How to Build a Garden Room In 1 Day

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[Music] we're going to be building a garden room from the insulated panel store this is a kit and you can build it in one day [Music] now it hasn't rained for two months but today it's forecast to rain this afternoon so we're gonna get moving but the great thing is if you were building a timber frame thing or something like that you might have a load of power tools out but with this we're gonna have the minimum number of tools out to do the job and if it rains well it rains it's not going to do any harm to the actual structure now the first thing you've got to do before you start building any kind of garden structure is you've got to put down a good base and you've got a choice of doing either a concrete base or a wooden base now in this case we've used the concrete base it's a bit more work but we think it makes a a really strong foundation the building isn't over heavy so you don't have to worry about putting in the kind of foundation you might for doing an extension but you need to put down something that's not going to move around check the dimensions make sure you get it leveled if you don't have it level you're going to be making adjustments all the way up get it level get the dimensions right and then everything else should just fall into place now i said that this insulated panel garden room comes as a kit and what a kit and also the tools to do the job they don't send you an electric drill but almost everything else you're going to need to do the job is in this kit including pop rivet gun the screws the drill bit a rubber mallet tape measure you name it and one other very important thing that they've included in with the instructions to encourage you to open and read the instructions they've given you some refreshments tea bags and chocolate bars really good instructions it shows that every component here is numbered up the labels are on the components and when they're delivered if you stack them correctly as they come off the lorry you're going to save yourself an awful lot of work because you get everything numbered in order and from then on it should be just a simple question of bringing each component onto the slab and fixing it so i'm really looking forward to it i think so i love things like this this self-adhesive foam tape is used to seal the underside of the base track i think what we do is we've finished putting them all in position and then we get the diagonal measurements before we start fixing them [Music] so what it says here i've we've got a measure of diagonals here that's a really critical dimension and six four three eight just check that because my eyesight's not as good as yours yeah six six four three eight all right right we're way out because i'm about three four mil over here i can come a bit bit further towards right so if you nudge yours towards it i'll nudge mine good yeah yeah that's perfect lined up there right i want to come towards you yeah so 6438 that's lovely look at that you see this little gap they leave that as a drainage hole because when the panels fit in here there's no actual seal there yeah so any water that runs down the panels into the channel it's not going to be a lot but then out through the gap so we're going to fix this front one absolutely flush with the edge and then we'll recheck those measurements before we fix any more yeah yeah but the other thing is you might think about doing this with an sds drawer did bring an sds drill with us to speed it up because it definitely fastened using this even though i might be tempted to use an sds there i wouldn't use one there [Music] so important thing we've got to peel back this bit of polythene cover on both sides because if we don't when it goes into the track it's a nightmare to get out apparently so i'm told all right mate got your gloves each panel is numbered and needs to go into the track in that order they're a very snug fit but don't try and force them because once they line up they drop down nicely [Music] you in yeah just make sure that the panels interlock and push them up as far as you can the ratchet strap will draw them in later on that's lovely hurry there we go that's it okay all right okay in yep that's in through the inside now gently gently [Music] i'll tell you what these are light my hair like they are light but they're quite rigid [Music] that's it the corner panels will push into the wall but they need to then be lowered into the track okay that's it [Music] that's it all right that's the one [Music] these clamps aren't in the kit and you can do without but i really like clamping things so now we've got to rivet that headed so there's a rivet gun used one of those before nope and the rivets you'll love it and there should be a four mil drill bit either in with the rivets or somewhere else but you know what i don't know why i think we're finding this a bit of a struggle now why is that we didn't do this bit did we don't have the power of the line we do not do we have one enough for the crew maybe yeah like feeding the seals the beams are pre-drilled but you need to continue through with the drill to place the pop rivets these short infills over the head of the door need to be lowered in but if in doubt just check the instructions and keep checking the instructions that's my golden rule this strap will bring the whole building really tightly together just ratchet it up but don't forget to protect those corners with some foam [Music] the head infill is drilled and [Music] riveted now this ridge beam is a heavier section still because it's load bearing and it's also a pretty tight fit so you just need to ease it in and push it down thing about these screws the self-drilling tech screws here they've got a rubber head that washer there if you over tighten them it squashes it out and they don't do anything basically so the trick is stop as soon as it goes through stop here and now all it needs is the tiny little titan just squashes that washer but doesn't squash it out there just like that might look you were natural [Music] well i've got to be honest with you and say now it's the following morning we didn't actually manage to get this built in the day and the reason for that was it really started to chuck it down it's like the rain and although we could have worked on the cameraman wasn't happy all his equipment was getting wet so