How To Build A Bird Box For Soffit On A House

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in this video i'm going to show you how to go from this to this welcome back to the channel guys what we're going to be building today is called a bird box or gable return there's so many names for it but more or less you need a place to nail your soffit and a place for yourself to come down and return to your fascia so again bird box scale return whatever you want to call it so what i'm going to do i'm going to get up here on a ladder and show you the first thing to do if you're new to this channel my name is josh this channel is all about building your own house saving ton of money so be sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you get a notification every time i release a new video and smash that like button for the youtube algorithm to promote this video just like anything else in construction there's probably a hundred different ways at least to build one of these bird boxes so if you have a technique that works for you just stick with it this is the technique i found that works the best and not only is it the fastest but it's also the strongest method that i've found so if you have one that works for you stick with it i've actually seen people build these using just channel but i wouldn't recommend that all right just give you an idea of how that works it goes against your fascia and this part's flat against the house and it'll make a mark right at the top of the framing square and then do the same on this side and then just draw your line across like that that's going to be our level line with the edge of this fascia and also you can use a level to level from this edge to the wall so whichever way you prefer but the square is a little easier now what you want to do is measure from the edge here from the end truss down to that mark so we know we don't want this piece to be thicker than about five inches so we've come over here about same thing five inches will work pretty easy gives me plenty of room there to miss the truss so now we're going to take a two by ten and rip this side down to five inches so the next thing we need to measure is the distance between the edge of this fascia over to where it hits that wall so it looks like we got about ten and three quarter so we'll just go ahead and allow 10 and a half that way we don't want to fight it because it doesn't have to be tight in there so long story short we're going to do is take a 2 by 10 rip it down to 5 inches come over and don't have it ripped down at all and it's going to run up inside of this part where the fascia and soffit's going to hit and then it's going to screw into the side of this it's going to make a nice strong bird box so let's go get that cut so you can better understand what i'm talking about all right we got that piece cut just so you understand this is the part that goes under the gable overhang and this is the part that goes where we just made that mark so now all we got to do is go up there put this bottom edge on that line and butt this up to the fish on the gable side and nail it in the nails i'm going to be using to fasten this to the side of the house are three inch framing nails in the pneumatic nailer they don't have to be galvanized or anything because it's under the roof but you want at least three inch i like three and a quarter the best but i just haven't have three inch this day and uh make sure you nail into a stud if you can it's always best doing anything on a house to hit a stud even when you're doing siding or any other fastening inside the house all right so let's take a look here as you can see we have it nailed into this fascia and just so you know the reason why i like to use a 2x10 is you got a nice solid board here that whenever your soffit comes down and butts into here you got a nice solid piece to know your fascia that's going to wrap this eventually like i showed you beginning of the video when it's white um if you look over here we got on the line and it's nailed off very nicely so this piece isn't going anywhere so that's going to be a nice strong bird box so now all we got to do is measure up to get this point here and then measure over to this point and then just cut this block that fits in here to fills in the rest of this bird box all right we got that piece cut we had six inches on this edge and then ten and a quarter on this edge and then all you got to do is lay a straight edge from this point to this point make a mark cut it and then you have your piece to finish the bird box when you nail this piece on i always nail one in the bottom up into the facial like you're gonna watch me do right there and then i put three on the other side one two three and always stay an inch or two from that top because there's not much wood and it can break off you nail it there all right here's a close-up of the final product as you can see this piece turned out really nice so now you have a place to nail your soffit to and on this edge here whenever i do the soffit now it's gonna be another video but you put f channel up here and then you uh nail the soffit on the edge of the fascia but i'll be explaining another video and then the rest of this will get wrapped in metal and that's going to be the end to the bird box and this is just a rough framing clearly so that's what you got and just to briefly explain you have your soffit gonna run down into here it's gonna stop at the box and then you got the metal that's going to wrap this and then you got your soffit that's going to continue this way here's what it looks like from the ground and let's do a little walk around this way and you can kind of see under there the sun's darkening it out pretty good but that is all there is to this side as you can see the soffit's just going to run straight across and end right there all right guys that's all i got for you today be sure to subscribe and i hope you learned something i appreciate you watching my channel and i'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 110,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soffit, how to build a soffit box, how to build soffit, build soffit, how to build bird box soffit, soffit box, how to build soffit box, build a soffit box, build, how to build a soffit and fascia return, how to build a roof, gable end soffit box, house build, soffit rake, soffit and fascia, bird box soffit, how to build bird box, house, how to build bird boxes, how to frame for soffit, boxed soffit detail, fis your fascia and soffit, how to build a gable return
Id: yjLCt5z4xYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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