- So you have type two
diabetes and you've heard from a friend or a family
member, or maybe from a rumor on the internet that you can
reverse your type two diabetes with just a few simple
changes in your diet. That's actually true,
it's not just a rumor. And in this video I'm gonna tell you five easy steps that you can start today to reverse your type two diabetes within the next few months. I'm Dr. Ken Berry, a family physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and it's time to reverse
your type two diabetes. But first, let's get some
misconceptions out of the way. First and foremost, I'm not about to try to sell you anything in this video, you can do this for free. You don't need to buy anything from me or click on any links
or do any of that stuff to absolutely reverse
your type two diabetes and keep it reversed for
the rest of your life. You don't need to buy
any products whatsoever. You don't need any prescription
medications, either pills or insulin injections, to
reverse your type two diabetes. One more misconception or myth or lie that you may have been told. You may have even been
told this by your doctor or your dietician, is
that type two diabetes is a chronic progressive condition that you're stuck with
for the rest of your life, that's just gonna keep
getting worse and worse. This is absolutely not true. And I'm in the process of
renaming this condition, and we're gonna start calling it chronic carbohydrate overdose syndrome. And because you call it that, it takes away the mystery,
oh, I have type two diabetes. I don't know why, it
must be genetic maybe, maybe, I don't know, maybe I was born on the
wrong day of the week. No, it's none of that. You have type two diabetes because of chronic
carbohydrate overdose syndrome. That's what it is, and so, also the hint to reversing it is
actually now in the name. And so that makes it much easier for just regular people to
comprehend what's going on and also immediately see the
solution for type two diabetes. Having type two diabetes is not your fault but it absolutely is your problem. And so you need to pay careful attention to these five easy steps. Maybe write them down, maybe
watch this video a second time, so that you can do this
yourself at home for free. There are a few simple lab
tests that you can get ordered. Not only to find out how bad your type two diabetes is right now, so you can actually see those
numbers go down over time and know that you are
having a meaningful impact on your type two diabetes, that you are in fact reversing it. I'm gonna tell you what those labs are. But first I'm gonna tell
you the five easy steps that you can use to reverse
your type two diabetes. Step number one is you
need to stop all sugars, whether added sugars or
naturally occurring sugars. And so obviously, anything
that has an added sugar, either that you added or that
the big food manufacturer added the sugar to, you need
to stop eating those things. They're actually, they're not really food, they're products that
are made in a factory that you're then convinced that are food and they're gonna spike your blood sugar, which is gonna raise your insulin and you will never ever reverse your type two diabetes
eating these things. Number two is, you've gotta
stop eating all grains. Now the most common culprits are wheat, corn, oats and rice. These are the big guys,
but really any grain is gonna be too high in carbohydrates. Now what you obviously,
as a type two diabetic, you know that if you eat
sugar, your blood sugar goes up and then your pancreas
has to deal with that. But what you may not know,
what many people don't know, is that any grain, rice, oats, wheat, corn, amaranth, millet
quinoa, any of these, they convert immediately into sugar, even before you swallow them. The amylase, which is
an enzyme in your mouth, starts to break down the starches into sugar in your mouth
before you even swallow them. So by the time they get to your stomach, they've turned into what they
really are, which is sugar. Step three is to remove all vegetable oils from your diet, canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower, safflower, peanut
oil, corn oil, cotton seed oil. All of these guys are
inflammatory in nature. They have a very high Omega
six to Omega three ratio but they also oxidize very rapidly when you cook with them
and also in your body. And many authorities, many experts believe that they also contribute to the pathology or the pathophysiology that ultimately leaves you
with type two diabetes. Step four, is to include lots
of fatty meat in your diet. Fat and protein don't
raise your blood sugar any meaningful degree. They also don't raise your insulin level to any meaningful degree. So you can get away with
eating lots of fatty meat, which is fat and protein, plus
tons of vitamins and minerals because meat is full of those. And you're not gonna be
raising your blood sugar or your insulin in a pathological manner. Step five is to get any
carbohydrates you do eat from above ground, non starchy vegetables. Okay, some people can reverse
their type two diabetes by eating 100 total
grams or less each day. Some people have to tighten this up more and need only 50 total grams
of carbohydrates each day. Some people like me, have
to eat 20 total grams a day or even less, to reverse and keep their type two diabetes reversed. It may sound like torture right now, for you to eat a low
carbohydrate diet like this. But I promise you, the true
torture comes later in life if you continue to allow your
type two diabetes to exist and to get worse, that's when
the true torture will begin. Just ask any type two diabetic,
who's been type two for 30 or 40 years, and you will
understand what true torture is. Keep in mind these five easy steps, they work for pre-diabetes as well. And they'll also help type one diabetics be able to use much, much less insulin, therefore saving lots of money. And it will also allow a type one diabetic to have a normal hemoglobin
A1C, that's a lab test. Now, since I brought up
lab tests, let me tell you about the lab tests that you
need to ask your doctor for, so that you can monitor
how well you're doing on the journey of reversing
your type two diabetes. You want a fasting glucose, for sure. You also want a hemoglobin A1C. That's gonna give you
a three-month average of what your blood sugar's been doing. Many doctors stop right
there and they don't realize that having chronically high
insulin levels is just as bad and just as unhealthy
and just as pathological as having a chronically
high blood sugar level. So you're also gonna get a C-peptide and a fasting insulin checked. These are gonna tell you if
you're eating low carb enough to completely reverse
your type two diabetes and to keep it in remission or to keep it reversed
or to keep you cured. However you wanna say it, I think that if you reverse
your type two diabetes, you've earned the right to call it whatever you wanna call it. Using these five easy steps, many people can reverse
their type two diabetes in a month or two months. Some people who have been
type two diabetic for longer or who have a harder time giving up all the carbohydrates,
might take two to six months to completely reverse
their type two diabetes. But when you understand
that type two diabetes is actually just chronic
carbohydrate overdose syndrome. You'll understand, and so if your A1C gets better as you cut the carbohydrates but it doesn't go all
the way back to normal, because that's my goal for you, my goal for you is for you to have a hemoglobin A1C of 5.6 or less. I don't even want you to be pre-diabetic. I want you to have a normal
A1C and a normal C-peptide. That is the sweet spot
where you're truly healthy and the possibility of
having a long health span and a long lifespan,
are within your grasp. I have hundreds of videos
on this YouTube channel that will help you reverse
your type two diabetes. If you love veggies, and you wanna include some in your diet, then check
out my keto 101 playlist, I'll put a link either here or here at the end of this video,
if you would just be happy eating meat and eggs and
cheese and nothing else, then check out my carnivore 101 playlist. If you eat low carbohydrate
enough on either one of these, you're gonna reverse
your type two diabetes and in the process, you're
gonna actually improve other conditions that I'm not
gonna go into on this video. But I have other videos on this channel about other medical conditions that get better when
you eat what I consider to be a low carbohydrate,
proper human diet. If you'd like I have to join
my army of little Davids, who are fighting the huge Goliath's of big food and big pharma,
then consider becoming a patron. There's a Patreon link down below. It's a quick sign-up. You can throw a buck or two my
way so that I have more time and resources to make
videos just like this to help other people
understand you can reverse many of the chronic medical diseases that you thought you
were stuck with for life. This is Dr. Berry, I'll see you next time.