is like i don't think wow stick lasts through a whole stream i do a lot of this is a lot of this is a lot of screwing for a little while stick at night dwell yeah you always have a choice right like if people want to do it you can i don't i have done other things to protect um to protect the uh to protect from static here okay so there that is all in uh our aio is ready to put in let's go ahead and uh go to the side cam and we'll do our where socks roll around on carpet before i build yeah that's that's a great idea that's what you should do that's like the best thing oh you know what i forgot to do where is the little okay let's go and put this in real quick off to the side we're not going to go to sidecam quite yet [Music] heard something fall i heard it too oh no i know it fell oh that's a small screw too it's around here somewhere we're gonna find it okay grab this we dropped the second one second very tiny black screw fell i do have spares in other things but somewhere around here is a tiny black screw that goes in that second slot and we'll find it look for it later but yeah that's there's a screw that fell off okay so that screw we're gonna find that screw later let's go ahead and get our let's go ahead and get our aio in as well i mean here first it's luckily it's a very big red floor so it makes it really easy to find okay let's get our side camera up so we can do our other part of our install we'll throw our light in here i think there's actually quite a bit of light so it's actually where you guys used to not be able to see stuff it's like really dark i mean it's really bright in here like look at how much you guys can see now which is pretty cool um oh aio's over there okay let's grab our little screws here okay grabbing our tiny screws let's put this one down a little bit here there we go okay what we're going to do now we're just going to run our cables through here i think it maybe went under is that it we got we got trey on the ground watching for watching for parts for parts is that the thing i wonder if that's the thing that fell okay there we go okay what we're gonna do right here is run these up here luckily we have a lot of room when we do this install so it shouldn't be a big deal to get this all done okay there we go there we go okay now somebody asks why do i do this when why do i do this when standing like like standing up and not laying it down the main reason i do this standing up and not laying down is it's easier to pull the back cables um through um so you can thread all the cabling it i just think it's a little easier to do it while it's standing versus doing it while it's laying down because you're lifting the case consistently that's why i have a tendency to do this standing um i lay it down when i install the pump but i i do all the cable routing and stuff like that while it's up no luck huh around here somewhere couldn't have gone far little tiny black one uh middle of them it holds the in it it's the second one for the motherboard it's like it's like for a aesthetic plate on the motherboard we'll find it thank you for looking though okay there we go everything's routed now i'm gonna do is just quickly now one of the things i really like about the capellix aios is that because they fix their tooling you can actually use your hand or just your fingers to screw in the screws into the radiator um so it doesn't take just because they're they're just a much nicer fit which i really appreciate that makes it way easier to do this install okay this build is okay there we go now our fans are in cool and now we can go over here and get them get the rest of the stuff installed and lay it down and we have a lot more height we can do top down and you guys can see a lot more in terms of what i'm doing we didn't have in the old studio look at all these extra things we now have guys there we go i better put ao on top and instead of front so aio the the most the ideal placement is is top yes and i'll tell you why because all of the air settles at the very top along the fins and you get better distribution um you're like is it is it is it necessary no um i like top mounted aios more than i like side mounted aios i just like where the tubes have a tendency to land a little bit better so it's an aesthetic choice but that also happens to be um the best choice but you can if you put it front as long as the top of the radiator is above the pump you're good so if you're looking for you don't have to worry a whole lot um outside of that periodically the mob will post the discord link yeah they'll put post a discord link to also post things like our like build like what the build is and all that sort of stuff too we are actually working on graphics that will show that'll have the build that'll pop in and out on a pretty consistent basis so you guys can see that stuff a little bit more frequently so we're working on that guys more things coming out as part of rubytech 2.0 how much do you think those new uh laptops are gonna be uh the razer one was like five grand between three and five grand yeah they're three they're they're high-end they're they're high in gpus i mean like they're actually gonna be less expensive than the 2080 ti ones were though which is cool that's good um so they will be more they will be more price uh better price than older ones when you used to integrate that stuff um wow stick so wowed by the wow stick we're coming up on just at what we're probably what an hour and a half into the build probably about an hour left guys there we go okay top mounted aio is done i'm just going to make sure that we're everything's kind of hooked up and ready in here run these over we're gonna run that a little bit later okay do you not have a timer command with your brainbot yeah you can just do up time estimation point up time yeah but it's just like if people are wondering what the what the time has been that's what the time has been okay put all this extra stuff away that we don't need all we need is the two of these and okay i'm pretty sure it went underneath over here oh okay okay here let's get this down and ready to install you think it bounced underneath the oh yeah i think yourself yeah okay here we go so now we're gonna go ahead and install our oh that one just came off okay so we're gonna install our i love how easy those are to take off now sorry i'm just very impressed with how much they've improved these aios they're just so easy to put in versus where they used to be so um really impressed with corsair on this one okay there we go now we're going to do is we're going to basically do the weird split hand thing to get our bracket installed there we go i remember the first time i ever installed one of these was on power builds with brenedaktal and it probably took us 30 minutes just to get this on like now it's like you know it's just a lot of muscle memory you know i'm like i'm basically a pc athlete at this point in time yeah well well-honed i can't wait for this to become an olympic sport pc building they're adding something that has nothing to do with it's going to be pc building you wait guys you wait for pc building to take over and from the us it's ruby well no i have to say like my real name right so versus blindness oh yeah because it'll be canada oh my gosh would you imagine that canada versus us like who else would be like harvard canucks would be on their team no we have to change them we have to add the music in there yeah japan would probably just win why what is that i didn't know someone said japan and i just said yeah japan would probably win who like who would have like who's the good pc influencers from japan like do they have to be an influencer yeah because they're like tech yeah because it's like building yeah because you can build robots you know they have killer robots right they don't have killer robots they have color robots i think the thing i think you're like i think aesthetics are going to be a key part of the whole thing right like it's going to be like pretty it's got to be like oh i think you guys are i think you guys are counting out the u.s wait a way to really count me out of the competition already guys thanks i don't think anybody counted you out except for me wow i think we should get that hashtag going again okay so we got that in there we're just gonna quickly [Music] tighten this down with our screwdriver oh i mean yeah if you're gonna judge on like cable management then hands down ruby wins yeah all that stuff has got to be counted right you can't just be like slap dash i'm sure there's a speed building part of it too but like there's got to be like there's got to be more than that you have the speed building portion you have the aesthetic portion yeah yeah yeah complete it's like gymnastics it's like gymnastics but like with pc building really relay yeah pc building relay where i gotta hand off to like i'd have to hand off to like jay's two cents and like uh and i don't he's not really i mean he's only doing like