5 Habits That Will Bring You To Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's Level

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[Music] yo what's up guys it's EG today I want to talk about five habits that will bring you to an ki's level or even surpass his level for the 0.01% of you out there cuz I haven't told you guys yet but in a future video I'll tell you guys how to be surpass on CI cuz he does have flaws he's not perfect let's get right into the video to begin I just want to clearly State all five of these habits can be done today and start being applied today and they're all practical and they're not just some vake so I clearly advise you guys to watch till the end and let's start with number one instead of listening to music instead of listening to whatever you listen to listen to audio books and let me explain I believe majority of the people watching this video right now are listening to music and it's going to be hard to quit music cuz it stimulates serotonin dopamine Etc but but think about it the average person is said to like listen to music for 961 hours per year and then the wide di by 12 that's 80 hours per month and then how long is the average Audi book it's about 11 hours but honestly like most Audi books I listen to is like 2 to 5 hours so approximately if you're listening to let's say audiobooks are 11 hours long you can finish seven audiobooks per month that's like a plethora of knowledge just added to your brain and now when you go attack life go into like adversity situations that you don't know what to do that ple knowy zie just so helpful and also that will just increase your creativity pretty much everything in your life will just be enhanced just by switching music two audio books and honestly that's when I became the most smartest is when I started listening to like tens of Audi books per month which allowed me to become way smarter than the average person which then allowed me to create these videos and if you don't listen to music start listening to music in audiobook form you don't need to like there's so many situations where you could just listen to audiio book when you're in the gym hitting a heavy set I'm the type of person to listen to audiobook during that you don't need to but when you're driving you're walking when you're coming back uh from school there's so many situations where you can just plug in headphones and just listen to audiobook and then constantly receive information which you can then take action upon and then you also might be thinking but EG how am I going to retain all this information information well let me tell you a secret of mine I personally believe that your unconscious mind has all the power so when I read through books or when I listen to Audi books I never relisten to the audiobook unless is pretty good like for example 48 Laws of Power but what I believe is that your unconscious mind is extremely powerful I believe my UNC conscious mind only takes the information that is revent and then discards all the other trash so let's be let's be real a 300 page book majority of the pages are literally filler or just repeating what's already been said your unconscious mind takes all the good parts from the book and discards all the trash cuz let's be honest think back to any book you've ever read you probably only remember three to four key points of that book and just forgotten everything else or like even in some cases like me I still remember like majority of the book I've read but don't worry about remembering just have faith in your unconscious mind taking the key points out of it but I just want to express how important this habit is cuz let's just say you replace music with Audi books that's 961 hours now instead of music it's audio books I don't even need to explain to you how much more smarter you're going to be you already know the answer so let's go to the second habit the second habit is kind of a secret of mine I did mention it briefly in one of my live call videos that I've uploaded but today let me tell you guys it's tracking yourself like a business so everyone knows that anaki is really analytical and meticulous for everything he does hence I kind kind of was inspired in a way and then created my tracking sheet so on Google Sheets I've made a section for each of the following sleep amount nutted when I woke up when I went to sleep my bank balance my weight the body parts I've trained my screen time if I meditated or visualized and the date and you can go on and add more and more and more what this does it allows you to see the pattern and Trends it allows you to track yourself on like a long period of time until forever this allows you to see patterns and Trends in your life and see how it correlates with your results it allows you to see okay on Saturday January 27th I got approximately 10 hours to sleep and that's when I perform the best so hence I should always get 10 hours to sleep or maybe one day you got 5 hours to sleep but you did have the best performance like things like that there's Trends it's basically like tracking tracking weight for for example bench press if you want to get a 225 bench press you need to track the weight sets and Reps you do every week and without that you don't know whether you should hire the weight hire the sets or hire the Reps you need to see yourself as a business you need to see yourself as a game and doing this will allow you to just create systems to optimize your life so for example say you get really meticulous and start tracking okay I nutted around 9:30 p.m. for the past 5 days what would a genius do it's super easy okay at 9:00 sharp put my phone in my parents room like you can just create systems based off data it's like when you have a sheet of data of your own life all your problems are