How to Build a Hipped Roof, Proper Job

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[Music] hello I'm Roger Bisby from the skill Builder Channel and this is I'm Dan Cox from Central culture tools and he is the inventor of the famous ultimate roofing square which we will be using in this video but don't worry you don't have to use it what we want to show you is how to build a hipped roof and a further feature of this roof is that we found the quiet corner of Essex to build it in but there's no electricity but don't worry because we got the Eco flow which is a portable power unit and it can power our chop saw our other corded tools it can charge our batteries and it can also make the tea Well it can't make the tea but it can board a kettle you make the teeth I'll make the tea so first thing is we've got to find the Midway point right we're going to find half of the span or to run get the center of that then we're going to put the thickness of our rafter on the center and then we can measure up here to get our other end common King common rafting that's an in common raft it's an in common also known as a king comments that's a run it's two four two five two four two five so half of that gone two four two five half of that 12 12.5 12.5 don't forget that 0.5 of a millimeter 12 12.5 so that is our halfway line yeah that this is the thickness of our end common King so we're going to put that 45 mil so that is where our end Commons is going to go now we're going to measure from the overall up to the end common yeah and that is 1190 1190 there end common King will grow there like that so then that forms a perfect square for our hip to go up onto now it's just worth pointing out at this stage that if you're putting a wall plate in as we have here you need to make sure that it's absolutely Square parallel level spend some time doing that because if you don't it means that every rafter you cut you've got to cut differently if you get it Square you get it level you get it absolutely perfect then everything else will fall into place now you can see on this one that we've got OSB sheathing if this was on brickwork this would be on the inner wall and we'd be bedding this on the Block work or whatever and then we'd have a brick skin up the outside but this is what we'll be working to the outside of the wall plate but as you can see here we've got OSB sheathing on it because it's a be like for a shed or a timber frame house so in that case we want our rafter to sit on the outside of that and so we're our overall Dimension is this from the outside of there to the outside of the other side so just make sure you get that right because this is what you're looking for and now he's setting out 600 centers for these Rafters they could be at 400 centers that depends on the tiles and the battens and everything else or you may even be using a OSB sheathing on the roof as well sulking board as they call it so now we've got that square marked out for the hips what we're going to do is we're going to pitch the common rafters the main bit of the roof if you like and to do that we need the overall width yeah level run 2425 so we've got the 2425 the Run we found half of the run and then we've put our Ridge thickness on now 45 mil so our rafter run is 1190 so we can work out the rafter lengths now we're doing 30 degree pitch roof so we can work out ever after lengths so you might wonder how then got that 30 degree pitch well you can have a pitch for anything sort of 22 if you like all the way up to 45 or whatever so it varies according to the roof now if you work into a drawer and it'll be on the drawing but if you're building a garden shed or garden room or anything like that then you probably want to work out your own angle so we've got a little trick of how you can do it just to check what height that Ridge will come to but you could set this out on a scale drawing just to find out that 30 degree pitch is going to suit you in terms of the height of the building so the overall span is two four two five the ridge whip 45 mil and a roof pitch is 30 degrees let me hit the calculate so our rafter length is one three seven four so now we've got that magic number we can use that to calculate the raft to work out the rafter Limbs and that's where your Square comes in yep measurement and cut them so they fit in nicely [Music] it's the magic spot on ski yeah it's just a why don't you have a rough draft up here better be nice [Music] so first of all we're going to cut this corner off so our hip is going to sit on there and it'll come and sit up there nicely because we need to keep our height above plate the same this is the thickness of our hip and that's going to come out to like there so that's where we're going to cut it off so our birdsmith will go over there and all that height above plates will be uniform all the way around the roof if this was like a brick building and we had a plate you'd have the plate and cut it off but because we've got the Sterling ball coming the way down here I need to cut it down a little bit more and then come out if it's a wall plate that'd be there and this would be brickwork daddy you just cut that off so our height above plate it's a little bit shallower but it's virtually the same as that [Music] so now that's going to sit on there just like that [Applause] [Music] should be 2.1 it's beginning to set the hip out we need to get the height above plate so I can get the bird's mouth correct so I'm going to Palm up from the outside edge and this will give us our height above plate 93 mil so that is the height of the rafter above the wall plate so now we're