we decided to call it a day and carry on today but really we're still well in time because we didn't actually start till about midday yesterday so it's perfectly possible to build this in a day but what i would say is don't get too hung up on the time because it's not a race you want to do the job properly take your time read the instructions and do it bit by bit and if you can get other people to help you we're doing it with two bit you can use three four or whatever you like stay safe keep wearing these gloves keep long sleeves and eye protection and that way you're gonna finish this job without any mishaps [Music] satisfying click so you may notice i got myself a different river that other one was all right but with my arthritic hand squeezing that all the time with so many rivets to do i thought get a better one it's only 18 quid so worth every penny watches one two three and on the fourth one it's snap so pull it away so on the bottom here we're using these little tech screws with the rubber shrouds on them instead of a rivet and they're very easy to just self-drill in there and you just make sure you don't flatten that washer too much now when i come round here i've got a little bit of a problem because we've got all this old brick work here and i'm going to get my right angle drill to do these because it's a tight space but you've got to think about the access if you're going hard up against your neighbor's fence or something like that or a wall you know and you can't get around the back then you're just going to have to think about how you just make that bottom fix in there the remaining sections that close off the top of the wall must go in as sequenced by the numbering now i am guilty sometimes of overthinking things you know these have all been designed we've got the plan we've got the numbers so i don't really need to notice but it just occurred to me that the reason those panels are numbered and that you have to put them in in that order is because you've got a rake on them that's the fall of the roof from front to back and if you put the panel in the wrong order that's going to really spoil that and similarly with all these numbers if you put these in the wrong order the mitres won't fit so so long as you just you know stop thinking about it follow the instructions follow the numbers it's child's play that back section is actually a lot lighter than the front section because the front section goes over the door that header is structural it's made probably of twice as thick steel as this is and it takes a bit more lifting up and also it was a little bit more difficult to get in this one has gone in like a dream now we put this ratchet strap on earlier on when we put the panels up and we put it in the middle and we gave it a little tension up there and then we put a top we gave it another little tension up but when i went to put those last top pieces on i could see that there was probably about three millimeter gap on a couple of the panels and you could see because the top pieces didn't quite meet up there was that little gap there so what i did is i came around here and said let's see if we can get anything more on it that's that's pretty tight now that's as much as i can go and i heard them go clicked in so it's worth always worth leaving this on don't take it off and just if you get those little discrepancies so you can just give it another little tweak and um if all goes well they will close up it's worth doing then before you rivet the thing because once you rivet it you can't go back [Applause] now we're ready to put the roof panels on and again the roof panels are numbered so you get them in the right way there's a cut out on the roof panel and that goes on the back of it because the fall is to water back that's where the rain water is going to come off at the back so we're going to put the first panel on but because i've never done this before because we've got to use mastic around between that foam strip i don't want to put it on cover it in mastic then have to take it off and you know the whole thing will be a mess so what we're going to do abe and i are going to try a dry fit on the first panel get it right mark it up with a felt tip because it's critical that you get the overhangs right if you don't get those overhangs right if the thing is slightly off at all then all the panels all the way along are going to be off so you're going to get a different size gap from one end to the other so just make sure that you take your time with this as i say i've never done it before so we'll experiment with it and i think once we get that first panel on we'll just lift it over to one side put the mastic on and then we can just put it back to our felt tip marks all ready to go so you've got the back there right with the overhang um try not to lift it on the metal try to lift it underneath otherwise it start to peel it off yeah yeah and uh there was just a point that it's warming up here and we were going to just have our t-shirts on but again we just need the arm coverage so although it's you know not as nice as having bear arms it's a bit safer okay mate you're gonna go in first yeah you're happy there yeah it doesn't have to be right in position because we move it up to the position all right okay yeah let me just look outside hall with another hundred mil at least okay that's 150 at the moment that's it that's lovely yeah okay you happy with that how does that look that's all right that's fine 370 370 check it and because it's angled the roof we're going to go very very slightly over that way that's it just where it's useful there that's it through the first one give it a pilot hole there and the good thing about that is that this self-drilling tip we don't want it to work until it gets into the tougher metal really that's where it needs to do its work so we've got it absolutely new and pristine now although that's hard work leaning over and doing that it's better to do that than it is to climb up on the roof and start monkeying around there we'll leave this final fixing out here because the next sheet overlaps when that overlaps we put a fixing [Music] just come in the middle take some weight yeah yeah it'll just help i think there's some points where it's sensible to have three people keep coming okay so what i'm doing here is using the short ones the ones we've been using before they're called stitches which are the