How To Build A Small Roof - Valley Roof Framing

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in today's video you're going to learn how to frame a small roof and if you look behind me it's going to be a valley roof so if you're new to this channel my name is josh your channel is all about building your own house and saving a ton of money so be sure to subscribe and hit the bell so you get a notification every time i release a new video and i hope you like this video because i'm risking my thousand dollar camera on top of a roof all right so if you look here we got a gable roof that already came from the truss maker and then we got this little bump out which we always get these gable ends and then we frame in the rest of the valley because we got these little prefab valley ones but it's way better to build this yourself so i'm going to show you how to put the layout cuff the rafters and all that the first thing you're going to have to do is plumb up this truss so you just got to get it with your level plumb so all you got to do is put your level up against this get it plumb and then tack a brace to hold it plumb but you don't want it up real high because this is where your ridge board is going to be so this board that we got here is the next step so after this is plumbed up you need to take a 16 foot board or however long board you need to get from your peak to your other roof level so what you need to do is just lay a board up here just like you see here take your level and keep sliding it up or down the roof until you get it nice and level so if you see here we got our um roof nice and level and now after you do that you need to make sure that this board is square with this gable truss and that's pretty simple to do there's a couple ways of doing it so the best method i've found is measure from this edge of the roof to the center of this truss which all you got to do is find the center and then measure down make a mark pull over from the edge of the roof then come up to this top part hook on here and measure over the same distance and make a mark that's going to be center of this board so why this is so critical is you need to know exactly where the peak of your roof is going to hit so right here is going to be exact center of the roof so if you move this board out of the way right there is exact center of the roof so when you put this board up here make sure you tack just one nail in it at least just to hold it all right so in order to get the measurement for this ridge board that goes right under this board all you got to do is come over here you see this that's where the board's gonna actually set once it's in here and it's a half inch from here to the top of that mark so all you gotta do is come down here to where this board hits the roof hold your tape measure at a half inch like you see there and right where it intersects the roof at a half inch right there at that mark that's going to be the top of our ridge board where it intersects the roof and then wherever that measurement is from right there to where it hits this truss is how long your ridge board has to be and let's get that cut all right so that measurement that was underneath that board going across the top from the truss to the roof is 142 and three quarters so i already pulled from the edge of the 2x6 and got it marked right here so you take a framing square you can see here the roof pitch is 712 so use this 7 on the framing square then you use this 12 on this side of the framing square so that's going to be a 7 12 pitch and this is the angle we want the long seven so to do that you just lay your seven mark right against the edge of the board and then slot it over till you get your 12 on the edge board so here's your seven here's your 12 and then you just slide it until you get lined up with that mark that we made for your measurement so it's right there hold it down really snug all right so that's the point going to be right where the top of that board was on top of the roof so that's the angle we want [Music] all right there it's anchored to the side of the gable and if you look here i have it toenail about four on each side came up here it looks like we got about four nails on each side too and make sure you use three inch or longer nails when you're doing this framing i actually prefer three and a quarter ring shanks and uh if you look at the reveal from the top to the bottom of that board put up top it's a nice even reveal so we're gonna check with the level and if it's still perfect we're gonna start the layout now what we do we're gonna put a two foot layout across here next all right we got our two foot layout on here and depending on what size joists you're doing you might want to do 16 on center so you'll have to look at a span chart i'll put a link in description for a span chart so you know what size lumber to use but do your two foot on center just get on the edge of the truss and then pull two foot make sure you put your x on the left side of the line if you're going to be pulling off it like this and if you're going to be butting it like this just be sure you put the line on the two foot then put the x on this side line all right so as you can see we got our layout on there really nice and then when you get up to this point you're going to want to put a nail right in the center not on top of this board but right where the actual peak is so you put a nail here and then pull your chalk line and you see his chalk line come clear down to here and pull it right where your truss is going to be intersecting that plywood so you got a nice chalk line because right there is where the edge of your rafters are going to be heading theoretically the next step is we got to go off this line and measure over an inch and three quarter and chalk another line because that's where the edge of our sleeper is going to be and i know from building the other one the measurements inch and three quarter over to where the sleeper is and how that works i'll show you here in just a minute all right we got those boards nailed down that is where our rafter is going to intersect and i want to show you a little trick if you take a 2x4 a scrap 2x4 nothing fancy and if you're wondering how to get angles like this really easy just butt your board up to where you want to go like this but then take a board like this and then all you got to do is scrub a line and that's going to give you the angle of this intersection and if you want to know the exact degree just take your speed square and lay it on it so for instance if you lay this on that line i just made looks like it's giving us a little over about a 48 degree angle or so so that's how you can easily get these weird angles if you're wondering all right so the next step is we come back down to our two foot layout here's going to be our first rafter and you're going to want to measure from this point this is the bottom side of the rafter clear down to where it intersects two foot over here i'm going to show you how to get a two foot mark right here all right so if you're wondering how do we know from where this two foot layout is going to intersect down here so i found a really easy method just take your framing square it's two foot from edge to edge just lay it up against this gable truss and that's going to be exactly where that rafter is going to hit so if you slide it across it's hard to do the camera in my hand but if you just slide it nice and easy all right if you look there i don't even see the camera but it's scrubbed just a little indention across the wood that's going to be the left side of where your rafter is going to hit and now what you do is just measure out an inch and a half from that then put the x on this side of the line and that's going to be the point you measure down to all right so there's those marks after i scribed them with the actual pencil so nice clear marks and we're measuring from this point clear up to this point of the first rafter and it has to be on the same side it can't be on this side has to be the exact same side so i put a nail right there to hook two so go ahead and hook on to your nail and pull the tape down all right guys this is where you need to pay close attention this is where a lot of people get in