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[Music] in the name of jesus i pray that you will use this truth and reprogram your life and turn your life and your destiny into a wonder please let me have your attention for a few minutes we're going to pray genesis 8 22 please look up the bible says that when the earth was judged the earth was judged with flood flood is one of the elements of the supernatural is water and then the animals came and noah offered it was a sacrifice please look up of all of the clean beasts he offered sacrifice and then the lord smelled a sweet server from it and made a proclamation that is very very prophetic it says while they act so the earth is involved in this talk look up please while the earth remains seedtime and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease it's an ordinance that came from the mouth of god are we together now that seed time and harvest shall not cease not watch this the principle of what in the body of it's been known for many years and not many people have understood it is called the principle of seed faith listen very carefully please listen great men like oral roberts and kenneth e hagin and great fathers of faith patriarchs who have gone transited in glory they did their best to explain it as best as they understood but remember revelation is progressive are we together now yes so they communicated the perspectives that god gave to them but one of the advantage of the apostolic and the prophetic ministry is that you are given illumination by the spirit to see and then you are granted the grace that can make all men see ephesians 3 is a grace that makes men see not just men here men see inside illumination understanding now please look up the principle of seed faith please look up you're about to learn something that will change your life forever the principle of seed faith is the only principle that is able to mimic what jesus did jesus said verily verily i say unto you he said except the con of which falls to the ground and dies it abides alone are we bible students and that means that the principle of resurrection is such that the seed dies not that the seed enters the ground entering the ground is not death death therefore is not the cessation of life it is the gateway into another realm we call it the says listen listen listen listen you have to understand this [Music] that means the dog that leads to life is called death [Music] death is not a dead end death is a door when you want to go into life you follow the door called death now watch this that means watch this please oh dear when jesus was about to end a dispensation and begin another one he followed the door of death are we together now and in dying in his resurrection he brought many sons into glory do we agree now that is the same principle that happens with your seed the bible says that when you sow a seed and agriculture attests to the fact that when you sow a seed for a while that seed follows that door too you call it death it literally dies and then suddenly something begins to happen another life are we together now and then it produces after its kind are we together now the principle of seed faith is based on death and resurrection not money [Music] that means whatever is tied to that seed as the seed dies it must die are you getting the point now i can take everything in my life my trouble my pain my frustration and tie it to the seed the moment the seed dies the law declares that that dimension of my life must follow the seed to the grave and die too [Music] so i can end seasons in my life and open another one and the mystery here is found in first corinthians 15 please look at this verse 38 that god is able to give your seed another body this is still priesthood [Music] i can end shame and not have more shame as a harvest god can change the body of what died and make it laughter because seed should produce after their kind but that there is a technology because there are some things you want to kill you don't just want more of look at this when you sow corn is because you want more corn [Music] are we together now when you sow rice is because you want more rice but there are times in the technology of god there are times you saw certain things to kill them not because you want more of them and so that your faith can reconvert that manifestation so that it is not what died that comes out as the harvest god is able to give your seed another body that means i can sow shame i can sow delay and tie it to a seed and bury it as that seed dies my shame to dies my delay dies now i'm not going to get more delay as a harvest i may get speed god can reprogram that delay and what will come as a harvest is speed this is priesthood we can use seeds with understanding to end seasons and open others but god giveth it a body as it had pleased him and to every seed its own body i can sow in tears and not reap more tears i can reap joy it looks like a deviation of the lord because every seed gives back after it's kind if i saw shame i should reap more shame but you can sow it because you want to kill it listen there are things in your life that need to come to an end and i'm telling you just saying it must come to an end it's not enough he programmed the earth as a system of advantage for you that you can carry a seed with understanding not manipulation with understanding and begin to list the seasons that must come to an end if the old earth and the old heaven can pass away then everything in your life can also pass away [Music] so you can end seasons lord i do not experience favor in my life i move forward but by struggle that scenario is like