one pc thing a week now so he's not really he's not becoming he's like he's still gonna do pc builds but he's not really a tech streamer anymore he's going more vlog so which god bless him oh let's start the music again i noticed it's a little quiet um this is the only one okay music's back up yeah what we're doing right now is we're just pulling all of our cables back we have all that stuff get more managed there we go make sure that that's down there like that okay now what we're going to do because we are going to clear off a little bit of space for a second then now we're going to lean this down west coast west coast we want to make sure that this is ideally placed here west coast best coast is that what you said that's what i said trey fitti said east coast east coast east coast beast coast no we're not starting that again oh my gosh that was a thing that was a thing once oh now tupac and new now tupac and you got it they're all dead huh oh two dollars thank you very much man uh to be upright thermal paste is it's okay i mean like unless you're really worried about like high-end thermal performance it's good enough right like um i mean if you want to just get the full experience you could throw some isopropyl alcohol on there and and do your own installation it's not necessary it's like one of those things that like i really want to go to philly and have uh have a real feeling cheesesteak oh man actually it's funny because like i had like like maybe somebody have to tell me like i maybe i didn't go to the right place i probably didn't i know i'm going to get like cold you've got to go to gino's yeah i know aidan i saw that we we talked about it at the beginning of the stream that he and uh wifey sauce broke up um is uh that uh like the best i never had like a super good philly and the best one i had was actually in vermont like so like i had gone to philly a couple times because i dated a girl um from penn state and uh and uh but like every time i i was like she was like oh this is the best one and i still thought the best one was like at our snack shop in uh at our at my university and i was like oh so i was like this i just think the one here is better and she used to get super mad at me she's like there's no way the best philly cheesesteak can't be in philly i was like why is that can that can that be a thing that's the question my my boss my old boss i don't know what do you guys think my old boss said uh he's like yeah i've done a lot of philly research and philly reese and all it is is uh cheese whiz beef it's the where you get the beef though so uh somebody's asking ro what's up with no good part stores in seattle i have no idea yeah that's a sore subject no idea we have petitioned the fine folks at micro center to build a micro center i do i dm them like once a month i think that they think because we have fries we're good nobody knows the heck hole that is that place is you here oh fries is gonna become apartment apartments oh really that's what i read oh that they're selling it to uh well that's even worse that's just that's not not that it's it's not bad that it's going to go to housing it's bad that there is no place in washington to get tech hearts hey thanks thanks a lot fries you know and somebody asked why is fries why is fries not going out of business and i'll tell you why because fries is a grocery store they're a grocery chain and they sell like and i know who i know somebody who knows this who's been holding out on us her name is vladimir geeky who probably shops at fry's because it is a grocery store and i think they're actually owned by kroger um because i went to a fries in freaking phoenix alas in phoenix alaska in phoenix arizona and i was like wait a minute and they're like yeah they used to sell pc parts too but now they just sell groceries and like what the last time i went there you got four different types of you know pepsi flavors and you have a wall of gatorade in the middle aisles 24 packs of water not all fry stores like just like there's a lot of fry stores in the southwest that are also grocery stores and so it's like i think that's why fry's like like it hasn't gone out of business is because they also sell groceries and that's like where they make the majority and the home goods and a bunch of other stuff like that yes we are in the pacific northwest yeah we're in the pacific northwest unlike blondie who could have told me that oh well i know why i keep fry fries alive blondie holding out on us we don't have fries in pacific northwest i mean sorry we do have fries in the pacific northwest it's there to tease us with a nightmare that is lack of hardware's places the only thing we have is best buy which does sell 3 000 series cards just not in their stores i'm curious right like if um i want to run this i wanted to run this up so luckily you can remove the remove the whole top bracket apparently they tweeted march 3rd 2020. what about if we were in seattle is that a good location no when when did they say that march 3rd 2020. oh yeah and then they didn't come here i hate you microcenter now you tease us because they know that i think they're doing it just to make me mad i know one of the things we have talked about once 2021 kind of like once we know we can start getting back to it is doing meet and greets at microcenters across the us people would still be down for that i'm gonna come to microcenters all over the u.s and come and do meet and greets i know a couple people who had said yes do it yeah so that is still the plan i've been talking to microcenter about that apparently they don't care about building one in seattle but hey okay there we go we're all in here and now we're just gonna what we're doing right now is we're just we got this done we're just gonna run we're i was running the the rear fan cable correctly okay so our our aio is mounted everything's run it looks clean what we're going to do now is we're going to run the we're going to basically cable manage it back real quick guys oh there we go just doing a quick check on our numbers here thank you very much to 925 people hanging out on twitch 818 over on youtube and 143 hanging out with us over at thanks guys okay now what we're going to do now is we're going to get all of our fans hooked up and then we're going to run our thing so we're going to run get all our fans hooked up real quick into the fan hub up here and then once that's done we'll then run our rgb and hook up our aio and then yeah then it's it's pretty much straightforward from there we're actually cooking with gas here luckily we have this really epic fan hub here i wonder where they build one that'll be great anybody work at micro center and get us the 4-1-1 and if they're building one in seattle okay there we go so there's oh that was the rear fan good job on that roby way to not hook up the right thing on the rear fan there oh yeah there we go okay this is multi-family development plan for fry's electronics property yeah we're gonna hook all the other stuff up to our hub here it is right here the hub those jerks i agree traveler it does come with a usbc uh we showed it on the we showed it on the motherboard yes it does come with a usbc how do you feel about ikea and asus teaming up i don't know i mean all in all like if you can get if it means 3080s at ikea that would be a nightmare because it's like i don't want to go to ikea for a night for a 3080. i don't know what do you guys think 3080s in ikea they're gay or nay they're doing like uh game game chairs yeah stuff like that it's not really i mean we i mean like xbox i think i remember xbox also pairing up with ikea so like you'd go to ikea and like all of their their living room setups would have um um xbox if i could get that i can actually test it out but would it be a good gaming chair that's the question right it's why i like when places let me sit in the chairs people are saying hell no we won't go no we won't go okay what we're doing right now is we're okay this is actually the one i went three four oops that's rgb working on right now is just hooking up all our rgb stuff and our fan stuff 3080 ikea yeah ikea theme 3080. you guys wait and it'll be like the hottest item like that gundam run like a 1660 tf yeah it would this would be like it'd be like half the price it's like really literally a 30 60 ti named ikea 3080 and ikea's like yes we got the bargain 3080. the bargain borgin there's one um where are our other two your other two i'm gonna go ahead and plug this in up here because i forgot i don't well i'll plug that into mine that's fine okay here's one it's reading the micro center right now we're tweeting micro center guys and okay here we go okay now we're just putting in our other rgb rgrgb and nsrgb oh micro center supports linus why not roby well they've done a lot and they they do a lot of stuff with jay too even more so why not roby well we're gonna do meet and greets it's gonna be awesome and they'll start supporting me okay so we