How to Blender: Model, Texturing, Exporting Unreal engine 4 technique

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hello guys this is Richard and welcome to the first video of how to blender and Unreal Engine today I'm going to show you how to create a barrel that you see in front of you this is just a pretty screen screen shot taken from in-game in Unreal Engine 4 and I'm going to show you just step by step using simple and free methods how to create a realistic barrel like this so first of all uh you just open your blender I'm using the version 2.7 to I think I don't think this is the latest version of the blender but actually any version of blender will actually suffice and do I'm keeping the default lamp and default camera here just to see the render here yeah so how to create a barrel actually is really easy and it's really fast is nothing complex and the method I'm using is really simple it's not a really detailed the mesh and but it may just serve your basic testing or your minigame needs so first of all what I always do in blender arm I just don't like the grid and lines they actually get in my way because still I'm always working in orthographic view and first front or front or side cameras so what I'm gonna do is going to display and gonna turn off the grid floor and X and y-axis yeah since with that got a other way we have a clean working space and so on so now I want to set up my center point because you see by clicking everywhere I kinda messed up where my objects will spawn so I just don't want to be in the middle middle middle but something like that and from the side yeah so now I'm just going to delete this cube and create a cylinder now with the polygons and the lines the verticals and the radius the more you have the more detailed and around it may seem but for the purpose of this video I'm just gonna by default yeah so let's deselect and see the settings and we have this cylinder now what most of the guys are doing when creating objects is first they edit it and this is what I do most of the time first of all I create the model itself and afterwards our texturing it but in this case it's actually way way more easier to first picture this barrel the cylinder and then the form it so first of all all we need as a diffuse texture so for this we're going to just use Google and I'm gonna search something for like barrel seamless picture and see what I can find I'm going to go to images for the for the leafing and toolbar and as you can see Google Images has a lot of priests diffuse of course though this images cannot be used in a product that's gonna earn new money on because every image belongs a certain artist or a designer and he would like to get me for that so keep that in mind don't use Google images for your shipment projects just use it for experimenting or creating to see really fastly what your object will look like and just later on create your own textures and invest time in that yeah so just let's just go and see what we have here yeah this will perfect do always keep in mind but you're using seamless textures and seamless means that it's whenever you connect from weather side you connect to kind of these textures they're gonna look exactly the same they're gonna be a single as' image and in order to do that always got a check that the height and width of the texture is the same that's really important guys and and if you don't have this equal numbers and more cases you just gonna have a result so um I'm gonna just click that view save this picture sorry again for the methane and desktop gonna play that in the future I'm gonna call this barrel defuse and save it to my desktop yeah this oh yeah this is actually on the first time I tried it for my own project then you're going to see how to get all these files it real quick yeah so where's my barrel yeah this is the barrel defuse yeah so basically this is the image it's a selfie if you really like zoom it you can see the pixel so it's not the higher resolutions only 512 by 512 but it's going to just do just fine for this show yeah now what I suggest you do if you you're not an expert designer or you're not great with Photoshop or and you don't know how to do height maps or potion maps and normal maps I suggest I suggest you to get this fine app it's called the crazy bomb and I'm using the demo version just in case for the show and this guy just made this wonderful wonderful texture generation program software it's not professional it doesn't do like professional like and you cannot do any like small changes or or or or customizations on the texture but you can get real really quick results and they look great in Unreal Engine 4 so this is the demo version it's a free version so I'm just going to click on open open a photograph file I'm going to go to desktop and I'm going to select my barrel diffuse so crease the bump is thinking and afterwards he just gives you two examples of how to create your normal map so in the first picture you see that the metal parts of the barrel that are the Rings in this side they like popped out and decided like kinda pressed in so we need this popped out the variance to make the illusion there there this actually rings around there so I'm going to just select the shape and over here you have the preview panel I'm gonna select box to have a better look and here you have a real-time view on how your textures with all the normal maps displacement occlusion gone the look and then supposedly right here I'm gonna yeah everything's here the diffuse specularity Abbott inclusion and normal mapping is by default here yeah so you can just adjust here the Sin City we can make it more kind of you see like rubbish you can do it like inside yeah but for this I'm just gonna do not so aggressive maybe something a little bit yeah I think that's going to be just fine displacement occo clusion let's see for the corrosion gonna be a little bit brighter this one yeah now for the specularity now specular the influence should a Christian fluence you see the shininess the influence of the shininess I was really really shiny like made of glass we don't want that it's actually a little bit but we still wanted to reflect just a little bit metallic color no contrast I think this is gonna do good yeah