going to be so apparent hence lying to destroy them pretty easily and the template for the exact sheet to set it up Etc will be in the description below so now let's move on to the third habit be like water what do I mean by this a lot of you guys might be thinking damn EG you were on a hot streak now you're going to see some wag mindset stuff that I'm going to forget tomorrow fret not because this is actually going to be the most applicable if you watch the anime something you know thing you just find out is on like a really molecular level and basically I just jump to my own conclusion that anuki lives like he doesn't exist his dorm room is still the same way it was given to him one year after he started Living in it every day it's spotless like the purpose of it being spotless is just make it seem like no one has ever lived in it he goes through his days Day to-day Life fully detached from everything hence allowing him to attach to anything but how can this be applicable to our own lives well let's begin with embracing Min minimalism simplify your life by decluttering your physical space digital space and mental space detach yourself from material possessions that don't add value to your life and focus on what truly matters matters achieving your goals and stay flexible and adaptable at all times this is the principles of being like water you have to cultivate a mindset of adaptability and flexibility that's all H is about instead of rigidity adhering to specific plans or expectations well I still believe you should have a routine cuz having a routine which is so weird it's kind of ironic but like this kind of like disciplined system which kind of kind of restricts your freedom actually gives you the most freedom but just be open to change and willingly adjust your approach as circumstances evolve and with that being said let's go to the fourth Tabit and no one mentions this but training your neck in Achilles every other day so we know that anoi is really like well-rounded like the Ace of all traits his not one body part of his is weak but let's think about body parts and I find body parts which are extremely important but also extremely neglected are your neck and achilles so let's begin with your neck why do you need a strong neck one it makes you look more masculine makes you look like a higher authority makes you look more scarier if you get punched it helps your head from to stop rattling basically training your neck is really underrated and that's why every MMA fighter every boxer every person in jail like comes up with like a huge neck training your neck is extremely underrated and it's extremely easy to do so all you need to do is lie on the ground and bring your head down and up like a 100 times and I do four sets and then your Achilles muscles so I don't think a lot of you guys don't even know what Killy muscles are it's basically I just created that name I don't know if it's actually called that was basically is the other muscle beside your Cal and basically this musle allows basically this muscle is what gives you the shin splits when you run this muscle dictates your ankle Mobility your this muscle basically controls the whole realm of like your bottom region and basically makes you injury proof and what I do for this is that I lie on the wall and I bring my foot up and down which I'll send a link to how to train both of them uh down below but just training these every other day cuz one they recover pretty fast and two you needed to stimulate them as much as possible for it to actually to grow and this will literally be a game changer cuz also these two muscles are actually show every time you walk outside having these two huge muscles are going to make you much more scarier and like have like a hug your overall and let's go to the fifth habit so for the fifth habit is actually two parts so was lit vicariously due to 48 Laws of Power but since there's 48 Laws of Power I don't expect all you guys to memorize it I want to say like the most important one I see a lot of you guys need especially since I have a whole right server with 250 Plus members and I talk to all of them on a daily basis the law I recommend all you guys to basically live by is think as you like but behave like others a lot of you guys need these habits cuz a lot of you guys want act like Freaks and like just be weird and act like on C real life two you guys like have a poker face in random scenarios you guys don't actually use it properly and the funny thing is is that having a poker face or having a conface etc is basically this law and what anuki does majority of the time which is thinking as he likes but behaving like others and that's basically I just want you guys to just sit with that and also if you truly want to become like genius level anoi basically just it's like a living example of the 48 Laws of Power he pretty much does uses all of them throughout the entire series and I just want to end it like that and if you guys didn't notice like this entire video was just done like raw like there was no script for this video I just wrote Five Habits down and tried to explain it as best as I could so thank you guys for watching I also have a one-year White Room program we have classes a to d and we also have like white room training Etc if you want to join there's a test in the description and that's all for today's video peace on the street
Channel: Eg
Views: 19,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eg's Philosophy, habits to become like ayanokoji, Ayanokoji, 5 Habits That Will Bring You To Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's Level, ayanokoji habits, habits of ayanokoji, ayanokoji atomic habits
Id: yXkjB6JrGtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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