got all that stuff done last thing we want to do is we want to put this in we're gonna table manage this real quick and then all of our fan stuff is done and that's this is kind of like the hardest part of the cable management to be honest once this is done like it's just this is like the most brutal part of cable management because rgb always makes cable management worse okay we're gonna put keep that in i'm gonna do this don't stay in okay here we go time for some cable management cable management we're getting close to the build being done let me keep this knot i mean i want to keep that tight what we're doing right now is we're going to run everything to like a 90 degree here it's all like grouped together and then we'll run it down big part of this is making sure that we okay biggest part of this is making sure that we keep things routed that's what i'm working on right here keep things routed writing a novel apparently he's uh by the way trey is really writing like a dissertation to microcenter about why they should be in seattle so if you have any points make sure you dm trey so he can get those in his essay tweet sent here's three here's three reasons why you should be in seattle number one tech ruby tech ruby text well then they didn't they decided not to do it who who yeah thanks you know they know i am i don't think they follow me but they definitely text uh they've definitely we've we've uh texted before or sorry we've we've had twitter air actions before i think they'll i think if once i think if they end up in seattle for sure there will be i mean right now there's no reason because they're like there's no reason to be connected to me well there's no reason for them in that logic there's no reason for them to be connected yeah but they the stuff that they did for linus like now they pretty much almost do everything exclusively with um with jay because he's got one in tungsten well actually linus makes sense because they probably he probably has like a lot of viewers who are who watch in places where he's located i guess i have the same thing never mind i have no reason i was trying to make myself feel better thanks okay here we go what we're working on here is we're going to work on routing cables to the right place i want them to all route up and over so that's what i'm working on right here that looks cleaner standby guys this is always the slowest part of the build is this part but it always feels like the best visual payoff in the back where nobody looks but i know i know what's going on back there wow that's a lot neo links are gs dude but do you have a micro center linus has a whole company that is true we're getting there we're gonna have a whole company too i have three micro senders in my area thanks for rubbing it in yeah we've no we have a fries with nothing but apparently the willingness to sell to an apartment company no named product and actually almost one zip ties i almost went there to go look to see if they had cable comb i wonder if they do because i need i need more like 24 pins i was like i wonder if they have those like they might have i don't well they used to have like a whole section for that yeah last time i was there they had i guess they had some cable stuff tons of zip ties tons of duct tape which is dj equipment that's huge you know because i want to be a dj gatorade and pepsi oh okay we're going water too you were there oh which one did you go oh he's morton was saying he was at uh micro center that's nice you know where i was not at micro center i was crying because i didn't get the new egg shuffle but i still appreciate the new egg shuffle there's a big difference there okay now we have all of the cables going the way i want them to and now i need to do this is always the hard part it's just getting the cables to now do what i need it to do afterwards okay there we go roby is in the pacific northwest not cali no i'm not in cali i'm closer to lightest who's in vancouver actually i've done a lot of stuff with um oh my gosh i just forgot his name we did a lot of stuff together and i've just based on his name um linus is one alignment so the guy runs um their uh their platform floatplane and i just can't remember his name all of a sudden we he and i are actually really good friends reminds me i need a dm i haven't said i don't know okay we're getting there guys last little bits as we finish out the what we have left here we're gonna kind of cable comb cable manage this stuff real quick oh i'm i was just uh tweeting uh he was tweeting he's tweeting microcenter i swing michael micro center you're saying his name's luke yeah luke yeah luke yes lafrenier he's a good friend of mine i like luke a lot he's like good friends and you can't remember his name i'm sorry i'm i'm i'm in like cable management like thought process place which is like the place where i'm like the like i have i'm focusing really heavily on making this look good um and so it's like the part that i'm always like uh the part that always like i have like the most like the least chatty because i want to get this done and it wanted to look good by the way i'm curious uh does anybody follow overkill computers um they did a ferrari build um but they did a ferrari build in the cougar conker 2 uh cougar conker case and i was curious if anybody saw the build uh too focused can't compute yeah exactly did anybody see their build does it look like our mclaren because our mclaren was in the exact same case and i was like hmm i'm not saying that they copied but i was just like that's you know that's kind of unique that they both did car we both did a car theme mine the mclaren build i did the mclaren build i did was actually in car and driver like it was like featured in car and driver it was in road and track it was like a bunch of places like if you look at mclaren roby tech like it was like probably one of our most popular builds um and it's kind of like it was like the beginning of when i started to do like special builds um which we have some really cool special builds coming up this year um which we're gonna do but i was just like surprised i was like huh that's that you know it does look the most car-ish but i was just surprised it was i wanted to see what it did yeah you've seen the mclaren build on twitter yeah okay these are the last little cables for the rgb here bigger one it was a cougar it was a cougar it wasn't it was a cougar conqueror not the conqueror too yeah i saw that justin cox that there's like three or four micro centers in ohio because that's where they started yeah we found that out we found that out last time because i think we were like why are there so many in ohio and then there was like oh that's because that's where their base and i was like oh well that makes sense they respond to your dm yeah are they building one probably not they should get on it right now they should get on at least they should already have one here already started construction in progress okay cool all right i'm a nobody did they have they ever done that like does anybody know i mean i don't know if people follow their twitter dramatically but have they ever done like where they said hey would this be a good location and then not open some or like apparently they retweet it or they they message you know tweeted me back in october when i did this and said we will definitely share this request with our real estate i remember that yeah yeah i remember that yeah because when because we i was here when that happened and you're like okay so there we go so build i don't remember that i remember that okay so there we go guys uh all the cable so there we go it's cable managed now we just got to cut the little things and then we'll have a we're ready to go okay next up october was a long time ago okay i don't remember tables have been managed usb 3 headers not hooked up no i haven't done any of the front panels yet this is just that i've just all i've done is do the rgb get all the fans we're going to work on front panels now here we go okay i've heard that they're heaven okay so now that's all done now we're going to do is just twist these around so they look like nicer cables clean as milk i haven't heard that expression before this pc is not being given away this is a commission build okay there we go and then what you do is you now we're going to hook up all our front panels but we can put all these down to help solder since they're east coast they're probably already asleep yeah they're awake they're they're west coast too california they're in tungsten california headquarters is ohio ohio that all their stuff is sold in california all of it is everything that's the only thing that matters yeah okay so now what we're doing is we're just going to unhook these because this is going to be where we're going to put all our other cables but like now we can hook up our front panels and then everything is good there i think it's like really twisted okay okay there we go okay we should be at the