Build a BIG SHED from pallets for £87 (gym, office, man cave, summer house, games room, bar)

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so in this video I'm going to be showing you the easiest most cost effective method are far by far building sheds you first step is gonna want to get a big big load of pallets and a big pile of concrete blocks now these you'll find pretty much anywhere in your area for free imagine because every business uses pallets of some sorts usually and most of the businesses just throw them away cuz what you saw there to most people so they think anyway so get your pilots together work out roughly what size you want want to build obviously because there are all similar sizes you can gauge it pretty easily the one I'm going to build is they're roughly 11 foot by 12 4 so the shape of these pallets so yeah first step put in some foundations so the next step set your first corner block so you get a big pile of hard core underneath or stone or wherever you're going to use just something to compact out a little bit before you for this down so you put you blocked out 11 out get it set sort of roughly square with really what you should be in then it's bit level are set the next one level off that set that one level off that one come back set that one level check least to a level now she first block done from there dead easy start dropping your pallets are using them what this line it up like that there's your next distance so I'm saying do the same all the way along and the same along this way and then I said you build it and then all you need to do fill in this middle bit alright let's crack on let's fill this bad boys in get the floor finished so once you've got all your blocks down oh yeah four pallets in position now is the time that if you bothered about it being perfectly level you want to adjust it all slightly as you go in you can see mines not too bad it's a little bit out but that doesn't fussed me this is only give me a torch ever for solar power storage so yeah what you want to do next you want to start on a corner but I can start anyway really but basically you want to get yourself some big meaty long screws and be doing that through top both sides like that with at least one or two on both sides and then where you can't lock one in like that as well just to tie or gather nicely but like so this is at the time when you want to be leveling this out as you go if you are bothered about it being perfectly level and then again in these middle bits here you want to do a sort of bit of a rope formation almost rope we view one through there one through there one through there same again all the way around lock it all gather nicely then yeah once you've gotten that done it's time to start throwing some walls in position so unless there's two of you you're gonna want to start your walls on the corner like this you can easily set that so then you've got a nice strong point to mount your others to straight away rather than to try and balance stuff by yourself makes it a lot easier let's get these walls on so once you've started throwing your walls on it is literally the same as doing the floor apart from you've got a obviously to stack them sideways you may name is your tying these corner locks together as well as possible in many places as possible you see there's at least six blocks on each pallet you can tie it together with these big screws and then if you come on the outside and work a couple in the outside of this edge here along the blocks like I've done in that one there ties it all together really nicely I would suggest to sort of getting it all in place first and then just speed coming along and banging one in each block see I've just for now roughly just put a couple in just holding the structure in place basically until you finally got it all in position and lock it all gather with as many screws as you can and then yeah strong strong structure if you've got gaps just do I've done in basically get a couple of bits of wood screw them on the end of your wall fill it in until you meet where you want to be with your next bit like I said before it's all simple like building out of Lego in a way almost apart from you go screw it together off and just clip it together alright let's put some more walls on so I've got all the walls in place now left gaps at the front here where I want a doorway in windows either side so it's time to start framing those up now and getting there the edge of the the top they're ready for the roof to sit on how to do all the framing and stuff I've got some woody off an old shed which obviously saves me money on the front but for the for this bit and for the for the roof you're probably going to want to buy some wood in you can do this that of for Batu's pretty easily but you can obviously go thicker timbers if you want if you're in an area we've got bit more snow load and whatnot then here then few windows easy enough to find anywhere really literally I've collected these ones just seeing people doing building works and asked if I could after the windows though they were chucking away and put by the skip you can do the same pretty much wherever you live there'll be people renovating houses replacing windows same with the wood really if you ask around when you see people doing things you'll always get free stuff all right let's get some framing in so I've framed up the front and I've put two windows in I'll leave the door to one of the last things to do make it easier to get it out whilst I'm doing anything else I've also the wood beam all the way around the top edge there I'll make it much easier to tie the roof on to and now the next stage then is basically getting some 16-foot Timbers to go from one edge to the other edge a little bit of an overhang on each side to create a nice nice roof surface to put some corrugated shooting on now otherwise just go not getting the new new stuff for both of this because you'll save yourself a headache in the future if you've just got a good roof on straight away and it'll also mean you build more lasts a lot longer alright I'll go get these so I've just bought some sixty and foot Timbers I managed to gather everything else I've needed for this next bit from stockpiled wooden stuff I've already had as I said I would use corrugated shooting for this really metal sheeting because it's a little bit tougher wearing but I've chose to use these our boards are nice to salvage as you can see but a lattice structure I've used the 16 foot to go one side to the other and view some old laughs wood 1 inch square stuff 1 of 1 by 1 half even to go across like that and then basically you start in the corner I fix a board down or a corrugated sheet go across go across again just fill your roof up with these so once you've got all your roof boards on it's now time to start weatherproof in the building the first job I've done is wrap the entire building in this membrane this is a breathable membrane so moisture hits the outside it'll run straight off but if anything's wet inside the moisture can't evaporate out through this membrane now the next step will be to run all the way around the edge preparation for whatever cladding you want to use again we'll use used corrugated sheet and if you want nice and durable and then there is just the door go after that pretty much dad she's gone through a wood board roof you're gonna want to go for the same sort of deal wrap it in a membrane to weather protect it so I've got myself a couple of strips of this stuff just 300 mm you down proofing membrane it's 4 meters wide so I'll just cut the strips to get there the lengths and overhangs are 1 and I'm gonna spread it out and staple it onto the edges I've also quickly just added on these just aside guards just to make sure the water does run all off the back edge here into the collection system got the cover on the roof I said don't basically if you're doing it on the cheap or do all sorts of extra stuff if you want put more very funny I make this a usable area on top which is probably what we're gonna do bit of a decking area definitely put the solar panels up there anyway so roof membranes aren't side battens are all on fix the doorway in cut the windows back out now we're ready to put the cladding on the side which I have loads and loads of this stuff this is some nice larch got this secondhand from a friend of mine didn't want much for it fraction of the price of buying brand-new stuff as I said before you can do the sides however you want I'm just choosing to do this because I like wood and I got this for next to nothing so this is it the finished article couldn't resist finishing the solar before I did the cladding I've left the top piece off there cuz I'll need to cut little lengths cuz I've got basically had a few bits of roofing onto that to come this way away from the shed for a little carport area we nose in door was painted locks on happy days somewhere to get dry make a cup of tea now so I'm just planning on using this somewhere to store solar energy keep tools make it t have some lunch keep some clothes bits and pieces but obviously you can make any building you want out of these pallets in the same way Jim do a garage playroom summer house just a normal shared anything you want literally the easiest construction and then yeah you wrap it in any kind of cladding you want as you can see it makes it look nice you would not tell this was made from pallets you can code for own up an actual wood frame build in here right till next time
Channel: Field to Farm
Views: 1,230,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, homestead, solar power, off grid, sustainable, self build, earth bag, free range, chickens, pigs, how to, uk, barn, electric chainsaw, 12v 24v batteries, diy, wind power, green roof, organic, chicken coop, free, tractor, excavator, debt free, construction, recycle, upcycle, fruit, vegetables, hydroponics, aquaponics, cuttings, powerwall, hydro power, forestry, cabin, shed, review, tools, machinery, solar panels, off grid living, off grid farmer, house build, grand designs, renovation, lithium ion
Id: ckVhLiJO4Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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