an old heaven and an old earth you can tie it to a seed that's why i said it somewhere and let me say it here it is dangerous to steal money in the house of god because you don't know what who is killing with the seed is dropping if you pick a seed that has not died what is on it is also alive [Music] it's true [Music] you see what went wrong with judas because people were sowing seeds and judas was helping himself judas did not just die of frustration many things killed him someone suicidal thoughts was sown away in that seed and he kept receiving it and did not allow it die [Music] your seed can program certain seasons in your life it is still part of priesthood now the the challenge is that because i guess because most seeds come as money and and so most people think that it is just a church manipulation to extract seeds from people now respectfully speaking i know that here and there sometimes people do not approach this subject of seed with integrity and and all of that but that does not mean that the principle is not true there are people who are long overdue to enter certain strong seasons and if god so jesus to get us then it is important for you to understand that you can bury certain seasons and open up others and there are times that god can give speed please hear what i'm telling you the things i tell you are the things that i do i have ended seasons in my life and open others it's not just the will of god you enforce it through priesthood remember that priesthood is about sacrifice the sacrifice of spiritual legislation in prayer the sacrifice of warfare in prayer and drum your spiritual climate using the power and the technology of the seed it is true and it works that you can choose to say lagos is a place of abundance and blessings and god is a god of portions that means there is a portion allocated for me rehobot there is a space that has been given to me but it is refusing to come and so you can call forth all of the lack the limitation and tie them to a seed as that seed dies you start rejoicing because you are looking for for the harvest it works wonders and it is true the integrity of god is at the back of it many people have unconsciously received testimonies from these principles and you just hear them say look i was tired i was tired and then i saw the seed and things change but god is adding to our understanding it is not the money that brings you the sacrifice it is the priesthood the revelation of priesthood that is back of it is what is responsible the second reason why the ministry of priesthood is powerful is because you see the anointing the word anoint is an ordination it's a system of authorization that allows you to function in an office it was an ancient system that was used for kings priests prophets to anoint doesn't just mean to spare with oil to anoint means to legitimize your operation are we together now that means that you are not illegal as far as that function is concerned there is a throne in heaven that backs your operation that's what it means to anoint so when the bible says how god anointed jesus he was authorized to function in that office of the christ when the saints are anointed we are given authorization on legal grounds the sons of skiva were not anointed by the holy spirit that was why the demon said no this operation although you used to get results but it's still illegal because the holy ghost is not the sponsor of it there is no legitimate ground upon which you should operate that way are we together now and now please watch this listen very carefully when when the anointing of the holy spirit is his ability at work in a man is god's very ability at working a man now watch this please the anointing and all kinds of graces are in dimensions and they are in levels anointing is not general anointing just because you are anointed does not mean anointed once and it can solve every problem that's not accurate are we together now that's not accurate if that were so the disciples would not need to be filled with the holy spirit again and the bible would not make reference to the lavish dimension of jesus being anointed how god anointed jesus it took out time to tell us the extent of the anointing please watch this i've shared it here i think maybe at the bagada church also in one of the conferences that the anointing is in levels and the level of anointing that you possess or a servant of god possesses also reflects the dimensions of spiritual problems that can be solved just because you are anointed does not mean every problem is within your jurisdiction to solve inexperience now you have to understand this please let me have two gentlemen make sure they are workers also please just come okay yes you come you come sir thank you look at this look at this now this guy is in need of favor open doors this guy is in need of healing i can have the anointing the grace for favor and the grace for healing but not to the degree that can solve this man's financial problems i can pray for him it is the limit of my grace that will be at work in him even if he falls down stands up are you getting what i'm saying now i come and the the worst part of it is i can have the healing anointing alone if i pray for this guy he will fall down but what he wants is result in the area of prosperity he will stand up and every other remaining challenge in his body will be solved but the issue of the finance cannot be answered because the grace the dimension the anointing of the spirit works within the jurisdiction of his allocation any anointing does not solve any problem no no there are dimensions this is where impartation and other things come remember