the hype train should be available as now as well now as well so okay we are good here let's go and get our front panels hooked up okay so the the um usb 3 i'm guessing and the usbc are always in the side here so i'm going to look uh usb c is there usb is it three is at the bottom okay okay so usbc so we'll put our hd audio goes right there our single front panel connector usually goes right here our front panel connectors ten dollars oh thanks justin i appreciate it man okay usb 3 is right here another front panel goes in here actually a little bit twisted up here so it's there we go i drive two hours for a micro center okay there's that this goes in here okay now i got to find this is usb 2 right here and usbc we'll go underneath this right in there there we go okay usbc now where do i have a fan hole header one on the side anywhere close this one is there another one's up top okay put that right up there now oh level three hype train okay we're already on the hype train guys come on let's see what we can do what is up can we knock off can we do like the biggest let's see how i can go first stream of the studio guys going down a challenge what can we do let's see if we can uh let's see if we can do it we'll upgrade we'll upgrade to uh oh there we go 999 thank you very much man for the 9.99 let's see how how how high can we go let's let's do it guys we're going to call out the super chats as we're doing this then we'll we'll uh re-get started on our build once this is all done but here we go level three high train 353 left remember guys couple things just to remember as we're doing this if we get this we get a 250 gig nvme if we get to a thousand percent i'll draw all up it to a 500 gig nvme drive just for the since this is the first stream of the st of the in the new studio now don't forget last two days to get in on that 30 80 sub only giveaway best way to do that is if you're over at sorry rubytech or twitch.tvcom newegg pop on over drop that free prime sub and may potentially win a uh 3080 gpu and that's subscribers on twitch uh you can get extra entries by gifting subs right now so if you do extra introducing gift subs that'll get you extra entries um also um subscribing subscribing tier two tier three or subscribing for multiple months gets you extra entries um and then remember we could unlock that 300 300 we'll give away a 32 inch uh nvme uh oh sorry a 32 inch gigabyte uh 1440p monitor if we get to if we get to there so thank you very much 10 subs from karmarr dub thank you very much for that man 10 gifted subs um and going for that robey how's the 30 we're announcing here on the stream but you're also just notified we uh blondie will reach out to you um and then we'll take care of that and a lot of those are starting to ship out here pretty soon so um and then if i know we have some prizes that are going out uh at the end of the month uh for all the winners from november and december from gift cards and stuff like that so we're getting that 64 000 followers we just hit 64 000 followers on twitch we're at 64 000 even right now that's awesome thank you very much guys for 64 888 people watching over on twitch right now we're gonna keep going uh there we go level five going from there looking for the nine bits 189 as we get higher and higher higher and higher 770 over on youtube right now 1780 people watching total live so yeah this is awesome thank you very much for all those things 190 there we go there we go right there uh any army powers thank you for the tier one sub unifor you for me thank you very much for the tier one 189 190 now guys ace john subscribing at tier one thank you very much man appreciate that hey traveler west thank you very much for the tier five subs uh levy duvet same old studio the same old studio was cozy do you not like the bigger studio oh let's we'll do wide shot there we go it's a little bit we'll work on getting the work on getting the um uh the uh work on getting the it's a little choppy at the wide shot but we're gonna get that better they're going from that yeah we gotta hide i will sniff the gpr probably i won't sniff the gpu for sure i promise uh dad joke yeah we can do it well let's go sternum 1999 thank you very much for the gifted subs i'm gonna i'm gonna shout out subs during the hype train i tried to do that too uh when do we bend the cp pins never we're not gonna bend it nor are we gonna poncho seven six 7866 thank you very much for the five gifted tiers the five gifted subs appreciate you man uh kyriel kyle thank you very much for the prime sub inner engineer jesse thank you for the five gifted subs appreciate it man thank you very much there is a lot of hype there we go 219 going right there praise father tech source hondukan oh man thank you very much privateer for the 100 bits oh kt 231 thank you very much for the gifted sub 720 guys we're at 219 now fill up those shelves this is just those are just for builds if you look at the shelves in the storage room it's a lot uh it's a lot thing hey appreciate it gigantors yeah the this is just the build shelves all of the parts are in this parts room 723 percent guys we can do it thank you very much for already full thank you very much for the tier one sub is it possible to get if you already subbed yourself i don't know player and i'm not sure seven or fifty percent what's going on we can do it guys the new one just has a new house empty vibe levy what do you think it is we're you think we should put some more see like more pcs behind us or stuff like that it's just a lot more blue moo thank you for the five gifted subs appreciate it blue moo appreciate for that hey tricks for trey shoving with pride thank you bro there he goes annie so yeah thank you very much trixx trey our own guy so putting in there 861 percent we're almost there guys well thanks tigger i appreciate that man i need some art well i mean we're trying to do that i don't know if art would be a good idea we're actually probably going to fill like at i think our next phase we're going to make an led wall so we're going to put some stuff behind us we're trying to figure that out i mean right now it's just the studio we might put some more panels on the wall um we're just trying to figure out kapow kawapawa kawapawa five gifted subs thank you very much yeah i appreciate that yeah some people like it i think it's like a mix of both right 64 014 927 viewers as we continue to grow bring it over a thousand it's over 900 it's on its way oh rolling dude dropping five gifted tier one subs frankie collado dropping five gifted tier one subs thank you very much for all that stuff are you hot what no cold in here i know oh i was just i was just asking questions no no no i'm not hot can i get an hour i don't even know what that means uh 38 winner is gonna be announced on stream but then it's also uh announced it's also announced post uh the stream as well uh so don't worry we'll get it out to you thank you very much we're gonna finish the build we're almost there after this we just focus put go heads down we're gonna do the giveaway right after this for the 500 gig nvme drive so it's it's it's actually right over here it's just not powered we'll get it out there ten dollars from adam thank you very much man appreciate the 10 super chat where's the lightsabers where is it oh right here this is vader's oh and i have room to like swing it now yeah that's cool so yeah this is the uh this is the uh this is the actual vader this is actually the vader um replica lightsaber so uh it's uh like this is like one of the this was like from within the um from within the the park but yeah it is actually vader's one i actually have a lot of i collect them uh the different lightsabers but yeah this is the vader one so yeah we actually have it right here can you play lightsabers with that oh we could i mean like we could like straight up like these are these are made to duel that that's that's what i was asking are those made to duel yeah yeah this is like the dual one so yeah yeah so we've played with these stuff in yeah the collection so there it is right there you asked and yeah i had it i bet you're surprised that we were like where's the lightsaber right here i actually i'll i'll have a couple of them i'll bring i'll have some so we can have like different ones going in there for when we do it so yeah okay anyway guys let's get back to the build let's start the giveaway though everybody let's start from here everybody say thank you twitch thank you twitch twitch for uh basically uh being a big supporter for this twitch is the one who unlocked this giveaway they're incredible so we're going to do that giveaway right now uh we remember the way the giveaways work is we're going to do uh you're going to get two minutes i'm going to give you a code uh you're going to use that code don't spam the entryway you only have to do enter once maybe twice you have to be over 18. it's not international so just a couple things sorry guys we have lawyers we're big