I think I accidentally built a tiny house.

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[Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it has been quite the journey to get here it's crazy to think I've been building this thing almost through all four seasons spanning a total of seven months now two of those months we're in the winter where basically nothing was happening but still seven months and I know you want to see it and trust me I will show you all of its campout's greatness I'm also going to break down the final cost of the project you're gonna have to stick around to the end to see that but first let me show you what it took to get this project wrapped up and that starts with the roof yes the roof that thing that I should have been done with months ago the last couple things I needed to finish was securing these back panels first along the bottom with closures and screws and then evenly space screws up and down each panel which were a nightmare to get to on this steep pitch and my janky homemade 2x4 ladder came in pretty clutch here even though it was a little clunky to move around and certainly sketchy at times but of course I did take the time to measure the exact screw location so everything lined up even though no other human would ever see this but as the one human who did see it it did look pretty good finally I need to add the ridge caps to the roof starting with the closure strips on each side I then follow that up with some silicone on top before finally adding the ridge caps and securing down with screws now my roof is a little different and then I actually needed two different pitch Ridge caps due to the middle transom section which I added last same process closures silicone screws all right with construction now complete I think now's a good time to clean up the area I've got months worth of construction debris just kind of piling up everywhere and before we move on to finishes I think it'd just be nice to have a nice clean area to work from so I try to make one big trash pile to make cleanup easier at the end and looking back it really didn't take that long to pick it all up I'm actually kind of glad I went that route rather than stopping and picking it up as I went it would have kept the area cleaner but it wouldn't really have saved me much time and with the last of the big stuff gone this area was looking much better and actually felt bigger too looks like we're ready for the next step hey and that brings us to painting one of the most ultimately rewarding yet painstakingly slow parts of any build and it's not necessarily the painting per se it's all the other stuff that goes with it and before it starting with caulking I still needed to caulk all the siding and trim I added in the last video and this is just one of those steps that is totally worth it it not only seals up everything nicely it just makes the finished product look so much better too it's easy to hide all those little mistakes that we may or may not have made before I also went ahead and added clear silicone around the inside of each window to seal those up as well in the next preparation step for paint was cleaning as you can see when it rains the water runoff from the roof hits the ground and splashes mud up on the siding which isn't good the water running off the front face of the roof was already starting to erode this area right in front of the porch and there was also plenty of dirt spots left over from construction so to make sure my paint had a nice surface to stick to I decided to power wash the shed first using this little battery-powered guy it worked pretty well and removed all the dirt in a matter of about 15 minutes so once this has some time to dry we're ready for the next step and the first and most time consuming part of any painting project is the prep so I went through a meticulously masked off everything I don't want painted which is obviously the metal roof and the cedar accents and the reason for that is because I'm going to spray it using the same sprayer that I actually painted my new shop with it's a Graco Pro X17 and it is awesome you spend a lot more time on the prep work but you end up with a really good quality paint finish and the painting process itself goes really fast so let's get this thing loaded up and put our first coat on the shed the main color of the shed is peppercorn and I hilariously originally bought one gallon thinking that was enough so after a quick trip back to the paint store I set the sprayer up with another five gallons to finish spraying and what's cool about a paint sprayer like this is that the end result isn't a complete reflection on your skill level what I mean is that as long as you know the very basics of painting you'll usually get a really good finish and man is it so much faster than prep [Music] after about 40 minutes of really mostly moving the ladder and getting the line untangled I had almost the entire shed covered and as annoying as it is to put on the masking it is oh so satisfying to take it off so let's get all that off the bottom I'll go back and paint the trimmer on the windows and touch up any areas that I'd previously painted and then finally we'll paint the top Dormer section by hand because I'm not going to worry about spraying that now for the trim I went with a black color as a nice contrast to the gray hopefully you can see the dark color scheme I'm going for and how it's going to work with the cedar accents I couldn't really mask the windows reliably so the trim was left white and I ended up doing a couple coats of the trim color to get good coverage and finally the Dormer section was kind of a pain not because it was on the roof but because these Shake shingles had a ton of texture and pockets in them making them really hard to brush and this is where a sprayer really shines anytime you've got a lot of texture or complex surfaces but after some tedious dabbing I eventually got everything painted to match it's looking good so far right the dark color scheme mixed with the cedar I think is a really cool look now of course we picked Cedar for outdoor projects because it's robust and resilient to rot and bugs but I want to take it a step further and protect it just a little bit more Cedar has a tendency to fade and even turn kind of a grayish color over time so to help counteract that I'm applying some clear outdoor finish the added benefit of doing this is that it actually darkens up the cedar a little bit making it really pop so that was a welcome addition you can really see here on the porch beam how much better it looks after we put the coating on I went ahead and applied this to all the cedar including the soffits under the front porch and each Gable end of the shed I know I likely am probably gonna have to reapply