joshua was already filled with the spirit but moses was told to lay hands on him again are we together now yes so i can solve this man's problem and pray for him and say in the name of jesus let those be open and nothing happens and you find out that all that continues to happen around my life is that people are healthy they live long they live strong but they are broke it's a reflection of the deficiency of the dimension of grace at work in my life now when that grace comes it will speak immediately now let's let's let's let's let's change it both of them are trusting god for higher dimensions of maybe spiritual encounters or finances or whatever and i can have that anointing but not to that level we are two preachers respectfully speaking listen carefully let's say myself and let me use a great figure like benihin you know or um tia lost born of blessed memory he's gone now these are fathers with proven track records are we together now now i can pray for this man in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus let the cancer go i'm calling the name of jesus i'm a sincere believer i'm anointed the holy ghost is at work in me and you'll be surprised that cancer does not live and this guy will come and sit in a beneath him conference where he is just talking to leaders and the cancer leaves now watch this the difference is not it's not god it's not god the same lord is rich unto all but something there there is the level of anointing it's like money if you have ten thousand you can eat lunch but you cannot buy a car if you are hungry rejoice because you have enough for it but if you want a car start crying because you will need more are we together now so conferences like this create systems of upgrade where you can get higher dimensions of the same grace and then other i mean higher levels of the same grace and other dimensions that are missing in your life you can know what is on you by the results that are around you [Music] listen to me everything that happens around you is a report card an attestation to the grace that you carry this is true [Music] imagine this i can be walking with this gentleman watch this and then this man meets with me comes up and he chooses to ignore this one and he blesses me and then he passes i think she just blessed me know what was on me was programming my climate although we are close we will not get the same result are we together now you see that there was something on me that was calling for favor from him so although yes sir although i'm holding the hand of this one and we're working together [Music] i pray in the name of jesus that we understand what i'm teaching that way we will minimize wasting our time trying to outsource things physically realities are programmed the realm of the spirit is that powerful that what manifests in the physical realm there is a grace when you carry a generation must hear you it is not just because listen listen listen it's not just because you are the greatest preacher you can have all the anointing in the world and a generation will ignore what you are saying there is an anointing that makes hear ye him a possibility a verdict from heaven that will compel every territory to hear your voice there is a grace that calls for destiny help us they don't just come no they don't just come they know you just because you are holding the hand of a multi-millionaire he can look at you and you can even go to the restaurant with him and pay for your food he is not greedy what is on you is not allowing him bless you because the same man will leave you and go to another person and say please can i have the privilege of giving you a car so he's a giver not to you but to the one who carries the grace let me tell you this there is no body that is greedy is what is on you that is programming your possibilities it's true priesthood where we don't sit down just begin to complain why is this not happening my business is not growing no the world has about 7.2 billion people that's enough bodies for god to use to bless you that's enough bodies for god seven point f billion people cannot forget you [Music] someone has to remember you but is what is on you apostle why is it that people do not listen to what i'm saying is because you only have what to say you have not gotten what will make men listen [Music] thy kingdom come thy will be done thy kingdom come notice the progression he is teaching you to pattern your prayer after this number one be aware of the fatherhood of god a source sustainer defender protector are we together number two he says approach him even though with an understanding of his fatherhood you must approach him with honor and with reverence number three according to the program of god you must prioritize the things of the kingdom even above your need look at this the very next prayer is your kingdom come the word kingdom means the sphere of the governing influence of a king i desire to see the influence of your power your glory your culture did you know that when his kingdom comes he will not even allow you to get to a point where you will say give us this day because in the kingdom coming there is already a system that should not even allow you have a need so that the fact that you have to ask for food is a sign that something about his kingdom has not been enforced the angels don't pray for food the saints in heaven don't pray for their needs to be met because it is fair where his kingdom has come so he's saying the better prayer point is not give me school fees the better prayer point is not give me this focus on allowing this sphere my governing influence to be domiciled within your life and