enough now that we have to worry about that stuff um but uh giveaway is gonna start happening don't spam and then you'll have to claim the giveaway you do have to be present to win so we're gonna start that giveaway in just a second to set it up give away cloud bot all widgets i know it's kind of bugging me watching this though uh um hold on would you do that first okay so uh entry point for this one is going to be exclamation oh i did exclamation oh man i'm gonna set up okay uh thank for this is gonna be exclamation point twitch the other one was supposed to be thank you youtube okay this is for a 500 gig nvme ssd i gotta find it there it is starting that giveaway right now exclamation point twitch what's what's annoying you so with this center cam the logo is center but you're like it's not center of the camera oh is it yeah we can move it we can probably move the center cam over or something like that we can figure that out well it's it's also the spacing of uh the shelf on the the k i don't know what to call that the case or whatever that shelf and then spacing yeah it's centered on the set it's centered on them so the logo is centered on that but it's not centered on the thing but when you look at the stream okay let's we got this done let's go ahead and get this finished hooked up and we'll keep doing this while we wait okay here we go front panel connections and then we're at the like we're basically at the tail end of this whole build okay so first thing we're going to do is we're going to grab this this is our fan hub the p600 we'll tighten that up here in a minute tighten that down here later okay front panels let's go to okay power plus and minus and i'll zoom in and show you guys what i hooked up when i get these all cleaned up here we go a reset switch goes underneath that okay so there's our front panels are hooked up now okay next up is usb 3. i'm gonna come right into 90 degree angle for this you can bend pins there we go that's in next up is esp2 there we go and then finally usb hd audio which is not usb at all there we go and those are all keyed one way so they're really easy to get installed this is the last one our usbc there we go cool okay and okay so all of our front panels are connected let's zoom in so i can show you what i've hooked up so you guys can see and then we'll move on to it's a little bit more cable manager on the other side and then we're done okay so we hooked up up here we put our fan hub for our um we'll make it tight but our fan hub for our fantax fan hub that's plugged in here next up we have our usbc which is right here for our for our uh case down here at the bottom we got our front panel connectors right here so uh that's all hooked up then we've got usb 3 usb 2 and then hd audio and then that's all of our front panels for this particular case so we're just going to turn this over to a little bit more light cable management and then we will be done with the cable management part of that which is like usually the longest part and then it's just basically it we start putting in all the final beauty touches it's always the fun part everybody enjoys that part and then we're gonna turn it on we'll have the first build of the studio done [Music] okay and what we're doing here make sure this is tight can i keep for everything that there we go okay now all we have left this point in time is some very simple stuff i am going to run this to hold this down the rest of the way i'm just down underneath this same thing with this there we go this can go reset down you don't need this anymore oh you need to pull this down now tie that in real quick okay build is cable managed outside of just our couple we only we don't have a whole lot left to do here there we go yes i should sponsor yes they should sponsor me there we go one more cable and we'll have like a pretty pretty good looking yep okay cool that's all done let's see okay [Music] i've shown myself plenty of times on cam there we go okay nice clean well managed comb build we'll take care of that later because we're gonna be running our main cable through this this will get cleaned with this when we do that a little bit later we're gonna control our main dp our main psu ones with this but everything else looks super good and put together which is nice um okay uh last part of this is let's get our gpu installed everybody say gpu time gpu time gpu time everybody's favorite time okay this is all ready we're gonna do our peel boom this is all stuff we ended up not needing and get put away okay just cleaning up i'm gonna open our open our gpu over here why not get a little bit more room for some gpu cleaning gpu opening here okay are you a big star wars fan yeah what do you think of all the rumors of them retconning the newest trilogy really i didn't know they were going to do that that'd be crazy the mandalorian and all the other stuff oh wow the psu is not here already guys right now we're just opening the gpu that'd be crazy i don't think they'll do it though i said rumors okay here we go here it is right here our little extra thing that we're just gonna throw on the bin for him by the way 20 off of the xr one i don't know what that is but he gets a coupon for it coupon here is our gpu one fan theory i uh i saw was that seven eight and nine six placed in an alternate universe or timeline like star trek yeah that's how they always fix anything it just all happens but then they'd stop luke and they and that would be hard okay there we go right there guys there is the beautiful beautiful gpu love this gps i'd be okay with it because there wasn't enough loot i was just sad that lucan and leia never were in the scene together yeah that's true that's one thing and this is the without this is the one without the clown lips so this is the one this is gen two one because you're getting mad you didn't smell it oh okay it smells like oh it smells good it's what it does it smells like power oh it smells smells beautiful okay let's get the little peels that we have left left off there we go it's funny because like there's been things that they've fixed like the the strix like the asus strix gen two they finally fixed it so um that cover the rgb cover got like covered with a peel but it wasn't like smudged which is nice uh this one they got rid of the like the the clown lips so it's now it's black um and you know do something like that why not make it rgb or something i don't know and there's the last little peel right there like the hardest feel to get off okay okay completely peeled and ready to go there it is right there oh what no one more feel there it is there you go there you go right there beautiful peel and sniff smells like victory i don't know why it smells like victory but it does oops crud you missed the there you go okay that in there put that in there set this down we always send the gpu boxes when we mail the builds out to their to their owners we always say because everybody loves their gpu box but it's kind of like i saw the i saw a funny i saw a funny like tic talk the other day where it says i don't know who he needs to hear this but if you uh you do not need to save your iphone box it's like it was like oh yeah i guess i still have my iphone box i don't know why i have my iphone box but like why i always like that why do i do that yeah that's a good point so okay here we go top down view okay here we go get our gpu in zoom out a little bit okay there we go okay last part as we put in boy beefy boy oh like a glove just went in beautifully oh there's i think they're still in the longest there we go okay here we go last we're getting the three we got three to basically get in here if you tighten this one really good it'll help with the sag you'll notice that about the p600 for when i do that not using the wow oh that's you no not for this one you want the bigger i i just like this one you want manual control i don't want to like have it spin out of control like a crazy person okay tighten that nice and tight there we go okay that is all in now let's grab our cables cobbles okay i figured out that problem with that i was having with the series x oh i had in my settings i checked allow 4k so it was automatically trying to push 4k even though i had set the other setting for 1440p oh but i it was weird but it fixed the issue i was having where it would i pushed the guide button and then it would just change my settings oh that's brutal that's weird that is weird but it's fixed now yay okay uh this one is done just getting our cable management cut our cables out unplugs the light there we go now every the thing that's sad is like when you buy certain ones of these you have to buy like two sets so he uh you got two sets of cables because this is before they started making them for um so he gets two sets of cables yay him okay here we go for this we don't need any of the three ones this is pc porn but it's supposed to be yeah hopefully you enjoy it sit back enjoy okay okay first thing we're going to