6 Habits That Will Turn You Into A Perfect Human Like Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

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[Music] yo what's up guys it's EG welcome back to another video what if I told you guys that these habits are even more beneficial than the last ones and what if I told you that at the end of this video I'll give you a daily routine which incorporates all 10 of these habits five of this one and five from the last one well I hope if I told you all that you would comment down EG's the go because I did and also before I get into the video I want to say you guys have probably seen that I haven't really been uploading it's because I want to make a really high edited like dopam main videos but at the same time it's hard to edit so now I'm back and I expect up to two uploads per day and also I'm going to just let the contents of the video just do all the heavy lifting as this stuff has changed my life and the students in the white room program so scratch all the do main edits and let's just go into straight raw content so to begin habit zero okay so the reason I'm saying habit zero is because I don't really want to count this one as a simple and if you aren't doing it already you're most likely an idiot but similar to what they did in the white room so right when the white room students woke up they were given electrolytes so for habit zero right when you wake up get a glass of water and put 2 tbsp of salt or even better pink Himalayan salt in your water and chug it for electrolytes and that will make your body and brain function a 100 times better then while you just woken up drink that go outside and also reset your starcadian Rhythm by going outside and whether there's a sun out or not this will tell your body that it's morning time whether the Sun is up or not people always like say but the sun isn't up where I'm at it doesn't matter that's why I repeated this over like five times already this will allow your body to sleep better and also just reset your body's internal clock which makes it easier for you to sleep at night and also just function throughout the day so now that habit zero is out the way let's go to one splashing water in your eyes for 3 to 4 minutes every day and okay wait that sounds very weird if said without context but let me explain if there's one thing about anuki what makes him that guy is that he never flinches so how do you never Flinch an exercise that boxer used is putting their face in the sink of cold water and splashing water in their eyes training not to Blink then you get used to things hitting your eyes without flinching so for a lot of you Fighters out there who Flinch do this and for all of you guys who want to their own in a fight do this because the number one weakness of an amateur in a fight is flinching in a fight and that's because they haven't trained themselves and flinching you'll be like you'll blink you'll close your eyes and then you just get punched so if you never want to Flinch and you want to be that guy do this so let's go to Habit 2 now let's move on to Habit 2 dream journaling this one might seem a bit out of there for some of you but stick with me every morning right after you wake up and have done your electrolyte boost and reset your circadian rhythm grab a a notebook and draw down everything you remember about your dreams why you ask because it sharpens your memory and opens it up a deeper connection to your subconscious it's like becoming the director of your nighttime Cinema discovering themes and insight that can boost your creativity and problem solving during the day and this is exactly what anuki would do as he's all about problem solving intuition and using what is inside of him to Prevail so let's move on to Habit 3 so now let's move on to Habit 3 lucid dreaming this is where it gets really exciting building on dream journaling lucid dreaming is about taking control of your dreams so you can pretty much do anything fly explore blow up the school kill a homeless person anything we're going to use lucid dreaming as a venue for visualization SL manifesting stuff so for example you can create lucid dreams about your Dre in life and when you wake up your brain will actively try to make it into real reality so not only that having what you want shown in like a movie type like cinematic area cuz that's what like Lucid jeans are they're like pretty realistic or make it like much more apparent of what you want making it easier to see what path to take in real life so for example if your dream life is like about being some type of Hitman that is like Invincible then you know what you need to do train every day not eat bad food and look for connection SL way that's even possible to become a hitman read books about becoming Hitman Etc but if you don't even do this at all you're going to be even more lost that's why I'm saying is a crucial habit so now let's go on to Habit four which is practicing cursive handwriting because if you remember his famous words you would know that practicing cursive handwriting for a few minutes each day is not even about neat handwriting it actually improves brain connectivity and fine motor skills it's like a form of meditation and motion calming your mind and helping you focus Plus in a role dominated by digital communication being able to whip out an elegantly handwritten note is like a super power you need to realize that anoi is the jack of all trades so learn to refine yourself in all areas of life if you want to become like anoi because this is what like this channel SL what this video is about and I'll leave a playlist to how to like learn cursive handwriting in the description below so lastly we reach habit five which is all about detoxing from modern distractions so we keep thinking about stuff that to add stuff add stuff add stuff this is what all these habits are about but this last habits going be a bunch of restrictions which is no social media no music no porn no sugar no sitting for more than 2 hours no complaining no crying and no video games and I know it sounds tough I mean only for a loser but this is about cutting out the noise and focusing on what really matters each component is designed to reset your dopamine levels and reduce dependency on external stimuli and enhancing your mental CL Clarity and increasing your emotional resilience tackle these one at a time or just go all in if you're that guy so thank you guys for watching and for the daily routine that incorporates all of this is I'll be in the description below so thank you guys for watching peace on the street and also if you guys want to join the best program in the world the one-year White Room program just click the link I took away the test you can just join up right away I've recently done a nightmare protocol which is like which is crazy good everyone's loving it if you missed that just join up there's like a there's footage of like the last live call so if you guys want to just see it that's for like all the people who join you can just rewatch all the live calls and yeah thanks for watching join the onee white boom program the best program in the world uh special exams etc etc peace on the street
Channel: Eg
Views: 8,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eg's Philosophy
Id: I7YwTaOa47c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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