Roof Framing Masterclass British Style with Dan Cox

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[Music] so what are we up to mate well just pinch the roof on our building out here um it's gonna be a nice little dining area with a kitchen so uh there we have it so hold up with that square and built it over the square pitches it all up nicely you'll see how this job unfolded roger i want to get a couple of um timbers only like a little bit of batting from these middles down just to support them a little bit just to take the bounce out of them and then we can get some cut timbers across because then we can get the ridge and the rafters all screwed up here and we've got sanctuary lift it up prop it up off that said don't bounce too much that's the plan [Music] i can see that these posts are they meander slightly don't know these big posts where they've been set into the concrete yeah yeah i've been bad but they're just a little bit out now you didn't put those in obviously no no i turned up yesterday i put these timbers so so is that going to affect your rafter length or you're going to use the rafters to pull them into line well i've tried to straighten it up especially km timbers so the plates are not too bad for straight so yeah it's not too bad it's it's not like snook the table but it's not bad i remember that last job that we filmed with you that was a nightmare wasn't it that wasn't it the plate was not parallel it ran out a couple of feet didn't it and i've never been deliberately so i've never done nothing like it before i've done the odd squinted one but nothing um as big as that and i didn't realize that all the rafters changed as they went down and yeah he's got there he's told it it looks good so it's all right yeah yeah good i'm glad it's all worked out so yeah that's a good one well i want to get some timbers across here there's i've got my ridges all here i am i've cramped them up through here to try and get them straight with the scarf joints i'll crank my ridge through here because i've got the scarf joints on it again because of the older lengths of timber so i cramped them on there just to try and keep it straight for marking out the scarf joints and i've also marked where the rafter is going to go on this ridge so i'm going to get a couple fixed onto there and then we're going to lift it up and then you've got the whole ridge but you're not going to lift it up not in one bit no no so you'll put it up and then scarf pull it up and then prop the other piece up put the wedges in here so how many scarf joints you've got we've got two now right we've got one here there would be people and there's the other one here i can feel them already typing in the comments who are saying why didn't you just get yourself longer timber that's neil it's this is 96 this building and the timbers that we did have was four or eight not allowing yeah for the overhang but you would still end up with a joint so you want a joint you're still going to have a joint yeah so yeah still get one joint this is nine nine six or nine four long action line [Applause] all right i was going to cut two bits of batting to prop it up that's it right with saltwood but pull it around a little bit neal a little bit more out that way a little bit more yeah we're lift this one up here don't know if you've got to steady that yeah i've got to push mine up me a bit more yet says his old girlfriend said didn't like to save mcqueen and i'm not earning it for ages and then all the viewers now i think i'm a stupid queen looking like yeah i wish i did female fan club right i sat there you can just keep hold of that please neil listen just about there something [Applause] a tricky one i want that in a bit more as well [Applause] all right yes [Applause] um [Applause] i spot on well i want to get them front anchored up now yeah which is like five foot in between them [Applause] i've got the easy job jump me out there there we go that should sit on it right it's just before crank this knee i'll come and pop that up that's it lovely yeah yep everyone's going up five mil or something not a lot but we'll see how their rafters shape up with it oh it's about their newest it i've done me marking out here for the spacing in between the rafters sesame rafter there just easy to imagine it each time just keep using that if you're one millimeter at each time you've got 17 rafters you're 17 mil out so you get to the end and it can be a little bit out at times but you know so it's not not snook the table me wedge might be in the way i might need to bang them in [Applause] so damn when you cut that piece of timber there for the rafter spacings i'm assuming that you've got four hundreds now these are all i've spaced it out so they're all exactly equal what i was going to say so then you would make an adjustment so yeah you end up with them all equal yeah so you got the length the whole length for the the plate the ridge if you like and then you're dividing it by the number of rafters yeah yeah it's um i think there's 17 rafters yeah so i had 17 thicknesses of rafter 46 mil take that away take that away from the overall it's about nine free through here and then you divide that by one less these times you've got one on either end so divided that by 16 and i've got i've got five four two but so when i run out yesterday i was about 15 mil or so over yeah just because you like so one millimeter out these will come up a little bit different and your pencil thicknesses um i've kept it under 600 it is around 600 nil wanted uh to work for sheet supply because we didn't want to be over 600 because we can put sterling board on top of it got it so there's no battens it's just straight on with the sterling we've got sterling ball straight on new and then what's what's the covering on top of that going to be uh orange line oh i know the on july on july that's basically corrugated that's it [Applause] just turn it around and just put a cramp on it now then turn it right away that's it yeah and drop back down [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] up [Applause] now all right i've got a mark here yeah if i have a pleasure i'm going to miss that one out neil yep yep oh just move me move the old ladder a little