this every couple years but that just comes with the territory okay I know you want to see it stick with me there's a couple more things we got to do before the big reveal and the part I've been looking forward to the least would be the ground cover around the fire pit and the shed itself because what I don't want is a mud pit or for it to get overgrown with weeds like it looked like before so the first step of tackling that would be some grating around the shed this grading especially along the back side is really just to help with the water runoff and prevent erosion around the foundation all this will eventually be covered up and protected I also leveled out the eroded area here by the front porch now to prevent weeds from retaking over this area like it looked before I'm going to lay down some weed barrier around the fire pit this combined with the ground cover we're putting on top should keep this area nice and clear so with all the weed barrier in place and stake down we're ready for the ground cover and for that I'm going to be using River Rock and though I could have saved a little bit of money buying it in bulk the really small premium to have it in bags makes transporting it so much easier so I chose to go this route of course delivery is also a bit easier and more neat versus having a truck dump it in your driveway now instead of shoveling I could just throw these bags into my cart and haul it down to the shed spot I don't know about you but shoveling rocks is right up there with Ditch digging as the worst possible manual labor and in my mind that's the premium I'm paying for now originally I was going to put down some big chunky mulch or bark like you see at a playground it would look nice and be comfortable to walk on but then I thought of the fall when this entire area is covered in leaves it'd be next to impossible to keep it from getting blown around River Rocks on the other hand won't have that problem and my son thought he would offer some words of encouragement while he watched which turned into an overly aggressive motivational speech about the importance of hard work I decided it might be a good idea to add some pea gravel to this known drainage spot before covering with River Rock just to give the water an easier route to get out of here and of course six thousand pounds of rocks and gravel was nowhere near enough actually so for good measure I Got 5 000 more pounds so all that should I say should help me finish out this area make the fire pit area a little bit bigger connect the front and put rocks around the entire back perimeter to help with that erosion control and the mud splashing after rain now I just got to go carry it all down here [Music] and we all know the result right that wasn't enough either being off by a factor of three is pretty much par for the course for a DIY project so I'd actually go back and buy another 50 bags to get all the way around the shed but now we've got the nice grading established that's really going to help with that water splash up and erosion and we're getting close but there's one major thing I still got to tackle let me show you now this has been eating away at me for the past seven months foreign holy mess that is what seven months of construction chaos looks like at the end of every day I would just be shoving stuff back in the shed and this is what happens so let's get this cleaned out and dress the inside I will be the first to admit that staying organized during this build would have saved me lots of time looking for stuff the irony of the situation isn't lost on me that a little shop greatness would have gone a long way now remember this is at the end of the day just shed I know it's looking more like a tiny house at this point but it's still just a utility for now I'm going to build out that back wall with some storage and a workbench but I'm not counting out the fact that I might do something more ridiculous down the road this workbench is going to span the entire 12 foot wall and is a major reason for the entry door not being located closer to the corner there's a lot of comments early about why I located the door where it is I knew that I would eventually need to clear this built-in section to add some support to the front edge I'm adding a couple legs with these adjustable cabinet feet which should simultaneously help prevent the wood from moisture from the foundation and make up for any unevenness and these are spaced such that they fit around a very critical piece of shed equipment finally adding a storage shelf and supports above the workbench all right you guys ready to see it I was going to do the cost breakdown first and then show it to you but I think you guys been patient enough so I'll go ahead and show it we'll meet back here to do the cost breakdown but until then enjoy the reveal [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] foreign cool right I mean I know I'm biased because I built it but it's pretty nice as I said before this was seven months in the making two of which were in the middle of winter so it doesn't really count but still five months of going from dirt patch with weeds to this a spot where me and the family can enjoy the fire pit some music and maybe even some college football on the TV and of course the music is through these two outdoor speakers I put underneath the Eve here on the front porch and these are actually tied into a small amplifier and Bluetooth receiver so normally it's plugged into the TV so all the TV audio comes through the speakers or I can switch to Bluetooth and we can listen to music and hopefully now this little random roof Eve makes a lot more sense because it's covering our firewood you can see I built a simple platform underneath using the same rocks actually as on the fire pit so everything matches and I slap together this really simple firewood rack using some cedar two by fours and these metal brackets that you can pick up at just about any big box store they actually work really well and you can make it whatever size you want so now we always have dry firewood with an easy reach of the fire pit and of course the rocks that wrap all the way around the shed keep the runoff from the roof from hitting the dirt and then splashing mud onto the side of the shed so now they just hit the rocks and keep everything nice and clean now I don't know if you're remember from before but the inside was not so great so let me show you what I did so with everything cleaned up and put away there is a ton of room in here you can see this back wall is the only thing I've really built so far got a big long workbench on the bottom as well as a nice shelf on top now I can continue adding shelves over there as well as over the overhead door but I'm just going to do that over time kind