if that happens you may not need to pray some other prayers again are we together his kingdom come his kingdom come his kingdom come for as long as the prodigal son was under the jurisdiction or within the jurisdiction of his father he had no luck notice that luck started in his life when he carved out a niche for himself outside of the influence of his father provided he was within the spell of the influence of the father there was no luck are we together thy kingdom come when his kingdom comes his culture his life everything that happens that negates the christ is proof that his kingdom has not been established within that and then he says your kingdom come thy will be done now if you do not look at it in context you would think he's saying your kingdom come and then thy will be done the correct expression is your kingdom come by your will being done the only way his kingdom comes is when his will the word will there is the root word logos where you get the word the intention of a man that seeks for expression your will be done everywhere his will is done his kingdom comes everywhere his will is done heaven is heaven simply because the will of the father as the monarch of the universe finds expression unrestrained and everywhere there is a violation of his will it is judged immediately that's what makes heaven heaven so the bible says thy kingdom come and thy will by thy will be done i it now tells you the location where the wheel should be done in earth not on earth in earth the first earth is you not the ground because you are made out of that earth so the kingdom come and his will be done in you as that sample of the earth and then across the territory because if his will is done in your life there are certain your life will become an expression of heaven the perfection the beauty the glory of heaven literally will find expression in your life so he's teaching us to pray now and he's saying abba father approach him as father approach him with honor prioritize the reality of his government finding expression within your life and across your sphere are we together now yes thy will be done thy will be done in earth thy will be done in my life thy will be done in my life god only defends his will not just your desire he defends his will let it be done in my life let it be done in my finances and the will of god is not a mystery colossians chapter one verse nine it tells us paul himself paul is praying and he's saying that for i pray for you i bow my knees and i pray for you that you'll be filled number one with the knowledge of his will with the knowledge of his will paul is saying the will of god for the believer today is not a mystery the will of god is captured all through scripture his intent for you i know the thoughts that i think towards you jeremiah 29 and verse 11 thoughts of peace or good and not of evil to bring you a future an unexpected end hallelujah so his will is not a mystery speaking through the apostle beloved i wish above all things that he prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers the will of god was personified in jesus the christ when jesus walked upon the earth he was the logos of god in action so everything jesus did was an expression of the intent of the father when he healed the sick it was a revelation of the father's desire to see that there be no sick people when he lifted people when he supplied bread um you know five love two fish twenty to feed five thousand people it was proof that he was a god that desired the saints to walk in abundance when he wept at the funeral it was a proof of his compassion that he was not a father that would rejoice over the pain of his children jesus was a correction of our idea about god because until his manifestation the prophets gave us different pictures about god and in many instances they were wrong themselves because they were learning god and they did not have the investment of the spirit to the degree that would allow for perfect revelation so they attributed many things even things that were from satan to god everything that was higher than the scope of science the three-dimensional realm there was a mix some of them mixed their work with god and divination and so it it it aberrated our understanding of god and jesus came as a reference the standard in other words use my life to correct your perception about god are we together the will of god personified in the christ so the logos of god given to us today by the spirit is a compendium of the will of god so that as we start scripture we find god's intent it is dangerous to depend on people to suggest to you what they think the will of god is because their suggestion will come from their pain their limitation the progression of their knowledge but forever oh lord thy word is settled so i can finally written here the will of god then by the agency of the spirit i can understand his will for my life when i understand the will of god for my life my assignment is to posture myself in a way and manner that allows the world the will of god to find expression and everywhere that happens the kingdom has come
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman 2021, how to grow spiritually, apostle joshua selman sermon, apostle joshua selman new sermon, apostle selman sermon, koinonia miracle service 2020, latest koinonia message 2020, apostle joshua selman videos, koinonia miracle service, joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful, apostle joshua selman miracles, how, end, repeated, cycles, of, pain, from
Id: ukF28PTtFDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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