do let's grab our cpu goes in the top left here throw a couple cables in that there it is did you announce the winner of the nvme oh i did not oh who won uh the winner was that's a good call i got i got a lot wrapped up in the build the winner was uh talk ran tok poke ran epo on twitch poke ran epo tokran epo one the nvme drive you did she did show it toke ran epo on twitch yeah the psu is modular oh what happened to the there we go okay getting this installed now there we go first cable okay that's first cable in there there we go next one to our you are 24 pin now guys once this is done we still so just to let you guys know we have a new video coming out tomorrow uh and then also uh don't forget as well uh we are if you're hanging out at least on twitch we are gonna be we are gonna be rating somebody so please stick around for that we always like to try and make somebody's day a little bit awesome when we have like you know seven eight hundred people who jump in on somebody i'm hoping blondie's gonna look for a raid target tonight figure out how that's gonna be since we have a little given her a little bit more of a heads up than i normally do um and then yeah so yeah we still got more we got still got lots more to kind of come into so you got more entertainment if you want to stick around post the stream um yeah this should be good music is way too low okay that's uh i'm so yeah i try if we try to find the boot like what do you guys think about the uh the music you guys think it's too low it's oh this one's like being a pain to get the there we go okay there we go oh it looks like the cable come for this being ridiculous nobody hears the music oh you can't hear it okay let's turn it up fine can't hear it okay turn up a little bit there we go okay music is turned up and cables oh geez ruby gosh darn it backwards yeah i did it backwards great i'm dj roby that's right this is dj ruby thank you jesse jesse's like i'm here for the i'm here for the music i'm here for the build not the music just to keep it interesting it's different it's definitely different watching you on like mod mondays versus your own streams different how just like the dead end because there's no music on that oh yeah cause they can't because they can't yeah because they don't have the the rights the digital clock is over here it's just we need to find a way to power it we're working on it so we have like we have some stuff some ideas to figure out how to power it so that's kind of good through usb yeah but the usb's got it there's no usb over there like there was on the other one and it was before it was plugged into a it was plugged in a different way and the those even though we have that this doesn't these aren't powered yet because the pc is not built in it oh oh oh oh okay gotcha hey congratulations it's haroon that's awesome i was like you got like 10 usbs gotcha dj roby and the fresh build yeah try them nice people watching on their phone how many people are watching on my how many people are watching on the phone that's like that's an interesting thing i watch for my phone sometimes oh yeah i'm not here i haven't tried plugging in yet because it's not done it's almost done i if i didn't put the dang freaking cables cable comes on backwards it'd be going way faster oh come on there we go okay there we go now the cable comes right okay and you go right back to here i swear we belong i'm still hanging on but something brings me back to you back to you back to you back to you there you go okay cables are in now the big part is like getting this down pushing these cables things these comb things down so we can have that done okay cool that is done okay last part is gpu my name kyle asks can i use two power supplies in a single pc uh there i don't think there are cases that do that support that i mean i know people have figured out ways to do it there are power supplies like the revolt uh from uh phanteks that are actually two power supplies in one um that allow you to have two systems where and two power supplies at the same time so there are options if you want to do something like that uh but no i mean you'd have to do some modifications of the case i think there's some that do like sfx or like small form factor power supplies and a full power supply in the same case um but uh not that do two full atx power supplies okay we are at the end guys all we got to do is get this in and then uh do our psu turn it on we had a little bit of tech issues it's probably why we're running a little bit later than normal a little bit of tech issues is always like shows up at the beginning which is always a problem but luckily we're in good shape now uh if you want to buy a build uh you can reach out to me and commit for commission um you can dm me on twitter or you can reach out to me and dm me on twitter i mean sorry dm me on discord is my preferred method um is the preferred method for getting um is for doing talking about commissions just it's a much easier form of communication some people do it on on email it's a little slower i'd rather just have a conversation but twitter um don't do like the problem is that because my twit my dms have so many dms on instagram and um twitter that doing it there is just not a good way to get a hold of me so if you're really interested i'm booked until march oh this is an fyi you're fine i have a lot of people who continue to be like i'm down to wait so it it continues to move out and out now and i'm like okay well as long as you're okay with it we're also waiting on parts yeah that's that's a lot of times like yeah some of it's like waiting on parts we haven't seen 5950xs in stock and it's mid-december oh and i don't get to just order whatever parts i want i have to get them the same way everybody else does so i'm competing everybody else so it takes me a long time to get parts sometimes this build i think some of these builds like people have been waiting since like late november to get their builds done okay i don't know when he when uh i forgot i don't know i don't remember when gm i think this is g motions built i think is who this is for i remember when he actually signed up some of them i've been able to do pretty quickly because they like i have like the like i might be able to get like a 3080 but like like i don't have a 5950x or something like that right so that's what sometimes it'll be like that actually end up slowing it down we get gpus the same way you guys get yeah we get gpus the same way you guys get gpus we just have have sponsored no we don't have anything like that like i have like people who literally who help me um get gpus uh just like you guys do the difference might be we have a team rather than just yeah it's not just it's not just me so you're a lot of you guys are doing it by yourselves i have a whole team of people who help me try and get them for the builds okay there we go that looks good i think that looks super clean nice and good now we're going to turn over and do our psu everybody say psu time i got hefty elvison tsu hype psu hype this is like the end of the build everything here looks good always the best one okay cool and now we're going to pull this in so it's ready this is it at the end his pc is almost done our first pc in the new studio first pc in the new studio brought to you by ice all right build pcs not for well i built pcs for commissioners yeah for people who commissioned me yeah so there are i mean they're not people i know like we're not best friends like they didn't go to my wedding wait you're married i am married okay this is it guys time for the psu install get our psu out these are all our power [Music] [Music] okay here we go this is our spy strider platinum 12. oh they're excited for me to smell it man this is a beefy boy sniff height okay um yeah 12. this psu is white i didn't order a white one this pia this this psu isn't even the right psu that's not the right this is an 800 this is not the right psu in this thing uh i think i got sent the wrong thing i think somebody this is this is not the psu what that's a that's an r this is an rog 850 watt psu i mean this is way more expensive than this but i don't know how this got in here um okay do we have an 850 watt in there just for now so we get the build down you have the evga yeah can you give me an evga yeah just we can get the build done guys i don't know i don't know yeah i don't know why that's in there yeah wow that was strange is there no uh 1200 watt is not recommended is there another 1200 watt in there just per chance or is that the only one we have no but there's another strider oh there is can you hand me that one then it's a thousand watts it's not 1200. oh it's a thousand okay well we'll do this one this is better we're gonna do a thousand watt hopefully this is the right one that was weird okay again silverstone it's had like all the packaging and everything that's super strange i need to find out where we bought this okay well we're gonna put that back in there