How to build a Deck out of Pallets! DIY pallets deck projects!

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what's up guys so I have a project to do I'm gonna create a floor deck here and I'm gonna use these pallets I have a new palette here I have a two more new ones over here so I'm gonna make this these are four by sixteen and lint so I'm gonna put three of them together over here and I'm gonna create a 12 by 16 area to sit that's an umbrella base over there what I'm gonna do is cut one of these around it so that the Umbro will be able to spread out even though it's gonna come over in a jru whatever you want to say it's gonna be able to give you that shade for at least maybe two two of the sixteen foot as you probably get shade up front so how am i complete this project is I'm a dismantle one of these four by sixteen I'm gonna take out all those boards and I'm a filling all the gaps in all of these boards if you come over this side you'll see that I already started to dismantle them that's one board that's dismantle and there you go there go two boards there and there go two boards over there so let's get back to work [Music] okay but them up next to each other so [Music] so now we're gonna put it into place right over here okay guys let me show you guys we're all right as you can see I'm starting to put the board's down if you look over here you see how the boards are and what I'm gonna do is I gotta fill in all these boards here so I got all the 4x6 join up together and right now I'm just cutting out boards and placing them some of these boys I'm have to rip it and it's gonna have to be a little bit smaller unless I have some pallets here that could fit those sides but otherwise I'm gonna have to rip the boards so people I want to show you guys where I'm at with this are with this floor deck that I'm building I just started to uh cut off the uh over excess sides and now I'm getting it put down when it picked up some new some new boards when it picked up some new ports and what I'm gonna do now is get them on nailed in so I got my nearly here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay yeah we have it it's coming along we just got to finish off keep filling it up and once I fill it out some more I'll show you guys the finished results but for now all these boards are not laid down yet you're just sitting there okay and now we got to chew off the entire sides over there and over that side also I want to show you guys that you probably have to do a little prep work when it comes to the deck boards like some of the boards I will leave the nails in like for example like this I'll leave this in cuz you know it'll look kind of nice when she finished the deck but some of them I take out like if I think it's not gonna work I just pull them all out what I do is I basically take one of the ones that I pulled out and then I just use I use it as a tap put it on top of that tap it with the hammer and take it out so that's just a little prep work that I wanted to show you guys that you might have to do you know if you want to have stuff perfect so it looked like this one all the nails are out of that one we have to do with some of these boys because I didn't want to lose all of them up some of them is too big so I gotta trim them so what I do is I fit it into the hole leave with a little space here mock where where it overlaps on to this then come to the next side and I do the same put it next to the size so even though if this wood has twist me doing this it will cut this board the way I want it because I mentioned it from both sides which angle it is so you'll see what I'm talking about so this angle is here and then up top here it's actually a little bit more to this side or mark this out we'll have a twist angle where it's wider here got a nice cut it's beautiful exactly what the way we wanted it that's a perfect fit now you got to remember we're gonna clean this up with uh with mice and up make this nice and smooth so we're not gonna worry about that right now so the deck are finished with the complete decking boards this look pretty neat what I was doing right now as I was finishing the facing right here which is the outer rim joist I basically just took pieces of the the top pieces that I had face it up next to this get my pencil trace it on the inside of here and then took my saws over there and cut the piece off and then fits up real nicely looks better than it being open like how it was before so as you can see it's completely like closed off now next step is to smooth it out smooth out the top get it ready for stain right now what I'm going to do is I see this multi-tool that I have here I'm basically gonna trim off all of these the success I'm a trim off all these excess that's at the bottom so that it would be nice and clean but there you go beautiful [Music] [Music] now I'm gonna use the multi-tool [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I want to show you guys this final result as you can see came out excellent excellent what I'm gonna do now is just clean it a little bit which I did already sweep it off I use the blower actually and blow it off I'm just gonna wash it down I just want it to be clean by tomorrow should be nice and clean again this came out to be a ten and a half by sixteen because you got to remove all the existing floorboards in order to get it set up like this over there will be the umbrella they'll be able to shade over and as you can see right now it's no Sun it's probably gonna rain but around you know the late afternoon the Sun Goes Down I'll show you guys once this gets stained but that's the final result thank you guys for watching so far what's up guys so it's time to uh it's time to stain this floating deck here I had uh let me show you I had two toners that I like to use I had this toner here which is the color you see on top then I had this other toner one is light on one it's darker I basically don't have enough at that one which is the one I like to use it's like the color of that deck there so what I did is mix this darker one and we're just gonna have to go with that so we'll see how that turned out with two toners mixed together again it's like that's the one that I like the one that I did for my shed ramp and it's kind of like the same color as this year so we'll start and I'll show you guys how it gets done again together we're gonna have some nice interesting wood okay folks it is a wrap I'm only putting one coat on one coat of stain on this and we'll leave the next coat for next season but as you can see it's almost a color of that one so I'm satisfied with the one coat so this is how it turn out turn out pretty beautiful it's still a little bit wet well once this dry up I know that it's gonna be real real nice so again take a look my umbrella will be over there I'll come over hang over that side so beautiful I want to say this is a ten and a half by sixteen like I explained almost cut off this one so everything tying together and thank you guys for watching if you think you might want to do something like this you can do it it is gonna take a little bit of sweat but you can get this done beautiful looking deck again I can subscribe
Channel: Ez Care
Views: 135,583
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Id: Wm4QhZn53F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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