How To Bring Blood Sugar Down Fast in 2 Hours? Quiz to Win Below.

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hi guys this is Dr Ahmed irrigan I am an endocrinologist and a diabetes specialist I have a lot of passion to treat diabetes [Music] again today we are talking about how to correct your blood sugars when they are high very quickly now of course you know I get a lot of calls you know sometimes they'll say oh you know my blood sugars were running normal okay whatever and now suddenly I have a 300 blood sugar now most of the time it is due to you a mistake you may have forgotten your medication or you may have eaten something that actually has a lot of carbs that you don't realize or you just decided to indulge whatever that's okay you're a human being but it happens or sometimes they put you on steroids you know whatever it may be then you suddenly your blood sugars are off the roof and of course you panic you don't know what to do you try to call the doctor if the doctor replies to you uh but then you don't know what to do now couple things that I can tell you uh definitely if your blood sugars are too high Don't Panic unless you're having like technology are vomiting abdominal pain rapid breathing these are the signs that you need to go to hospital for you don't want to wait for a doctor's call for that you you're having these problems like nausea vomiting breathing problems uh then you should go to hospital if your blood sugars are more than 300 400 but if your blood sugars are high but you're not really symptomatic you're just worried about your blood sugar a couple things you can do now number one the easiest way is take a walk take a brisk walk that that's allow your muscles to absorb the sugars and it's going to come down if you go take a Sprint that can actually increase your blood sugars because of the adrenaline response so you don't want to do an intense exercise like you don't want to go crazy and go on the treadmill and start running 10 miles an hour you don't want to do that you want to get on the treadmill and just go like maybe four or five miles an hour for like 30 minutes and then you're gonna realize that your blood sugars are coming down nicely now if you cannot do that or if you're not in a situation to do that let's say you're in a friend's house or something that you don't want to leave just to take a walk or whatever and well in that case if you have a fast acting insulin such as normal log or hemolog or apidra and if you a sliding scale definitely go for it if you know if your doctor has given you a sliding scale that says if your blood sugar is that high take that much insulin then apply that and of course monitoring your blood sugar a little bit more often uh say you take an extra shot of insulin to bring the blood sugar down then you should check it again in two to three hours to make sure it's coming down if it is if it keeps rising and you're giving insulin that means that you have a problem and you really need to talk to your doctor at that point or if you are getting symptoms sometimes checking your ketones and if you have like moderate to large ketones in your urine that's another bad sign that that you may you may be too late to correct yourself but otherwise using sliding scale can bring your blood sugars down fairly quickly as long as you have that handy now what you should not be doing is taking extra long-acting insulin such as Lantus levimir tresiba uh to jail these are long-acting insulins or even novolin and hemolin and some people will say oh I'll just take more no long-acting insulin but think like this no long-acting insulins are like 18 wheeler trucks it's like trying to say oh well I have to go from um say Florida to California and I'll go get an 18-wheeler that's not a great idea right so you have a long way to go and you don't want to go with a slow truck you want to bring the blood sugar down fast so you have to use a fast-acting insulin you need a Ferrari to go fast so in this case you need to use fast acting insulin such as NovoLog hemolog otherwise those longiting insulins will bring your blood sugar down but it's going to take forever when I say forever it's like it's going to take eight to ten hours and then those long acting insulins do not really stop working after eight or ten hours they actually lost 24 or more hours then you're actually risking yourself to go low later down the road so do not do that and also if your blood sugars are high sometimes people use Glipizide Library glimmabride glucoside whatever those drugs are not my favorite because when you take them yeah it boosts your insulin production but you really don't know how much insulin you're getting from it you can take an extra dose of that medication but you have to carefully monitor your blood sugar a little bit more often at least every three to five hours and then if your blood sugars are going too low then you need to do something about that which we have a video about that as well how to correct blood sugar uh when they're low correctly so I hope that video was helpful Please Subscribe please give it a thumbs up and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 979,983
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Keywords: How to bring blood sugar down quickly, blood glucose, blood glucose levels, blood sugar, diabetes, diabetic diet, high blood sugar, high glucose, high glucose levels, high sugar levels, how to bring blood sugar down fast, how to bring blood sugar down fast if over 250, how to decrease sugar level immediately, how to lower blood sugar, insulin, lower blood sugar, lower blood sugar level, lower high blood sugar quickly, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, mellitus, Diabetes mellitus
Id: Ys8Iwv-eOCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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