now we need a normal map I'm gonna save normal file to desktop I'm going to name it a barrel normal and occlusion save a crucial file name this barrel OCC oh that's some indices and specular map okay um Barrow I'm gonna close the crazy bump town yeah took him a while OCC normal and specular map yeah so this is basically what it what you're going to use an engine but for now we're going to just just use barrel diffuse okay back to the cylinder now what I'm going to do is just go to the front view and center this object a little bit from both sides yeah it's good I'm just going to open a new window and I'm going to select the UV image editor this is for creating if you ever get this just press the escape come on escape I don't want to see here render result no please no oh here we go yeah so basically this is what you want to get this is your UV edition panel and the clip I'm using is quite simple it's not professional and you're not using one UV map you're actually not using us not a single your map you just slice your object your material into many many pieces and actually many many overlapping use maps and those UV maps are not saved into a separate file for you to did but instead it's exported with your FBX what I mean we're gonna see a little bit later yeah so now I'm just going to go to texture mode and you're gonna see that it's the dim light I should move the lightning somewhere around here so it would be more lit yeah something like that that yeah now we can I kinda can see and I'm going to go sell the object and go into edit mode and what I'm going to do is just hit faces and select all of the faces all of this is on the side what I'm going to do next is press you and do unwrap what are you seeing here you see the squirrel kind you mapping if I would press smart UV mapping this is what we get this is a little bit more close or so what I need but it's not that because you see they actually connect and I cannot disconnect faces from the faces Oh actually can okay Oh see this is what I mean they kind of stuck together so what are we going to do we need to do mark seems and for that I'm going to go back to salt mode for you to see the object better and I'm going to select the top line all around and you a mapping and mark it as a scene since this is mean where the object should cut it now I'm going to do the same for the bottom and I'm going to do one line over here now it's going to unfold it should unfold unwrap no nuts I'll wrap yeah this is the result of y1 I want to get all this old oldest pillars all these polygons in a single line I'm just going to rotate about 90 degrees for me to work it easier like that okay so we got our UV mapping we got our object and the second thing we got to do is create a material for our object so I'm going to set the object I'm going to create a new material I'm going to call it barrel 0 1 I'm going to go to stick shirts create a new texture and call it value diffuse gotta go to open desktop and I'm going to select my barrel diffuse so we have imported our texture into blender right now so going back to the texture mode over here send the front view and now all we got to do goes object mode and we have already outlined selected and just clicking this icon and selecting the barrel diffuse what you're seeing already here in the texture mode view this is like the actual render that is already here it's wrapped up and basically what it means all these lines are actually copying the coordinates what I'm going to do is go to front view select scale with s set axis that means only on top and bottom I said that axis what the hell oh sorry I meant why yeah so I'm going to just rest rest rest rest all the way up to cover the texture until I see like oh I think this is going to be about good yeah so now you have a similar cylinder covered in that texture seamlessly just a quick render view so how it looks this is just the default render so all bond-buying the quality and for now I'm just know what I'm going to do these lamps just see the object fully unlit yeah so I have this perfect cylinder what I'm going to do for the top I'm just going to select the circle and wrap it select the image scale it down just to match the wood with nothing as I said it's nothing professional but still looks like wood so for just shell so just get the idea of this thing here doing the same mapping so it will kinda match doesn't matter actually that much yeah so how are students already starting to look something like a barrel now we need to stretch it and make it more barelly so first of all we got a do our top so I'm going to hit ctrl R and add a line and I'm going to do okay here now we can see that although the matter of textual is all up and this is why overlapping I don't want oh oh well I think why is this overlap now because I said yeah I'm gonna stretch it down here like this oh it's actually inverted yeah that's way better okay knit especially more just for the perfect adjust and now for the come on select you oh here we go now for the dis we're gonna stretch it all the way down and select this piece right here okay this doesn't match not I'm gonna need to move a little bit so it match the actual lines okay now it's not perfect but anyways I'm going to select the top and shrink it and stretch it and shrink it again do life thing that I get pretty much what I want yeah this is perfect alright I'm going to extrude this and that yeah okay this is starting to look something like a barrel I guess yeah since legit I just scrapped it but I'm gonna fix it right now um yeah so now we got to do add another line right in the middle and stretch it a little bit like this and this under the line over here stretch it as well to make it like the more beefy I'm gonna select the bottom stretch a little like this select top stretch here okay now I'm gonna do another line over here stretch it shrink it yeah oh damn look at that crap once again one line over here one oh why here stretch it way women's stretch here stretch here all right so far so good the bottom line is actually okay select all faces looks like up yeah good stretch it a little bit down shrink it a little more all right I think this is a little bit more adjusting out there alright this is well got to select all the spaces