How to Build a Pallet Deck for Shed, Cabin Foundation #1

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five oh yeah so so [Applause] [Applause] this foundation will be stable why because now inside we have this fabric we're calling these construction fields i don't know english is this right word or no these fields prevent to mix gravel or sand with ground and that's mean this foundation like this will be stable for years will be no sink on top of this foundation cement blocks i will build palette deck and on top of palette deck i will build small house from palettes that small house will be my storage for my firewood firewood will be really heavy for this is reason why i built foundation like this subscribe guys [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] foundation with gravel or sand under the these concrete blocks will be much stronger better foundation like only like that one it will be only palette attack then is foundation like this good so [Applause] uh [Music] so miriam fabiano miriam fabiano yeah thank you miriam really thank you very much and richa richard mort lok i hope i pronounced this correct richard say hi robert juice just a little bit for her for to help for what come next woohoo richard woohoo yes richard next will be guys for your donation i get 70 euros and 12 euros is very important i can continue with work i need these two tools for cut palettes and take on parts palette wood i need these tools guys sorry really sorry for last sunday i didn't finish video because i have no material no video for i have but i will show you now a little bit i was digging road on the top of my land by hands and take me so much time for for finish this and this is the reason why last sunday i didn't have video but now will be normal every sunday guys and if you are new here you must subscribe next week we will start building walls from paletavot here and you who you must subscribe thank you very much for watching and i will catch you in next one you
Channel: Robert Klemensberger
Views: 73,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, off grid, pallet wood, off grid cabin, simple living, log cabin, tiny home, how to build a cabin, fundación paleta de madera, save money, palette wood deck, small homes, recycled materials, pallet wood house, DIY deck from wooden pallets, shed, палитра деревянный фундамент, pont de palettes en bois pour hangar petite maison ou cabine, Deck aus Holzpaletten für Schuppen, winziges Haus oder Hütte, Foundation, concrete block, gravel sand, off grid living
Id: 5Nf0tNmiydY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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