bit [Applause] yep that's it lovely what loving all right excellent i think they're back salted yeah gotta leave that one out over there so i can cut that post off yeah leave me a minute yeah yep [Applause] lovely [Applause] so nice top heavy that one [Applause] [Applause] they don't want to come out those nails do today no i went here not he's come out the back at a funny old angle i think we're a couple of rafters that's what's known as a rafter shot of a flash you know now going to got caught up on tank oh just get a few more rafters cut and get them posters cut off in a second [Music] uh [Music] bob going up again the roof's 30 degree pitch so i've got 30 degrees on the chop saw because that gives us the correct cut um one guy was i was liaising with and he said about so this is zero and you're going round to 30 so that bit from there around there is 60 degrees because this plum cut 60 well that's a 30 degree pitch roof is 30 from like horizontal going up so the bottom cut here is 30 and then the top plumb cut would be 60. so as you can see the chop saw you're starting off from zero i've put it round to 30 and then from here to the fence there's your 60 degrees what's left half the span that's half the ridge or you can do the whole span less the ridge so as we're doing a 30 degree pitch i've times the number by 1.155 okay so roughly i've got a 4 8 span half that was about two four less half the ridge that gave me i forget two three something so we're doing 30 degrees there yeah 1.155 and we've timed that bias from the outside plate to what would be straight down from the ridge that's the measurement so if it's overall say it's 4 8 you can do 4.8 minus a thickness of ridge so it's 50 ml where before 750 you divide that by two and that will give us like the run that we're looking for so we didn't multiply the run the run the degrees of the number on here the length of my rafters 2748 and that is my rafter set at limp i see the comments one guy said to me he normally measures to the bird's mouth but when you're setting your roof eight that's not quite correct you've got to measure down the top of your rafter so getting perspective here's your triangle and this is we can call this our span so we've worked our lymphatic is to there and then how that works is so this is how there's a ridge there and then our rafter is going to come down here here's our plate and then as a rafter comes down they can see it so this is the length we want there because it's keeping that triangle where if you go from this point to there that's the wrong angle you can see as it's coming down that's not running correct so this is why you've always got a market on the top edge and then you plum it sort of down so with my square all your bevels you can mark it to there and then you can pull it on now and cut out for your plate so i've measured from the plum cut which up there hook my tape on measured then i've got my rafter set at length slide the square up to the line now and simply draw around the bird's mouth and that's the rafter set out this is the line there yeah which you've always got to do it on the top edge for your first rafters and then it's plumbed down and that's where plate's going to go that's the bird's mouth that's the bird's mouth for the plate you've set that bird's mouth on your sliding square so the bird's mouth pre-set up 30 degrees which is a roof that we're doing and then this part just slides up and down locked it off it just makes it much easier for setting out the rafters you can see what you're doing i've done some extensions where you're going into an existing building i've cut by the mouse and fault i think i need a bit more in so this is fully adjustable as you can see this arm fully adjusts so we put that on our degrees like 30 degrees whatever the picture roof is and then inside this one up and down so once it sits on top of the rafter there decided to whatever bird's mouth required when you're marking your bird's mouth it shouldn't be no more than one third of the thickness of the material so this is like it's just over 121.25 so you've got forty eighty one twenty so forty mil out there that is a maximum really should be taken out of the timbers and then with this you can just slide it to whatever you want and then once it's locked off you can mark out all your your set he said if you're doing hips and then you've got your jack cuts again you can reuse this for your jack rafters you can set the hips out with uses for the hips as well so if you're finding all this little bit confusing check out my other video on skill builder where i'll go into little bit more detail of using the square in the comments on the other video the viewers found it really easy to follow ah you are using your mitre saw yep you set that up on the bench to do this but a lot of people won't have a miter saw a lot of people will say i really don't want to do that i want to do it with a circular saw or a handsaw so how can i use your square right to set out my plumb cut right an easy way to do that and accurately if you're not good at cutting is take the arm off set at 30 degrees then you can hold that there and then use this as a saw guide i think just run straight through and then you can cut it off i mean you could cramp that down if need be but you can just run that through and that'll give you a perfect and it gives you a nice cut perfect plum cut it gives you and you're not having a look at it or anything no it's just you've got a guide to follow through in beautiful beautiful or alternatively you could just mark it down now yeah that's it and then get the wayne tour out and give it up yeah if you're good if you could oh dude that was the old days weren't it yeah okay well a lot of people won't have a tool so they might just no it's right it's like a little notification garden shed or something and uh yeah i need that square that'll be great but i don't want to invest in a chop saw and all the others exactly yeah so you can just literally draw down now and then you've got all your cuts on there as well and there we have our after cut out just using the square i've set this to the picture of the roof which you say to any of the angle [Music] well i'm just about to cut the feet off the