since stretch it down even more I'd still don't like the shape okay and it's got a go this line got it a little bit forward mmm still don't like it this pops up pops out just so much alright knock it for time think that should do it I'm gonna slip just the middle faces and we're going to use it that just for the middle so what was that all right I'm gonna select this faces this is going to be from metal to metal okay nothing like that I guess oh the top sway out like that I guess oh man this is the shooters quote quality barrel I had ever made oh here now just let the bottom pieces stretch it like that I guess yeah and now for the bottom part stretch stretch stretch okay so something a little bit similar with the text shrinks I still don't like it we're going to adjust it real quick edges like this as you can see I'm not a great artist I think I watch which do is just Finn the whole barrel a little bit that's later yeah make it more yeah something I guess now what else I'm gonna do is this select not everything when I wanna select all these pieces this piece is this this this and yes all the sides lines are selected and I'm gonna just stretch them a little bit hey hey you rascal why I'm not selected just gonna select them here or not stretch stretch all right seems a little bit I'm sorry for the work on the top it looks a little bit more like a barrel yeah kind of this kind of Rafa don't want to export it now we've got to export it I'm going to export you out of this FBX file I'm gonna go on desktop name it Barrow F X and save it problem do you want to really wait yes I'm not using anymore have a better one sorry guys okay now already open my own Unreal Engine 4 and yeah this is I me the world over here Don but Midas in the corner I'm just doing a project although big quick quick yeah so now I'm just gonna create a new folder can i yeah add new folder um barrels yeah so here I'm gonna just drag and drop the barrel of the X I'm going to import all I'm going to close the stock and canceled out a safe and I'm gonna import into engine all my normal OCC and specular maps of the barrel this picture alright and text about normal is imported as I move okay that's what we want now if you would look at your barrel sorry not here are here I'm gonna add it I'm gonna scale it all the way up all the way up even more yeah that should do it okay on directional lighting is not where I want to be rotation can I change you all right oh yeah I'm the spittle right okay bye here we go we have our shitty barrel we're here in our under illusion for now what you want to do is edit the material I'm just now double click on the material go to script editing mode and here we are or you have our diffuse texture because it was already blender as a texture sample but what we want to add is a normal map I'm going to just type in texture fine texture sample select normal map and right click and use current texture now we have a normal map an electric safe and right here you just gonna see the result you see it got a little bit bumpier still it's really really bright texture itself so I'm just going to edit the texture itself and reduce it contrast yeah a little bit bigger here we go that's a little better reduce the vibrance alright seems legit I save it yes I want to save it alright sounds a little bit better now back to what the transcold on that's 9 here alright back to the material editing now we have our occlusion maps and we have our specular maps so I'm just going to select the specular map drag drag a node texture sample is here now we wonder why it already appeared over here because I selected here if you select the image before dragging a node and when you wanna add a node it gonna detect that the current selected image is the texture or the image you want to use to enter and you can see the result is the same I'm going to save it yeah and this is this is the final result um let me check where's my player start yeah please go all over there yeah oh now it's way too far yep here and here I'm gonna click play oh damn oh that was quite loud alright now you should make it I guess yeah that's here you see our huge as barrel I'm sorry for the quality of the object it's not great I know but you basically get the idea on how to use simple programs and free tools just to create your little objects and I know it's gonna your models gonna look a way way way way better than mine just to showcase what results you can get I can you real quick where is it barrel just a couple of more objects that I made using this technique there's the barrel delete this there's this barrel of mine that I created there's the crate it's not great as well it's not a redo this model sometime so there's a fireplace as well and all of these objects were made in the same method and the same technique of texturing and exporting as I showed you even for a little bit more complex objects like for example this house that's a little bit okay compiling shaders alright just gonna load up textures play just show you around okay so see the barrel huh you see the create here I brought over excited with normal Maps you see a fireplace bricks son just played around with normal asses well you see just some random house did you can go through and all of these objects were made with simple technique one blender crazy bomb and just import it into Unreal Engine 4 so yeah just consuming video thank you guys for watching I hope you liked it if you liked it please like it subscribe my channel and tell me what you think about this video if you like that I'm gonna do more and if you didn't like it dislike this video tell me why you disliked it please I gotta develop myself as well and see you soon hopefully and I'm gonna wait for your response so yeah this was Richard when the why gaming community and see you soon
Channel: Why Gaming
Views: 55,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine (Video Game Engine Family), Game Engine (Software Genre), Blender (Software), Texture Mapping, Unreal (Video Game), Animation, Cartoon, Level, Shooter Game (Media Genre), How-to (Website Category), Software (album), Animated, Network, Flash, 3ds
Id: mI7IA4d15Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2015
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