going to fit the hip in here and obviously the hip is much longer than ordinary rafter this is a 30 degree raft over the bird's mouth there and as it comes around now the hips traveling a lot further down to here so it's less of an angle because it is traveling much further now another great feature of this square is when we come to do the hips we don't have to do any calculations we've got all the hip marks up you see on the inside we've got the common rafter so we know it was 30 degrees on the common rafter so if we set 30 degrees on the hit the actual true angle of it isn't 30 degrees but it doesn't matter this is actually done the working out for you so now you've done that all you need to do place the square on the rafter on the hip rafter and mark up the pram cut I prefer to use a chop saw to cut these angles on the hip but if you haven't got a chop saw you can clamp the square to the hip and use it as a guide for a skill saw [Music] up there and we're looking for a point for our hip to meet the two common rafters so we've done one side so I'm just going to square that across there like that and now our other cut is going to come down now to create a point foreign so here we have a perfect Point that's going to go up and meet our two common rafters so now I'm going to set the bird smell fat for the Heap and because we said earlier because the hips lower it's a different Bird's mouth so earlier we measured this height above plate which was the height above the wall plate was 93 mil so now from the top of here the top of the hip and the plum cut I'm going to measure down there 93 mil and we're starting a hundred just to get it because we've got a bit of a round there so that's 93 mil so this is our height above plate there now we can just slide the square up still set on the 30 degrees because we've still done the hip and then just slide it down to that height above plate line there Lock It Off and now this is set up for the hip Bird's mouth so now I'm going to physically measure the length of the hip now there's quite a few apps around that give you so much information it just blows your mind and also all the best wheel in the world you've got a big building it might be a little bit out so it's good to get all the main Rafters up and then physically measure it I've got a fixed Point here and we've got a fixed point up there so because these big feet if you like this big foot on it sometimes hard to get it in there what I do is I go 100 Mil up we start 100. and go from there but of course then then has to deduct that 100 Milford I'll just start 100 up there 1940. but Roger if you um hold the square I'm just going to do a very slight Arc just follow the 19th from what we round so that is obviously now from the top of the common rafters down to our wall plate and there's a square is already set up we can just slide this up until it meets that line and there we have the bird's mouth set out on the hip so as you can see we've measured from the top of the hip up there down to this point near the bird's mouth we've not measured along the top like we would in ordinary rafter on the hip the bird's mouth's usually a little bit bigger because the hips are wider so it sometimes gets nearer half the thickness but this is okay because the hips are a bigger Timber now Dan I understand this but just for those people who might not normally when you're doing a common run one of these yep you'd be going from the top along this top Edge we do yes and then set the square down when we're doing the rafters we've got nothing set up at all right so we've got to start somewhere and the correct way is you've got to measure down the edge so it's running along the roof line got it but now these all set up we've got physically two fixed points to work to yeah yeah so that is why we've measured from the top to the plate from the top a nice little Arc around and set the square on it laughs so just to prove a point here's our common rafter 30.3 and he's our hip 22.4 I've just cut a little point on here it's at the same pitch as the hip 22 degrees I'm just going to offer it up in now so of course I've could have measured to the longest point but as you can see if lift it there it just add a little bit so where we drop it down by going to the shoulder line is just a few mil down and it's more of an accurate measurement and now I can measure from there to the overall plate down there all right some people may be confused by this then when we measure what we're looking for is 600 Center to Central Center so if we go that side or so no we go this side of the right side we need to go you know the other side of the rafter there that's correct so that will then give us 600 600 center right so when you go up there at the top you need to do the same we've done from this Edge to this Edge to that edge right that's it okay so you do that okay 600 centers so when your rafter goes up it's going that side all right that's correct because that's just one of those little things that somebody may flip around and then oh no I've done it wrong I've cut the rafter too short and then by doing this we're going to get the longest point because the longest point of the rafter of the Jack Rafters so once this comes up here we've got a nice solid physical point for measuring off rather than this Edge we don't want that edge I want the longest Point yeah yeah it's got to be this side and then is it going down to it's going to come around and Bird's mouth around here like right so we're doing that so once the Jack Blaster goes in we'll be able to see it more clearly of why we've gone to the longest Point okay