trouble so the first thing you need to do is crown your board up and that's going to be the top of your rafter to do that you just look down your board like this and this is the crown side if it's humped up that's the crown and now before you even put your measurement on that board you want to get a 712 or whatever pitch you're using for your roof if you look here right here is our common seven that's what we consider the short seven of the pitch so you got a long seven you got a short seven we cut the long seven on the other board this one's a short so we do this first so all right to make that little easier to see to get a 7 12 shortcut you put your speed square on the board and you turn it until if we're doing a 712 there's the seven it's lined up on the edge of the board so that's how you get a 712 so if you're sitting here like this you would turn it until you hit your seven up here and then you'd make a line that'd be a 7 12 angle all right so that's marked and already went ahead and cut it so that's going to be our first cut before we do anything else so let me show you something so if you look this is where your ridge board goes so that's where it's going to be setting like that so now that first measurement you pull that and make a mark next all right so after you got that first pitch cut now you need to pull from that top point down to the right side of the board that we pulled from up top so if you're looking at that rafter it was on the right side of it where it for pulled from point to point which was the longest point of the board so to make it easy to understand if it was set up there like that we pulled from this point down to this point so flip the board over and go ahead and make your mark all right so here's the mark i just made measuring down from that top angle and here we want to do a long 7 going this way so and to do that again as a refresher you find your seven mark on your square on this side then your 12 inch mark on this side that's how you do a 7 12 if you're the roof of central slot it all right so that angle is your long seven we go and mark that all right so now now that we got our long seven right here we need to turn the degree of our saw 30 degrees and if you wondering why it's because the roof pitches up so to intersect it you need an angle sloping this way for that roof coming down and the easiest way to get that measurement is just google the angle degree of a 712 612 512 whatever you're doing to be honest with you that's the easiest quickest way and i'm here to show you the easy way to build a small roof all right to make this easy already got my degree we know we need 30 muscle you just have to do this there's 30 degree if you are interested in any of these tools i'll put a link in the description so you can go buy them yourself as far as the squares or the saw i'm an affiliate with home depot so if you buy them i get a little kickback and i appreciate it all right so there's our 30 degree angle as you can see i have it set there and we know the pitch of the roof is sloped up this way so it's kind of visualize which way you want to go so we're going to get it there all right and hold your deck of your saw nice and flat i swear every time i go to record the air compressor kicks on oh it just quit all right so i'm going to show you exactly what i just did there let me zoom the camera back out all right this is very interesting for people that has never seen it before so let's do this all right so here's your rafter we just cut it's going to go like this here's the ridge board it's going to sit against and then down here that's the bottom of the angle you can see how we made it sloped and that's going to follow the slope of the pre-existing roof so now the next thing is we got to get up there and make sure it fits and i'm pretty sure it will all right there it is guys that is the first rafter so if you look down here we hit that mark almost perfect i don't know how that happened but if you look on this side we're on that mark really well so all you do is just lay that there and then late up there always tack it from behind that ridge board first and if you come down here put at least five six nails in this side a couple in this side and then one through the top and actually shoot the top one first and then if you come back here on this side as you can see i put nails right through the back of it right there and just a little tip something i meant to mention earlier it's like take a string line hook it to the other side of the ridge board and then hook it to uh the other side there and then run a string line so that way as you're running your rafters you're not pushing that ridge board out as you go on accident so as you can see here we're nice and straight that's what we like it's a little windy up here but now the next thing you do is pretty simple it's just like you did the first one all you do is put your square against this and to make your next mark for that one just like we did on our first one here and just keep that same pattern up as you go and make sure you get it on your layout as you go so more or less just repeat the same process to get to the peak of the roof so here's a quick little time lapse and i what i did is took the two by sixes up on the roof with me because it's way easier instead of getting up and down the ladder but it's a little more of a pain but it saves a lot of time all right so there is the finished product and something i wanted to show you remember i was telling you about that chalk line from earlier how i measured every inch and three quarter if you look to see why if you put a straight edge that's why i got a whole back inch and three-quarter because obviously if that comes down it's going to have to be all set to make up for it and if you're wondering how i got the inch and three-quarter if you come back here if you're coming off square if you slide a two by four under here obviously that's how you get that inch and three quarter mark right there so i want to elaborate on that a little bit and uh put a little cross brace in this far end one because it's a longer stand and i'm probably gonna end up putting a couple more in here on these other ones but if you look down through there it all looks good i want to show you how you check to make sure everything's right watch this reveal as i go down look at this boom it's almost perfect and lines up really well looks like i got lucky this time and if you look down this side same thing look at my big shadow boom that board that sticking up is obviously that brace holding it but there you go and i'll go down below and show you too so here it is from the top looking down and this is gonna look just like this by tomorrow let me zoom in over there a little bit i'm gonna show you how to do that sheathing like that's on it right now how to do it over here tomorrow so be sure to subscribe and hit the bells to get notifications so you can see that video when it comes out but that's all there is to building a small roof with a valley rafter setup so let me go down below and show you looking up all right watch the reveal on this side boom nice and pretty let's go to the other side all right this side let's watch the reveal and boom they all line up really nice and i'm not doing this to brag i just want to show you what to do to double check your work it's always important to do all right guys thanks a lot for tuning in be sure to subscribe and comment below if you learned anything and i will see you tomorrow in the next video peace
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 445,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: build, build house, builder, building, building a house step by step, building equipment, carpenter, carpentry, construction, construction equipment, frame, framer, framing, house building, how, how to, how to build, roof, subscribers, to, trusses, wood, youtube, valley roof framing, how to build a small roof, how to frame a small roof, how to do gable trusses, how to do a valley roof, how to frame a roof, how to frame a roof addition, how to build a reverse gable roof, how to build a roof
Id: pzSxptX2xMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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