short self tappers with the rubber washer and they are just going on the overlap at centers just to close that down stop it lifting because a lot of people don't realize this but when you get wind it sucks on the roof it it wants to lift it up it's not that it's being blown off is that when you get a strong wind blowing over the top of something it's like an aircraft wing it's got that tendency to want to lift it up so you've got to secure it we've got good long screws around the side but these short screws along the overlaps will just give it that extra bit of security and it'll be absolutely fine they've been tested in storms these really strong storms and that in the part of the world i come from is called a stitch up [Music] before we get round to putting the flashings on i've just got to put this bit of zed trim along the end because that's a flat edge there and this needs to go on so that the flashing's got something to hook onto but before i put this on i've got to put a little bit more foam tape on i thought i had some left over but obviously they were calculated for this edge here so the next thing is put all these little rubber foam strip bits in the front and they've got to go 80 millimeters in the foam strips close up the underside of the profile to keep out any wood blown rain and also any nesting birds [Music] that's going to be stitched on but it's clicked in at the moment okay and we'll uh work out the other side because we don't want to fix this until we work out what the trimmers are kind of an overlap going on somewhere yeah it's fine yeah what is it looking like on your end it's perfect on my end don't take the tree out if you can help here [Music] leave it there and get the ladder i'll just hold it okay so now we're going to put a membrane in membrane to posh word for polyphenol right [Applause] the insulated floor panels are a tight fit but they give you a fully insulated building now you can cut this black polity membrane first but i like to bring it up the wall and then trim it afterwards okay so this is the last piece so fingers crossed this fits because if it doesn't i don't know what we do it's in that's good that's fine i'm happy with that okay i i'm gonna leave it now because the doors are coming in a couple of days the doors have been supplied by a recommended door supply for this particular garden room so they know the dimensions so that's the last floor panel in and you know what i'm really quite impressed by how sturdy this floor is because i always worry you know if you do an oversight and you're not using a screen and you're going to put it straight down you don't want any bounce in it and i was a bit concerned that maybe there'd be a hollow spot a movement but actually it's as rigid as can be so i'm really pleased with that and i'm basically pleased with the whole job if i had to do another one now i'd do it a lot faster and i really enjoyed doing it the only thing i would say is that if you're going to do it it's better to have a couple of people three people would be very good and read those instructions read them before you even start read them again just before you're going to do the job and just keep referring to them all the way through because it does matter and it saves time in the long run the key thing is when you get that base in get that basin absolutely to those dimensions make sure it's level all round just take time to do it do it the day before you want to start so that it's in there and you're absolutely happy with it and it doesn't matter whether it's going on concrete or whether it's going on timber just make sure it's stable and it's exactly right and level because if you do that everything else will just fall into place and it really is quite an easy job if you've got neighbours who you're putting it close to the boundary just check with them just show them a couple of pictures of the garden room and show them the 3d and say look this is what we're doing you're happy with it because the worst thing in the world is if you put it up and you start getting complaints from people or they complain they say you needed planning permission generally you wouldn't need planning permission it falls within the regs as far as the height goes to the boundary and so on but if you live in certain areas conservation area and so on you will need to check with your local authority so i hope you found that useful there's plenty more details on the website about the rooms and the different configurations you get don't forget the other thing you can also just buy the roof the insulated panel so even if you were doing something like a timber garden making your own design making your own bespoke timber garden room you can still use their insulated panels and that gives you a waterproof roof and it's absolutely beautiful it gets over only any problems that you've got with cold bridging or with warmer of cold roof so it's the ideal solution for the job and while i'm on the subject of insulation the fact that you've got a piece of metal on the outside you've got a piece on the inside separated by that insulation means that there's zero cold bridging between the inside and the outside which is absolutely fantastic you don't get that in the house not very often unless it's something like a passive house so i reckon that heating that building is going to be a really low cost thing use an infrared heater or a panel heater and it'll warm up in no time [Music] [Music] now garden rooms can be used for a great many purposes this one's going to be used as a home gym it might also become an office later on but i've seen them use the dog grooming parlors studios and just a nice quiet relaxing space to retreat to and we all need one of those [Music] you
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 798,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden room build, garden rooms ideas, garden room build uk, garden rooms uk, garden room gym, garden room diy, garden rooms self build, how to build a garden room, garden office, garden room foundations, garden room construction, how to build a garden office, self build garden room, build your own garden room, garden room base, Garden studio, insulated panels installation, insulated panels for shed, insulated panels for building, home gym, man cave
Id: bXem-xRNEX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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