and find out what's going on there put that away we're gonna use a thousand watt okay that's better that seems better is it black that's black and it's also like wrapped there we go so there we go 1000 watts i think this is still good so we'll talk to him okay here we go time for the sniff test oh oh my gosh that smells like fish oh that's weird oh that one's not the best smelling i get that like a white one was not sealed yeah they're not yeah the white one was not sealed and it was a it's a white there's a white rog i'm wondering if like i'm wondering if we if we used it in something else and then it's sitting in another build and somebody just put it in there we thought we had one in inventory we don't i'm guessing that's something like that so i just got it i don't remember ever using that i've used a lot of builds i just got it i just probably gonna go back and think about it okay um what we need out of here is we need oh this is like oh this is just all the vga ones okay cool here we go so i'm sure it's something like that we'll just gotta figure it out um okay so we need two of these these are vgas we need three of these and they're three individually so there we go three individual vgas we need not that these are all that we don't need this box is not going to hold all this stuff geez box is full i can put this back in there i'll put that back in with the accessory stuff okay we're going with the accessories okay okay uh we need one there's our this is our this is our 24 pin atx there is our power supply power cable that goes in the box for him it's all of our extra stuff like our psu use those those are just to help us cable manage a couple no 30 90 cannot run minecraft we've got some test jumping psu screws and some additional psu screws that's cool they give you two kinds big old thumb screw ones okay um and then we've got in here what we need is we need our sata we need our cpu power that's in here okay so this is there's our one cpu cable we need and then we need a sata there's nobody sad about that okay there's our sata and then these are all of our cables yeah that was gonna be a tight fit okay we got all of our stuff here okay next up now time to plug everything in okay so we need three the cool thing is this has like all those like covers we need three of those we'll need three vga there we go okay lastly okay there's that three vga are in next up we need cpu should be right up here these are black i don't want i think they want me to use the black ones i'm just gonna like i think these are all blue yeah there you go there's your cpu one sata not that it matters but i i'm like ocd so i want to match the cables with the cables okay and then finally last one is our psu one there we go okay there's that and what we're gonna do just to keep things clean and fresh they do it like this then the only one i want to have out of this bunch is the cpu one this one needs extra room where's the cpu one there it is okay these all stay bunched it has a little bit of a groupie something going rest of these get there we go okay now we're going to do is we're going to take out our bracket in the back here put that right there this is our this one uses a bracket oh use that psu in the 10 000. yeah but that one i you the 10 000 build went out i think i know i think i know where that builds that one's from i think i use that in a build a very long time ago an arctic build that didn't have enough power and i was gonna put like two two and i think i thought i had i thought that was new and it wasn't but like i think this is the actual the one that he was supposed to have with this build not a 1200 watt i think you're supposed to have a thousand one that's why i have this one that makes way more sense so i think when i just remember him i remember the conversation being like oh he wanted and i was like i was surprised but the thousand watts makes way more sense i was like why is he doing a 1200 watt but anyway it's done it's here we have a thousand watt we're good and it's new so now i know i have a white psu that i didn't know i had that's a nice psu too sp those ps2s are hard to get i didn't know and i haven't i have an arctic build i have an arctic review build coming up so i'm like perfect there we go okay here we go sub hype 270 subs today that's pretty awesome okay here we go thanks in chat for whoever said that huh someone in chat was like oh you use that psu in the 10 000 vote yeah i remember that but that one was like because that needed 1200 watt but right that i know that we i remember that one like we got rid of that box because that's how it came out of inventory that's why that one's sitting in inventory so is that you know that's so just so people know like we every time we finish something it then my our business guy goes through all the parts at the end of the week and then takes him out of inventory that's how we know what goes in and what goes out so i know that that one got got dispersed um and so that's what happened this one i think is from a much much way before build that i did and before we were so anal about we didn't i mean like i don't think i ever knew we would be this successful um and have this many people watch and do this many builds i mean like back then i was like i was pretty happy when i had like you know i have like i have like three three motherboards and i'm so i'm so baller and like now it's like we have like a whole room dedicated just to having stock and so and then we had to start paying attention and so yeah and we used to have like even more yeah yeah pay attention even more but i mean like we had like we used to get like 50 concurrent viewers and here we are with 1800 right now you know what i mean like so it's just it's like the some of it's just like learning from those things so and i do make mistakes guys that's just not pretend enough let's not pretend that that's not a thing it's not a thing i can tell you right now he never makes mistakes okay so we're good there we got all these pretty much cable managed one thing we're gonna do now is we're gonna grab our three psu ones i have to go over here i love how youtube keeps advertising eve online really yeah like i want to play but i know how it starts oh dude it's a little mining craft dude that game i wanna i still have all of my stuff i have like i have like i have like three or four hundred billion isk right like it's like i have a lot of stuff in that game still may not be that much but it's a ton and i like used to keep my character trained too no i'm not barefoot i'm wearing shoes that say i'm blessed see some socks and say i'm blessed i don't know i love that i was like okay so i'm all about positivity in my life i want to be nice and i want to be positive i want to be a like i don't want to think that i take anything for granted that i have because it could all go away and like that one kid says i'm about to get canceled he never responded as to why i'm about to get cancelled but it's coming apparently i have my theories oh really what are they i keep them to myself oh no i'm gonna get canceled guys okay last there you go there's like moved on me okay there we go okay so there's all those we have one more little bit [Music] now we just need two of these then we're done i am going to have i don't know i'm gonna have i think i'm thinking of a sourdough jack i've eaten the same thing for lunch like the last like two weeks like ever since like we so we have like i don't know who is anybody like a dumpling fan like you guys are like a huge fan of dumplings yes so they have a doe zone in the landing now and so i've been eating a lot of dozone and it's the same thing doesn't is like a it's like a dem thai fung so um yeah but less expensive yes yes yeah yeah it's like my so i eat i eat a lot of dumplings i've been i've been i've been partaking and imbibing and vibing i don't think that's the right word but i've been enjoying my dumplings okay here we go dumpling man dumplings are delicious dumplings are delicious okay last cable we are done i hate these splits chat five dollars uh you could try that that might it might be a power issue um it depends on the psu uh i would definitely try that to see if that works dude just try is sep is separate your power and do two different power things because certain psus do have limitations like that and so that is always a good thing to do okay there we go one cable these are like these are so fat that they're like kind of okay so we're good this pc is done we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done hey guess what we're done i'm gonna go ahead and do something that just literally keep this under control here this cable doesn't move we're done for this part we're almost done there we go we should keep that kit on okay cool there we go now look at that clean clean and ready for power seal the box there we go sealed okay clean up the mess get it all prepared even up the even up the tables okay ladies and gentlemen the first build in