BEST & WORST Breakfast Ideas for Diabetes. SugarMD

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hey guys this is dr ahmed ergin today i am going to talk to you about best and worst breakfast ideas for diabetics now i'm gonna tell you some ideas i'm not gonna tell you what to eat what not to eat i'm going to give you some ideas and i'm going to tell you what's right and what's wrong based on what i have seen also on google and youtube etc and this question come to me all the time anyways in my clinic and i try to tell patients it's individualized everybody likes different things but i'll tell you what i prefer in my diet and what i tell my patients to do so let's get started i'm going to start with the best breakfast ideas so the best breakfast idea is not a breakfast that has no carbs of course you have to have carbs who can eat steak every morning that eat steak and don't eat any oatmeal don't eat anything carb eater come on you have to have some carbs that's how a breakfast have everybody has carbs no matter how much you say don't eat carbs they're going to eat the carbs that's not a good doctor a good doctor knows their patient understand what their needs are oh okay so you hate carbs good for you but a lot of people are not like that right so let's go with the best breakfast idea so for example an avocado toast with a pumpernickel bread so let's say you're choosing a bread i would suggest just don't choose the white bread you know that you can go with the pumpernickel bread ezekiel bread a bread that has more fibers you know less net carbs remember the more fiber you have the less net carbs you have so you can actually subtract fibers from the total carbs because those fibers are eliminating uh and creating less net carbs so remember that more fiber the better on your on your bread and pumpernickel i love pumpernickel bread and i think that's the best thing you can do now when you eat avocado remember avocado is fatty and healthy fat and that slows down the absorption your blood sugar is not going to spike now so i would suggest that's that's a good thing right so the second one is yogurt so you can have a yogurt now too much yogurt is not good you have to stay in moderation and you have to make sure that it's not having a lot of added sugars a lot of like fruits and stuff like that they add a bunch of stuff but you have to make sure there's a low calorie low carbohydrate high protein greek yogurt is another good breakfast idea now you can also have eggs uh you can have as many eggs you want except the yolks so i'm gonna give you one yolk maybe to kind of blend with the other rest of the egg whites so but i for example what i do sometimes i you know i work out i don't look like i work at a lot but actually i do work out so so i eat a lot of eggs but what i do is i will um basically have like let's say five egg whites and i'll have only one york so just have a little taste i will mix it with some uh feta cheese uh like a loaf at feta cheese and that gives a good nice little salty taste uh and that's that's a great idea so you don't want to just have anything bland because then you end up hating it right so you have to have a little bit of a taste so you can have avocado next to it you know like egg whites a little bit of a yolk and then you can have some feta cheese the best cheese actually you can consume is goat cheese so you can use goat cheese in different ways incorporate that to your breakfast as much as you can because the goat cheese the fatty acids in the goat cheese is the best now when you are treating your diabetes you also have to always think about your heart because you cannot just treat your sugar and just mess up with the cholesterol so that's not a good strategy so you have to make sure that you take care of all it's a holistic way now another one that you can do for your breakfast is frittata so for example frittata for um i mean i can give you a quick ingredients right here but that's another great way of uh having a good healthy breakfast now one thing that i enjoy a lot and my wife makes that for me and i take it to work sometimes and i love it even my employees will sometimes be like oh what's that doctor it looks delicious i sometimes share with them sometimes don't i'm like hey i'm too hungry right now sorry now chia seed pudding is really good and you can add some nuts to it and you can make it really fun and you're going to have some sweeteners if you want to have some sweet taste to it but that's another great way of having a very healthy full of antioxidants for fiber and low carb that's another great way of having a good healthy breakfast for diabetes again these are the things that i eat and i don't have diabetes but i'm telling you and even if you have diabetes that diet is going to be wonderful now mediterranean type of breakfast is another good friend you know for you check it out uh for example in turkey in my country people eat cheese especially goat cheese they eat olives uh they would even have olive oil mixture at the breakfast with some a little bit of a healthy bread uh look at one slice or something that's fine as i said if you're having healthy fat in your diet that's going to slow the absorption and prevent the blood sugar spikes it's not going to be as bad also having vegetables like i love cucumbers i love tomatoes with some feta cheese that's also another great breakfast idea you can't have fruits in your breakfast if you if somebody's telling you that you're gonna have fruits because you have the hobbies you're banned from fruits of your life drop that guy because you have to have fruits fruit is essential in your diet you just have to control that again one cup of fruits are your best friend one when i say one cup you know think about like a baseball uh so the bottom line is you have to control your carbs though and i'm not telling you go just fill your plate with everything i said you have to pick and choose for what breakfast you want to have try to keep your breakfast carbs below 45 grams if possible and that's going to be a good breakfast for you now you can also use turkey bacon if you are into bacon definitely you can use turkey bacon uh at your breakfast instead of a regular bacon which has a lot more saturated fat worst breakfast ideas the worst breakfast ideas number one my number one that i hate a lot and i hate myself as well uh not that i hate cereal but i i hate having it because it doesn't give me a good after feeling and a lot of diabetics it's very hard for me to control diabetes when somebody is just insist on eating a cereal a cereal will just spike your blood sugar will skyrocket like a 90 degree and no matter what medication you're taking is gonna be hard to control the second worst breakfast is an oatmeal loaded with tops so oatmeal is actually not that bad if you're controlling your portion size but if you're loading it with like bananas the brown sugar some other fruits and this and that then then you are really you can lose control of how much carbs you're getting with that oatmeal so but if you're having oatmeal uh with some maybe a splenda or some non super starchy uh fruits in a smaller size nuts on top of it will be a good choice as well totally against bagels if you are not gonna take a three mile walk after eating a bagel do not eat that bagel even if you put the cream cheese on top it which is not the healthiest thing to eat because a cream cheese a lot of saturated fat uh regardless though bagel is going to really spike your blood sugar if you insist on eating a bagel go get some whole grain bagel and do not eat more than half of that bagel and make sure that's the entire carbs that you're going to have at that breakfast and of course the waffles is a no-no for you i would say you know if you're gonna have a waffle that should be a really special treat uh you should not be having pancakes again because you cannot just have pancakes uh without any toppings but if you're gonna insist on having waffles and pancakes you can go for the whole wheat or whole grain styles there are some of them are like loaded with some protein and if you can incorporate some healthy fat with it you can get away with it again that's based on your blood sugar response some people are not as bad in terms of blood sugar spikes with those foods but again i would suggest try to eliminate them and try to make them as a special treat but do not make them a routine breakfast for yourself definitely white bread is something that you have to stay away from i hope you like this video guys and if you have any questions please let me know again this video is for inspirational purpose only you may be different so some people will say oh i'm happy i'm perfectly happy with my bacon every morning well that's fine but i'm telling you that's not fine for your heart and if you are okay with eating same protein every morning let's say you want to eat turkey every morning be my guest but i think that's boring so you need to kind of think about what i'm saying and take it what you can try to give some trial and error to it everybody is different understand that and i hope you enjoyed this video i will talk to you guys later make sure you give a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: SugarMD
Views: 66,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best diabetic breakfast, worst diabetic breakfast, diabetic breakfast ideas, diabetic breakfast ideas for type 2, diabetic breakfast foods, diabetic breakfast recipes, breakfast for diabetics, breakfast for diabetics type 2, breakfast for diabetes patient, low carb breakfast, diabetic food, diabetes, blood sugar, diabetic diet, diabetes diet, american diabetes association, type 2 diabetes, breakfast diabetic recipes, breakfast diabetic diet, mellitus, Diabetes mellitus
Id: KgW4CrQP6eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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