fascia so what i like to do is i'll measure out either end 150 whatever it is and then i've got these little blocks that i made up i just find it quite easier so i can put that up on there for me line a little cramp let me line come through underneath that but then tap this up and down you move it so you get exactly where you want it the other thing i like if you put the line under the rafter then this is only going to sag down with gravity but if you put it on top of the rafter you really got to lift it up a little bit because if it touches the rafter and you've got a slight bow in your roof then you're not going to get a true line but going underneath if this does sag down then it's still true and you can really pull this tight under there and you get a nice dead straight line for your faces to pop on do it in two if you want me all right that's the one right and then this just pops in there like that really give it a good old yank now just tap that and get that [Applause] we've now come off of v150 yeah you have around 150 and i'm going to get a nice straight line through there now okay rather than cutting the feet off when you do the bird's mouths like it's all textbook stuff and when i was at college i said that you really want to do it in place to get it reasonably straight so obviously i've planned this line down with the level and then i'm going to set a bevel up to the line and then i'm going to go throughout and mark all these with a bevel now some people like using a level for everyone but on the roof like this i'm quite confident it's flat it's all in at 30 degrees and this is beveled down now that's quite accurate enough maybe if you had a hip and all your jacks you might want to check your jack rafters because on that they can vary a little bit and then it will throw this out but it's so minimal like i just prefer a bevel and i've got a line now bevel on slide it down and there we go i'm actually going to mark the other side because i prefer go down the skill sword outside just depends which side obviously you get left-handed skill source right-handed oh okay so every one of those is going to be done with a skill so i'm going to cut these off as a skill saw no and straight down now using gravity good old gravity pull it down i'm not getting that size you can see it so just slide it down now i still want my door clamp but um i've approached the firm and ain't got back me for a while the door clamps just excellent door clamp an inch jig i made up these nice little brackets here that when i'm working on my own occasionally i um i cramped them on now and then you've done plastic facials you can just slide them straight in and it's like third answer you can get one of them there and another one now it just holds it up so you haven't got a nail through the plastic marking it all in this case we've got wooden fascia so i'm just going to put that there for a helping hand really obviously we're working here then or you're working here it's a sunday isn't it it's a sunday so you're seven days a week i've been really busy lately last few years i've been very lucky um a few clients you know private jobs here and now and then on site in the week so yeah very busy so what do you do when you're not working because you some but sometimes you must be not working yeah i used to i was still a keen fisherman but nowadays i prefer going fish somewhere abroad um so i visited quite a few different countries fishing and recently in the cycling so i get out on the bike every now and then nice nothing too strenuous but a nice gentle cycle for the countryside just a 50 mile ride just a 50 mile ride with a pub at every where did you go fishing um i was fishing england for like 25 years carp fishing i was mad for it it's quite obsessive i think once you get into that fishing it takes over your life and then when work kicked in i decided to work a lot more and then have a longer break i fished uh india egypt the states is good recently canada um then my mate was in spain for some good catfishing on his river so he has been quite a variety i caught one 10 stone a little bit bigger than me 140 pounds 10 stone what about canada what's going on um recently went sturgeon fishing which was great fun um i've never probably one of the hardest fighting fish going my biggest was seven foot one so i just cracked the seven foot i don't think i'd want to catch an eight footer um it's that is that's great you're on a boat obviously out there drifting about or anchored up but once you catch one they might take the anchor up and the sturgeon what's that pacific coast is it it's in the um the fraser river so it's um salt water fresh water oh is it sorry yeah yeah yes yeah so whereabouts is that the fraser river um we went into it's right downstairs but we flew into vancouver and then it's about 120 miles down there so it's in the rocky mountains if you've got the trains on holidays for the rockies it's down there so yeah it's fantastic how long were you out there um we've done five days fishing so we went out there for about nine days i a couple days in vancouver just to get over the trip really yeah yeah so so full-on really because that is gonna be a jet lag don't you um ironically going that way i had the worst jet lag i've ever had normally going to asia fished out in thailand and that way coming back i've never had a trouble with jet lag but going to canada uh ruined me for about a month i think i was tired so yeah it's not good oh dear all right okay mate that's brilliant i'll let you get on there love you thank george [Music] you
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 87,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creating a barn roof, barn roof construction, speed square, birdsmouth cut, hip rafters, uk site carpentry, common rafters, common rafter length, common rafter cuts, common rafter length calculator, common rafter roof, common rafters calculator, birdsmouth cut rafter, roof framing calculations, Ultimate Roofing Square, hips and valleys roof, hips and valleys, hips and valley roof construction, framing hips and valleys, daniel cox, roofing square how to use
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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