How To BECOME Your Shadow Self Like Ayanokoji Kiyotaka | Carl Yung's Philosophy

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so you've got your normal self and then you got like your dark side alter ego which call Un calls Your Shadow Self and before people in the comments call this cringe or people take it in the wrong way like Sigma like I don't mean your Shadow Self as in the thing people say on Tik Tok when they say they see red in a fight I'm talking about a genuine psychological concept this process is about embracing the darker and often the ignored facets of our personality much like the character anoi kotaka who with his calm demeanor and strategic mind embodies the essence of Shadow interrogation through self-awareness control and understanding of oneself and in today's video I'll show you how to integrate Your Shadow Self so let's begin so let's kick off things by diving deep into your own psyche think of it as like ANUK Ki planning his next move except instead of plotting in the shadows you're shining a light on them so grab a journal find a quiet spot and start asking the tough questions what are the parts of you that you've been ignoring or pushing away this isn't about self-criticism it's about curiosity and openness be honest be raw and most importantly be patient uncovering the nuances of your Shadow Self is like peeling an onion there are many layers and yes it might make you cry but it's worth it so you want to be asking tough questions you want to be finding out diving deep into like the traumas that you've been hiding so next we're going to do is radical OBET now here's where you Channel your inner anoi cool demeanor instead of keeping emotions at bit you're going to welcome them in radical accept is about seeing all those shadowy aspects of yourself and saying okay you're part of this journey now too it's not about liking or approving about everything you find it's about acknowledging it maybe you're secretly jealous of a friend's success or you realize you're holding on to bitterness whatever it is acknowledge it and using the next step from KL Young's Playbook anuki doesn't accept the status quo and neither should you it's time to question why certain parts of you ended up in the shadows why do you feel certain Ambitions are taboo why are some emotions off limit this is about the in the societal and personal scripts you've been handed and deciding if you actually agree with them maybe you've been told that your whole life that nice people don't get angry but here's the thing anger is a human emotion and even nice people feel it it's what you do with it that counts so challenge those old narratives and write your own story now this is the interrogation the art of bringing it all together interrogating Your Shadow isn't about eradicating the parts of you that you find uncomfortable it's about letting those come to the party imagine anak kui using every tool at his disposal to win not just his intellect but his understanding of human nature his strategic mind and yes even his darker impulses we going to do the same here is about recognizing that every facet of your personality has a role to play so start finding ways to incorporate your Shadow into your daily life if you discovered a hdden talent explore it if you undiscovered a repressed emotion express it healthily this is about creating a more complete authentic you the next step in Kong's Playbook is seeing through the projections remember when anoi fig figures out someone's motives before they do that's a bit like projection we often see in others what we can't face in ourselves that irritation you feel towards yourself always late friend it might be mirroring your own struggles with time management or your fear of being disrespected start noticing when you're quick to judge others or criticize others it's a signal post pointing back to something within you understand this and change how you interact with the world making you more compassionate to yourself and others and to end it off let's talk about the life the ultimate strategy game from carong a approach integrating Your Shadow like anoi approaches his challenges with strategy patience and the eye on the end game but remember this isn't about winning or losing it's about understanding and growth Your Shadow is a part of you not an enemy to be defeated integrating it is a continuous Journey one that requires you both to be the player and the observer in the complex game of self-discovery just like anuki you have the potential to be the master of your narrative turning challenges into opportunities for goth and self-realization thank you guys for watching and if you want to join my one-year White Room program which is crazy good like I'm talking about class a to d special exams daily like 30 people per class pretty much so far we have a 433 slide step by step on White Room training that people are constantly just finished day by day and then like posting the results and then also everyone's like motivating each other like it's basically a sick ass thing and I feel like I'm putting out for so cheap and like the value is crazy if you want to join a test in the description below thank you for watching and peace on the street
Channel: Eg
Views: 3,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eg's Philosophy
Id: 8buzUFruqBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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