of as I need it now kind of front and center on this wall you'll notice we have an outdoor industrial refrigerator because what shed is complete without one so we can keep this thing stocked for football season or just hanging out now this one is from new air it's super high quality I'm gonna have everything you see Linked In the video description below if you want to go check it out and again this is an exterior rated refrigerator so it's gonna be just fine in this environment now for this workbench area I was able to actually recycle a bunch of stuff that I just had left over from other projects the deck boards you see on top of here were actually the deck boards I removed from our covered patio I did a video on that a while ago so these are still in great shape and they're going to be just fine for this use and then these Crown wall panels are left over from when I did my garage and I thought this was a great place for them and I had basically just enough to do this Center section I may actually add more of these around the shed just because of how versatile they are and again I'll have that linked if you're interested you've probably also noticed that I've added lights and Outlets to this entire place so I've got Barina fixtures on the ceiling as well as smaller Barina fixtures underneath the workbench and those are on separate switches so I could turn them on independently and I didn't go too crazy with the outlets there's a total of five spaced around the walls because there's not really going to be much plugged in out here other than the TV and the fridge now I don't have electricity run out here yet I do plan to do that in the future but in the meantime what I've done is basically brought all of the different circuits to a junction box and then tied those into power cords which I can plug into this power source down here now this is the Zender Super Bass Pro which I've shown in another video and it lasts a long time and can certainly support a couple LED lights a small refrigerator and a TV and of course there's tons of wall storage options in something like a shed so I've got this Cobalt rack system along here I've got a couple racks up here that are holding some construction Lumber left over from the project and then on the other side I've got my extension ladder up out of the way now one of the reasons I left the ceiling so high is because I want the option in the future to use that space for storage if I need it so I could build a loft or I can just hang big things like ladders overhead and for those of you concerned with the foundation I don't see any signs of cracking or anything at this point the shed's been through several freezes a bunch of rain so I would think I'm in the clear but I don't know and then of course we've got the hidden TV behind this window in the shed which is going to be great for college football season or for the kids to come out here and watch the shed build series they could see what the hell dad's been up to for the past seven months and then finally of course we've got the fire pit area which is just awesome now for now I've got these plastic gray Adirondack chairs and they work okay for now and they match the shed really well but I think I need to do something a little bit better in the future that may involve me building something I don't know and having all the river rock in place is so nice for keeping everything nice and clean so we can come out here and enjoy the fire as a family all right pretty sweet right but how much did it cost so the last project cost update was actually two videos ago so first let's add in what was in the last video which was part eight that total was 655 dollars and consisted mainly of trim Cedar some siding and some odds and ends to finish up the roof that brings our running project total up to fourteen thousand six hundred and seventy dollars and now for the finishing portion of the project I ended up spending 114 on Hardscape and rocks this of course was mostly the Back River Rock including two delivery fees because of my lack of planning next up was painting supplies that total was six hundred dollars which includes caulking masking tape and six gallons of high quality exterior paint I've still got quite a bit left over by the way then came entertainment at 379 dollars this was outdoor speakers that little Bluetooth amplifier and miscellaneous wiring for the speakers then the interior supplies like Lumber and electrical totaled 339 dollars and finally another 148 dollars for miscellaneous that brings the finishing portion of the build total to 2580 and the project grand total to 17 250 and yes that's a lot of money but here's some context I built a cookie cutter Tough Shed from Home Depot online with similar features and that total came out to fourteen thousand two hundred and seventy three dollars that's without the foundation I've also got a neighbor down the street that just put in an Amish built so very high quality 10 by 16 sheds a little smaller than this one on a gravel base foundation for fourteen thousand dollars so yeah this thing is definitely over the top and a little extra but it's honestly still within the ballpark of cost for similar size sheds with the same features all right let's talk about plants I've had a lot of people ask me about this and as of right now I have not put them together however I'll leave a link up here so you can jump on a notification list if you're interested if enough people jump on the list I'll put the plans together and make them available for sale and finally I want to say thank you for following along it's been a hell of a ride I know some of you have thoroughly enjoyed watching The Struggle Bus across the Finish Line This was a fun project I've had bouncing around in my head for a long time and it's really cool seeing it come to fruition I learned so much during this build that I honestly could have never learned had I not built it myself there's a level of Pride and accomplishment that comes with building a big project especially one outside of your comfort zone like a tiny house or a shed so if you're hesitant to tackle that project on your list just do it be confident in your ability not to know exactly how to do something but in your ability to figure it out so go build something great see ya foreign [Music]
Channel: Shop Nation
Views: 700,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shop nation, shopnation, shed, shed build, DIY shed, camphouse shed, cool shed ideas, awesome shed, shed design, black shed, grey shed, how to build a shed, she shed, mancave shed, garden shed, backyard transformation, backyard ideas, backyard diy, epic shed, shed ideas
Id: RkAEInPduDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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