because actually if you cut this a smidging wrong all you'd have to do is move it smoothly down by two mil and it would be right and that wouldn't be the end of the world because they're very forgiving really isn't it so they'll be measuring for that longest point on the hip to our overall and we've got 753 [Music] [Applause] so I've just cut the one length in half so we're gonna get two Jack Rafters at the one length with the one saw cut and you see now that was a 30 degree cut the same as all the main roof there I'll simply put the square on clamped it down and use that as a guide and then we put the skill saw on 45 degrees lay it over and went through but as you can see when you're cutting through on that angle it's not actually 45 it's just out a little bit the saw compensates like whatever angle you're going through so now we've got the splay cup on the jack rafter it's going to go just in there so the square that was set up from all these main rafters this is the same Bird's mouth so now I can measure down there seven five three from the longest Point hook on a nice little Arc around there 753 lay the square on slide it up to the line draw the bird's mouth and that is our Jack rafter ready to go so it's important to remember that a jackrafter is exactly the same as a common rafter and nothing like the hip [Applause] so you can see that the Jack rafter is exactly the same as the common rafter it's just going to slide in to make the hip now if his hip was much longer and these are much longer when you fix these you can see we're going to fix them in pairs because if you put them all on one side it has a tendency to push the hip out and bow it out so by fixing them in pairs it straightens the hip up when I'm working on my own I quite often bang a nail in now bend it over a little bit and it just helps hold it up there when I'm fixing the bottom now you will have noticed that then screwing this whole roof up and the reason he's doing that is because this is a rig we're going to dismantle it afterwards normally he would just use a Paslode nailer and nail the whole thing up some people worry about using screws but these are forged fast construction screws they're made for the job and they will not snap so those people will say don't use screws because they're brittle in their snap not these ones the longest point to their 754 seven five or for the longest point and just put that like that there and then I can go seven five four and do an arc there [Music] so again this Jack rafter is exactly the same as our end common rafter there so that's it now all the birds mouth exactly the same and just slide straight in until it meets the hip there [Music] so that was really great that's how to construct a hipped roof and of course the other side is going to be identical to this so there's no point it's going through that whole thing again but Dan's done a really great job now if you want to see more of Dan's videos he's actually got his own playlist on skill Builder now he's done so many roofing videos and different things that you can watch his videos back to back all day long and I would recommend watching as many as you can because he goes out on site he does his job out in sight with all the distractions and all the different restrictions there are so it's a good idea to get that you know if you're going to learn this as an apprentice or somebody who just wants to improve add a string to your bow then the more you watch the more you'll know and I just want to mention this fact about the fact you were lucky here then with the 600 centers yeah you didn't need to put a tiddler in there because sometimes I have to put a silly little one in there and that drives me nuts also generally we've done all these at 600 and on the drawings but sometimes you can reduce that that's the maximum that you'd want yeah so if this was a real roof I would have moved that one out a little bit to say 400 yeah and then come off that another four so the next Jack would have been here okay and it had been a decent size rather than a horrible little one at the end here that's not doing a lot I flop about it so as long as you don't always exceed the maximum you can always reduce it got it and I think that you know that 400 centers that people normally do with a cut roof 16 inches for the Americans the reason I'm seeing that not done now is because of the insulation people are saying take it to 600 because you get less cold food yes with the fewer Rafters you got in the less coal bridging you're going to get so I think that might be one of the reasons why they've increased the dimensions of the Timbers the Timbers because then again it's to get more insulation in isn't it yes and also spread them out a bit yeah which just means you've got to use a thicker Batten basically doesn't it yes so we've completed that roof construction job using the Eco flow for all of it including cannot see what's it doing it's got 65 still left on it so it's good but based on that it's good for another couple of days work which is to my mind tremendous
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 47,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof framing, hip roof, common rafter, speed square, hip rafters, how to, roof framing 101, how to build, how to frame a roof, hip rafter, hipped roof, daniel cox, how to build a roof, carpentry roof framing, roof timbers, uk site carpentry, roof framing calculations, birdsmouth cut rafter, framing square, roof framing basics, do it yourself
Id: CaPoQBXL2t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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