the new studio can it oh we have all these like he like he did such a good job of like giving me cable managed like i have like a little whole cluster here for it and you just got ready for me to to do like like we really like we're we're like we're like legit now okay there it is how does it look in the front good looks good you're on top down yeah i'm on top i'm getting ready to go okay there it is guys ready for uh ready for uh it's it's debut and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and put all the little extra parts on to make sure it kind of is ready for its turn on here there we go get the case back to working condition there we go front panel on front panels on and let's go ahead just be safe and put the rear panel on okay boom there it is pc is ready to go plug in our cables oh look how you did this this is awesome and right a big boy it is a thick boy that was a thick cable there's a thick hdmi cable okay boom and boom there it is takes a little while for the fans to go and there we go look at that wide shot okay we'll do the wide shot wide shot it is perfect we're waiting to see if it posts i like i do not know the posting is a whole different weird hopefully that all works like we're waiting to see if like again we're we don't know we haven't tried the cable stuff oh this isn't plugged in the power cable on this isn't plugged in we don't know if uh we we we have like a new setup here and oh it's right here there we go i don't know if it's it may not post it's not supposed to post because it is not been flashed so if it does not post i am not going to be surprised is the power supply rgb no it is not but again remember we are going to we are going to basically be we are going to basically be going this is awesome like having the wide shot now is pretty stinking cool yeah so there is our build running as it should it's just going to get flashed and all that sort of stuff here in a bit uh by uh before we ship it out there we go charging the wow stick let's give you guys a side cam view just because that always has a tendency to be just a little bit of a different view here i'll get it over the side cam for you here we go there you go and you can see the front there a little bit as well oh we gotta need a level oh it's the wrong way let me get up okay here we go we're gonna go to the side cam but there you can see the front there and then here we go we'll get the side cam in there for you there we go side cam coming up now and there's the side cam uh some people are asking where do i get an rtx 3080 at this point in time is i think the best point the best choice is signing up for the new egg raffle every monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday at 10 a.m one of the best ways to get a hold of one and uh is to get one from there that build came out super clean that build looks great so i'm super happy with how they came out um let us start the giveaway for the last the last bit uh just coming up at nine o'clock a little bit of a longer stream but we had some technical issues okay so we got our last giveaway here guys this is for the um this is for the uh 150 new a gift card i want to say thank you everybody for supporting here and for in it to get in on that we're getting in on the way this is going to work is um way this is going to work is we're going to give you a code uh we're going to tell you a good thing everybody say thank you nuway because newegg's our primary sponsor here so they're a large part of uh making sure that we uh we well a lot of things that we basically do um with the entry code for this is gonna be exclamation point new egg exclamation point new egg and we're gonna have three minutes to get in on that don't spam don't spam because then you won't get your you if you get timed out you won't be able to claim so we're gonna start that giveaway right now exclamation point new egg giveaways getting ready to start in just a second um cloud bot there you are commands okay oh no giveaway exclamation point new egg let me make sure i put it oh new egg now sorry it's exclamation point new egg now new egg now sorry guys exclamation point new egg now my bad exclamation point new egg now right meow okay giveaway is going now three minutes left exclamation point new egg now there we go guys man that bill came out great came out super clean i always like about the rams the neo right yeah i like how the neo matches the evga's tone color tone i don't know i don't see the splitter i'm looking for the oh there it is oh it's definitely on it's roughly there it's definitely all working there i just don't know if the uh thing what's going on there i don't i mean it could be it like it could not this was not a great build to do for the first one because it like may not post because it hasn't been flashed so we don't know there we go exclamation point new egg now now just as a reminder guys uh just as a reminder for the rest of the day for what's going on for the rest of week while we're basically waiting for this um we're going to be uh we're going to be uh uh back on friday we have a new video launching tomorrow it's actually our first step-by-step guide we're going to be done showing you step by step in the mac cube 110 so it's a very very in-depth full walkthrough shows you how to install an amd processor an intel processor pretty incredible uh video very similar to our 1.6 1.7 million view video uh that we just did so that is going to be releasing tomorrow at 10 30 a.m uh then we're back on friday for another stream uh that friday stream will be uh another build i think i'm trying to remember what it is i don't remember what it is but yeah it's it's a surprise even for me we've got we've taken we've taken thumbnails we're guys we got another commission build on friday uh and then we have saturday uh saturday morning we are streaming world of warcraft that's at 10 a.m on saturdays uh love to have you come and play with us that's going to be for a couple hours we're gonna be starting uh in uh shadowlands uh on world of warcraft so that's also happening and then don't forget uh tomorrow or friday's the last stream well friday and saturday friday is the last the pc stream to get in on the sub only giveaway for an rtx 3080 uh we'll be announcing that near the end of the week next week um to make sure that people basically get their uh get their chance and let our thing do it we we uh we have we won we have so many of those things coming up so don't forget we got that if you want to get in just remember you can use your free amazon prime subscription uh that'll give you a chance if you're over at rubytech or newegg and potentially walk away with a free gpu so that is happening as well we're going to be raiding right after this so make sure that you uh you pay attention uh we'd love to have those of you who are at slash roby tech stick around so we can bless somebody else let me check to see who we're rating and see if uh blondie's giving me a raid target yet um yes reform jedi we're gonna be raiding reform jedi um and so uh reform jedi is gonna be playing he's playing hitman three we're gonna be uh we're gonna be raiding him which is gonna be awesome so uh get ready for that we're gonna we're gonna rate a small streamer and uh make their day just a little bit better i want to give a big shout out and thank you to everybody who uh oh never mind congratulations to reza rezakali rezakali over on youtube you are the winner of the 150 new egg gift card thank you very much congratulations reza you will get you that and get that out to you now uh we are uh remember man what was i going to say crud i was okay so we're going to do a raid target here in just a few minutes uh please stick around we're going to do reform jedi uh it's who we're going to basically be raiding um so would love for you guys to stick around for that and uh so stand by we're gonna do that right now there he is he's playing hitman three he's got 17 viewers come on guys let's make somebody's life spectacular and uh just do something super cool tell them robytech sent them um and make this uh super special we're waiting for the raid going in there 711 raiding now thank you very much guys have a great night and we will see you on friday see you bye guys i think the sketchy website i bought this turtle
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 243,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4000 pc build, 4000 pc build 2021, 5950x build, bios flashback, building PC, custom PC, evga 3080, evga 3080 ftw3, gaming pc, gaming pc build 2021, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a high end gaming pc 2021, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step 2021, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, pc build, pc building, robeytech, robytech, technology
Id: 4Qclw2hN3Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 14sec (12914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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